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Digital Marketing

According to Philip Kotler, Digital marketing is a form of direct marketing which links
consumers with sellers electronically using interactive technologies like emails,
websites, online forums and newsgroups, interactive television, mobile communications etc.
There are different tools of digital marketing such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, SEO, Email,
LinkedIn etc. When we think about social media, it's no longer just a website on the Internet
that people visit on a regular basis. Instead, social media has become so much more than that.
On a personal level, people use Facebook to stay connected with their family, friends,
coworkers, acquaintances. Social media isn't just a tool that people used to stay connected with
their friends, it becomes a place where marketers have a golden opportunity to connect with
their audience. And if we understand how to utilize social networks to grow our business, it's
going to ease the process of expanding our audience exponentially.

SEO is about the content on your website and the people that link to it. The purpose of SEO is
to make it so that your website is seen in the organic or natural search results in search engines
without money spend. The three main internal elements that impact SEO are the content you
create, the HTML and meta-information that you use, and the actual architecture of your
website. All three of these internal website elements have a significant impact on how well
your website is going to rank on search engines. There is a famous Saying, "content is king".
Completely unique or exceptional content is needed. Having the correct website architecture in
place is absolutely paramount in order to be ranked highly in SEO. One of the biggest things
that can hurt the user experience is a poorly designed website, or a website that loads very
slowly. The external elements are the things that a website owner can't necessarily control
because outside forces influence them and include backlinks to the website, trust, social
signals, and geographic data of website visitors. When you think of the term "backlink", think
of it as a vote from one website telling search engines that another website is reputable and
trustworthy. The location of the people that are viewing the website is also determined.

Email marketing is the act of sending emails to people across the internet, and sending those
emails in an effort to make them actually purchase a product or service that we use, or drive
them back to our website. There is a mass audience, which is when you go to a third-party, and
you purchase the ability to use a list, and find lists of people that have different interests,
specific targeted interests. The company then purchases the right to email all of those people
once, or twice or three times, whatever their deal may be. The other type of email marketing
which is much, much more effective is when you do opt-in email marketing, and that’s basically
when somebody goes to your website, and they see, maybe they read a blog post, and at the
end of the blog post it says, “To sign up for blog post updates, give us your email here, and we’ll
continually send you updates on the content that we’re publishing”, and people give you an
There are different types of email marketing. Promotional emails are the ones that you send
out, and it says “Buy one thing today, get 50% off of another item, or “Buy something by Friday,
and you’ll be able to get 25% off until Friday etc. The second type of email marketing is a Drip
Campaign, and this uses an email auto-responder which simply put is a system that you put in
place that automatically emails people on a time interval basis. And other type is a Newsletter.
The idea behind newsletters is that you send an email maybe once a week, or once a month
and in that email basically what you do is you sum up maybe the happenings of the company.

Analytics will actually measure from where the customers came from, the activities that they
took, and also when they left your website, from what page they left at your website. It also
determines the average time on your website, the technology they used, whether it was a
mobile device. Well, Analytics helps in knowing your audience, their geographic location, their
interests etc. So, in other words, how many people are coming in on the homepage, how many
people are going directly to your blog, how many people are using, or going to a video area.
One of the biggest things that helps a business make money is conversions, and having a return
on investments, which is also where analytics steps in. So digital Marketing is much more
influential to attract customers.

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