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1. The islands of Hawaii are home to around 40 species of birds called honeycreepers.
They have descended from an original species of honeycreeper which is now extinct.
Look at the diagram.
It shows five species of honeycreeper.

a) (i) Which process causes the gradual change from one species to another?
(ii) Name the scientist who developed the theory to explain how this process could
[turn over]
b) This key can be used to identify four species of honeycreeper.

Use the key to identify species A and species D.

Species A ........................................................................................................................
Species D ........................................................................................................................
2. Mike keeps pet mice,
He mates a brown female mouse with a black male mouse.
The female gives birth to six offspring.
Some of the offspring are black. The others are brown.

a) Name the type of cell that passed information for brown fur to some of the offspring.
b) Mike wants to breed lots of brown mice.
i. Suggest what he should do to obtain only brown mice.
ii. Give a reason for your answer.

3. Use the key to identify the invertebrate in the diagram.

1 has a segmented body go to 2

does not have a segmented body go to 4
2 has legs go to 3
does not have legs earthworm
3 has enlarged pincers (claws) at front of body crayfish
does not have pincers (claws) at front of body dragonfly nymph
4 length is more than three times its width roundworm
length is less than three times its width flatworm

The invertebrate is .................................................................................................................. [1]

4. Gabriella has brown hair and green eyes.
She plays the piano and speaks Italian and French.
Gabriella has inherited some of her features from her parents.

Gabriella’s mother is Italian and plays the violin. She has brown hair.
Gabriella’s father is French, plays the piano and has green eyes.
a) Tick the boxes next to the features that Gabriella has inherited from her parents.

b) (i) Which part of a cell contains the information for inherited features?
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Describe how this inherited information was passed on to Gabriella from her
.......................... .........................................................................................................[2]
5. The diagram shows a leaf insect called a mantis.
Its body is bright green and it has two large eyes at the front of its head.

a) A mantis is an insect.
Explain two ways you can tell this from the diagram.
1. .............................................................................................................
2. .............................................................................................................[2]

b) Scientists think that leaf insects evolved by a process called natural selection.
i. Name the scientist who introduced the theory of natural selection.
ii. Read these sentences about natural selection.

A Advantageous features were passed to the next generation of insects.

B Over generations some of the insects developed into a new species.
C Some insects looked more like leaves than others.
D The best adapted insects survived and reproduced.

Write the letters of the sentences in order so that they describe natural selection.

One has been done for you.


6. Some animals, such as race horses, have been produced by selective breeding.

a) Abdul wants to own fast race horses.

Describe how he uses selective breeding to produce fast race horses.
.................................................................................................................................... [3]
b) Characteristics of race horses can be inherited only, acquired only, or inherited and
Complete the table.
Put a tick (√) in the correct column.
One has been done for you.


7. Youssef has four varieties of goldfish.
Here is a key for the varieties.

Here are Youssef’s four varieties of goldfish

a) Youssef wants a new variety that has ‘spots and stripes’.

Which two fish does he breed?
Choose from A, B, C and D.
.......................................... and .......................................... . [1]
b) Here is a diagram of the three variaties of offspring.

What should he do now to get more of variety that have

spots and stripes?...............................................................

8. Look at the diagram.
It shows some different varieties of pigeon

a) The four pigeons all have different colours.

Describe one other difference that you can see in the diagram between a wild rock
dove and a fan-tailed pigeon.
b) Racing pigeons are specially bred for speed and stamina
Describe one feature of the racing pigeon, shown in the diagram, that enables it to fly
at high speed.
9. Charles Darwin lived about 150 years ago.
He suggested that:
 living things could gradually change over many generations
 these changes allowed them to adapt better to their environments
 evolution is a gradual change that continues progressively
The diagram shows how horses have changed over the last 50 million years.

a) Describe where scientists found this evidence about evolution of horses.
b) Use the information from the diagram to give one piece of evidence:
that supports evolution .................................................................................................
that does not support evolution .....................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................... [2]

10. Charles Darwin is famous for his theory of natural selection.

He developed this theory by making observations and drawing conclusions.
Draw a line from each observation to the correct conclusion.


11. Mia decides to make a salt called calcium nitrate.

Mia adds calcium carbonate to dilute nitric acid.
The sentences A to E describe part of the method she uses.
Complete sentences B and D.
A An excess of calcium carbonate is added to dilute nitric acid.
B The excess insoluble calcium carbonate is removed by ....................................... .
C The filtrate is put into an evaporating dish.
D The filtrate is heated until the first ............................................................. appear.
E The solution is left to crystallise.

12. The table shows some properties of materials.

a) Which materials are metals?

Explain your answer.
b) Material A is zinc.
Zinc reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to form a gas and a salt.
i. What is the name of the gas?
ii. What is the name of the salt formed?
13. Magnesium will displace iron from iron sulfate solution.
a) Complete the word equation for this reaction.

b) Copper is placed in iron sulfate solution. There is no reaction.
Why is there no reaction?
Tick (√) the box next to the correct sentence.
 Iron sulfate is higher in the reactivity series than copper sulfate
 Copper is higher in the reactivity series than iron
 Iron is more reactive than copper
 Copper is more reactive than iron

14. Jamila and Ahmed investigate the rate of reaction hydrochloric acid and magnesium.
The diagram shows the apparatus they use.

The flask contains 1 cm length of magnesium ribbon and 25 cm3 of hydrochloric acid.
Jamila and Ahmed measure the volume of gas made in two minutes.
They repeat the experiment using different concentrations of acid.
Here is their results table.
Jamila tells Ahmed that one result is an anomaly.
a) Which result is the anomaly?
.............................................................................. [1]
b) x
c) How could they check if this result is an
............................................................................. [1]

d) Explain why the rate of reaction increases as the concentration of acid increases.
Use ideas about particles and collisions in your answer.
......................................................................................................................................................... [2]
e) Jamila and Ahmed want to improve their experiment to get more accurate results.
What improvement should they make?
Tick (√) the correct answer.
Replace the acid with an alkali.
Replace the conical flask with a beaker.
Use a gas syringe instead of a measuring cylinder.
Use iron instead of magnesium.

15. Aluminium reacts with iron oxide to form aluminium oxide and iron.
a) What type of reaction is this?
Circle the correct answer.

neutralisation endothermic displacement evaporation [1]

b) Zinc reacts with copper sulfate solution.

i. Complete the word equation.

zinc + copper sulfate  ................................................................................[2]

ii. Copper does not react with zinc sulfate solution.

Explain why.
....................................................................................................................... [1]

16. Metal carbonates react with acids.

A salt and two other chemicals are made.
Name the two other chemicals made.

.............................................................. and .............................................................. [2]

17. Pierre reacts metal compounds with acids to make three different salts.
The table shows the metal compounds and the salts he makes.
Complete the table to show the acids he uses in each reaction.


18. Priya plans an investigation into the density of different salt solutions.
She does some preliminary experiments.
 puts different masses of salt into 100 cm3 water
 measures the mass and volume of the salt solution.
Here are her preliminary results.

a) What a range of masses of salt would give Priya the biggest range of volumes?
Tick (√) the correct answer.
0-1 g
1-5 g
1-20 g
20-100 g
b) What pattern is shown by the preliminary results?
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
c) Priya does just one set of preliminary results.
Why is it important to repeat each set of results in the actual investigation?
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
19. Mike investigates the metal magnesium.
a) He burns a piece of magnesium in a Bunsen burner flame.
Burning (combustion) releases energy.
Write down the word used to describe a reaction that releases energy.
b) Mike places a piece of magnesium into hydrochloric acid.
The acid starts to fizz.
(i) Which gas is made?
............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) This reaction also makes a salt.
Circle the name of this salt.
magnesium magnesium magnesium magnesium
chloride hydride hydroxide sulfate
c) Mike puts a piece of magnesium into water.
There is a very slow reaction.
Circle the name of the metal that reacts much faster with water than magnesium does.
calcium copper gold silver
20. The graph shows the volume of gas made during a chemical reaction involving an acid.

a) Complete the sentences to describe the pattern shown on the graph.

Between 0 and 48 seconds the volume of gas ................................ .
After 48 seconds the reaction ........................................................... . [2]
b) The experiment is repeated using a lower concentration of acid.
All other factors are kept the same.
What happens to the rate of reaction when the concentration of acid is lower?
c) Increasing the temperature will increase the rate of reaction.
Explain why.
Use ideas about particles and collisions in your answer.
.................................................................................................................................... [2]

21. Look at the diagram of a reactivity series.

Use the diagram and your scientific knowledge to answer these questions.
a) Some of the metals will displace other metals from their compounds.
Tick (√) the boxes next to two displacement reactions that happen.

b) (i) Which gas is produced when a metal reacts with acid?
....................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) Heat is released when a metal reacts with acid.
What name describes a reaction that releases heat energy?
....................................................................................................................... [1]
22. Yuri investigates the reaction of metals with acids.
He adds different metals to dilute hydrochloric acid.
The diagram shows his results.

[turn over]

a) Complete the column heading and table to show Yuri’s results.





b) Describe how Yuri could improve his method to find the volume of gas produced.
Tick (√) the box next to the correct method.
collect the gas in a measuting cylinder
collect the gas in a test tube
repeat the experiment the same way
use a smaller piece of metal
c) Yuri repeats his experiment using more concentrated acid.
Yuri makes this prediction.

The diagram shows his results for his second experiment.

Is Yuri’s prediction supported by his results?

yes no
Explain your answer.
................................................................................................................................................. [2]

23. Aiko and mike want to make the salt copper sulfate.
They react copper oxide with an acid.
a) (i) What is the name of the acid they use?
(ii) What type of reaction takes place?
Circle the correct reaction.
b) The sentences A-F describe the method they use.
They are in the wrong order.
A The filtrate is left for several days for the crystals to grow.
B The filtrate is heated until the first crystals appear.
C The reaction mixture is filtered to remove the excess copper oxide.
D Excess copper oxide is added to the acid.
E The filtrate is put into an evaporating dish.
F The reaction mixture is heated carefully for three minutes.
Fill in the boxes to show the correct order.
One box has been done for you.
c) Look at sentence F.
Write down one safety precaution Aiko and Mike should obey.
.................................................................................................................................... [1]
24. Complete the table about the reactivity of metals.


25. Carlos investigates the reaction of zinc with dilute sulfuric acid.
He puts zinc into a conical flask and then adds 25 cm3 of cold dilute sulfuric acid.
The diagram shows his apparatus.

Carlos then records the volume of gas in the syringe each minute.
The diagrams below show some of his results.

a) Write down the volume of gas collected after 6 minutes. [1]

............................................... cm3
b) Carlos repeats the investigation using 25 cm3 of warm dilute sulfuric acid.
Predict the volume of gas collected after 2 minutes.
.......................................... cm3 [1]
c) Carlos then repeats the investigation using 25 cm3 of more concentrated sulfuric acid.
Explain why the reaction is faster.
Use ideas about particles and collisions in your answer.

26. Calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid.
Calcium chloride, carbon dioxide and water are the products of this reaction.
(a) Write a word equation for this reaction in the space below.
(b) Amal investigates the rate of this reaction.
Here is the apparatus she uses.

She wants to find out how the rate of reaction depends on the concentration of the
hydrochloric acid.
She starts by using:
 25cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid
 1g calcium carbonate

Write down two measurements Amal should take to find out the rate of this reaction.

1. .....................................................................................................................................

2. .................................................................................................................................[2]

(c) Next, she uses concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Write down two variables she should keep the same as in the first test with dilute
hydrochloric acid.

1. .....................................................................................................................................

2. .................................................................................................................................[2]


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