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04i SOM: McLaughlin – Figurative Language

Last Names, First Date Sec: A or B
Tan, Cian 3/11/2020 A

1. What is the main point of the article? What is McLaughlin’s opinion regarding figurative
language? Proper language?

The main point of the article is that the figurative language in the poem bring another meaning rather than
the proper meaning. Furthermore, Mclaughlin says that figurative language are words that “involve a contrast
with the proper meaning of a word; its supposed rightful meaning” and he uses the word tiger to make an
analogy with a football player. (McLaughlin, 81). On the other hand, proper language gives one a
straightforward as McLaughlin explains that the simple language of the poem emphasizes on the perception and
innocence of the child as the language consists of “basic sentence patterns and common words, appropriate to
the age and attitude of the speaker”. (McLaughlin, 81). Furthermore, the proper meaning of a word can be
twisted by using figures of speech such as metaphor and personification.

2. What is the purpose of the article?

The purpose of the article is to show that figurative language is the chief feature of eloquence and have
the ability to convince people of the truth of an argument. (McLaughlin, 88). He further states that the
language appeals to the irrational part of their mind as this is the fragment that appeals to the multiple
meanings the text gives. Furthermore, figurative language gives assurance to people that their war of
thinking is the only one that makes sense. One example is advertising as people process the it the same way
as they would in a poem. He uses McDonald’s burgers as an example as they depend on metaphorical
associations. In the article, McLaughlin states that if the company decides to package the burger in a way
that the customers have to assemble it by themselves. They will come up with a catchy slogan and alternate
this with a human, sentimental reunion. Moreover, even if the customers think it is too much, people will
still create their own visual reality which would make the ad affective as it targets people’s emotions.

3. What role do you think language played in the 2008 financial crisis (The Big Short)?

The role language played in the movie is it helped the audience understand the timeline
of the financial crisis and financial terminologies that are complicated. One example is the film
uses a visual aid in helping explain the term tranche through the use of Jenga.

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