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Aneng Rose W (120410630)




1.1. Background of the Study

People have a basic, ethical intuition that certain behaviors are wrong because

they are unnatural. We perceive intuitively that the natural sex partner of a human

is another human, not an animal. The same reasoning applies to the case of

homosexual behavior. The natural sex partner for a man is a woman, and the

natural sex partner for a woman is a man. Thus, people have the corresponding

intuition concerning homosexuality that they do about bestiality—that it is wrong

because it is unnatural.

In many cultures, homosexual people are frequently subject to prejudice and

discrimination. Like many other minority groups that are the objects of prejudice,

they are also subject to stereotyping which further add to marginalization. The

prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping are all likely tied to forms of

homophobia and heterosexism, which is negative attitudes, bias, and

discrimination in favor of opposite-sex sexuality and relationships. Heterosexism

can include the presumption that everyone is heterosexual or that opposite-sex

attractions and relationships are the norm and therefore superior.

A Homosexual is a person has a tendency emotionally and sexually toward

the same sex. As Dede Oetomo said in his book: "People in ancient Greece, the

civilization are the root of Western civilization up to now that homosexual

relationship has been considered ideal. The male soldier is expected by the

community at that time to have a male friend of the young, who loved and was

faithful in his practice, exercise, race, and of course make” (Oetomo, 2003).

Etymologically, the word homosexual is a Greek and Latin hybrid with homos

(sometimes confused with an unrelated Latin word for "man", as in Homo

sapiens) deriving from the Greek word for same, thus connoting sexual acts and

affections between members of the same sex.

The term “Homosexuality” was coined in 1869 by a Swiss doctor, Karoly

Maria Benkret, was not used widely in English until the 1890s, when it was

adopted by the sexologist Havelock Ellis. It has continued to have a certain

currency but, because of its unshakeable association with the pathologising

discourse medicine it’s seldom used nowadays as a term of self identification.

(Jagose, 1996)

The gay movement precede from a result of the incident which is very

disagreeable and we call this as a Stonewall. Gay movement in the northern

United States beginning in the year 1969, when a group of police raid them in a

bar called Stonewall, but be opposed by the gay that is there, locked inside the bar

and burned.

Another important issue in the term homosexuality is about the Homophobia..

Homophobia is a fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexual

people. That they hold the position they do because they are "afraid" of

homosexuals. Sometimes the charge is even made that these same people are

perhaps homosexuals themselves and are overcompensating to hide this fact, even
from them, by judging other homosexuals. Homophobia it is often used

collectively with other terms denoting bigotry and discrimination. Homophobia as

a prejudice carried by individuals against homosexual manifestations in

themselves and others. It causes severe discomfort with or disapproval of one's

own sexual orientation.

Homophobia is such like a simple issue. They’re the ones who hurl

discriminate in housing or employment. The homophobia argument completely

misses the point. Even if a person were afraid of homosexuals, that would not

diminish his arguments against their behavior. An AIDS issue in the gay study is

important because this disease is often used as a political tool to put in a position

that gay prejudice. And in some of the things that the attack on gay health issues

is quite powerful, because people are usually easy to justify the concern of serious

diseases such as AIDS is.

Label of homophobia is sometimes applied to conscious or unconscious

behaviors which an observer feels the need to promote or conform to the

expectations of heteronormativity. This can include extreme repression and denial

coupled with forced outward displays of heteronormativity behavior for the

purpose of appearing or attempting to feel "normal" or "accepted". This might

also include less overt behavior like making assumptions about the gender of a

person's romantic partner, or about gender roles. Homophobia label yang kadang-

kadang diterapkan sadar atau bawah sadar perilaku seorang pengamat yang

merasa perlu untuk mempromosikan diri atau dengan harapan heteronormativity.

According to Annamarie Jagose book Queer Theory ,Although

heterosexuality is too often representated as unremarkable, it is significant that

‘what distinguishes the emergence “of the homosexual” during the nineteenth

century is that fact that at this became inseparable from and literally

incomprehensible without its “normal” twin, “the heterosexual” (Jagose, 1996).

The term queer consist on the subject of gay or lesbian issue surrounding us. The

term queer came from the German language and it means bent, aslant, and

mistake. Another term in homosexual is about term

The term homosexuality has been used for years. Homosexual is a deviant

sex orientation on the society perception. Homosexual people are frequently

subject to prejudice and discrimination. Homosexuals are minorities that are

objects of prejudice. They are also subject to stereotyping which further add to

marginalization. Since the seventeenth century, homosexuality has been target of

condemnation and discriminatory laws, public policies, social custom, and

cultural belief. Some argue that homosexuality itself is the sin. Jewish, Christian,

and Muslim cultures have generally viewed it as a sinful. Some countries,

cultures, and religious groups however continue to view homosexuality as

deviant. They form their own sex orientation to cluster as a social justification.

This causes society’s stigma toward homosexuality. They feel their sex

orientation are true and normal, in the other hand the society says it is abnormal.

As Louis Crompton said in his book: Although homosexuality was largely

ignored in England until the seventeenth century, burnings continued in France.

Still, several monarchs and many aristocrats were perceived by their

contemporaries as having same-sex relationships, including Kings Henry III and

Louis XIII, Philippe d'Orleans, and four of Louis XIV's generals. As for England,

Crompton argues, against many biographers, that James I and William of Orange

had male favorites. After William's reign, however, toleration of homosexuality

decreased in England and hangings became more and more frequent. Meanwhile,

French Enlightenment thinkers began to question state enforcement of church-

based morality and whether “victimless” crimes should be prosecuted at all

(Crompton, 2003)

Many actions have been done to show homosexual existences in society.

Even though nowadays people still do not consider their assistances. People think

only heterosexual people are considered to be right and outside of that is

considered as the deviance of religion values and natural law. In the other side

West Countries have legalized the homosexual relationship, but it is still

considered as a disease of deviant.

Big attention to development of the homosexual can be seen from the

studies of gay culture in all forms of film, novels, works of fiction, music, works

of art, and other forms of culture. Based on the homosexual development above

the writer is interested in the movie “Brokeback Mountain”, which take

homosexuality as the theme, this film is interesting to be analyzed because of the

setting and also the two main characters which are used in this movie.

“Brokeback Mountain” is an Academy AwarAcademy Award-winning

2005 romantic drama film that depicts the relationship between two men in the

American West from 1963 to 1983.

This was directed by Ang Lee. Ang Lee was born in 1954; Taiwanese

director and writer, whose films often focus on the conflicting personal

relationships that develop among people, especially families and different

generations. Lee has made films in both Chinese and English. (Brokeback


There are two main characters in this movie, they are Ennis Del Mar and

Jack Twist. Jack has tendency as a homosexual, while Ennis looks more

masculine than Jack and Ennis tries to deny his condition and also hide his

homosexual identity, Ennis character is shown in many violent fights. Drinking,

smoking, adulterous acts and divorce run concurrently. While concealing their

homosexuality, Ennis and Jack try to solve their problem, whether they can accept

it or not. They do not want people around them to know what they are actually

dealing with because they do not think they will be helpful. They believe that

homosexuality is something senseless in the society.

This depicts the character of American cowboy, who has masculine and

heroism characters. Cowboy’s life is a world full of harm, which the strongest,

oppressed the weakness and each of them always bring many types of gun when

they quarrel each other. But it gives difference situation. As we knew a cowboy is

a gentleman, masculine but the fact in this movie, about their love story.

Otherwise, many women are being adored them, but the cowboy’s characters are

prefer choosing fall in love to the same sex.

1.2. Statement of the problem

After watching the film and also based on background of the study above the

writer formulate the problems to be discussed as below:

1. How is homophobia represented in this film?

2. How the main charcters negotiate homophobia in their society?

1.3. Objective of the Study

Concerning the problems above, the writer comes to the aim of the discussion:

1. Comparing the factors what (social, culture or economic) that trigger the

emergence heteronormativity and homophobia in the film.

2. Comparing the efforts of negotiations conducted figures gay and

transgender or transsexual in the film is to fight homophobia and


1.4. Significant of the Study

Since the focus in the two main of the characters in the movie, it’s necessary to

observe the anything which has something to do with the characters.

Tread on from the purpose of study above, the writer research is expected to have

value of benefit such as:

a. To give knowledge and contribution especially for academic purpose.

b. To know about certain situation, the conflict through the struggles within

and how the personality changes.

c. This research also hoped to describe to the society dominant concept a

movie to representation of the reality.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

This thesis focuses on the analysis of the main character’s representation

named Jack Twist and Ennis Del Mar related to their homosexuality identity and

its impact toward personality development in the society and family.

1.6. Theoretical Background

In order to provide a clear understanding of the achievement of the

analysis, the writer will discuss it further in this chapter. The writer focuses on the

queer theory, according to Tyson in his book Critical Theory Today,” in

interpreting a literary work, the use of term queer can be seen as an attempt to

reappropiate the word from what has been its homophobic usage in order to

demonstrate that heterosexists shouldn’t be allowed to define gay and lesbian

experience. (Tyson, 336)

1.7. Method of the Study

This thesis uses the qualitative method. In working of this thesis the writer

make research by collecting any data and information from books, article,

encyclopedias and other printed materials in some libraries which are needed to

support the analysis. And other information from internet is used as well. The

writer also gets information from particular book which are dealing with the

approach and theories that will be applied to the analysis.

1.8. Definition of Key Term

Homosexual : somebody who is sexually attracted to members of his or

her own.
Homosexuality : Homosexuality is a sexual attraction primarily to members

of the same sex.

Homophobia : Homophia is an irrational fear of homosexuality or

homosexuals. Homophobia is leads to discrimination.

Stereotype : A generalize perception of first impression: behaviours

presumed by a group of people judging with the criticizing

ones outer appereance to be associated with another specific


Heteronormativity : is a term used to refer to the institutionalization of

heterosexuality in a society.



Theory and approaches in analyzing the literature work are somehow

important to get the analysis more focus and deeper so that the reader will get

deeper understanding of the work under the analysis. The aim of this thesis is to

discuss the construction of homophobia represented and the society negotiates in

this film. Dealing with the subject matter lies within the story, the theory that is

used to be analyzed is queer proposed Annamarie Jagose.

To understand the problem in this study, we need to know why queer is

important to construct and transform ideology. Many people believe that queer

theory is only about homosexual representation in literature, but it explores the

category of gender as sexual orientation and also to answer about question of

lesbian gay identity. As Annamarie Jagose said in her book:

“Queer is a product of specific cultural and theoretical pressures

which increasingly structured debates (both within and outside the

academy) about question and lesbian identity. (Jagose 76).“Brokeback

Mountain” film is part of queer film which presents some of racial

homophobia which will be discussed in this thesis.

2.1.1 Queer Theory proposed by Annamarie Jagose

The term "queer theory" was introduced in 1990, with Eve Sedgwick,

Judith Butler, and Diana Fuss (all largely following the work of Michel Foucault)

being among its foundational proponents. The existence of queer language and
terms is believed to have evolved from the imposing of structures and labels from

an external mainstream culture and created by the 'queer society' as a means of

communication. Queer theory is analyzing about codes in a text and social

practice to proof and to change with the social condition and the new sex, more

than the dualities their heterosexuality or their homosexuality, and celebrate social


The process of ascribing new, positive meaning to the word “

queer,“ though, has to be seen within the context of the ever-changing

terminology that same-sex sexual communities use to describe themselves.

In general terms, we have moved from the “homosexuals“ of the first half

of the twentieth century to a small number of “homophiles“ in the 1950s:

from “gay liberation“ in the early seventies to the lesbian and gay

movements of the mid-eighties and early nineties to contemporary lesbian,

gay, bisexual, and transgender or “queer“ activism. These changes reflect

the dynamic nature of both sexuality and the political organizing that has

developed around it. (Introduction to Queer Studies. Ed. Brett Beemyn and

Mickey Eliason 5)

Queer theory can function as a noun, an adjective or a verb, but in

each case is defined against the ‘normal’ or normalising. Queer theory is

not a singular or systematic conceptual or method ological framework, but

a collection of intellectual engagements with the relations between sex,

gender and sexual desire (Spargo 8).

Broadly speaking, queer describes those gestures or analytical models

which dramatise incoherences in the allegedly stable relations between

chromosomal sex, gender and sexual desire. Resisting that model of

stability—which claims heterosexuality as its origin, when it is more

properly its effects—queer focuses on mismatches between sex, gender

and desire.

Queer theory is a set of ideas based around the idea that identities are not

fixed and do not determine who we are. It suggests that it is meaningless to talk in

general about 'women' or any other group, as identities consist of so many

elements that to assume that people can be seen collectively on the basis of one

shared characteristic is wrong. Indeed, it proposes that we deliberately challenge

all notions of fixed identity, in varied and non-predictable ways. It is a mistake to

think that queer theory is another name for lesbian and gay studies. They're

different. Queer theory has something to say to lesbian and gay studies -- and also

to a bunch of other areas of sociology and cultural theory.

According to Annamarie Jagose in her book “Queer Theory”: More

recently, in the 1960’, liberationists made a strategic break with ‘homosexuality’

by annexing the word ‘gay’, thus redeploying a nineteenth-century slang term

which had formerly described woman of dubious moral. “Gay’ was mobilized as a

specifically political counter to that binarised and hirarchised sexual

categorization which classifies homosexuality as a deviant from privileged and

naturalised heterosexuality. Much conservative not to mention linguistically

naïve-criticism was leveled at this appropriation on the grounds that an ‘innocent’

word was being ‘prevented’ from its proper usage. (Jagose 73)

‘Queer’ is not simply the latest example in a series of words that describe

constitute same sex desire transhistorically but rather a consequence of the

constructionist problematising of any allegedly universal term. Noting in the

recent discursive proliferation of lesbian and gay studies a certain hesitancy or

self-consciousness about what terms to use in which circumstances, James

Davidson (1994:12) writes: ‘Queer’ is in fact the most common solution to this

modern crisis of utterance, a word so well- travelled it is equally at home in 19th

century drawing-rooms, accommodating itself to whispered insinuation, and on

the streets of the nineties, where it rises its profile to that of an empowering

slogan’. In its erratic claim to various historic periods, Davidson argues that queer

‘produces nothing but confusion’ (ibid). (Jagose 74-75)

Queer theory looks at destabilizing and shifting the boundaries of these

cultural constructions. As in Foucault’s analysis in Annamarie Jagose book: ‘In

Foucault’s analysis; marginalized sexual identities are not simply victims of the

operation of power. On the contrary, they are produced by those same operations:

‘for two centuries now, the discourse on sex has been multiplied rather than

rarefied: and if it has carried with it taboos and prohibitions, it has also, in a more

fundamental way, ensured the solidifications, it has also, in a more fundamental

way, ensured the solidification and implantation of an entire sexual mosaic’

(Foucault, 1981:53)’. (Jagose 80)

There are two main terms in the modern homosexuality; there are
a. “Closet”

b. “Coming out”.

“Closet” term is used as metaphor to tell about private area or subculture where a

person could stay by honesty, complete, with whole real identity. “Closet” which

means concealing one's orientation and identity. Others who are "in the “closet"

have no heterosexual contact and simply want to protect them from discrimination

or rejection by not revealing their sexual orientation or attractions. Judith Butler

(1991) criticizes the in/out metaphor as creating a binary opposition which

pretends that the closet is dark, marginal, and false and that being out in the "light

of illumination" reveals a true (or essential) identity. Diana Fuss (1991) explains,

"the problem of course with the inside/outside that such polemics

disguise the fact that most of us are both inside and outside at the same time."

While the idea of coming out was introduced in 1869 by the German

homosexual rights advocate Karl Heinrich Ulrichs as a means of emancipation.

Claiming that invisibility was a major obstacle toward changing public opinion,

he urged homosexuals themselves to come out. “Coming out” is used to express

the dramatic thing that comes from ‘coming’ and has the characteristic private or

public. The used of “closet” and “coming out” has the meaning politically. The

narration “coming out of the closet” creates discrimination between the individual

who inside and who outside. The first category has given a meaning as people

who drive their live with counterfeit, unhappy, and oppressed by the social live.
Then, “closet” has a meaning to accommodation strategy and stronghold which is

producing to face heterosexual society norms around them.

This theory is used to analyze the internal aspects of the movie. The

characters and setting. This is in order to start the analysis which is focused on the

main characters Jack twist and Ennis Del mar.

2.1.2 Homophobia

Homophobia refers to fear and hatred of homosexuals and to anti-

homosexual beliefs and prejudices. Typical homophobic beliefs include the idea

that homosexuality is unnatural, sick, perverse or dangerous, while

heterosexuality is natural and normal.

Homophobia (from Greek homós: one and the same; phóbos: fear, phobia)

is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality,

homosexuals, or individuals perceived as homosexual. Some definitions lack the

"irrational" component. Homophobia was first used with its modern meaning in

1972, although it was coined in the mid-1950s. It has been criticized as a

pejorative against those with differing value positions, with several researchers

proposing alternative words to describe prejudice and discrimination against gays

and lesbians. The term "internalized homophobia" is used to describe a prejudice

against one's own homosexuality.

Homophobia is a devastating and insidious form of oppression that is

pervasive throughout society. Homophobic people should not be blamed for their
attitudes; instead, we must all accept responsibility for overcoming homophobia

in ourselves and in others.

In A Guide to Leading Introductory Workshops on Homophobia, Cooper

Thompson divides homophobia into four categories, the firs is Personal

Homophobia: Prejudice. The belief that lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are

sinful, immoral, sick, inferior to heterosexuals, or incomplete men and women.

Prejudice toward any group is learned behavior; people have to be taught to be

prejudiced. The second is Interpersonal Homophobia: The fear, dislike, or hatred

of people believed to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual. This hatred or dislike may be

expressed by name-calling, verbal and physical harassment, and individual acts of

discrimination. The third is Institutional Homophobia: Refers to the many ways in

which government, businesses, churches, and other institutions and organizations

discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation. These organizations

and institutions set policies, allocate resources, and maintain unwritten standards

for the behavior of their members in ways that discriminate. And the last category

is Cultural Homophobia: Refers to social standards and norms which dictate that

being heterosexual is better or more moral than being lesbian or gay, and that

everyone is heterosexual or should be. While these standards are not written down

as such, they are spelled out each day in television shows and media

advertisements where virtually every character is heterosexual and every

relationship involves a female and a male; or in the assumption made by most

adults in social situations that all “normal” children will eventually be attracted to

and marry a person of the other sex.

Homophobia and heterosexism clearly oppress lesbians, gay males, and

bisexual females and males through individual acts of verbal and physical

harassment and collective actions which results in invisibility, invalidation, and

discrimination. Homophobia also destroys families when parents discover that one

of their children is lesbian, gay, or bisexual.

Homophobia spends their each day in television shows and print

advertisements where virtually every character is heterosexual, every erotic

relationship involves a female and a male, and every "normal" child is presumed

to be attracted to and will eventually marry someone of the other sex. In the few

cases where lesbians, gays, or bisexual are portrayed, they are usually unhappy,

stereotyped, engaged in self-destructive behaviors, or ambivalent about their

sexual orientation.

2.1.2 Heteronormativity

Heteronormativity is a term describing the marginalization of non

heterosexual lifestyles and the view that heterosexuality is the normal sexual

orientation. Instances of this include the idea that people fall into two distinct and

complementary categories (male and female), that sexual and marital relations are

normal only when between people of different sexes, and that each sex has certain

natural roles in life. In a heteronormative society, men and women are interpreted

to be natural complements, socially as well as biologically, and especially when it

comes to reproduction. Woman and men are necessary for procreation, therefore

male/female coupling is assumed to be the norm.

Heteronormativity is a term used to refer to the institutionalization of

heterosexuality in a society. Heteronormativit is belief that there are only two

sexes- male and female, and that a certain set of behaviors from one’s sex. It is a

view of the world which constructs binaries: man or woman, gay or lesbian sets

them in opposition to each other. Heterosexuality is taken to be the only natural

and correct form of sexuality, “natural, universal, and monolithic,” as Chrys

Ingraham writes. “It causes people to not only never question heterosexuality and

gender roles, but to take them for granted. Heteronormativity is represented in

societal attitudes, in the family, in institutions and the law, placing everything else

in the uninhabitable zone.” (ingraham 203)

Heteronormativity is everywhere we have women and men who always

judge the homosexuality, but few spaces for those who consider themselves

transgendered. In many countries, the institutions of marriage allow for only

opposite-sex couples. Sexist stereotypes perpetuate the idea that there is a binary

relationship between men and women. Intersex people are usually assigned one

sex or the other not long after they are born, and homosexuals were in the past

treated as people with mental problems. Even the use of terms like “straight” to

assert that one is heterosexual enforces heteronormativity, because it props up the

natural/deviant binary.

Heteronormativity refers to: “the institutions, structures of understanding,

and practical orientation that make heterosexuality not only coherent—that is,

organised as a sexuality—but also privileged” (565, note 2) Lauren Berlant and

Michael Warner: “Sex in Public”



The analysis of the movie Brokeback Mountain will be divided into two

subchapters. In the first subchapter, the topic that will be discussed is the tendency

of homosexuality reflected in the main characters of the movie, Jack twist and

Enis del Mar. the second subchapter will be focused on how the main character’s

family and society threats them. In this subchapter also, the form of homophobia

happened to the characters and how they deal with it, as seen in the movie, will be

discussed further.

3.1. The Homosexual Identity of The Main Characters

Their story begins in Wyoming in 1963, when Ennis and Jack are about 19

years old and get a job tending sheep on a mountainside, and get a job tending

sheep on a mountainside. Ennis is a boy of so few words he can barely open his

mouth to release them; he learned to be guarded and fearful long before he knew

what he feared. Jack, who has done some rodeo riding, is a little more outgoing.

Jack, from the beginning, sees something in Ennis which interests him. Ennis, not

much of a talker, finally opens up and discusses with Jack his innermost troubles,

which sets the stage for what happens next.

Brokeback Mountain is the story of two incredibly selfish cowboys who

go off into the mountains one summer to tend sheep. During their experience in

the mountains, they fall madly in lust with one another. They make an agreement
that their lives will go back to normal when they get back home and assure one

another they are not “queer.” Both go back home, and over time they each marry

two absolutely wonderful women. They begin to start their lives and things are as

normal and as loving as can be, until one day, Jack decides to come for a visit.

Ennis’ wife immediately notices Jack and Ennis making out, and her spirit is

crushed in ways no one could imagine. Through the years, she turns a blind eye to

the fact that her husband is gay and suffers with a truly broken heart. Jack has

become a successful sales person for his wife’s father’s company and appears to

have a blossoming marriage. Through the years, both Jack and Ennis neglect their

wives for the sake of meeting each other at Brokeback Mountain where they really

do nothing but look at the stars and have sex. These rendezvous are supposed to

be in secret and occur once every 3 or 4 months. Both Jack and Ennis destroy

their marriages by completely neglecting their families and by putting one another

first, all of which is portrayed as acceptable.

When the first time they met in a sheepherding, Jack was staring at Ennis

to get his attention. Jack’s way to stare at him by looking from his review mirror

is one of the guy’s tricks to get the target. But at that time Ennis just stay calm on

his seat and do not pay attention to Jack.

Another homosexual identity showed in the movie when he became a

partner to harsh the sheep in behind the Brokeback Mountain that showed us that

Jack always keep his appearance in front of Ennis, for the example he always

keep his body clean and also razor his mustache and also his beard every morning.

After some days have passed on the mountain and some whiskey has been drunk,
they suddenly and almost violently have sex.

The following morning, a guilty-eyed Ennis announces,

“This here was a one shot thing, ya know I ain’t queer!”

Jack puffs himself up and declares,

“Me either!”

This is a picture when they were doing above conversation, that both of

them tried to deny them self as a homosexual. And this picture include to the

“closet” term.

We also could get the point from their conversations that showed us their

homosexual identity.

"This is a one-shot thing we got going on here," Ennis says the

next day.

Jack agrees.

But it's not. When the summer is over, they part laconically: “I

guess I’ll see you around, huh?

And from this picture also we knew that they did not hide heir homosexual

identity. And it’s showed us the “closet” term

”Their boss tells Jack he doesn't want him back next summer: "You guys sure

found a way to make the time pass up there. You weren't getting paid to let the

dogs guard the sheep while you stemmed the rose."

Some years pass. Both men get married. Then Jack goes to visit Ennis in

Wyoming, and the undiminished urgency of their passion stuns them. Their lives
settle down into a routine, punctuated less often than Jack would like by "fishing

trips." Ennis' wife, who has seen them kissing, says nothing about it for a long

time. But she notices there are never any fish.

From the picture above this was the example of “coming out” term that

they tried concealing their homosexuality after living the Brokeback mountain.

3.2 Pandangan dan repesifitas kelarga dan masyarakat atas hubungan homosexual

antara jack dan enist dalam serta penyembunyian sebagai jalan negosiasi mereka

terhadap masyarakat.

Pandangan masyarakat serta bentuk diskriminasi terhadap homosexual di

dunia adalah beragam menurut periode dan tempatnya. Banyak diantara agama-

agama dan kelompok masyarakat yang telah menempatkan mereka sebagai

korban dari ketidak adilan dengan memakai dalil kitab suci sebagai pembenaran

atas penindasan ini (Crompton 539)

Homosexual selalu dianggap kurang berharga dari pada orang

heterosexual. Persepsi ini adalah dasar heteronormativity. Karena

keunggulannya , heteronormativity menciptakan homophobia. Hal ini umumnya

digunakan untuk merujuk kepada diskriminasi yang dilembagakan ( diskriminasi

yang dibangun kedalam hokum budaya dan adat) terhadap homosexualitas.

Asumsi bahwa homosexual adalah menyimpang merupakan respon negative dari

heteronormativity. Homophobia adalah salah satu bentuk heteronormativity yang

dialami oleh kaum homosexual. Dari homophobia ini yang kemudian menjadi

alasan utama dari represifitas yang muncul atas kaum homosexual merupakan

hasil dari heteronormativity yang merupakan kekuatan dominan yang ada

dimasyarakat itu (Mason 120)

Represi sebagai sebuah tidakan yang dilakukan oleh yang

mayoritas yakni masyarakat heterosexual terhadap minoritas

homosexual sebagai bentuk homphobia mereka. Wujud represi ini

bermacam-macam, tetapi pada dasarnya adalah refers to an unjust

form of domination or subordination that operates by pressing

down upon groups of individuals in a way that inflicts harm or

unwelcome restrictions. (Mason 121)

Dalam film Brokeback Mountain, dua karakter utama yaitu Jack Twist dan

Ennis Del Mar juga mengalami penderitaan karena penindasan heteronormative.

Dalam hal ini bagian dari analisis ini penulis ingin menjelaskan bentuk-bentuk

penindasan ini melalui beberapa peristiwa yang terjadi pada Jack Twist dan Ennis

Del Mar sebagai korban homophobia dari masyarakat yang heteronormative.

1. Verbal Abuse

pelecehan verbal merupakan salah satu represi yang dialami oleh kaum

homosexual. Masyarakat heteroseksual percaya bahwa kaum homosexual adalah

orang-orang sakit. Dalam hal ini yang merupakan bagian dari analisis, penulis

ingin menjelaskan pelanggaran verbal dialami oleh Jack Twist dan Ennis Del Mar

seperti yang disajikan dalam film Brokeback Mountain.

Saat sang bos Mr. Aguirre mengatakan kepada jack twist “ you boys sure

found a away to make the time pass up there..,twist, you guys wasn’t getting paid

toleave the dogs baby sit the sheep while you stemmed the rose” (00: 46: 19)

setelah dia mengetahui tentang hubungan hubungan homosexual mereka. Kalimat

diatas bisa diartikan bahwa mereka tak bekerja keras dalam menunaikan tanggung

jawabnya, tetapi menghabiskan waktu hanya untuk bercinta saja. Hal ini

merupakan sebuah bentuk pelecehan mengingat bahwa Jack Twist dan Ennis Del

Mar adalah dua orang coboy yang tentunya jauh dari keromantisan semacam

memotong mawar dan hal-hal semacam itu

Juga dalam kalimat saat Alma, istri dari Ennis Del Mar mengatakan “don’t

try to fool me no more, Ennis..I know what that means, Jack Twist..Jack Nasty!

“(01: 28: 40), penamaan Nasty pada nama Jack jelas menunjukkan pelecehan.

Dengan mengatakan itu Alma memandang bahwa Jack adalah sebuah najis yang

menjijikkan, yang seharusnya tidak ada. Pelabelan kata nasty pada nama

seseorang adalah sebuah penghinaan.

2. Represifitas dalam Ekonomi

Untuk bertahan hidup manusia jelas membutuhkan sebuah pekerjaan untuk

dapat penghasilan yang akan digunakannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya.

Dalam hal ini, sebagaimana ditunjukkan dalam film ini, dalam masyarakat yang

heteronormativity yang melekat homophobia untuk mendapat pekerjaan saat

orang mengetahui bahwa kamu adalah seorang homosexual akan sulit untuk

mendapatkan atau mempertahankan pekerjaannya. Dalam film ini digambarkan

dalam percakapan saat Jack Twist melamar pekerjaan lagi kepada Mr. Aguirre

apakah ada pekerjaan untuknya di musim panas tahun itu.

Jack Twist “hi Mr. Aguirre, I was wondering if you was needing any help

this summer “

Mr. Aguirre “you are wasting your time here”

Jack Twist “what, you ain’t got nothing? Nothing up on Brokeback?”

Mr. Aguirre “I ain’t got no work for you” (00: 45: 51)

Hal ini dilakukan oleh Mr Aguirre setelah mengetahui bahwa Jack Twist

adalah seorang homosexual, padahal sebelumnya Jack Twist senantiasa

mendapatkan pekerjaan darinya setiap tahun untuk mengembalakan domba-

dombanya di Brokeback tiap musim panas tiba. Perlakuan ini semata-mata karena

bagi Mr. Aguirre Jack tidaklah seorang normal tetapi seorang yang sakit, dimana

itu adalah karena homophobia tadi.

3. Repersifitas dalam pergaulan.

Dalam hubungan social antara sesama, kaum homosexual pun mendapat

diskriminasi dalam pergaulan sosialnya, ini juga karena pandangan masyarakat

yang percaya bahwa kaum homosexual adalah jahat dan sakit. Dalam film ini

digambarkan saat Jack Twist akan mentraktir Jimbo, seorang Rodeo Clown yang

telah menyelamatkannya saat Jack Twist terjatuh dalam pertandingan rodeo yang

diikutinya, Jimbo menatapnya lalu mengatakan “No, thanks cowboy, pulling bulls

off of you buckaroos is just my job, so save your money for your next entry fee,

cowboy” lalu Jimbo pergi ke teman-temannya yang sedang bermain bilyard dan

berbisik-bisik dengan mereka (00: 52: 12)

2. bagaimana Jack Twist dan Ennis Del Mar menghadapi represifitas ini

Heteronormativity telah membawa diskriminasi terhadap homosexual.

Sebagaimana yang telah diuraikan dalam analisa diatas, heteronormativity

menciptakan suatu pandangan bahwa heterosexualitas lebih berharga daripada

homosexualitas. Dengan demikian orang-orang yang homosexual akan mengalami

berbagai macam diskriminasi baik itu fisik maupun mental.

Dalam menghadapi represifitas yang tidak hanya menjadikan golongan

yang direpresif ini menjadi tidak dapat melakukan hal-hal yang biasa mereka

lakukan, tetapi juga menjadikan mereka awas dan waspada kepada pilihan-pilihan

yang mereka punya sebagai jawaban atas penindasan ini. (Mason 122) Dalam film

Brokeback Mountain, Jack Twist dan Ennis Del Mar pun mengalaminya

sebagaimana yang telah penulis gambarkan diatas. Dalam menghadapi perlakuan

seperti itu, jalan yang dipilih oleh Jack Twist dan Ennie Del Mar sebagai bentuk

perlawanannya tidaklah aktif keluar melainkan memilih jalan pasif yaitu

menyembunyikan hubungan mereka dari keluarga dan masyarakat.

Dalam film ini tidak ada sebuah pilihan lain yang bisa mereka ambil untuk

menegoisasikan hubungan percintaan mereka dengan kondisi masyarakat di

Wyoming saat itu. Pilihan untuk menyembunyikan hubungan ini dari masing-

masing karakter adalah berbeda alasan. Alasan karakter Ennis Del Mar adalah

trauma atas yang terjadi pada Earl, seorang homosexual lanjut usia yang dibunuh

oleh seseorang yang dilihatnya saat dia berumur 9 tahun. Pada saat itu, Ennis Del

Mar diajak ayahnya ke suatu tempat untuk melihat mayat seorang yang

ditinggalkan menjadi bangkai yang dikerubuti lalat di sebuah saluran irigasi

dimana mayat tersebut dianiaya secara sadis dengan tubuh diikat dan kemaluan

dipotong. Ennis Del Mar mengatakan “My daddy, he made sure me and my

brother seen it, and hell, for all I know he done the job”. (01: 12: 36) Pengalaman

ini menjadikan trauma yang mendalam bagi Ennis Del Mar, membuatnya yakin

bahwa konsep hidup bersama dua orang lelaki dalam satu rumah adalah mustahil,
dia mengatakan “Two guys living together? No way’ (01: 12: 43 )

Sementara untuk karakter Jack Twist, pilihan ini diambil karena

berdasarkan pengalaman-pengalaman yang dialaminya dalam berbagai

diskriminasi baik itu ekonomi maupun pergaulan sebagaimana yang penulis telah

uraikan diatas, bagi Jack Twist tidak ada jalan keluar dari segala macam bentuk

diskriminasi ini kecuali menyembunyikan identitas hubungannya dengan Ennis

Del Mar agar dapat diterima hidup normal dalam masyarakat dan juga karena

Ennis Del Mar sebagai pasangan homosexualnya telah menolak untuk hidup

bersama karena traumanya tadi.

Bentuk penyembunyian identitas homosexual mereka salah satunya adalah

dengan menampilkan kepada masyarakat bahwa mereka adalah heterosexual

dengan cara menikah dengan wanita dan memiliki anak. Ennis Del Mar menikah

dengan Alma dan memiliki dua orang putri sementara Jack Twist menikah dengan

Laureen dan memiliki seorang putra.

Ketakutan untuk menampilkan identitas homosexual ini dan menikah

dengan lawan jenis, adalah merupakan sebuah mekanisme perlindungan dari

disakiti oleh lingkungan yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang minoritas yang

mengalami penindasan. Gail Mason dalam bukunya The Spectacle of Violence

mengatakan “Violence prevention strategies that pressure gay men and lesbians to

‘pass’ as heterosexual engender a form of self-regulation that supposedly allows

individuals to manage potential harm. ( Mason, 92) dengan melakukan ini Jack

Twist dan Ennis Del Mar berharap bahwa mereka akan dapat diterima oleh

mayarakat dan tidak lagi mengalami berbagai macam penindasan dan diskriminasi
dan strategi ini berhasil dalam arti bahwa masyarakat tidak lagi menyakiti atau

melakukan diskriminasi atas mereka kecuali bahwa rumah tangga mereka berdua

tidak berjalan dengan lancar, bahkan untuk Ennis Del Mar, karena istrinya

mengetahui identitasnya sebagai homosexual yang lalu mengajukan perceraian

kemudian hari.

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