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The business of sport

1_ Can you think of some sports advertisements on TV? Are there
any famous actors in them? Make a list.
For example the advertising of Gatorade. Different athletes appear,
such as Messi, Aguero, etc.

The business of sport

Commerce is pushing sport into every corner of our lives.

Nowadays we can fill our fridges with Manchester United milk,
wine and tomato sauce. We wear trainers and carry bags by Nike,
Adidas and reebok. “sport is probably the one thig that interests
everylone in the world.” Says Daniel Beauvois of a major sports
marketing company. “when there’s a big football match like
England vs. Argentina in the World Cup, the streets are empty in
towns around the world.”
Even when there is no sport on the television we are watching
adverts for “eco de los andes” mineral water with Gabriela Sabatini,
or Pepsi with Martin Palermo and Daniel Ortega. Business often
choose sportsmen of sportswomen for their adverts because they
are so well known. Most young people know more about
sportsmen than about film stars or pop singers. For example, Nike
found that the best-known face among Chinese schoolchildren
after Mao Tse Tung was Michael Jordan, the basketball star. So nike
used Jordan in their adverts. Jordan has earned about $350 million
from advertising for big companies like Nike and Mc donalds.
Big companies now spend a lot of money supporting sports events,
teams and sportsmen. They money spent in 1999 was one hundred
times more than in 1976. Coca Cola alone spent $500 million on
sport in 1999.
The main problem with this is that the big companies have more
and more control over sporting events – which might not be a good
thing in the future.

2_ Read the text and answer these questions.

a) Name three sports companies mentioned in the text
answer: Three sports companies in the text: Nike, Adidas and reebok.

b) what example does the text give of a big sports event?

Answer: The example that gives the text of a sporting event, is the game of
england vs argentina. Because there is no one in the streets.

c) who is the best-known face amongst Chinese schoolchildren?

Answer: The most known face among the Chinese is Michael Jordan

d) how much money has Michael Jordan earned?

Michael Jordan has won around $ 350 million.

e) how much money did Coca-Cola spend?

Answer: Coca-Cola spent $ 500 million.

3_ Three of these statements are false. Find and correct them.
a) sport interests people all around the world (FALSE)
b) pop singers are more famous than sportsmen (FALSE)
c)Michael Jordan only advertises for nike. (FALSE)
d) they money companies spent, in 1976 was 100 times less than in 1999 (TRUE)

a) the sport is PROBABLY the only one that interests everyone

b) Athletes are more popular than pop singers.

c) Michael Jordan announces for different companies, for example, nike and
mc donalds

4_ Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the

present continuous.

a) Pete Sampras PLAYS (play) in all the grand slam tournaments every year.
b) Many sportsmen EARNES (earn) more money every year from advertising
than from their sport.
c) At the moment Argentina IS WINING (win) but there are still five minutes
before the end of the match.
d) “My father IS WATCHING (watch) the England vs. Argentina match on
television. Can he ring you back later!”


1_ Do you watch “the simpsons”? Yes I do.

Do you like it? Yes I like.
Can you name any for the characters? Make a list.
Homero J. Simpson
Bart simpson
Lisa Marie simpson
Maggie Abigail simpson
Marge Bouvier

2_ Look quickly through the text and find out:

A) who created “the simpson”?

Matt Groening created the simpsons

B) when the cartoon was first shown.

The calculus was shown for the first time in 1989

C) why it has entered the record books


Milions of children and adults all over the world watch the hugely popular show “The
simpsons” every week. When the 167th episode showed on 9th February 1997, it became
the longest running cartoon on prime-time television, taking the record away from “The
Matt Groening created “the simpsons” in the US in the late 1980s. Matt wanted to make a
cartoon that would entertain adults as well as children. To do this, he created the
eccentric family called the simpsons.
“the simpsons” were first seen on The Tracey Ullrnan show in 1989. They were an
inmediate success and appeared on the next 50 shows. After this, the Fox network asked
Groening to produce his own series with the same characters Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa
and Maggie.
Groening explains why “the simpsons” is watched by children and adults: “I knew children
would love it because it is a cartoon and I believe that children can handle adult content
when it´s presented in the right way. I was less certain about getting an adult audience.
I think what probably happened was that parents heard their children laughinh so hard
that they went to find out what was so funny”
“the simpsons” is not just a simple comedy. It comments on American society and the
humour works on many levels. There´s a lot of detail in each episode so that people like to
watch them again to find something new each time.
Groening feels his characters show the American family at its wildest. This helps most
viewers to realise how normal their own families are!

3_ Now read the text carefully. Three of these statements are false.
Find and correct thern.
a) only children watch “the simpsons” (FALSE)
b) “the flintsones” is the longest running cartoon on prime-time TV (FALSE)
c) there are five members of the simpsons family (TRUE)
d) Matt Groening was very sure that adults would like “the simpsons” (FALSE)
e) people like to watch the same programme again and again (TRUE)


a) Children and adults watch "the simpsons

b) The simpsons became the longest-running cartoon on prime-time

d) Matt Groening knew that children would like it, but he was not sure that
adults would like "the simpsons

4_ Answer these questions

a) why did a lot of adults star watching “the simpsons”?

Many adults star because it is a caricature based on the daily life of a family

b) is the humour simple or complicated?

No. Is homour complicated.
c) why do people think their own families are very normal after watching the simpson

People think that their families are normal after seeing the simpsons and
matte shows in the simpsons an American family in its wildest form.

5_ Write answers to these questions. Discuss them with a partner.

a) What is your favourite cartoon?
my favorite cartoon is Ben 10
b) why do you like it?

because it is a cartoon of adventure, action and Ben became different

animals with their powers
c) which cartoons don´t you like?
there is a cartoon that I do not like that is called "adventure time
d) why don´t you like?
because it does not make sense and it's absurd

3) Complete the interview with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses
and with short answers

FH: WE ARE (be) your parents happy with your decision?

SUE: NO, they DIDN´T. They DIDN´T WANT (not want) me to fly.
FH: Why not? DID they FEEL (feel) it was too dangerous?
SUE: YES, they DID. But I was very determined, and they DIDN´T KEEP (not
keep) me from pursuing my dream.
FH: DID you ever DREAM (dream) of flying around the world?
SUE: Of couse. But I DIDN´T THINK (not think) it would happen so soon.
FH: DID (be) you alone on the flight?
SUE: No, I didn´t. I had a co-pilot.
FH: WAS (be) it difficult to find a co-pilot for this flight?
SUE: No, it wasn´t. She is my roommate.

4__ (Profe, lo que está dentro del parentesis es la corrección )

Find and correct six mistakes in the use of the simple past tense.
The first mistake is already corrected

Hi! Did you Received (Receive) my last letter? I didn´t knew (know) your new
address so I sent it to your old one. When you moved? (move) Did your
roommate move with your? Right now i´m on board (boarded) a plane flying
to El Paso to visit Ana.
Did you met (meet) her at the conference last year? I wanted to visit her in
June, but I no had the time. At first I was going to drive from Los Angeles, but
I decided to fly instead. This is only my third flight, but I love flying! I didn´t
know flying could be so much fun! Hope to hear from you.


1) Read about the Olympic Games and answer the questions.


The original Olympic Games began in the year 776 BC in Olympia in Ancient
Grecce. They happened every four years. The firsft games were only for men,
and the only competition was for running. Then new sports such as wrestling
and javelin throwing were introduced. The games were good practice for
soldiers. The ancient Olympic Games ended in the fourth century BC.
The modern Olympic Games began in Athens in 1896. There were a lot more
sports than in the ancient games. Women started competing in 1912. In 1924
the Winter Olympics began in Chamonix, France. Now there are hundreds of
differents sports in the Olympic Games.

1) Where did the original Olympic Game start?

Answer: The original Olympic games began in the year 776 BC

2) What is the oldest sport in the Olympic Games?

Answer: The oldest sport of the Olympic Games is running

3) Who competed in the ancient games?

Answer: The men competed in the original Olympic games.

4) When did the modern games begin?

Answer: modern games began in 1896

5) what happened in 1812?

Answer: In 1812 women began to compete

6) how many sports are there in the modern Olympic Games?

Answer: in modern Olympic games there are hundreds of sports

Can you answer these questions?

7) Where were the last Olympic Games?
Answer: the last olympic games were in Rio de Janeiro

8)Where are the next Olympic Games going to be?

Answer: The next Olympic Games will be in Tokyo

John Montague, Earl of Sandwich, was an English nobleman who lived in the
eighteenth century. He loven playing cards for money. Sometimes a game of
cards lasted for hours and hours and Montague did not like stopping for
lunch or dinner. He asked his servant to prepare a snack, a piece of meat
between two slices of bread.
This is what we now call a sandwich and people all over the world eat them.
The next time you ear a sandwich, think of Jhon Montague!

2) Read about the origin of sandwiches and answer the questions.

1) What did Jhon Montague like doing?

Answer: Jhon liked to play cards for money
2) What did he not like doing?
Answer: He did not like to stop playing for lunch or dinner.

3) What did he ask his servant to make?

Answer: He asked his servant to prepare a sandwich with a piece of meat
between two pieces of bread

4) Where do people eat sandwiches now?

Answer: People eat sandwiches everywhere. In restaurants, in their houses,




A 3 Next day Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to dinner. He took her to
a very romantic French restaurant and they talked all evening. After that
Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day. Every evening when Hannah
finished work they met at 5:30 in a coffee bar in the High Street. They were
madly in love

B 5 Suddenly, a man ran across the road. He was wearing a dark coat so
Hannah didn´t see him until it was too late. Although she tried to stop, she hit
the man. Hannah panicked. She didn´t stop and she drove to the coffee bar
as fast as she could. But when she arrived Jamie wasn´t there. She phoned
him, but his mobile was turned off, so she waited for ten minutes and then
went home.

C 1 ) Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2004. It was Hannah´s 21 st birthday

and she and her friends went to a club. They wanted to dance, but they
didn’t like the music so Hannah went so speak to the DJ. “this music is awful”
she said. “could you play something else?” The DJ looked at her and said,
“don’t worry, I have the perfect song for you”

D 6 Two hours later a police car arrived at Hannah´s house. A policewoman

knocked at the door. “good evening, madam” she said. Are you Hannah
Davis? I´d like to speak to you. Can I come

E 4 One evening in October, Hannah was at work. As usual she was going to
meet Jamie at 5.30. It was dark and it was raining. She looked at her watch. It
was 5.20! She was going to be late! She ran to her car and got in. At 5.25 she
was driving along the High Street. She was going vert fast because she was in
a hurry

F 2 Two minutes later he said: “ the next song is by coldplay. It´s called Yellow
and it´s for a beautiful girl who´s dancing over there”. Hannah knew that the
song was for her because she was wearing a yellow dress. When Hannah and
her friends left the club, the DJ was waiting at the door. “Hi, I´m Jamie” he
said to Hannah. “Can I see you again?” So Hannah gave him her phone

Answer: C 1 – F 2 – A 3 – E 4 –B 5 – D 6

Read the story again and answer the questions

1) when did Hannah meet Jamie?

He met him because Jamie was the DJ
2) Why did Hannah go and speak to Jamie in the club?
Because he didnt like the song that was happening
3) Why did Jamie play Yellow?
He put that song on because Hannah had a yellow dress and it was beautiful
4) What happened when Hannah left the club?
When Hannah left the club, Jamie was waiting for her because he wanted to
see her again. Then she gave him his phone number
5) Where did they go on their first date?
On their first date they went to a very romantic French restaurant
6) Where did they go every evening?
Every night they go to a cafe in High Street
7) What was the weather like that evening?
The weather that night was rainy and dark
8) thy was Hannah driving fast?
Hannah drove fast because she was late for the appointment with Jamie
9)why didn’t she see the man?
She didnt see the man because he was wearing a dark coa
10) What did she do after the accident?
She went into panic, didnt stop and went to the cafeteria as quickly as possibl
11) Was Jamie at the coffee bar?
No, Jamie wasnt in the cafeteria
12) What happened two hours later?
Two hours later a policewoman knocked on Hannah's door to talk to her

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