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Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.

254 (2013) 99–113

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Numerical investigation of Newtonian and non-Newtonian multiphase flows using

ISPH method
A. Zainali, N. Tofighi, M.S. Shadloo, M. Yildiz ⇑
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Advanced Composites and Polymer Processing Laboratory, Sabanci University, Orhanli-Tuzla, 34956 Istanbul, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We have presented a multiphase incompressible smoothed particle hydrodynamics method with an
Received 21 February 2012 improved interface treatment procedure. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the interface treatment
Received in revised form 16 August 2012 which can handle multiphase flow problems with high density and viscosity ratios, we have modeled sev-
Accepted 5 October 2012
eral challenging two phase flow problems; namely, single vortex flow, square droplet deformation, drop-
Available online 9 November 2012
let deformation in shear flow, and finally the Newtonian bubble rising in viscous and viscoelastic liquids.
The proposed interface treatment includes the usage of (i) different smoothing functions (in this work,
cubic spline kernel function for discretizing equations associated with the calculation of the surface ten-
Multiphase flow
Surface tension
sion force while the quintic spline for the discretization of governing equations and the relevant bound-
Droplet deformation ary conditions), and (ii) a new discretization scheme for calculating the pressure gradient. It is shown that
Continuum surface force (CSF) with the application of the improved interface treatment, it becomes possible to model multiphase flow
Interface problems with the density and viscosity ratios up to 1000 and 100 respectively while using standard pro-
Projection method jection method. The utilization of cubic spline for the continuum surface force model significantly
improves the quality of the calculated interface, thereby eliminating the interphase particle penetrations,
and in turn leading to the calculation of more accurate velocity and pressure fields.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [2] are Eulerian methods widely used in computational fluid

dynamics. These methods are generally associated with difficulties
Multiphase flow where two or more fluids have interfacial sur- in handling large topological deformation. Another category be-
faces is one of the challenging and difficult areas in the field of longs to a Lagrangian–Eulerian hybrid method such as front track-
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), which plays an important role ing method [3,4] in which external elements or markers are used to
in many industrial and natural systems such as cavitation, boiling track the interface explicitly.
heat transfer, air entrainment at ocean surfaces and bubble reac- An alternative to the above-mentioned interface capturing ap-
tors, among others. proaches can be purely Lagrangain methods. The Lagrangian nat-
Multiphase flow problems so far have been studied widely ure makes them potentially better candidates for tracking the
using mesh dependent techniques. Nevertheless, because of the interfaces with large deformations. Being a well-advanced member
complexity of these problems mainly associated with the necessity of Lagrangain methods, the SPH technique in particular is an excel-
of tracking interface evolution, most of the early works have not lent candidate to model complex multiphase flow problems owing
gone beyond simple problems. As can be inferred, the interface to its obvious advantages such that it notably facilitates the track-
evolution is crucial to modeling of multiphase flows and thus, ing of multiphase interfaces and the incorporation of interfacial
needs to be modeled correctly and carefully in order to obtain reli- forces into governing equations, allows for modeling large topolog-
able simulation results. In mesh-dependent methods, an additional ical deformations in flow, and does not require connected grid
set of equations might need to be solved to track interfacial sur- points for calculating partial differential terms in governing equa-
faces, and furthermore, depending on the problem at hand (i.e., if tions. Thus, it has recently received a great deal of attention for
the topology of the flows deforms significantly), mesh-refinement modeling multiphase flow problems [5–14].
might be required. In literature, different methods have been pro- In SPH literature, there are two commonly utilized approaches
posed and used to capture the interface evolution on a regular grid. for enforcing the incompressibility condition in governing flow
Among them, volume of fluid (VOF) [1] and level set (LS) methods equations; namely the incompressible SPH (ISPH), and the weakly
compressible SPH (WCSPH) methods. There are several recent
works which have aimed to compare ISPH against WCSPH for free
⇑ Corresponding author.
surface and bluff body problems [15–19].
E-mail address: (M. Yildiz).

0045-7825/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
100 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

In this study, we will only consider the ISPH method based on results, the usage of the cubic spline function for the interface pro-
the projection method initially proposed by Cummins and Rudman duces a thinner interface thereby preventing the fluid particles
[20]. The original ISPH method has been reported to suffer from the from penetrating into the droplet domain and hence leading to
particle distortion and clustering. Hence, in following works by the smoother interface prediction. It is demonstrated that the
other SPH researchers [21–27], several different remedies have new interface treatment is quite effective to model multiphase
been proposed to circumvent associated problems. flow problems with the density and viscosity ratios up to 1000
Different approaches have been proposed and used in literature and 100, respectively and the usage of cubic spline for the CSF
to incorporate the surface tension force into the momentum bal- model significantly improves the quality of the calculated interface
ance equations, e.g. [28–31,13]. Morris in [29] used the continuum in terms of its thickness and sharpness, thereby eliminating the
surface force (CSF) model originally proposed by Backbill et al. in interphase particle penetrations, and in turn leading to the calcula-
[32] to simulate two phase flows using the WCSPH method. How- tion of more accurate velocity and pressure fields. The new inter-
ever, in this work, the CSF method was tested on rather simple face treatment method is extensively tested on the above given
multiphase benchmark problems with density and viscosity ratios benchmark problems and the results of these simulations are val-
equal to 1. Although the outcomes of the reported simulations are idated against available numerical and experimental data in liter-
fairly good, the paper lacks in demonstrating the true nature (i.e., ature, and excellent agreement is observed between ISPH and
advantages and limitations) of the SPH implementation of the literature results. It is worthy of mentioning that in the multiphase
CSF model. In later works in literature, it has been reported that flow modeling, we have used the improved ISPH method reported
the CSF method is quite sensitive to the uniformity of the particle in [27,19].
distribution and therefore suffers from errors in the curvature cal- The rest of this paper is organized as follow. Section 2 concisely
culation, which leads to inaccurate surface tension force calcula- describes the mathematical formulations as well as numerical
tion and consequently introduces some errors to the simulations schemes implemented. In Section 3, selected numerical results
[31]. An alternative interface treatment approach originally sug- are presented and compared against available numerical and theo-
gested and used by Jacqmin [33] was implemented to the SPH retical results in literature. The presented work is concluded with a
modeling of multiphase problems in the work of Hu and Adams final remark in Section 4.
[30] with the purpose of remedying these problems in question,
which is referred to as continuum surface tension model (CST). 2. Mathematical formulations
The CST method is an extension of the CSF method in that the sur-
face tension force is calculated through taking the divergence of In this section, the governing equations for a non-Newtonian
the projection tensor so that the curvature is not explicitly calcu- fluid with the Oldroyd-B constitutive equation are presented. Then,
lated. Even though, both forms are equivalent to each other theo- the ISPH method and the numerical algorithm are briefly
retically, in our ongoing work, unlike the statement of Hu and discussed.
Adams [30], we have found that the CSF method produces a more
accurate surface tension force than the CST method. 2.1. Governing equations
In some relevant SPH multiphase literature, it has been reported
that the standard SPH formulations (i.e., density based approach) The mass and momentum conservation equations for incom-
fail to simulate multiphase flows with a large variation in the pressible flow can be written respectively as,
transport parameters of constituents across the interface [5,6]. In
[14,34], different approaches have been proposed to remedy this $  u ¼ 0; ð1Þ
problem. However, it should be stated that non of these methods
conserves the continuity equation accurately. Later, a conservative Du
q ¼ $p þ $  s þ qg þ f ðsv Þ ; ð2Þ
method based on number density was proposed in [30,35]. Dt
Despite the several advantages which can make ISPH method
where u is the velocity vector, p is the pressure, t is the time, q is the
more favorable than WCSPH in multiphase flow simulations such
density, g is the gravitational acceleration, s is the viscoelastic stress
that the ISPH method allows for more accurate pressure field pre-
tensor (also widely referred to as the extra stress tensor), f ðsv Þ is
diction and being computationally more efficient [19,27], only a
volumetric surface tension force and D=Dt ¼ @=@t þ ul @=@xl is the
few works, e.g. [23,36] have reported the ISPH simulation of mul-
material time derivative. The Oldroyd-B constitutive equation for
tiphase flows. In this study, we have developed a 2D ISPH algo-
the extra stress tensor in the momentum balance equation is writ-
rithm to address above elaborated challenges through simulating
ten as [37]
a wide variety of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian multiphase prob-  
lems. Namely, the test cases include single vortex flow, square ^ ;
s þ k1 s^ ¼ l D þ k2 D ð3Þ
droplet deformation under the effect of surface tension force, bub-
ble deformation in a Non-Newtonian shear flow, Newtonian bub- where D ¼ $u þ ð$uÞ is the deformation rate tensor, l is the zero-
ble rising in viscous and viscoelastic liquids subjected to the shear-rate viscosity, k1 and k2 are the relaxation and retardation
combined effects of surface tension and buoyancy forces. For the times, respectively. Finally, the hat sign ^ denotes contravariant
solution of these benchmark problems, we have suggested and convected time derivative operator,
used an improved interface treatment approach based on the CSF
Ds Dsij
method, which utilizes cubic spline for discretizing equations asso- s^ ¼  ð$uÞT  s  s  ð$uÞ ¼  ui;k skj  uj;k sik : ð4Þ
Dt Dt
ciated with the calculation of the surface tension force while the
quintic spline for the discretization of governing equations and The extra stress tensor s may be split into two parts as
the relevant boundary conditions, the smoothed transport param- s ¼ sp þ sn where sp and sn ¼ lðk2 =k1 ÞD represent non-Newtonian
eters through combining weighted arithmetic and harmonic inter- and Newtonian contributions to extra the stress tensor, respec-
polations, and a new discretization scheme for calculating the tively. Upon casting the relation s ¼ sp þ sn into Eq. (3), the non-
pressure gradient. To the authors best knowledge, within the con- Newtonian contribution to the extra stress tensor can be written
text of multiphase SPH, no previous research has considered the as,
utilization of two different kernels for interface and governing sp þ k1 s^p ¼ lð1  bÞD; ð5Þ
equations. As substantiated by numerical simulations and in turn
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 101

where b ¼ k2 =k1 . It is easy to show that upon choosing b ¼ 1, the ql c_ D2 Dc_ ll

Oldroyd-B constitutive relation in Eq. (3) will reduce to one for Re ¼ ; De ¼ k1 c_ ; Ca ¼
ll r
Newtonian fluids with l being the viscosity.
which are obtained through using the following dimensionless
2.2. Interfacial forces parameters;
x t u p
Consider infinitesimally small surface element, dA at an arbi- x ¼ ; t ¼ ; u ¼ ; p ¼ ;
trary interface between two immiscible fluids as shown in
D c_ 1 c_ D ql U 2tb
Fig. 1a. The local force balance on this element can be written as,
  q l j
sAtot  sBtot  ~
nþf ¼ 0; ð6Þ q ¼ ; l ¼ ; j ¼ 1 :
ðsaÞ ql ll D
where sAtot ¼ pA I þ sA and sBtot ¼ pB I þ sB are the total stress ten- Here, c_ ¼ U tb =Ly is the shear rate where Ly is the height of the chan-
sors in fluids A and B approaching the interface, ~ n is the unit normal nel (see Section 3) and U tb ¼ U t  U b is the velocity difference be-
vector to the interface, and f ðsaÞ ¼ rj~ n is the surface tension force tween the top and the bottom boundaries. The problems are
acting on the interface in the unit normal direction where r is the characterized by density ratio, ql =qb , viscosity ratio, ll =lb , together
surface tension coefficient which is assumed to be constant and with the Re; Bo; Ca and De numbers. Re number determines the ratio
j ¼ $  ~ n is the interface curvature. However, this force is a local of the inertial to the viscous forces. Bo and Ca numbers determine
surface force and the calculation of which requires the solution of the ratio of the gravitational and viscous forces to the surface ten-
two separate sets of governing equations for fluids A and B. For sion forces, respectively. When the viscoelastic polymeric liquid is
the sake of computational simplicity and efficiency, it is preferable deformed under the action of either stretching or shearing, or the
to express the local surface force f ðsaÞ as an equivalent volumetric combination of these two processes, the polymer molecules get
force f ðsv Þ (the force per unit volume) as is done in the continuum stretched and entangled. If the polymeric fluid is exposed to a defor-
surface force (CSF) method originally proposed by Brackbill et al. in mation for a short period of time, polymer molecules do remember
[32]. The basic concept behind this approach is to replace the sharp their initial configuration, thereby being able to recover their initial
interface between two fluids with a transition region of a finite shape. On the other hand, if the deformation is applied for an ex-
thickness as shown in Fig. 1(b). This can be fulfilled through multi- tended period of time, the polymer molecules tend to forget their
plying the local surface tension force with a one-dimensional delta initial positions, and in turn can not recover their original shape.
function, d This time dependent phenomenon is known as the viscoelastic
f ðsv Þ ¼ rj~
nd: ð7Þ memory effect or the stress relaxation effect. The viscoelastic mem-
ory of polymeric materials is scaled with Deborah number,
De ¼ k1 =t, which is defined as the ratio of the material relaxation
2.3. Dimensionless parameters time to the time scale of the flow. Note that the polymeric liquid be-
haves as a viscous fluid if De goes to zero, while acts as an elastic
In this subsection, we present important dimensionless param- solid if De goes to infinity.
eters which will be used throughout the paper. Upon introducing
the following dimensionless parameters,
2.4. ISPH formulations and numerical method
x  t  u  p
x ¼ ; t ¼ ; u ¼ ; p ¼ ;
D 1
D2 g 2
ql gD For the clarity of the presentation, it is worthy of introducing
notational conventions to be used throughout this article. All vec-
q l j tor and tensorial quantities are written either using suffix notation
q ¼ ; l ¼ ; j ¼ 1
ql ll D with Latin indices denoting the components or direct notation with
boldface letters. These components will be written either as sub-
into the linear momentum balance and Oldroyd-B constitutive
scripts (when particle identifiers are not used) or superscripts
equations, one can obtain dimensionless Reynolds, Re, Bond, Bo,
(when particle identifiers are used). As well, throughout this article
and Deborah, De numbers as,
the Einstein summation convention is employed whereby any re-
ql g 2 D2
q gD2 k1 g 2
1 peated component index is summed over the range of the index.
Re ¼ ; Bo ¼ l ; De ¼ 1 ; These superscripts do not represent any covariant or contravariant
ll r D2 nature. Latin boldface indices ði; jÞ will be used as particle identifi-
where D is the characteristic length which is taken as a bubble ers to denote particles and will always be placed as subscripts that
diameter, and subscripts l and b denote the base fluid and the bub- are not summed unless used under the summation symbol. For
ble, respectively (see Section 3). However, for the shear flow, the example, the position vector for particle i is r i ¼ xki ~ ek where xki de-
following Reynolds, Re, Capillary, Ca, and Deborah, De are used in- notes the components of the position vector and ~ ek is the base vec-
stead of above given Re; Bo and De numbers, tor. The distance  vector  between a pair of particles is indicated by
r ij ¼ r i  r j ¼ xki  xkj ~ek , and the magnitude of the distance vector
jr ij j is denoted by r ij .
In the SPH method, the value of an arbitrary field f for the par-
ticle i can be calculated using the neighbor field values through the
(a) (b) formulation,
fluid A fluid A Z
f ðr i Þ ffi hf jðr i Þi  f r j W ij dr3j ; ð8Þ
where the angle bracket h i denotes the kernel approximation, W ij is
fluid B transition region fluid B
a kernel function, r j is the position vector of particle j, and dr 3j is a
differential volume element within the total bounded volume of the
Fig. 1. 2D sketch of an arbitrary interface between two immiscible fluids A and B. domain X. Throughout this study, the following cubic spline kernel
102 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

[38] is used for the discretization of partial differential equations $C
j ¼ $  : ð18Þ
relevant to the calculation of the surface tension force, j$Cj
> 3  q2 þ 12 q3 ; 0 6 q 6 1; Here, it should be noted that unit normals in the vicinity of the
15 < 1 fringes of the interface might be erroneous and in turn, when used
W ij ¼ 2 ð2  qÞ3 ; 1 6 q 6 2; ð9Þ
7ph >:6 in the computation of the curvature, may produce faulty results.
0; 2 6 q;
Therefore, a constraint is required to choose reliable normals as also
while the quintic spline [39] is employed for the rest of the pointed out in [29]. In this direction, we have used the constraint of
calculations, j$C i j > =h where  is a constant used to control the thickness of the
8 interface. In this work, we have set that  ¼ 0:08, and particles sat-
> ð3  qÞ5  6ð2  qÞ5 þ 15ð1  qÞ5 ; 0 6 q 6 1; isfying this condition are regarded to be interface particles with
7 ð3  qÞ5  6ð2  qÞ5 ; 1 6 q 6 2; reliable unit normals. Finally, substituting Eqs. (17) and (18) into
W ij ¼ 2
478ph >> ð3  qÞ5 ;
> 2 6 q 6 3; Eq. (7) one can rearrange the volumetric surface force as,
0; 3 6 q; $C
f ðsv Þ ¼ r$  $C: ð19Þ
ð10Þ j$Cj
where we have used a concise notation, i.e. W ij ¼ W r ij ; h . Here,
q ¼ rij =h and h denotes the smoothing length. It is important to note 2.4.2. Numerical method and discretization
that using the cubic spline for calculating the surface tension force Masses of particles are calculated using the relation qi =wo
while the quintic spline for the discretization of flow equations en- where wo ¼ max ðwi Þ is the initial or reference number density.
hances the accuracy of interface tracking and at the same time helps Hence, particles of dissimilar phases have different masses which
avoiding the numerical instabilities mainly arising from the solu- are kept constant throughout the simulation. Once entering into
tion of pressure Poisson equation with the cubic spline. The effect the outermost time loop, the time step is calculated adaptively
of utilizing different kernels in simulations is discussed in more de- through the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition as
tail in Section 3. Dt 6 C CFL h=umax where umax is the magnitude of the largest particle
By replacing the integral operation in Eq. (8) with summation velocity in the system, and C CFL is a constant satisfying 0 < C CFL 6 1
operator over all the particles, the SPH interpolation for an arbi- (in this work, C CFL ¼ 0:25).
trary vector valued function f p can be written as, Predictor–corrector method is employed to solve the governing
X1 p equations in time and for time marching, the first-order Euler time
fip ¼ f p ðr i Þ ¼ f W ij ; ð11Þ stepping scheme is used. In the predictor step, prior to advecting
wj j
fluid particles to their intermediate position, in a loop, the algo-
where number density for particle i; wi , is defined as rithm computes the average particle spacing for a given particle
X P 
as ri;o ¼ j r ij =N . Thereafter, in a separate loop over all fluid par-
wi ¼ W ij ; ð12Þ
ticles, the artificial particle displacement vector, dr i , is calculated
as [27]
which is approximately equal to reciprocal of the corresponding
particle’s volume.
N rk
dr ki ¼ a r 2i;o umax Dt; ð20Þ
r 3ij
2.4.1. Interface treatment
To be able to distinguish among constituents of an immiscible where N is the number of neighbor particles and a is a problem-
two-phase system, and calculate relevant interface fields (i.e., the dependent parameter set to be equal to 0.06 for all cases studied
interface unit normal, curvature, and interfacial force), each parti- here. As discussed in details in our early works [27,19,40], the arti-
cle is assigned to a color function, ficial particle displacement procedure is utilized for the purpose of
 circumventing the clustering of particles and associated fractures
bi ¼ 1; in fluid A; unavoidably formed in the computational domain due to the fact
C ð13Þ
0; in fluid B: that SPH particles are in the tendency of aligning themselves in
Furthermore, to enhance the robustness of the current method for accordance with streamlines. The implementation of the artificial
simulating flows with higher density and viscosity ratios, the as- particle displacement eliminates these problems gradually and rel-
signed color function is smoothed as evant clustering induced instabilities without causing significant er-
Pb rors in computations.
j C j W ij The polymeric or elastic stress tensor for all particles (fluid and
Ci ¼ : ð14Þ
wi boundary particles) is calculated using explicit first-order forward
To avoid sharp variations in gradients of fields across the inter- time integration as
face, it is prudent to smooth the density and the viscosity of fluids   h iðnÞ
Dt ðnÞ
through using a weighted arithmetic mean interpolation as sðnþ1Þ
p ¼ 1 sp þ Dt ð$uÞT  sp þ sp  ð$uÞ
qi ¼ C i qA þ ð1  C i ÞqB ; ð15Þ l Dt
þ ð1  bÞDðnÞ : ð21Þ
li ¼ C i lA þ ð1  C i ÞlB ; ð16Þ
Then, intermediate positions of particle i are calculated as,
where the smoothed color function C i is used since it represents the
ðnÞ ðnÞ
volume fraction of the fluid A for particle i. ri ¼ ri þ ui Dt þ dri : ð22Þ
In this study, 1D Dirac delta function is approximated by
Subsequently, the intermediate velocity field ui for particle i is cal-
d  j$Cj. The unit normal vector and the curvature can be com-
culated on these intermediate particle locations by solving the
puted as,
momentum balance equations with the forward time integration
$C without the pressure gradient term together with pertinent bound-
n¼ ð17Þ
j$Cj ary conditions as
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 103

ðnÞ ðnÞep
ui ¼ ui þ f i Dt; ð23Þ The left hand side of Eq. (31) is discretized using,

where f ep
is the total force applied on particle i (the superscript ep @ 2 fip   X1 p  r s @W
ij ij
k k
2 þ ass
i ¼8 fi  fjp 2 s
: ð32Þ
stands for excluding pressure) at time step n, i.e., @xi @xi j
wj r ij
@x i
ðnÞep ðnÞ ðnÞ ðnÞ
f i ¼ r  si þ qgi þ f ðsv Þi : ð24Þ It should be noted that the intermediate particle number density,
w , and intermediate density q are used when solving the pressure
At this stage, first order derivatives are approximated as,
Poisson equation, where the intermediate mixture density is calcu-
@fip ks X 1  p  @W
ij lated as, qi ¼ wi a¼1 mai C ai . The resulting linear system of equations
a ¼
k i
fj  fip ð25Þ
@xi j
wj @xsi due to Eq. (31) is solved using an iterative solver based on general-
ized minimal residual (GMRES) method with incomplete LU factor-
except the divergence of the sp which is approximated as ization with no fill-in. Knowing the pressure field inside the
! domain, one may compute the velocity field at time step ðn þ 1Þ
@fip X f p fjp @W ij
¼ wi
þ ð26Þ using
@xki j w2i w2j @xki
uðnþ1Þ ¼ u  Dt : ð33Þ
while the second order derivatives are approximated as, q
@ 2 fip pm X1 p  r @W
ij ij
p I
a ¼8
k i
fi  fjp 2 m
; ð27Þ
@xi @xi wj r ij
@x i
To be able to treat large variations in the density and viscosity
(i.e., density and viscosity ratios up to 1000 and 100) across the
where aks
i is a corrective second-rank tensor given by, interfaces in a robust manner without facing pressure related con-
X r kij @W ij vergence issues, the discretization of the pressure gradient term, I,
i ¼ : ð28Þ in Eq. 33 requires a special treatment. It is observed that upon
wj @xsi approximating I with Eq. (25), the method suffers from the numer-
ical instabilities when the density ratio of two fluids is high. As a
Such a way of discretizing first and second order partial spatial
remedy, a new discretization method is proposed instead of the
derivatives are referred to as the corrective SPH gradient formula-
one given in Eq. (25) for calculating the pressure gradient. In what
tion that can be used to eliminate particle inconsistencies [27,19].
follows, the pressure gradient denoted by I can be rearranged as,
It should be noted that the corrective term aks i is ideally equal to    
Kronecker delta, dks , for a continuous function. On using Kronecker 1 p 1
$p ¼ $  p$ : ð34Þ
delta in Eq. (25), one can obtain the SPH gradient formulation of a q q q
vector-valued function commonly seen in the SPH literature. It
The right hand side of Eq. (34) can be discretized by using Eq. (25)
should be noted that the corrective SPH formulation requires the
inversion of aks
i , which might be singular for a highly irregular par- " ! !# !
ticle distribution. However, we have not experienced any difficul- 1 @pi  ks 1 X 1 pj pi pi pi @W ij
ties related to aks corrective tensor being singular for a wide ¼ ai   
i q @xki j
wj qj qi qj qi @xsi
variety of benchmark problems solved. Nevertheless, if such a sin- !
gularity problem exists for a given particle which can easily be  1 X 1   @W ij
¼ aks
i pj  pi : ð35Þ
determined through monitoring whether the determinant of the
qj wj @xsi
i is zero or not, the corrective SPH formulation on that particle
should not be imposed through setting aks ks It is observed that upon using the approximation given in Eq. (35),
i ¼ d , thereby leading
to the utilization of the standard SPH discretization scheme. numerical simulation of flows with density and viscosity ratios as
To be able to enhance the robustness and accuracy of the com- high as ql =qb ¼ 1000 and ll =lb ¼ 100 can be achieved.
putation, transport parameters are preferred to have a smoother With the correct velocity field for time-step ðn þ 1Þ, all fluid par-
transition between phases thereby avoiding sharp changes in ticles are moved to their new positions, i.e. r i ,
interface fluxes or gradients. Therefore, in this work, they are fur- ðnþ1Þ ðnÞ 1  ðnÞ ðnþ1Þ

ther smoothed through using a weighted harmonic mean interpo- ri ¼ ri þ ui þ ui Dt þ dri : ð36Þ
lation, namely,
Finally, neighbor and ghost particle lists are updated, and then the
21i 1j initial (reference) number density of the fluid is restored.
1j ¼ ; ð29Þ
1i þ 1j
2.5. Initial and boundary conditions
where 1 may denote q1 and l in Eqs. (25) and (27).
With the knowledge of intermediate particle positions and
The modeling process starts with generating particles for the
velocities, the intermediate number density and the divergence
flow domain and its boundaries. Initially, particles are created in
of intermediate velocity are calculated, which are used in the pres-
the form of a rectangular grid with equidistant particle spacing.
sure Poisson equation. The intermediate number density is calcu-
All physical boundaries are represented by a row of fixed particles
lated through the solution of the mass conservation in the
(hereafter referred to as boundary particles) whose pertinent fields
following form,
are evolved in accordance with the numerical solution. To distin-
ðnÞ ðnÞ  
guish among fluid and boundary particles, boundary and fluids
wi ¼ wi  Dtwi $  ui : ð30Þ
particles are assigned to different integer labels. Additionally,
In the corrector stage, the pressure at the time step ðn þ 1Þ is boundary particles of dissimilar boundaries are also differently
calculated using the following pressure Poisson equation subjected tagged, thereby enabling the implementation of various boundary
to the Neumann boundary condition: conditions when necessary. Fluid and boundary particles are given
  their physical parameters and initial conditions. Throughout this
1 $  u
$ $pðnþ1Þ ¼ : ð31Þ work, the multiple boundary tangent (MBT) method is used to
q  Dt
treat solid boundaries [41,27,19]. The particle spacing between
104 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

against available numerical data in literature, and excellent agree-

ment is observed between ISPH and literature results.

3.1. Single vortex flow

As a first practical application of multiphase flow modeling, a

single vortex flow [43,44] is simulated through incorporating the
artificial particle displacement procedure into the solution algo-
rithm to be able to handle large topological deformations together
Fig. 2. The sketch of the channel for which fully periodic condition is imposed in
with color function for tracking the interface.
the horizontal direction. Particles denoted by . are the imaginary copies of those
designated by I while particles represented by / are the imaginary copies of those The initial geometry of the single vortex problem is shown in
shown by J. Fig. 3. As can be seen, a deformable media of circular shape with
a radius 0.15 m is positioned inside a square domain having a side
length of 1 m. The x- and y-coordinates of the center point of the
each boundary particle is the same as the initial particle spacing circular media are 0.5 m and 0.75 m, respectively. The computa-
between fluid particles. All particles are given the same smoothing tional domain is represented by an array of 400  400 particles.
lengths as h ¼ 1:4r ij;o where r ij;o is the initial particle spacing. In The particles of the circular media are distinguished from the sur-
passing, it should be mentioned that throughout this work, a con- rounding media through using color function which takes the va-
stant smoothing length is used. lue of zero for the circular media and one for the surrounding
Through using a standard box-search algorithm, the neighbor media. At time t ¼ 0 s, all particles are subjected to the velocity
list is formed for each particle. Subsequently, ghost particles are field given by,
created for the incorporation of the MBT boundary treatment into  
the numerical procedure [27]. It should be mentioned that ghost uðr Þ ¼ 2 sin ðpxÞ sin ðpyÞ cos ðpyÞ ~ex
particles are given the same mass, density, number density, and  
transport parameters (i.e., viscosity) as their corresponding fluid þ 2 sin ðpyÞ sin ðpxÞ cos ðpxÞ ~
ey : ð37Þ
n ¼ 0; ~
Either, no-slip, (ujC ¼ 0), or free-slip, (u  ~ t  ru þ ruT  Throughout the simulation, the interface location is tracked using
n ¼ 0, where for 2D vertical boundaries, it will reduces to: the smoothed color function as given in Eq. (14) whereby particles
ux ¼ 0; @xy ¼ 0), boundary conditions for the velocity field are ap- having the color function value of 0.5 are considered to be interface
plied depending on the test case studied. Pressure field is subjected particles. It should be noted that this value is the arithmetic average
to homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, ðq=DtÞðu  of the assigned colors to fluids A and B (see Section 2.4.1.)
uðnþ1Þ Þ  ~
n ¼ rp  ~
n, where ~
n is the unit normal vector. The detailed Hieber and Koumoutsakos [43] have studied this problem using
derivation of the pressure boundary condition formulation can be the SPH method as well. As being deduced from their simulations,
found in [27,19,40,42]. Upon replacing u by uðnþ1Þ [20], the pres- the usage of standard SPH formulations causes particle clustering
sure boundary condition reduces to rp  ~ n ¼ 0. and in turn leads to inaccurate simulation results in terms of sur-
Field values K (i.e. velocities, pressure and elastic stress tensor) face normal, curvature and interface locations. As a remedy, they
of a ghost particle are obtained depending on the type of the have used remeshing technique in their solutions, which was orig-
boundary condition implemented. For the Dirichlet boundary con- inally proposed in [45]. However, it is well known that such an ap-
dition which specifies values for the field variables on the bound- proach introduces an additional computational cost into the
ary of the domain, the following linear interpolation is utilized; simulation. In Fig. 4 are given the particle distributions of single
namely, Kg ¼ 2Kb  Kf where Kg ; Kb and Kf are the fields variables vortex flow problem at time 3 s obtained with and without using
of the ghost, boundary, and fluid particles, respectively. To pre- the artificial particle displacement procedure in the solution algo-
serve the shear continuity, the values of the elastic stress tensor rithm. As stated previously, the standard SPH formulations cause
sp for ghost particles are also determined through the above for- fluid particles to form clusters along the particle trajectories unless
mulated linear interpolation [11]. As for the zero gradient bound-
ary condition (Neumann boundary condition) which specifies
values for the field variables as a derivative on the boundary, a 1
ghost particle is assigned to the same field values as the corre-
sponding fluid particle possesses Kg ¼ Kf .
The fully periodic boundary condition is imposed in a following 0.8
manner. In order to conserve the mass of the system, particles leav-
ing the channel off the right boundary are reinserted into the flow
domain from the left boundary at the same y-position. In addition, 0.6
the fluid particles around the left boundary are defined as neigh-

bors to those at the proximity of the right boundary and vice versa
as shown in Fig. 2. 0.4

3. Results
In this section, we have presented the modeling of several chal-
lenging two phase flow problems; namely, single vortex flow,
square droplet deformation under the effect of surface tension
force, droplet deformation in a non-Newtonian shear flow, and 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Newtonian bubble rising in viscous and viscoelastic liquids sub- x
jected to the combined effects of surface tension and buoyancy
forces. The outcomes of our numerical solutions are validated Fig. 3. Initial geometry and velocity field for the single vortex flow problem.
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 105

Fig. 4. Particle distribution with (a) and without (b) using the artificial particle displacement method at time t ¼ 3 s.

special measure is taken, which can be seen through the compari- influence of the surface tension force modeled by using the CSF
son of Fig. 4(a) and (b). The clustering in particle distribution re- method to be able to demonstrate capability and the accuracy of
sults in large errors in the calculation of the surface normal and the proposed interface treatment, which includes the usage of dif-
particularly the curvature since the gradient operator in curvature ferent types of kernel functions for the CSF model and governing
formulation is very sensitive to particle distributions. Here, it flow equations, smoothing of transport parameters through
should be noted that the artificial particle displacement method weighted arithmetic and harmonic interpolations and finally a
does not alter the physics of the problem and brings a negligible new discretization scheme for calculating the pressure gradient.
additional cost to the simulations in comparison to the remeshing The square droplet has the side length of 1 m located at the center
technique. of a square computational domain, i.e. ðxc ; yc Þ ¼ ð1; 1Þ m with the
Upon using Eq. (37), the exact interface position of the single side length of 2 m. The simulation parameters are provided in Ta-
vortex problem can be found at different times. The enlarged views ble 1. The density and the viscosity of both fluids are same and
of the vortex tip and tail at time t ¼ 3 s are provided in Fig. 5 and equal to, qB ¼ qA ¼ 1 kg m3, and lB ¼ lA ¼ 1 kg m1 s1 except
are compared to the exact position of the interface obtained using for the case SB5 where the following parameters are used:
Eq. (37). It can be seen that SPH can predict the location of the vor- qB ¼ 100; qA ¼ 1 kg m3, and lB ¼ 10; lA ¼ 1 kg m1 s1. The sur-
tex’s tip with a negligible error compared to the exact one. How- face tension coefficient between two fluids is equal to 1 kg s2 for
ever, due to the scarcity of the particles at the tail region of the all test cases. The no-slip boundary condition is applied on all
vortex, there are some errors in the predicted shape of the tail, boundaries. Initially, particles are distributed on a rectangular lat-
which can be reduced by increasing the number of particles. tice. Each row and column consists of 70 equally spaced particles
except for the test case SB2 in which 150 particles are used in each
3.2. Square droplet deformation row and column.
Particle positions for case SB1 at times t ¼ 0 s and t ¼ 1 s are
In this section, we present ISPH solutions for the deformation of shown in Fig. 6(a) and (b). Since the only active force inside the
an initially square droplet of fluid A inside the fluid B under the simulation domain is the surface tension force (i.e., the gravita-
tional force is set to zero in this test case.), the square droplet is ex-
pected to gradually transform into a circular shape to minimize its
energy. It can be seen that the steady state terminal circular shape
has been reached at t ¼ 1 s as shown in Fig. 6(b). The radius of the
droplet at t ¼ 1 s is equal to 0.58 m. Ideally, when the steady state
is reached, the velocity field in the entire domain should be zero.
However, because of the numerical errors, the velocity field never
reaches the absolute zero, and therefore, particles keep oscillating
enlarged view for the
tip of the vortex
(a) (b)
enlarged view for the
tail of the vortex Table 1
Computational parameters for square droplet deformation (SPL2: cubic spline, SPL3:
quintic spline).

Case SB1 SB2 SB3 SB4 SB5

Density ratio qqA 1 1 1 1 0.01
l 1 1 1 1 0.1
Viscosity ratio lA

Kernel for governing equations SPL3 SPL3 SPL3 SPL2 SPL3

Fig. 5. The comparison of the interface location obtained using ISPH method with Kernel for surface tension force SPL2 SPL2 SPL3 SPL2 SPL2
the exact position obtained using Eq. (37) at time t ¼ 3 s. (a) Enlarged view of the Number of particle 4900 19,600 4900 4900 4900
region around the tip and (b) enlarged view of the region around the tail.
106 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

(a) (b) (a) SB1 SB3 SB4 Analytical

2 2
1.8 0

1 1 1.75 −0.05

0 1.7

0.2 0.4 0.58 0.8 1

0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2
x x SB1 SB2 Analytical
(c) 1.5
1.8 0

1.75 −0.05

1 0 1.7

0.2 0.4 0.58 0.8 1

SB1 SB5 Analytical

0 1 2 (c)
x 0.05
Fig. 6. Square droplet deformation (a) particle distribution at t ¼ 0 s, (b) particle 1.8 0
distribution at t ¼ 1 s and (c) the unit normal vectors, ~
n of the interface particles at 0.75

t ¼ 1 s for the test case SB1. 1.75 −0.05

0 1.7

around their settled positions. This numerical error accumulates

0.2 0.4 0.58 0.8 1
over the time and leads to fractures in particle distribution across r
the interface for t P 5 s. Fig. 6(c) shows the unit normal vectors, ~
for interface particles at the outermost layer of the droplet at Fig. 7. Square droplet deformation: pressure profile versus the distance from the
t ¼ 1 s. The calculated unit normals of the interface particles are center point of the droplet, r, for test cases (a) SB1, SB3 and SB4, (b) SB1 and SB2,
and (c) SB1 and SB5 compared to the analytical pressure jump at the interface
accurate in terms of their directions except those corresponding
obtained using Eq. (39). It should be noted that the presented profiles are the
to the corner particles of the initial square droplet. This error for smoothed pressure fields using weighted linear least squares and a 2nd degree
particles in question is considered being due to the initial droplet polynomial model to avoid undesired small oscillations.
and computational domain shapes. To test the possible origin of
the error for a few corner particles, we have solved the same prob-
the SB1 test case predicts the pressure value inside the droplet
lem with an initial diamond droplet, and have noted that the error
slightly better than the SB3 does. The convergence analysis is
is eliminated since the corners of the diamond are not aligned with
shown in Fig. 7(b) via test cases SB1 and SB2. It can be seen that
the corners of the computational square domain and hence, corner
when the number of particles is increased, slightly better results
particles have more freedom to rotate, thereby enabling the calcu-
are obtained. The pressure profile for the system with
lation of much more accurate unit normal vectors.
The force balance at the interface between two static immisci-
qA =qB ¼ 0:01 and lA =lB ¼ 0:1, corresponding to the test case
SB5, is shown in 7(c). The results are in fairly good agreement with
ble fluids A and B with a constant surface tension coefficient can
the analytical one; however it can be seen that when the density
be obtained from Eq. (6) simply as,
and viscosity ratios are increased, the accuracy of the predicted re-
pB  pA ¼ rj; ð38Þ sults decreases slightly.
Noting that the mean curvature is equal to,
3.3. Droplet deformation in a non-Newtonian shear flow
1 1
j ¼ $  ~
n¼ þ ;
R1 R2 In this part, we present simulation results for ISPH modeling of
where R1 and R2 are the principal radii of curvature. For 2D test case the deformation of a Newtonian droplet in a viscoelastic Oldroyd-B
considered in this work, using Eq. (38), the steady state pressure fluid under the shear. The geometry of the problem is presented in
jump across the interface of the deformed circular droplet can be Fig. 8. The Newtonian droplet with a radius of 0.125 m is located at
written as the center of a rectangular domain with the width of W ¼ 2 m and
the height of H ¼ 1 m. The computational domain is represented
r by a rectangular grid composed of an array of 240  120 equally
pB  pA ¼ ; ð39Þ
R spaced particles.
where R is the radius of the circular droplet. The shear flow is generated in the channel by applying
Fig. 7(a) shows the average pressure profiles for three test cases U top ¼ 0:5 m s1 to the top boundary particles and U bottom ¼
(i.e., SB1, SB2 and SB3) as a function of the distance from the drop- 0:5 m s1 to the bottom boundary particles which do not move
let center, ðxc ; yc Þ, which are compared to the analytical pressure in space or time. The inlet and outlet of boundaries of the compu-
jump across the interface calculated using Eq. (39). It is observed tational domain are treated as fully periodic boundaries. To be able
that results become more accurate when the quintic kernel func- to compare the transient nature of this test case with that reported
tion is used in the flow equations. It should also be noted that in literature, at t ¼ 0 s, a linear velocity profile was applied to the
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 107

B3 in terms of the deformation parameter is different as expected.

We have solved two test cases for the deformation of a Newtonian
W droplet in a non-Newtonian shear flow with the same physical and
input simulation parameters as reported in [46,47]. The simulation
parameters are provided in Table 2.


H The deformation parameter can be defined as,
Rmax  Rmin
Ds ¼ ; ð40Þ
Rmax þ Rmin
U where Rmax and Rmin are the shortest and largest distance from the
x B4
droplet center.
Fig. 9(a) shows the deformation parameter versus time in com-
Fig. 8. The computational geometry for the deformation of a Newtonian droplet in
parison to the results presented in [46,47]. After approximately
a non-Newtonian shear flow.
t ¼ 3 s, the flow reaches the steady state solution. The calculated
deformation parameter for t ¼ 3 s is Ds  0:24. In [46], it is re-
Table 2 ported that droplet reaches the stationary state with Ds  0:265
The computational parameters for the deformation of a Newtonian droplet in a while in [47] the reported value is Ds  0:48. One can note from
viscoelastic base fluid under the shear. It should be noted that here and hereafter, SI Fig. 9(a) and (b) that the result of the current simulation is in excel-
units are employed for all modeling parameters. lent agreement with those reported in [46] in terms of both tran-
Case ql qb ll lb r k1 b ¼ kk21 c_ Re De Ca sient nature of deformation parameter Ds as well as the steady
state droplet shape at t ¼ 3.
NV1 19.2 19.2 1.0 1.0 0.52 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.3 0.4 0.24
NV2 19.2 19.2 1.0 1.0 0.208 0.4 0.5 1.0 0.3 0.4 0.6
Fig. 9(c) shows Ds as a function of time for the test case NV2. It
can be seen that as the capillary number, Ca goes up, the droplet
elongates more in the flow direction since the viscous force be-
comes more dominant over the surface tension or interfacial force.
flow domain as an initial condition. We have also simulated the Again, there is good agreement between the results of the current
same test case with the initial condition where all fluid particles work and those reported in [46]. In both cases, the flow reaches the
are given the zero initial velocity. It is noted that the result of steady state whereas in [47], it was reported that the flow does not
the simulation with the zero-initial velocity provides exactly the reach the steady state at all. For the test case NV2, the comparison
same steady state shape as the one with the linear initial velocity of the particle positions and the interface position (solid line) re-
profile. Nevertheless, the transient behavior of both simulations ported in [46] is also provided in Fig. 9(d).

(a) (b)
0.8 0.8
Chinyoka et al.
Pillapakkam & Singh

0.4 0.5


0 0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.7 1 1.3
t x

(c) (d)
0.8 0.8


0.4 0.5


0 0.2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0.7 1 1.3
t x

Fig. 9. The deformation of a Newtonian droplet in a non-Newtonian shear flow: (a) and (c) the deformation parameter versus time for the test cases NV1 and NV2,
respectively, which are compared to data reported in [46,47], (b) and (d) particle positions for the test cases NV1 and NV2 at t ¼ 3 s and t ¼ 10 s, correspondingly. It should be
noted that the interface shapes marked by the black lines in (b) and (d) correspond to the results presented in [46].
108 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

Table 3
Physical simulation parameters and dimensionless numbers of the Newtonian bubble rising in viscous fluids.

Case ql qb ll lb g r ql =qb ll =lb Re Bo

NN1-c, NN1-f 1000 100 10 1 0.98 24.5 10 10 35 10

NN2 1000 1 7.84 1.00 0.98 19.6 1000 7.84 1000 200
NN3 1000 1 10 0.1 0.98 1.96 1000 100 35 125

3.4. Newtonian bubble rising in viscous liquids Table 4

Simulation parameters and conditions of the Newtonian bubble rising in viscous
In this section, the proposed multiphase ISPH method with the fluids.
improved interface treatment is further tested and validated Case H W B.C: B1,B2 B.C: B3,B4 No. of particles
extensively against the published results through numerically sim-
NN1-c 2m 1m Free slip No slip 75  150
ulating several test cases for the Newtonian bubble rising in vis- NN1-f 2m 1m Free slip No slip 150  300
cous fluids. Out of these test cases, for the sake of brevity, we NN2 6m 10 m No slip No slip 120  200
have presented only four of them to reveal the ability of the mul- NN3 2m 1m Free slip No slip 100  200
tiphase SPH for capturing the physics behind the various forms of
Newtonian bubble rising and deformation in viscous liquids. The
presented test cases have a varying range of the density and viscos-
NN1−c NN1−f FEM Hysing et al.
ity ratios, and Reynolds and Bond numbers; namely
10 6 ql =qb 6 1000; 7 6 ll =lb 6 100; 35 6 Re 6 1000 and
10 6 Bo 6 200 as given in Table 3. The computational geometry
of the test cases is shown in Fig. 10. The simulation parameters
and conditions used in these test cases are summarized in Table 4.
The no-slip boundary condition is imposed for the top and bottom
boundaries, B3 and B4 while the free slip boundary condition is
used for the left and right boundaries B1 and B2 except the test
case of NN2, which is subjected to the no slip boundary condition
on B1 and B2.
Fig. 11 shows terminal bubble shapes for test cases NN1-c and Fig. 11. The terminal shapes of the bubble for cases NN1-c and NN1-f which are
NN1-f. The computed terminal bubble shapes of these two test compared to the shape obtained by the FEM method in [48].
cases are compared with the terminal bubble shape obtained with
the finest grid (cell size: h ¼ 1=320) in [48]. It can be seen that as 75  150 ! 150  300), the steady state bubble shape calculated
the number of particles used in the simulation increases (i.e. by the multiphase ISPH method converges to the terminal shape
presented in [48].
The time snapshots of the bubble shape for the test case NN2
B3 are shown in Fig. 12 and compared to the level-set results of [49]
and WCSPH results of [28]. The obtained results are in good agree-
ment with both level-set and WCSPH ones.
W As mentioned in Section 2.4, the cubic spline kernel function is
used in the discretization of equations associated with the calcula-
tion of the surface tension force while the quintic spline kernel
function is used for the discretization of the governing equations
and the relevant boundary conditions. The bubble shapes as well
as the particle positions around the bubble interface and the mag-
g nitudes of the color function gradient, j$Cj of case NN1-c at time
t ¼ 3 which are computed using the cubic and quintic kernel func-
tions are shown in sub-Fig. 13a and b, respectively. It should be
noted that j$Cj is the approximation of the 1D Dirac delta function,

and represents the interface thickness. It is important to emphasize

H that the usage of the cubic spline function produces sharper j$Cj
compared to the quintic spline (the maximum value of j$Cj calcu-
lated is 18.98 for the cubic spline while it is 15.4 for the quintic
spline). In another word, using the cubic spline function produces
a thinner interface (refer to the right hand side of these figures
where color indicates the magnitude of the gradient of the color

function) thereby preventing the fluid particles from penetrating

into the bubble domain (as highlighted with dashed circles in
y Fig. 13a and b, and leads to the smoother interface prediction, as
D shown in Fig. 13c and d which shows the close-up view of the
W/2 interface, and consequently more accurate numerical results. Here,
in passing, we should state that for plotting purpose, the interfaces
B4 in Fig. 13c and d are determined through using the color function
x value of 0.5.
The time evolution of the bubble interface as well as the veloc-
Fig. 10. The geometry of bubble rising in viscous fluids. ity field inside the computational domain for the test case NN3 are
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 109

shown in Fig. 14. Initially, the buoyancy force generated by the rdA   udA
ðxc ; yc Þ ¼ RX ; ux ; uy ¼ RX ; ð41Þ
density difference between two fluids accelerates the bubble in X dA X dA
the opposite direction of the gravity, g, thereby inducing circula-
tion inside and around the bubble, which points into the bubble where X is the region occupied by the bubble. Using Eq. 41, the ris-
at the trailing end and pointing out at the leading end. This velocity ing velocity, uy and the vertical position, yc of the bubble are calcu-
field which has a larger magnitude in the core region of the domain lated to be 0.203 and 1.1, respectively, at time t ¼ 3 s for the test
pushes the bubble upward. The liquid jet formed, in the wake of case NN3, which are in good agreement with the values 0.206 and
the rising bubble, close to the trailing end deforms the shape of 1.12 reported in [48].
the bubble interface through overcoming the decelerating surface
tension force and in turn modifying the decelerating surface ten- 3.5. Newtonian bubble rising in viscoelastic liquids
sion force. The bubble will continue to deform until the accelerat-
ing and decelerating forces balance each other. It should be noted For certain combinations of modeling and physical parameter,
that depending on the Reynolds, Re, and Bond, Bo, used in the test the bubble rising in a viscoelastic fluid reveals an interesting flow
cases, the bubble will retain the spherical shape or will break off phenomenon such that in the wake of the rising bubble, the veloc-
into two or more pieces. In this test case, the buoyancy force pre- ity field of fluid particles very close to the trailing end is in the
vails over the surface tension force, and hence, the bubble breaks direction of the motion of the bubble whereas it reverses its direc-
off as demonstrated in Fig. 14. tion at a small distance from the trailing end, which is commonly
The center of mass and mean velocity of a bubble can be calcu- referred to as a negative wake. It is worthy of realizing that this
lated as [48], behavior is rather different for a bubble rising in a Newtonian li-

∗ ∗ ∗
(a) t =2.8 (b) t =3.2 (c) t =3.6
2 L−S Sussman et al.
SPH Grenier et al.
1 SPH Present


(d) t∗=4.0 (e) t∗=4.4 (f) t∗=4.8



(g) t∗=5.2 ∗
(h) t =5.6

(i) t =6.0


−2 −1 0 −2 −1 0 −2 −1 0

Fig. 12. The time evolution of the bubble interface plotted with dimensionless time interval of Dt  ¼ 0:4 and compared to the results presented in [49,28] (t  ¼ t ðg=RÞ0:5 is the
dimensionless time).
110 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

quid in which the fluid velocity behind the bubble is always in the close-up views are presented in Fig. 15(d) and (e). Further decrease
same direction as the bubble’s motion. This phenomenon has at- in the value of b, i.e. b ¼ 0:5 ! b ¼ 0:07 leads to the velocity field
tracted the attention of fluid mechanics scientist and therefore, at a distance slightly further away from the trailing end which is
has been studied both experimentally and numerically using in the opposite direction of the motion of the bubble, as illustrated
mesh-dependent methods (see [50] and references therein). How- in Fig. 15(f) (an enlarged view for Fig. 15(c)). The second interest-
ever, to the our best knowledge, it has not been modeled using ing feature of a bubble rising in a viscoelastic fluid is that the bub-
meshless method. Toward this end, to be able to show that the ble develops a cusp-shaped, or cornered trailing end as shown in
SPH method can also capture this interesting physics, we have also 15(c), which can be attributed to the fact that at small b values,
modeled three bubble rising test cases in viscoelastic fluids for the extensional viscoelastic stresses in general being large in a thin
which modeling parameters are summarized in Table 5. The geom- section at the trailing end of the bubble can surmount the surface
etry of the computational domain is similar to the Newtonian bub- tension hence forming a cusped-like trailing end. The existence of a
ble rising in viscous fluids as sketched in Fig. 10. cusp-like trailing end changes the velocity field in the wake of the
To be able to simulate the problems in question, 120  240 rising bubble, thus leading to the so-called negative wake. As sta-
number of particles are distributed regularly on a rectangular do- ted before, the velocity in the wake of a bubble rising in a Newto-
main with the height and the width of H ¼ 4 m and W ¼ 2 m, cor- nian liquid is in the same direction as the motion of the bubble
respondingly. A circular bubble with an initial diameter of thereby causing an additional drag force opposed to the motion
D ¼ 0:6 m and its center at coordinates of ð1 m; 1 mÞ is located in- of the bubble. On the other hand, the stresses and the drag on
side the computational domain. As can be seen from Table 5, all the the bubble in the viscoelastic fluid acts in way that the bubble with
physical parameters are kept constant for the test cases except b. It a cusp-like trailing end rises at a noticeably higher velocity than
should be also noted that the test case NV3 is equivalent to the that without cusp-like trailing end (see Fig. 15(f)). The cusp-like
bubble rising in a Newtonian base fluid with the viscosity of trailing end becomes more and more obvious as the time
l ¼ 10:25. The no-slip boundary condition is imposed on all progresses.
boundaries. Streamlines inside the computational domain for the cases NV4
Fig. 15 shows the interface positions of the bubble and velocity and NV5 are plotted in Fig. 16. Only one vortex ring is observed for
vectors inside the computational domain for the test cases NV3–5. the case NV4 (similar to the bubble rising in a Newtonian back-
Upon decreasing the b from b ¼ 1 to b ¼ 0:5, one can clearly notice ground fluid). However, upon further decreasing the value of b,
that although both test cases have a similar velocity profile, the which represents the ratio of Newtonian to polymeric contribu-
bubble with b ¼ 0:5 moves up at a slightly higher velocity, which tions to total stress tensor, another vortex ring is observed to have
can be concluded from the positions of the interface for which been formed in the wake of the bubble. The presence of this vortex

0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15

1.5 1.5
(a) (b)

1 1

0.5 0.5
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
x x

1.1 1.1
(c) (d)
1.05 1.05

1 1

0.95 0.95

0.9 0.9

0.85 0.85
0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
x x

Fig. 13. The interface shapes for the case NN1-c obtained using (a) cubic and (b) quintic splines for the calculation of surface tension force. The left hand side of these sub
figures shows the particle distribution whereas the right hand side presents contour plots of the magnitude of the gradient of the color function, j$Cj as well as the interface
as a line. The color-bars correspond to j$Cj. Since j$Cj decays outside the interfacial region, the contours essentially show the thickness of the interfaces. The close-up views of
regions marked by dashed circles in sub-figures (a) and (b) are shown in sub-figures (c) and (d), respectively.
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 111

1.4 1.4
(a) (b)

0.85 0.85

0.3 0.3
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

1.4 1.4
(c) (d)

0.85 0.85

0.3 0.3
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

1.4 1.4
(e) (f)

0.85 0.85

0.3 0.3
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
x x

Fig. 14. The time snapshots of the (left) particle positions (right) velocity vectors at times (a) t ¼ 0:5 s, (b) t ¼ 1:0 s, (c) t ¼ 1:5 s, (d) t ¼ 2:0 s, (e) t ¼ 2:5 s and (f) t ¼ 3:0 s.

Table 5 ative values just below the trailing end of the bubble while it has
Computational parameters of a Newtonian bubble rising in a viscoelastic base fluid. positive values for the test case NV4, thereby further pointing to
Case ql qb ll lb r k1 b ¼ kk21 g Re De Bo the existence of the negative wake. For the test case NV5, one
would observe that the cusp-like trailing end becomes more and
NV3 1 0.1 10.25 1.025 10.0 0.2 1 980 0.5 11.4 8.8
more obvious as the time progresses.
NV4 1 0.1 10.25 1.025 10.0 0.2 0.5 980 0.5 11.4 8.8
NV5 1 0.1 10.25 1.025 10.0 0.2 0.07 980 0.5 11.4 8.8
4. Concluding remarks

An ISPH method for modeling of Newtonian and non-Newto-

ring is owing to the negative wake present in the vicinity of the nian multiphase problems is presented. In this direction, the im-
interface around the trailing end of the bubble. proved ISPH algorithm is incorporated with some important
If the contour plots of velocity components in both x- and y- interface treatment procedures. As practical benchmark problems
directions for test cases NV4 and NV5 were to be plotted, one could with the ability of testing the developing algorithms, we have con-
notice that the scalar values of the velocity components are larger sidered and numerically solved various types of two phase flow
for the test case NV5 than that for NV4. It should be further noted problems; namely, the deformation of a square droplet in a back-
that for the test case NV5, the y-component of the velocity has neg- ground fluid under the influence of surface tension force, single
112 A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113

(a) (b) (c)

3 3 3

2 2 2

1 1 1

0 0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
x x x

(d): enlarged view for (a) (e): enlarged view for (b) (f): enlarged view for (c)
1 1.1 1.3

0.85 0.95 1.15

0.7 0.8 1

0.55 0.65 0.85

0.7 1 1.3 0.7 1 1.3 0.7 1 1.3

Fig. 15. The velocity vectors as well as interface positions for (a) NV3, (b) NV4 and (c) NV5 at t ¼ 0:13 s. The enlarged views for the region around the trailing edge of the
bubble are also provided in sub figures (d–f). It should be noted that the test case NV3 is equivalent to the Newtonian bubble rising in a viscous liquid with l ¼ 10:25. It
should be further pointed out the average bubble rising velocity increases as the b decreases.

(a) (b)
3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
0 1 2 0 1 2
x x

Fig. 16. Streamlines for the Newtonian bubble rising in a viscoelastic fluid for (a) case NV4, and (b) case NV5 at t ¼ 0:13 s. Note that for the case with a smaller value of b, the
negative wake that has been formed at the trailing end of the bubble causes the formation of the new vortex ring at the bottom section of the bubble.

vortex flow, droplet deformation in a viscoelastic Oldroyd-B shear the usage of the cubic spline function produces sharper color gra-
flow, bubble rising in viscous and viscoelastic fluids modeled dient compared to the quintic spline thereby producing a thinner
through the Oldroyd-B constitutive equation. The surface tension interface and in turn preventing the fluid particles from penetrat-
force is included as a volumetric source term in the balance of lin- ing into the bubble domain and leading to a smoother interface
ear momentum equation through making the use of so-called con- prediction and consequently more accurate numerical results in
tinuum surface force (CSF) model. To be able to enhance the comparison to those obtained by the quintic spline function. Here,
quality of the interface tracking, we have suggested the usage of it is valuable to state that even though not tested, other spline
two different types of kernel functions; that is to say, a cubic spline functions with narrower support domains are likely to lead to
kernel is used for the discretization of equations associated with the same observation. Hence, it is concluded the sharper the color
the calculation of the surface tension force whereas a quintic spline gradient at the interface, the better the interface features are. To
kernel is employed for the rest of the equations. It is observed that handle large variations in the transport parameters of constituents
A. Zainali et al. / Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 254 (2013) 99–113 113

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