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Nursing care is holistic and encompasses the clients
perspectives on health which are greatly influence
by the clients culture.
An individuals culture is dynamic and shits over the
course of a lifetime, influenced by many other
factors, such as communities, schools, migration
patterns, career choices, and religion
Culturally Responsive Care
Centered on client’s cultural perspectives
Integrates client’s values and beliefs into plan of care
Develops self-awareness of nurse’s own culture,
attitudes, and belief
Examines nurse’s biases and assumptions about
different cultures
Nurse gain knowledge and skills to create environment
where trust can be develop.
Cultural Concepts
Culture- is the “thoughts, communications, actions, customs,
beliefs, values and institutions of racial ethnic, religious, or social
groups” (U.S Department of Health and Human Services
[USDHHS], Office of Minority Health [OMH], 2015)
Subculture- is usually composed of people who have a distinct
identity and yet are related to a larger cultural group.
Multicultural- used to described a person who has a multiple
pattern of identification or crosses several cultures, lifestyle, and
sets of values.
Diversity- refers to the fact or state of being different.
Race- used to refer groupings of people according to common origin
or background and associated with perceive biologic markers.
Ethnicity- a term often interchangeably used with race. It may be
viewed as a relationship among individuals who believe that they
have a distinctive characteristics that make them a group.
Nationality—is sometimes used interchangeably with ethnicity or
Religion- may be considered a system of beliefs, practices and
ethical values about divine or superhuman power worshiped as the
creator and ruler of the universe.
Ethnocentrism- the belief in the superiority of one’s own culture and
Prejudice- a preconceived notion or judgement that is not based on
sufficient knowledge; it may be favorable or unfavorable.
Racism- refers to the assumptions held about racial groups.
- Institutional racism or institutional discrimination
Discrimination- refers to the negative treatment of individuals or
groups on the basis of their race, ethnicity, gender
or other group membership.
Generalizations- are statements about common
cultural patterns.
Stereotyping- refers making the assumption that an
individual reflects all characteristics associated with being in the group.
Social determinants of health
Health Presentations are
Behavioral determinants
communication of
tools that can
Disparities be demonstrations.
-the differences in care Environmental deterinants of
experienced by one population health
compared with another Presentations are
population. Biological and genetic
communication tools that can
be of health
These factors can be categorized
under four
categories of “determinants of
health” (National Partnership for Presentations are
health action communication tools that can
to end Health Disparities be demonstrations.
Demographics Cultural Models of
statistical data relating to the population and
Nursing Care
particular groups within it.
Immigration Culturally responsive care
is the international movement of people to a
is essential and nurses
destination country of which they are not
must be able to asses and
natives or where they do not posses citizenship
in order to settle or reside there, especially as
interpret a given client’s
permanent residents or naturalized citizens or health beliefs, practices,
to take up employment as a migrant worker or and cultural needs.
temporarily as a sovereign worker Transcultural
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Competencies
In 2008, the American Association of College of Nursing (AACN) published end of
program cultural competencies for baccalaureate nursing education.
These five competencies should be used to guide nursing practice.

1). Apply knowledge of social and cultural factors that affect nursing and health care
across multiple context.
2). Use relevant data sources and best evidence in providing culturally
competent care.
3). Promote achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care
for diverse populations.
4). Advocate for social justice;including commitment to the
health of vulnerable populations and the elimination of health
5).Participate in continous cultural copetency development
Cultural Competence HEALTH Traditions Model
According to Campinha-Bacote (2011), Predicated on the concept of holistic health
cultural competence is “the ongoing and describes what people do from a traditional
process in which the health care perspective to maintain, protect and restore
professional continuously strives to health.
achieve the ability and availability to work
effectively with in the cultural context of ·Traditional method of maintaining
the patient (individual, family,
community)”. HEALTH
· Traditional method of protecting
Five constructs of Cultural Competence
Cultural Desire
Cultural Awareness
·Traditional method of restoring
Cultural Knowledge HEALTH
Cultural Skills
Cultural Encounters
Providing Culturally Responsive Care
• Health Beliefs and Practices Space Orientation
• Magico-religious health belief ---a relative concept that includes the
• Scientific or biomedical health belief individual, the body, the surrounding
• Holistic health belief environment and objects with the
Folk medicine
Time Orientation
Family Patterns
---refers to an individuals focus o the
past, the present and future.
Nutritional Patterns
Communication Style
• Verbal Communication
---the way food is prepared and served
• Non-Verbal Communication
Nursing Management

Developing Self Awareness

ASKED model- using this model nurses reflect on questions which
focus on how well prepared they are to acknowledge their own biases,
their openness to embracing differences in people, and their
willingness to learn appropriate means of communicating and caring for diverse populations.
Conveying Cultural Sensitivity
Sensitivity is needed in phrasing questions.
It is vital for nurse to be culturally sensitive and to convey this sensitivity to clients, support
people, and other health care personnel.
The LEARN model and the 4C’s are quick assessment tools to better understand the client’s

Listen actively with empathy to the client’s perception of the problem.

Explain what you think you heard/ask for clarification.
Acknowledge the importance of what is said and what it means.
Recommend inclusive strategies.
Negotiate the plan of care by collaborating with the client and others.

The 4C's were developed by Slavin, Galanti, and Kou (Galanti 2012)

1. What do you call your problem?

2. What do you think caused your problem?
3. How do you cope with your condition?
4. What are your concerns regarding the condition and/or recommended treatment?
Heritage assessment interview depicts the questions to ask when conducting heritage
Essential to expand the understanding of the nursing practice to include
cultural beliefs or other cultures.
Several steps are involved in the process that leads to the
development of cultural competency.
The implementation of cultural nursing care includes:
• Cultural preservation and maintenance
• Cultural accommodation and negotiation
In evaluating nursing care that incorporates the client’s cultural perspectives, the actual
client outcomes are compared with the goals and expected outcomes established
following comprehensive assessment that includes cultural sensitivity.

Thank You

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