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Reading Comprehension

Know Your Blood Pressure Numbers

Do you ofter wonder what your blood pressure numbers mean? Doctors call them systolic
(the top number) and diastolic (the bottom number) blood pressure. Knowing both is
important and could save your life.

What Does the Systolic Blood Pressure Number Mean?

When your heart beats, it squeezes and pushes blood through your arteries to the rest of your
body. This force creates pressure on those blood vessels, and that’s your systolic blood
pressure. A normal systolic pressure is below 120. A reading of 120-129 is elevated. 130 -139
is stage 1 high blood pressure (also called hypertension). 140 or more is stage 2 hypertension.
180 or more is ahypertension crisis. Call 911.

What Does the Diastolic Blood Pressure Number Mean?

The diastolic reading, or the bottom number, is the pressure in the arteries when heartrests
between beats. This is the time when the heart fills with blood and gets oxygen. A normal
diastolic number is lower than 80, you can have elevated blood pressure if the systolic
reading is hypertension. 120 or more is a hypertension crisis. Call 911. Our charts below have
more details.

How Your Numbers Translate

Blood Pressure Stages

Blood pressure Systolic Diastolic

category mmHg (upper #) mmHg (lower
Normal Less than 120 And Less than 80
Elevated 120-129 And Less than 80
High Blood Pressure 130-139 Or 80-89
(Hypertension) stage
High Blood Pressure 140 or higher or 90 or higher
Crisis( Hypertension)
stage 2
Hypertensive crisis Higher than 180 And/or Higher than
(seek emergency 120
How Is Blood Pressure Measured?

A doctor or nurse will measure your blood pressure with a small gauge attached to an
inflatable cuff. It’s simple and painless. The person taking your blood pressure wraps the cuff
around your uppers arm. Some cuffs go around the forearm or wrist, but often they aren’t as
accurate. Your doctor or nurse will use a stethoscope to listen to the blood moving through
your artery. She’II inflate the cuff to a pressure higher than your systolic blood pressure, and
it will tighten around your arm. Then she’II release it. As the cuff deflates, the first sound she
hears through the steshoscope is the systolic blood pressure. It sound like a whosshing noise.
The point where this noise goes away marks the diastolic blood pressure.

In a blood pressure reading, the systolic number always comes first, and then the
diastolic number. For example, your numbers may be”120 over 80” or written 120/80.

1. Vocabulary

English Bahasa Indonesia

1. Blood pressure Numbers 1. Angka tekanan darah
2. Systolic (the top number) 2. Sistolik (angka teratas)
3. Distolic (the bottom number) 3. Distolik (angka bawah)
4. Hearth beats 4. Detak jantung
5. Squeezes 5. Meremas
6. Pushes blood 6. Mendorong darah
7. Arteries 7. Arteri
8. Blood vessels 8. Pembuluh darah
9. Systolic pressure 9. Tekanan sistolik
10. Elevated 10. Tinggi
11. Hypertension 11. Hipertensi
12. Hypertensive crisis 12. Krisis hipertensi
13. Bottom number 13. Angka bawah
14. Rests between beats 14. Teletak di antara ketukan
15. Inflatable cuff painless 15. Manset inflateble tanpa rasa sakit
16. Wraps the cuff around 16. Membungkus manset di sekitar
17. Upper armforearm or wrist 17. Lengan atas atau pergelangan
tangan atas
18. Stethoscope 18. Stetoskop
19. Blood moving 19. Bergerak darah
20. Through your Artery 20. Melalui arteri
21. Inflate 21. Memompa
22. Resease 22. Kembali
23. Deflates 23. Mengempiskan
24. Measure 24. Mengukur
25. Blood pressure 25. Tekanan darah
26. A small gauge 26. Pengukuran kecil
2. A conversation between a nurse with a patient (percakapan antara perawat
dengan pasien)

Nurse : Good afternoon, Ms Neneng. My name ise nurse lusi and I’ii be
looking after you this afternoon

Patient : Hello Nurse lusi. Please call me Neneng.

Nurse : Ok then? How are you feeling today, Neneng?

Patient : I don’t feel quite good actually. I had a bad night’s sleep and my back
is really aching

Nurse : I’m very sorry to hear that. I’ii see if i can do anything about your sore
back (later)

Nurse : There you go, Neneng. I hope you’re feeling more comfortable now

Patient : Thanks Nurse Lusi. I feel much better

Nurse : That’s great. I need to go now, but if you need me at all just use the
buzzer. See you soon

Patient : Thanks ? Bye

3. Writing
Part one : Translate the following sentences into communicative english
1. Saya akan menjemputmu jika dokter memintamu pulang.
 I will pick you up if the doctor asks you go home
2. Pasien itu akan marah jika anda tidak merawatnya sepenuh hati.
 That patient will get angry if you don’t treat wholeheartedly
3. Saya bisa mengukur tekanan darah anda asalkan ada stetoskopnya
 I can measure your blood pressure as long as you stethoscope
4. Anda akan mengalami tekanan darah tinggi jika anda mengonsumsi makan
berlemak berlebihan.
 You will experience high blood pressure if you eat too much fatty food
5. Tekana darah anda akan turun asalkan anda tidak merokok dan minum-minuman
 Your blood pressure will drop as long as you don’t smoke and drink
alcoholic beverages
6. Anda akan segera sembuh jika anda minum obatnya secara teratur.
 You will get better soon if you take the medicine regularly
7. Tekan tombolnya jika anda membutuhkan bantuan dari perawat
 Press the button if you need help from a nurse
8. Gulungkan lengan bajumu jika saya memeriksa tekanan darahmu
 Roll your sleeves if i check your blood pressure
9. Saya akan memberikan kamu berobat dirumah jika keadaan membaik.
 I will give you treatment at home if things improve
10. Anda bisa menelpon saya bila obatnya habis.
 You can call me when the medicine runs out
4. Part two: Complete the following if clause or sentences to show present and
future conditional sentences. Use your own words.
1. If you take your medicine regularly,
2. If you have a headache,
3. If the nurse treats the patient well,
4. I will come to your room,
5. Doctor Tomy will prescribe you medicine,
6. If nurse Lusia is here,
7. If you have a stomachache,
8. If you have high blood pressure,
9. If you are noisy,
10. You can go home.

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