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JAN 30, 2020

SCRIPTURE: Acts 24 : 24-26

Several days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was Jewish. He sent for Paul and listened to

him as he spoke about faith in Christ Jesus. 25 As Paul talked about righteousness, self-control and the
judgment to come, Felix was afraid and said, “That’s enough for now! You may leave. When I find it
convenient, I will send for you.” 26 At the same time he was hoping that Paul would offer him a bribe, so
he sent for him frequently and talked with him.



I do believe that all of us (Christians) wants to know Jesus further and that is the reason why we usually
attend to Sunday worship services and other church event that makes us persistent to God. Personally,
our intentions are like what governor Felix does. It is seen in the verse that the governor does want
something in return in listening to apostles Paul’s teachings in form of money or great favor. And as Paul
imposed the teaching regarding righteousness, self-control and the upcoming of the Lord Jesus. In that
moment the governor suddenly interrupt paul’s teaching because his heart is not really towards to the
Word of God but rather into something that is not eternal (money). Sometimes in church, we only just
wanted a sermon or preaching that is beneficial for ourselves. Sometimes we don’t want or listen to the
Word if it is related to anything that may affects our finances, relationship to unbelievers and opposite
sex, our secret sins and many more. In my reflection to this verse if we are indulged into sin it is difficult
to us to accept the Word of God. The governor has the great privilege because he is always along with
paul. Some of the disciples of paul wanted him to stay but this governor refuses and with that he miss
his chance to have the greatest blessing that everybody wants (eternal life). In times we hide to God
because we’re still doing these things that is not pleasing to him. Like the governor we don’t wanted to
be see or revealed our bad and corruptible habits. There are times that we hide in our leaders because
of our secret sins that we don’t want to be reveal. And like the governor, our personal relation to
leaders and mentors is now affected and we are set apart to the Lord. The governor who encountered
paul and the tax collector who encountered Jesus have given the chance to change but the two have
their different response. The tax collector choose want pleasing to God, he is not than will to return
anything he hoard but the governor choose what is convenient and favor to him.


These are my application to this verse.

There is nothing convenient to this world – As the Lord promise to the people “ If anyone would come
after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow.” Luke 3:29. Our journey to the Lord is
not easy. He did not promise to us that if we accept Him you will have your good life. Christianity is just
not like a prize money to be won in a race but rather a long full of hardship race to be finished.
Be righteous before God – “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. Mat 6:21. Are we
focusing on the things we see in earth? Are we weary in our personal necessity? Are longing to our
wants not on our needs? Again, brothers and sisters, that is not our purpose! Our purpose to live to this
world righteously before God. How can we testify the goodness of the Lord if we are still fixing our eyes
to corruptible things just like the governor. This is a reminder for us that we cannot serve two matters at
the same time. (Money and God). It is the heart that matters to God and not our personal agenda.


O Lord almighty, thank you to the beautiful word that you’ve given to me. Thank you again Lord for the
reminder that should not be like governor felix whose hearts is not pure. Again, Father I pray that my
intentions towards people that I am close with are pure and no hidden agenda. Clear my thoughts for
the things that is not Holy. This my prayer in Jesus name. Amen!

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