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Lab Report: Acid and Base Investigation

Hypothesis: (5 pts)

Hypothesize whether you think each of the following substances will be an acid,
a base, or neutral:
Bleach —  base
Detergent —  base
Eye drops —  neutral
Lemon juice —  acid
Tea — acid


 Select a product from the stock shelf and transfer the liquid to a test tube.
 Select a paper pH test strip. Record the color of the test strip in the data
chart. Transfer it to the same test tube.
 Note any color change of the paper and record in the data chart.
 Drag the test tube containing the test strip over to the color chart to
determine the pH range indicated by the paper. Record your results.
 Record your conclusion about whether the substance is an acid, a base, or
a neutral substance.
 Repeat for all substances.

Data chart: (5 pts)

Initial color of Final color of pH range on Acid/Base/Neu

solution solution test strip tral

Bleach Light green yellow >12 base

Detergent green blue 8-10 base

Eye drops Light blue blue 7 neutral

Lemon juice yellow red 1-3 acid

Tea brown purple 4-6 acid

Conclusion: (20 pts)

1. Place the five substances in order of increasing pH—from most acidic to

most basic. (2 points)
Tea, Lemon Juice, Eye Drops, Detergent, Bleach

2. Orange juice has a pH of 4. What color would you expect the paper test
strip to be after it is dipped in a sample of orange juice? (2 points)

I think it would be purple

3. Determining the pH of substances such as purple grape juice and catsup

using test strips can be difficult. Why? (3 points)

The color change would be hard to see.

4. Tear–free shampoos are advertized as having a pH similar to that of human

tears. What pH would you expect tear–free shampoos to be? Use evidence
from the lab activity to support your response. (5 points)

I think it would be neutral since it is very similar to the eye drops

5. What is the approximate hydronium ion concentration and hydroxide ion

concentration in a cup of tea? Which is higher? (Refer back to the chart of
pH if you need to.) (4 points)

Hydronium ion concentration= 1x10^-4-1x10^-6

Hydroxide ion concentration= 1x10^-10-1x10^-8

Hydronium ion concentration is higher

6. What is the approximate hydronium ion concentration and hydroxide ion

concentration in bleach? Which is higher? (4 points)

Hydronium ion concentration= 1x10^-13-1x10^-14

Hydroxide ion concentration= 1x10^-1-1x10^-0

Hydroxide ion concentration is higher.

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