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According to WHO 2019, Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic

workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Experiencing burnout due to work
stress result to decrease of professional efficacy, exhaustion from work and increase negative
thought on one’s work.
Depression is a common and serious medical illness which negatively affect one’s feeling,
thinking, and actions. It causes feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities once enjoyed.
Suicide is the act of killing oneself cause of different mental disorders.
Reflecting on Burnout, depression and suicide as a physician. These three are interconnected to
each other. In a hospital setup, most of the healthcare professionals’ especial physician cannot
avoid experiencing or encountering burnout due to lot of workloads that cause stress. Because
of this stress physician affects their performance at their duty which can affect the healthcare
team and their services to their patients. Experiencing burnouts decreases quality of patient
care and interactions of physicians to their colleagues as one healthcare team. This is burnout
can lead to depression which negatively affect physicians which results to feeling of sadness
and alone. Having a depression makes oneself feel hopeless that a person always see the
negative result of his action at work or at home and blame himself of the bad results. Blaming
of not always being not successful in performing duty at work make oneself not enjoying his
work and serving to patients with quality care. Because all negative thought of a person such as
being not successful, alone, hopeless, and down. As time pass by these thoughts of the person
accumulate which can lead to a more serious effect which is suicidal thoughts. A person with
suicidal thought always feel that their life her on earth is a trash that has no value. They feel
hopeless that no one cares for them that lead to killing of oneself.
Burnout, depression and suicide can be avoided by thinking positive which can greatly help a
person especial a physician. Connecting it to a work of physician by thinking positive, may
lessen work load by asking for help to other member of the healthcare team or colleagues and
these result to good team work, good quality of patient care and all of the members of the
healthcare team are will be happy and enjoy their work. Due to positive thinking, quality of
healthcare can be increase and performance can be enhance and healthcare professionals
especially physicians can perform their duty in a more enjoyable way like a hobby. Lastly,
enjoying one’s life with much fun and happiness is worth watching in the future.

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