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1. Verbal Tenses: a) The Present Tenses: Simple and Continuous

b) The Past Tenses: Simple and Continuous

1. a) The Present Tenses:

Prezentul continuu:

Formă: to be + ... ing

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I am working I am not working Am I working?
You are working you are not working Are you working?
He is working he is not working Is he working?
She is working she is not working Is she working?
It is working It is not working Is it working?
We are working we are not working Are we working?
They are working they are not working Are they working?

Utilizare: Prezentul continuu se foloseşte:

a. pentru acţiuni care se petrec în momentul vorbirii:

Kate is at school. She is reading a book.

Where is Tom? He is having a shower.
b. pentru acţiuni care se petrec în preajma momentului vorbirii, cu today, these days,
this term, at the moment etc.

My boss is away on business this week. He is working in London.

Bob isn’t studying English this year. His teacher is abroad.
c. pentru acţiuni în schimbare sau evoluţie în momentul vorbirii:

Is your English improving?

The traffic is getting worse and worse in our town.
d. cu always pentru a exprima iritarea:

Your children are always running on my lawn.

I can’t stand him. He’s always interrupting me.

De reţinut! Unele verbe nu se folosesc în mod normal la aspectul continuu şi anume:

agree, believe, belong, care, dislike, forgive, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love,

matter, mean, mind, need, posses, prefer, realize, recognize, own, remember, see,
seem, smell, suppose, think ( =opinie ), understand, want, wish.

Prezentul simplu:

Formă: vb. + s/es ( la persoana a III-a singular, afirmativ )

Atenţie! Interogativul şi negativul se formează cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to do


Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I work I do not work Do I work?
You work you do not work Do you work?
We work we do not work Do we work?
They work they do not work Do they work?

He works he does not work Does he work?

She works she does not work Does she work?
It works it does not work Does it work?

Utilizare: Prezentul simplu se foloseşte:

a. pentru activităţi sau obişnuinţe generale sau repetate:

Doctors cure patients.

I drink tea for breakfast.
Christine reads the newspaper before she goes to bed.
b. pentru acţiuni care sunt adevărate în general:

The sun rises in the East.

Birds fly South in winter.
c. pentru a indica o situaţie permanentă:

My parents live in Manchester.

The Pope governs the Catholic Church.
d. mai poate fi folosit şi astfel:

What do you do? = ce ocupaţie ai?

Why don’t we go for a walk? = o sugestie

Amintiţi-vă! Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpuri continue.

Don’t shout! I hear you.

I really like these cookies. Are they home made?

Prezentul continuu se foloseşte pentru referiri la situaţii temporare. Prezentul simplu
se referă la situaţii permanente.

I’m living with some friends these days because I’m redecorating my flat.
John lives in a comfortable flat in the heart of London.

Adverbele de frecvenţă sunt întotdeauna folosite cu prezentul simplu pentru a
sublinia repetarea: usually, always, never, often, sometimes, rarely.

Jack usually plays tennis once a week.

I always have a shower in the morning.
Do you visit them very often?


(a) Translate:

1. El vine la biroul meu în fiecare luni dimineaţa.

2. De obicei îşi ia vacanţa iarna pentru cã îi place sã schieze.
3. Pâinea cu unt întotdeauna cade cu partea cu unt în jos.
4. Dunãrea curge prin mai multe tãri.
5. Aceastã sticlã contine alcool.
6. Rabelais spune: “Pofta vine mâncând.”
7. Lumina cãlãtoreste mult mai rapid ca sunetul.
8. Celor mai multi oameni le displace sã li se dea sfaturi.
9. Nu mã misc de aici pânã când nu te vei întoarce.
10. Faptele vorbesc mult mai tare decât cuvintele.
11. Ai grijã de copil cât voi fi eu plecat.
12. Îl vãd pe George pe stradã. Spune-i sã intre.
13. Deseori îi aud pe vecini certându-se.
14. Dacã îl voi întâlni îi voi spune exact ce gândesc despre el.
15. Plecãm din Londra martea aceasta la 10 si sosim la Paris la 12.

(b) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or continuous:

1. He (live) in London at present but he (hope) to move to Edinburgh next year.

2. I (hope) they (realize) what a difficult job they (undertake).
3. Mike and Jack (spend) a fortnight at the seaside; they (come) back next week.
4. Who (talk) to the pretty girl in the blue dress?
5. The teacher (say) that you usually (make) a lot of mistakes.
6. Anybody who (look) at his passenger while he (drive) is a danger on the roads.
7. Mary (sleep) in the sitting room this week because her bedroom (be) redecorated.

8. The path (lead) to the big house that you (see) on the hill.
9. My son (work) very hard. He (study) for an examination now.
10. “You (hear) anything?” “I (listen) hard but I can’t hear anything.”
11. Daddy (leave) always lighted cigarettes all over the house. We’ll burn down one
12. Mary (leave) for London in a fortnight.
13. They (clean up) the whole town in preparation for the summer.
14. Mr Green always (get up) early.
15. My husband usually (leave) his office at 3.00 p.m., but this month he (work) late.
16. Jack often (go) to the theatre but his wife (not go) very often. He (like) all sorts of
plays. She (prefer) comedies.
17. Professor Brown (be) the perfect linguist. He already (speak) seven foreign
languages. Now he (learn) an eighth.
18. My dog always (bark) at the postman. But look at that! For once, he (be) friendly
to the poor man.
19. They left for London an hour ago. I (wonder) whether they (travel) by airplane or
by train.
20. He (walk) very slowly because the bottle he (carry) (hold) nitro-glycerine and
nitro-glycerine (explode) if it (be) shaken.
21. Let me explain what you have to do. First you...(take) the photos and (sort) them
into categories. Then you (file) them according to subject.
22. The play is set in London in 1890. The action (take) place in Mary’s living-room.
When the curtain (go) up , the hero and heroine(sit) down. They (argue).
23. Dear Jane, sorry to hear about your problem at work. I (think) you (do) the right
thing, but I (doubt) whether your boss really (know) his job from what you (tell) me.
24. The house is a mess because we’ve got the workmen in. The plumber (put) in a
new bath. The electricians (rewire) the system and the carpenter(build) us some new
(Mihai M. Zdrenghea, Anca L. Greere A Practical English Grammar with

1. b) The Past Tenses

Trecutul simplu

Formă: Afirmativul constă din forma a doua a verbului de conjugat, iar interogativul
şi negativul se formează cu did ( forma a doua a verbului to do ).

Reţineţi! Verbele regulate primesc terminaţia – ed la forma a doua iar cele neregulate
au forme distincte.

Infinitiv Trecut simplu regulat

To work worked

To listen listened

Infinitiv Trecut simplu neregulat

To do did
To sleep slept
To eat ate

Afirmativ: She worked here last year.

Interogativ: Did + subiect + infinitiv
Did she work here last year?
Negativ: did not + infinitiv
She did not work here last year.

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I worked I did not work Did I work?

You worked You did not work Did you work?
She worked She did not work Did she work?
It worked It did not work Did it work?
We worked We did not work Did we work?
They worked They did not work Did they work?

Se foloseşte aceeaşi formă pentru toate persoanele.

Utilizare: Se foloseşte pentru:

a. o acţiune finalizată în trecut când este menţionat momentul acţiunii

Tom arrived yesterday.

Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Adverbele de timp sunt: last year/month/week, two years/a month/ago, the day
before yesterday etc.
b. o acţiune terminată sigur în trecut chiar dacă timpul nu e menţionat

Did you ever see John Lennon in person?

The game was won by the other team.
c. o obişnuinţă din trecut

She always woke up early on school days.

Sarah never ate liver as a child.
Adverbele de timp sunt: sometimes, always, often, rarely etc.

d. o naraţiune în trecut

I stopped to buy a newspaper and then sat down on a bench to read it.The news was
depressing. So I got up and took a walk and tried to think happy thoughts.

Trecutul continuu

Formă: forma de trecut a lui to be + vb-ing

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I was working I was not working Was I working?
You were working You were not working Were you working?
She was working She was not working Was she working?
He was working He was not working Was he working?
It was working It was not working Was it working?
We were working We were not working Were we working?

Amintiţi-vă! Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu.

Utilizare: Se foloseşte pentru:

a. acţiuni în curs de desfăşurare la un moment dat din trecut

I was taking a shower when you came in.

They were still fighting when the police arrived.
b. acţiuni în desfăşurare de-a lungul unei perioade definite în trecut

We were playing bridge from 8 p. m. till midnight.

They were quarrelling all last night.
c. acţiuni în desfăşurare în paralel în trecut

She was peeling the potatoes while Andy was cooking the fish.
He was digging in the garden and singing to himself all day.

Observaţi diferenţa de sens creată de folosirea a două timpuri diferite:

When the bell rang, Sam was having breakfast.( Sam was in the middle of
breakfast when the bell rang.)
When the door bell rang, Sam ran to open the door.( Sam ran to the door after
the door bell rang.)


(a) Translate:
1. Am luat prânzul cu Jerry ieri.
2. Albert Einstein a murit pe 18 aprilie 1955.
3. Câti ani a durat ca sã construiascã podul?
4. L-am auzit pe fratele meu cu prietenii lui lucrând toatã ziua ieri.
5. I-am recunoscut fata, dar nu mi-am amintiti numele lui.
6. Când am avut un câine, întotdeauna îl duceam la plimbare seara.
7. Ieri sora mea a lucrat douã ore peste programul ei obisnuit.
8. Îmi pare rãu cã am ajuns prea târziu, dar când sã vin la tine mi-am dat seama ca
nu-ti stiu adresa. Încercam sã gãsesc casa ta când m-am întâlnit cu John care venea si
el la tine si m-a condus.
9. Cât am fost la Londra am lucrat în fiecare zi patru-cinci ore, iar dupã amiaza m-am
plimbat prin parcurile londoneze.
10. Azi am terminat cursul si am început sã lucrez singur la proiect.
11. Acum câteva zile a fost ziua lui Paul. A dat o petrecere reusitã.

(b) Put the verbs in brackets in the simple or continuous past tense according to the
Remember! there are verbs that do not have a continuous form (check ‘the aspect’):

1. He (recognize) the voice that (shout) the loudest as that of the landlady.
2. I (go) to ask you to help me, but you (sleep) so peacefully when I (look) into your
room that I (decide) to do it alone.
3. He (not keep) his appointment with you last Tuesday morning because at the time
of the appointment he (be seen) by the Personnel Manager about a new job.
4. I (walk) down the street some minutes ago when I (see) a curiously dressed man.
He (wear) a sports-coat with black trousers, and one of his shoes (be) black and the
other (be) brown).
5. When they (get married) he (find) a job as a caretaker on a large estate.
6. She (wear) green and it (suit) her very well. Her face (be) mildly pretty but,
because she (cry) and mascara (run) down her cheeks, she (not seem) as attractive as
I (expect).
7. The person who (drive) the car on the day of the accident (no be) insured.
8. While she (wonder) whether to buy the suit or not, someone else (come) and (buy)
9. Ann (work) in the branch where the big robbery (take) place. She actually (work)
there at the time of the raid?
10. While the schoolmaster (write) on the blackboard, he (not notice) that the boys in
the back row (steal out) of the room on tiptoe.
11. He (come) into the room, (light) a cigarette, (open) the window and (lean) out.
12. A traffic warden just (stick) a parking ticket to my windscreen when I (come)
back to the car. I (try) to persuade him to tear it up but he (refuse).

(c) Translate:

Mergeam spre Piccadily când mi-am dat seama cã un bãrbat cu barbã roscatã, pe
care-l vãzusem deja de trei ori în dupã amiaza aceea, mã urmãrea. Ca sã fiu sigur, am
grãbit pasul, am luat-o la dreapta si apoi la stânga si m-am oprit brusc în fata unei
vitrine. Câteva minute mai târziu bãrbatul cu barbã apãru si se opri la altã vitrinã.
Am plecat mai departe. Ori de câte ori mã opream, se oprea si el si ori de câte ori îmi
întorceam capul, el era acolo. Arãta un tip respectabil, purta haine obisnuite si eu mã
întrebam dacã este politist sau detectiv particular.
M-am hotãrât sã încerc sã scap de el. Un autobuz 74 era oprit în statie chiar lângã
mine. Conductorul a coborât si a sunat plecarea; chiar când s-a urnit din loc
autobuzul, am sarit în el. Evident, bãrbatul cu barbã a pierdut autobuzul, dar s-a suit
în alt 74 care venise imediat în statie. Amândouã autobuzele se târau încet pe strada
aglomeratã. De câte ori autobuzele se opreau într-o statie, urmãritorul meu se uita
alert sã vadã dacã nu cumva cobor. În cele din urmã, la un stop, a schimbat
autobuzele si s-a urcat în cel în care eram si eu.
La statia de metrou de pe strada Gloucester, am coborât si mi-am luat bilet de la un
automat. Pe când asteptam pe peronul pentru trenul spre East End, l-am observat pe
urmãritorul meu coborând scãrile. Avea un ziar si, dupã ce ne-am suit în acelasi
vagon, s-a asezat într-un colt si a început sã-l citeascã. Eu citeam reclamele de pe
peretii vagonului. La fiecare statie se uita pe deasupra ziarului sã vadã dacã nu cobor.
A început sã mã irite faptul de a fi urmãrit asa. M-am sculat de la locul meu si
m-am dus si m-am asezat lângã el. L-am întrebat de ce mã urmãreste. La început a
negat cã m-ar urmãri, dar apoi, când l-am amenintat cã-l lovesc, a admis cã mã
urmãrea. Mi-a spus cã e scriitor de romane politiste si încerca sã vadã cât este de
dificil sã urmãresti pe cineva fãrã sã te observe. I-am spus cã nu fusese discret de loc
deoarece l-am vãzut deja în Piccadily si l-am sfãtuit sã-si radã barba rosie dacã nu
dorea ca victima sã-l observe.

(d) Use the simple past and the past continuous

1. When I (hear) his knock I (go) to the door and (open) it, but I (not recognize) him at
first because I (not wear) my glasses.
2. How you (damage) your car so badly?
I (run) into a lamp-post yesterday.
I suppose you (drive) quickly or were not looking where you (go).
3. I often (tell) her that she (spend) too much money but she never (listen).
4. She said she (not like) her present flat and (try) to find another.
5. When I (see) him he (paint) a portrait of his wife.
You (like) it?
He only just (start) when I (see) it, so I couldn’t judge.
6. When I (arrive) at the station Mary (wait) for me. She (wear) a blue dress and
(look) very pretty. As soon as she (see) me she (wave) her umbrella and (shout)

something, but I couldn’t hear what she (say) because everybody (make) such a
7. While he (water) the flowers it (begin) to rain. He (put) up his umbrella and (go)
on watering.
8. When I last (see) her she (hurry) to the station. I (ask) her where she (go) and she
(say) ‘London’, but I don’t think she (speak) the truth because there (not be) any train
at that time.
9. The tailor said’ This suit will be ready on Monday.’ But when I (call) on Monday he
still (work) on it.
(Mihai M. Zdrenghea, Anca L. Greere A Practical English Grammar with

2. Verbal Tenses: The Present Perfect Tense: Simple and Continuous

Prezentul Perfect Simplu

Formă: have/has ( persoana a doua singular) + vb. III ( forma a treia )

( have/has + participiul trecut )

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I have worked I have not worked Have I worked?
You have worked You have not worked Have you worked?
She has worked She has not worked Has she worked?
He has worked He has not worked Has he worked?
It has worked It has not worked Has it worked?
We have worked We have not worked Have we worked?
They have worked They have not worked Have they worked?

Infinitiv Participiu trecut regulat

To work worked
To listen listened

Infinitiv Participiu trecut neregulat

To do done
To write written

Utilizare: Se foloseşte pentru a exprima:

a. o activitate care a început în trecut şi continuă până în prezent

I’ve been off work with the ‘flu since Monday.

Adverbe de timp: for, since, lately, so far, up to now.
b. o activitate încheiată în trecut care are consecinţe vizibile în prezent

I’m afraid he’s left the office. ( = he’s not available to see you )
You’ve ruined the carpet. ( = we’ll have to replace it )
I’ve been to Mexico City. ( = I have some experience of it )
Adverbe de timp: already, yet, ever, never, before.
c. o acţiune care se petrece de-a lungul unei perioade ce nu s-a încheiat

What have you done today?

Medicine has made great progress this century.
Adverbe de timp: today, this morning/afternoon, tonight, recently, in recent weeks,
this month/year etc.

Notă: for : indică durata în timp

since: indică punctul de început în timp

Reţineţi! Prezentul perfect nu se foloseşte niciodată cu adverbe de timp care se referă

la un moment precis trecut: last month, yesterday, two days ago etc. ci numai cu
adverbe de timp relative (nespecifice).

Prezentul perfect continuu

Formă: have/has( pers. a III-a sg.) + been + vb.- ing

Afirmativ Negativ Interogativ

I have been working I have not been working Have I been working?
You have been working You haven’t been working Have you been working?
She has been working She hasn’t been working Has she been working?
He has been working He hasn’t been working Has he been working?
It has been working It hasn’t been working Has it been working?
We have been working We haven’t been working Have we been working?
They have been working They haven’t been working Have they been working?

Utilizare: Se foloseşte pentru:

a. accentuarea procesului acţiunii şi nu a acţiunii în sine

I’ve been waiting for an hour.

She has been practicing since you left for work.
b. sugerarea faptului că acţiunea e temporară şi nu permanentă

He’s been working for the Post Office for the last 2 weeks.
They have been seeing each other for a couple of months now.
c. o acţiune în trecutul recent, încheiată dar cu consecinţe vizibile

“ Your hands are dirty.”
“ Yes, I’ve been cleaning the car.”

Există o categorie de verbe numite verbe statice care nu sunt folosite de regulă la
aspectul continuu. Aceasta deoarece ele descriu o stare mai degrabă decât o
acţiune/eveniment. Iată o listă cuprinzătoare în funcţie de ce exprimă aceste verbe:
- simţuri: see, hear, notice, recognize, feel, sound;
- emoţii: like, dislike, love, hate, want, mind, care, prefer;
- procese ale gândirii: think, feel, know, believe, suppose, understnd, realize,
recognize, remember;
- posesie: own, possess, belong to, have;
- calităţi inerente: be, have, look, appear, seem, sound, smell, taste, measure,
hold, contain, fit, cost;
- altele: owe, matter, trust, deserve, apply, depend (on);


(a) Supply for or since in the following sentences;

1. We haven’t seen Mary ...... (the accident/three months).

2. I haven’t spoken Italian ...... (1985/three years).
3. We have had two breakdowns ...... (we bought the car/last week)
4. John hasn’t paid any bill.... (he moved here/ eighteen months).
5. I’ve asked the same question....(a week/the beginning of the year).
6. Dr. Brown has been here twice ...... (you went out/lunch-time).
7. We haven’t had such a lot of snow here ...... (the war/ten years).
8. The Jamesons have not been away from Crew ...... (they were married/ longer than
they can remember).
9. They have known each other ...... (their childhood/twenty years).
10. It hasn’t rained ...... (a month/March).

(b) Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect:

1. He just (buy) a second-hand car.

2. I always (want) to meet Professor Leech.
3. What (happen) to the keys of the car? I can’t find them anywhere.
4. I (finish) my letters and am going to the post-office.
5. We (be) to Brighton twice this year.
6. We (book) seats for tomorrow; here they are.
7. This parcel (arrive) for you; do you want me to take it into your room.
8. Someone (take) away the umbrella that used to hang behind the door.

9. I (get) a letter from my brother today.
10. Come and see the new furniture I (buy).

(c) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: present perfect or simple past:

1. Peter (buy) a new car last month, but he (not sell) his old car yet, so at the
moment he has two cars.
2. When we (move) into our new flat we (ask) for a telephone. The Telephone
Company (tell) us to wait, but we (wait) a year now and our phone still (not come).
3. When I (be) on my way to the bus stop it (start) to rain. I (run) back home for my
umbrella, but this (make) me late for the office. My boss (look) up as I (enter) the
office. “You (be) late twice this week”, he (growl).
4. Ann (think) the garage (be) empty and (turn) off the lights. “Hey”, (shout) Paul
from under the car. “I’m sorry, Paul”,(say) Ann, “I (not know) you (be) there.”
5. Tom (meet) Paul at lunch time and (say): “I (not see) you at the bus stop this
morning. You (miss) the bus?” “I (not miss) it”, (reply) Paul, “I (not miss) a bus for
years. But this morning George (give) me a lift.”
6. Peter (try) to come in quietly but his mother (hear) him and (call) out:
“Where you (be)? Your supper (be) in the oven for an hour.”
7. “I just (buy) a copy of ‘David Copperfield’. You (read) it?”
“As it happens it is the only one of Dickens’s books that I (not read). I (not even see)
the film.”
8. “You (be) to Scotland?”
“Yes, I (be) there last summer.”
9 “You (be) to the theatre lately?”
“Yes, I (go) to ‘Othello’ last week.”
“You (like) it?”“Yes, but I (not see) well. I (be) right at the back.”
10. “How long you (be) in your present job?”
“I (be) there for six months.”
“And what you (do) before that?”
“Before that I (work) for Jones and Company.
11. I (smoke) forty cigarettes a day till the doctor(warn) me about the dangers.
12. I (work) as a civil servant from 1985 till 1989. For 5 years I (work). Since 1989
(work) in a hospital. It is now 1995. This means I (work) in a hospital for 6 years.

(d) Supply present perfect simple or present perfect continuous forms:

1. We (garden) and we are quite exhausted.

2. Look at the beautiful flowers that John just (bring).
3. You (run)? You seem quite out of breath.
4. What you (do) with the map? It (disappear) from the usual place.
5. What the children (do)? Their room is in a frightful mess!
6. Somebody (use) my fountain-pen again.
7. I (not have) time to work at my translation yet.

8 Someone (smoke) my last cigarette

(e) Translate:

1. Bunica si-a pierdut ochelarii. I-am cãutat toatã dupã-amiaza, dar încã nu i-am gãsit.
2. Sunt moartã de obosealã; am alergat prin magazine toatã ziua.
3. Prînzul nu-i încã gata desi gãtesc de azi dimineatã.
4. Tocmai mi-am amintit cã nu am plãtit încã chiria. Sunt surprins cã proprietarul nu
mi-a telefonat încã sã-mi reaminteascã asta. E prima datã în cinci ani cã am întârziat
cu plata chiriei.
5. M-am uitat prin albumul de fotografii. E plin de fotografii cu oameni cãrora le-am
uitat complet numele. Mã întreb ce s-o fi ales de ei.
6. “- Ce-ai fãcut cu foarfeca? E îndoitã.”
“- Am folosit-o sã fac gãuri în cutia asta de tablã.”
7. “- Deseori m-am întrebat de ce a plecat Bill pe neasteptate de la
“- De fapt, eu tocmai am aflat asa cã îti pot spune secretul.”
8. Tom se uitã la televizor de când a venit de la scoalã. Cred cã ar trebui sã-i spui sã
înceteze cu asta deoarece n-a învãtat nimic luna aceasta.
9. Mary locuieste în acest oras de mai multi ani. A venit aici sã studieze la
Universitate si a rãmas aici dupã ce si-a terminat studiile.
10. Sunt foarte supãratã pe ei. Au sosit de o sãptãmânã din strainãtate si încã nu ne-
au telefonat.
11. Ce i-ai fãcut surorii tale de ai fãcut-o sã plângã?
12. Cineva a fumat în camera aceasta. Este scrum pe podea.

(f) Use the present perfect or present perfect continuous

1. They (pull) down most of the houses in this street, but they (not touch) the old
shop at the corner yet.
2. What you (do) with my typewriter? I can’t find it anywhere. Tom just (go) off with
it. He says he’ll bring it back when he (finish).
3. It was lovely at 11 o’clock, but since then the sky (get) steadily darker and the wind
(rise). The fine spell (come) to an end.
4. I (do) housework all day and (not finish) yet. I (do) mine already.
5. She just (sell) two of her own paintings.
She’s lucky. I (paint) for 5 years and I (not sell) one picture, yet.
6. Someone (use) my umbrella! It’s all wet!
7. That man (stand) at the bus stop for the last half hour. Shall I tell him that the last
bus already (go)?
8. I wonder if anything (happen) to Tom. I (wait) an hour now. He often (keep) me
waiting but he never (be) quite so late as this.


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