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Causes and effects of cyberbullying I today’s society.


Introduction -Teha

 Cyber bullying is very well known, especially amongst teenagers from around the globe.
 Cyber bullying typically stands for bullying in the internet but what does it actually mean? Cyber
bullying’s definition is the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending
messages of an intimidating or threatening nature, but how do we actually understand it from our
own perspective? Some people may not admit that they are the victims of cyber bullying, and some
may not realize that they are one of the victims of this cyber crime. There are so many reports being
made to the responsible authorities regarding about cyber bullying and the rates of it keeps
increasing by year. Is there any solution to this unstoppable disease or is it cancer-like?
 (Thesis statement) There are three causes of why cyber bullying happens and also three of their
effects on today’s society.


 (CAUSES) They are also bullies who like to keep themselves anonymous just because they want to
hurt someone without being known.
 They would just keep their anonymity as their main shield from being attacked back.
 The bullies would still feel satisfied as long as they played their part; and got the attention that they
wanted. The reaction of the victim may make them feel happy and satisfied and that is what the
internet is crazy about.
 (EFFECTS) Bullies are hard to trace.
 Cyber crime rates increases higher by time and it is unavoidable.
 Victims would be scared to be online and this may effect on their studies in the future considering
every university requires mobile and technology nowadays.
 Especially to update on assignments or to do research.

Point 2 (Lack of Attention & Care) -Teha

 (CAUSES) One of the few causes why are because they love to look for attention and opportunity.
 Whenever a bully tries to find a way to get to you, you need to stay strong and never give them the
attention that they craved, and eventually they will stop trying.
 Bullies are often known with family problems; they do not find a solution to their problem and they
try to release their tension with the problem that they are facing by threatening other people in order
to satisfy their feelings of control of a situation.
 (EFFECTS) Bullies often want to conquer because they feel as if they are not good enough and by
doing that, they would feel better and they feel powerful.
 However, the aftermath would eat them away. Some bullies may feel responsible after doing what
they do but some may not, that is why they need a counseling session so they would feel a little
guilty of their crimes or treason.
Point 2 (parents who are carefree about their children) -Priyah
 (Causes)Parents busy pursuing wealth.Children are using social media in a improper way.For
example to target or take revenge on others.
 Parents are not advising or correcting children’s mistakes.
 Parents are lack of cyber knowledge so children hide their wrongdoings in social medias.
 Parents should learn about parental control.
 (Effects)Victims are in depression
 Leads to physical effects
 Sneck away from outside world because afraid of harmful comments
 May lead to sickness because not involving in any physical activites
 Cut of communication with people which actually is a life saver key

Conclusion -Priyah
 fundamental problems for online society
 hard to solve
 one of the way childrens are bullied
 parents, law enforcement and educator comes together
 stop cyberbullying
Bullies often want to conquer. Many bullies now feel powerful when they bully others. It is not

unusual to hear people being deceived or slammed with dreadful messages from fake accounts. Of course,

every social media has option for block, but bullies who have too much time to spend on social media often

create fake accounts, and find new ways to bully their targets. However, the aftermath would eat them away.

Some bullies may feel responsible after knowing what they do but some may not. This is why they need a

counseling session, so, they would feel a little guilty of their crimes or treason. The bullies who feel

responsible have some chances to correct their wrongdoings.

One of the major causes of cyberbullying in today’s society is parents who are carefree about their

children. Parents nowadays are very busy in pursuing wealth. Therefore, they are not monitoring children’s

online activities. When parents do not care about the children, children start inappropriately using social

media. For example, they use social media to target and take revenge on someone who they have conflict

with. This is due to they have no one to sit and advise or to correct their mistakes. Parent's ignorance is a

positive predictor of cyberbullying performer. On the other hand, parents also lack internet knowledge.

Children in the current generation are smart enough to cover-up their wrongdoings in social media. One of

the ways they hide their wrong deeds is via clearing browser history. They know there are many other ways

to find out all their wrongdoings yet they strongly believe that parents are not able to discover that they are

misusing social media. Hence, parents should take some initiative to gain knowledge regarding the latest

parental control over children. In conclusion, this is the major reason for children’s wrongdoings. As a

consequence, parents should be aware of children’s online activities. Depression is one of the effects of

cyberbullying on today’s society. A cyberbullying victim loss interest in activities they used to enjoy doing.

They tend to sneck themselves away from the outside world. .Staying indoors without proper exercise may

cause sickness. This leads to body injuries or a severe extent, death. This is because they are afraid that they

will get harmful comments and sarcasm. On the other hand, they forget that via doing like this they are not

giving importance to their health. Next, when cyberbullying occurs, most of the victims will turn off their

mobile phones but actually for teens this is the way to cut communication with people who they are usually

engaged with. Their depression made them forget that having someone to share our grief is crucial and can

be a real lifesaver.
In conclusion, this is the causes, and effects of cyberbullying on today’s society. To sum up,

nowadays, the outcome of cyberbullying is very serious. Cyberbullying causes dangerous problems in

today’s society and brings harm to both, the bully, and the victim. Teenagers have committed suicide after

being involved in cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is a worldwide problem that needs to terminate. Authorities

concerned like Cybersecurity Malaysia (CSM), Royal Malaysian Police and Malaysian Communications,

and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) should pay more attention and proper action should be taken to

restraint. If everyone comes together including educators and parents, then cyberbully can be stopped.

Moreover, we as internet users should be friendly because of the power of words sometimes sharper than


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