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have an obligation to humankind to assist in the Emery and J. M. Hunt (1974, p. 586) put it this
development and managernent of natural way: "Studies of geochemistry ... convert idle 2
resources, to monitor the quality of the environ- speculation into ... understanding ...". That will
ment both locally and on a global scale, and to be the theme of this book. We can no longer
warn humanity against dangerous practices that afford idle speculation in the Earth Sciences. We
may threaten the quality of Ufe in the future.
With so much at stake it is not easy to express
must have understanding. Geochemistry can
show us how to achieve it. In the Beginning
succinctly what geochemistry is all about. K.. O.
The urge to trace the history of the universa back to its beginnings is irresist-
References STEVEN W£iN8E»c(1977. p. 1)

ASIMOV, I, 1965. A Short History of Chemistry. GAJIRBLS, R. M., and C. L. CHRIST, 1965. Solutions,
Doubleday, Carden City, NY, 263 pp. Minerals and Equilibria. Harper & Row, New York Certain questions about our existence on mately became organized into nuclei of hydrogen
BüWBN, N. L, 1928. The Evolution of the Igneous (later Freeman and Cooper, San Francisco), 450 pp. Earth are so fundamental that they have been and helium.
Rocks. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, GOLDSCHMIDT, V. M., 1930. Geochemische Verteil- incorporated into religious mythologies. These Formation of atomic nuclei began about 13.8
34 pp. ungsgesetze und kosmische Háuñgkeit der Ele- questions not only concern the origin of the sec after the Big Bang when the temperature oí
CLARKE, F. W., 1908. The Data of Geochemistry. U.S. mente. iVaturwissenschaften, 18: 999 pp.
Earth and the evolution of life but also extend to the universe had decreased to 3 x 109 K.. This
Geol. Surv. Bull. 330. (The fifth edition in 1924 is HAWKES, H. E., and H. W. LAKIN, 1949. Vestigial zinc
the origin of the universe and to the nature of process continued for about 30 min but did not
U.S.G.S. Bull. 770.) in surface residuum associated with primary zinc
ore in east Tennessee. Econ. Geol., 44: 286-295.
space and time. Did the universe have a begin- go beyond helium because the nuclear reactions
ClOUD, P., 1983. The biosphere. Sci. Amer., 249: 132-
144. KRAUSKOPF, K.. B'., 1967. ¡ntroduction to Geochemistry. ning and will it ever end? What existed before could not bridge a gap in the stabilities of the
CURRENS, C. W., 1969. The discovery of the chemical McGraw-Hill, New York. the universe formed? Does the universe have nuclei of lithium, beryllium, and boron. At that
elcments. The history of geochemistry. Definitions LAPO, A. V., 1986. V. I. Vemadsky's ideas on the limits and what exists beyond those limits? It is time the universe was an intensely hot and
of geochemistry. In K.. H. Wedepohl (Ed.), Hand- leading role of life in the generation of the Earth's proper to raise these questions at the beginning rapidly expanding ñreball. It was not yet an
book of Geochemistry, vol. 1, 1-11. Springer-Verlag, crusL Earth Sci. Hist., 5: 124-127. of a geochemistry course because they are within "abode fitted for life." About 700,000 years later,
Berlín, 442 pp. LOVELOCK, J. E., 1979. Gaia. A iVrw Look at Life on the scope of cosmochemistry. when the temperature had decreased to about
EMBRY, K. O., and J. M. HUNT, 1974. Summary of Earth. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England, ,3 x 103 K, electrons became attached to the
Black Sea investigations. In E. T. Degens and D. A. 158pp. nuclei of hydrogen and helium. Matter and radi-
Ross (Eds.), The Black Sea—geology, chemistry, MASÓN, B., 1952. Principies of Geochemistry. Wiley,
ation were thereby separated from each other,
and biology, 575-590. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., New York.
SHCHERBAKOV, D., 1958. Foreword. In A. Fersman,
2.1 * The Big Bang and the universe became transparent to light.
Mtm. 20, 633 pp.
Geochemistry for Everyone. Translated by D. A. Subsequently, matter began to be organized into
ERCKHR, L., 1951. Treatise on Ores and Assaying.
From the Germán Edition of 1580. A. Grünhaldt Myshne, Foreign Languages Publishing House, The universe started like a bubble in a stream. stars, galaxies, and galactic clusters as the uni-
Siseo and C. Stanley Smith, trans. and ann. Uni- Moscow, 453 pp. At first it was not there, and suddenly it formed verse continued to expand; it is still expanding at
versity of Chicago Press. VERNADSKY, V. I., 1924. La Geochimie. Alean, París, and expanded rapidly as though it were explod- the present time (Weinberg, 1977).
FAUL, H., and C. FAUU 1983. It Began with a Stone. 404 pp. ing (Gott, 1982). Science has its share of practical But how do we know all this? The answer is
Wiley, New York, 270 pp. VERNADSKY, V. I., 1929. La Biosphere. Alean, París, jokers who immediately referred to the start of that the expansión of the universe can be seen in
FERSMAN, A. YE., 1939. Geochemical and mineral- 232 pp. the expansión of the universe as the Big Bang the "red shift" of spectral lines of light emitted
ógica! methods of prospecting. Chapter IV ¡n VERNADSK.Y, V. I., 1945. The biosphere and the noo- (Gamow, 1952). From the very beginning the by distant galaxies, and it can be "heard" as the
Special Methods of Prospecting. Akad. Nauk S.S.R., sphere. Amer. Scientist, 33: 1-12. universe had all of the mass and energy it con- "cosmic microwave radiation," which is the
Moscow. Translated by L. Hartsock and A. P. WEBB, J. S., 1953. A review of American progress in tains today. As a result, its pressure and tem- remnant of the fireball. that still filis the universe.
Pierce, U.S. Geol. Surv. Circ. 127, 1952. geochemical prospecting. Inst. Mining Metallurgy
perature, say 10"" sec after the Big Bang, were In addition, the properties of the universe imme-
FERSMAN, A., 1958. Geochemistry for Everyone. Trans., 62: 321-348.
WEDEPOHL, K.. H..(Ed.), 1969. Handbook of Geochem-
W high that matter existed in its most fundamen- diateiy after the Big Bang were similar to those
Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow, 454
istry, vol. I. Springer-Verlag, Berlín. Vol. II (1970), tal form as "quark soup." As the universe of atomic nuclei. Therefore, a very fruitful col-
GARJRELS, R. M., 1960. Mineral Equilibria. Harper &
sxpanded and cooled, the quarks combined to laboration has deveioped among nuclear physi-
Row, New York. form more familiar nuclear partióles that ulti- cists and cosmologists that has enabled them to

reconstruct the history of the universe back to Earth. He calculated the recessional velocities of required for them to become separated by a dis- material." which w a s carefully rem.n « i
about 10~ 3 2 sec after the Big Bang. These these galaxies by means of the "Doppler effect" tance d is However, the intensity of the background i . i . l i
studies have shown that the forces we recognize from observed increases of the wavelengths of ation remained constant and independeni -i
at low temperature are, at least in part, unified at characteristic spectrai lines of light they emit. d \) time in the course of a year.
extremely high temperatures and densities. There This "red shift" is related to the recessional Word of this phenomenon reached a groii|> >i
is hope that a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) will velocity by an equation derived in 1842 by astrophysicists at nearby Princeton Univeí ,n
eventually emerge that may permit us to Johann Chnstian Doppler in Fragüe, The initial results indicated that the Hubble con- who were working on models of the early Imi. > i
approach even closer to understanding the start stant had a valué of 170 km/sec/106 light years, of the universe under the guidance of Roben 1 1
of the universe. which corresponds to an expansión time of less Dicke. Eventually, Penzias called Dicke, a n . l n
What about the future? Will the universe con- -= 1 + - (2.1) than 2 x 109 years. This result was very was agreed that they would publish two . . u u
Á c panion letters in the Astrophysical Jni¡:n,ii
tinué to expand forever? The answer is that the awkward because age determinations based on
future of the universe can be predicted only if we radioactivity had established that the Earth is Penzias and Wilson announced the disuivn-,
where Á' is the wavelength of a spectrai line of older than this date. Eventuaily Walter Baade and Dicke and his colleagues explamal i l n
know the total amount of matter it contains. The
light emitted by a moving source, A is the wave- discovered an error in the calibration of the cosmological significance of the microwave ha. V
matter that is detectable at the present time is
length of the same line emitted by a stationary Cepheid Variables, and the valué of the Kubble ground radiation (Penzias and Wilson, í(>t\''} I n
not sufficient to permit gravity to overeóme the
source, c is the velocity of light, and u is the constant was revised (Baade, 1968). The present- 1978 Penzias and Wilson shared the Nobel l ' n / r
expansión. If expansión continúes, the universe
recessional velocity. Hubble's estimates of the ly accepted valué is 15 km/sec/106 light years, in physics for their discovery.
will become colder and emptier with no prospect
distances to the galaxies were based on the which indicates an expansión time for the uni- The radiation discovered by Penzias and
of an end. However, a large fraction of the mass
properties of the Cepheid Variables studied pre- verse of less than 20 x 109 years. This date is Wilson is a remnant of the radiation that lill.-d
of the universe is hidden from view in the form of
viously by H. S. Leavitt and H. Shapley at compatible with independent estimates of its age the universe for about 700,000 years when ii •
gas and dust in interstellar and intergalactic
Harvard University. The Cepheid Variables are based on consideration of nucleosynthesis and temperature was greater than about M X H ) K
space, and in the bodies of stars that no longer
bright stars in the constellation Cepheus whose the evolution of stars. By combining all three During this early period, matter consista! ni i
emit light. In addition, we still cannot rule out
period of variation depends on their absolute methods Hainebach et al. (1978) refined the age mixture of nuclear particles and phoimr. m
the possibility that neutrinos have mass even luminosity, which is the total radiant energy
when they are at rest. If the mass of the universe of the universe to (14.5 ± 1.0) x 109 years. thermal equilibrium with each other l l m l . i
emitted by an astronomical body. Hubble found The Big Bang theory of cosmology was not these conditions the energy of radiation ai a ,|n-
is sufficient to slow the expansión and ultimately
such variable stars in the galaxies he was study- accepted for many years for a variety of reasons. cific wavelength is inversely proportional i . > Mu-
to reverse it, then the universe will eventually
ing and determined their absolute luminosities The turning point carne in 1964 when Amo A. absolute temperature. According to an < - c | u a t i n n
contract until it disappears again in the stream
from their periods. The intensity of light emitted Penzias and Robert W. Wilson discovered a derived by Max Planck at the turn ul ihi-
of time. by a star decreases as the square of the distance
Since the universe had a beginning and is still microwave background radiation that corre- century, the energy of blackbody radiaimn ai a
increases. Therefore, the distance to a star can be sponds to a blackbody temperature of about 3 particular temperature increases rapully w n h
expanding, it cannot be infinite in size. However,
determined from a comparison of its absolute K. The discovery of this radiation was acciden- increasing wavelength to a máximum and tlim
the edge of the universe cannot be seen with tele-
and its apparent luminosity, where the latter is tal, even though its existence had been predicted decreases at longer wavelengths. Railiniion ni
scopes because it takes too long for the light to
defined as the radiant power received by the tele- twenty years earlier by George Gamow and his thermal equilibrium with matter has ihr laiiic
reach us. As the universe expands, space expands
scope per square centimeter. In this way, Hubble colleagues Ralph A. Alpher and Robert Hermán. properties as radiation inside a black Imi w i i l i
with it. In other words, it seems to be impossible
determined the recessional velocities and dis- Because they were unaware of Gamow's work. opaque walls. Therefore, the energy i l i x i u l n i n n n
to exceed the physical limits of the universe. We
tances of the galaxies in the Virgo cluster and Penzias and Wilson were skepticai about the of radiation in the early universe is relamí in i l i .
are trapped in our expanding bubble. If other
expressed their relationship as phenomenon they had discovered and took great wavelength and to the absolute t e m p r i a i m r liy
universes exist, we cannot communicate with
care to elimínate all extraneous sources of the Planck's equation. The wavelength ncaí w l m h
Now that we have seen the big picture, let us = Hd (2.2) background radiation. For example, they noticed most of the energy of blackbody l a d i a u m i n
that two pigeons had been nesting in the throat concentrated (-l^J is approximately e(|nal i . .
review certain events in the history of the stan-
dard model of cosmology to show that progress where u is the recessional velocity in km/sec, d is of the antenna they were using at Holmdel, New
Jersey. The pigeons were caught and taken to a 0.29
in Science is sometimes accidental. the distance in 106 light years, and H is the
In 1929 the American astronomer Edwin Hubble constan! (Hubble, 1936). distant location, but promptly retumed. There-
Hubble reponed that eighteen galaxies in the The Hubble constant can be used to .place a fore, they were caught again and dealt with "by
limit on the age of the universe. If two objects more decisive means." The pigeons had also where /(.„,„ is measured in centimetcr-, and /
Virgo cluster are receding from Earth at different
are moving apart with velocity a, the time (f) coated the antenna with a "white dielectric Kelvins (Weinberg, 1977).
rates that increase with their distances from

The original measurement of Penzias and of the planets and their satellites and have left a
Wilson was at a wavelength of 7.35 cm, which is record of these events in craters.
much greater than the typical wavelength of On an even smaller scale, space between stars
radiation at 3 K.. Since 1965, many additional contains clouds of gas and solid particles. The Blue giants
measurements at different wavelengths have con- gas is composed primarily of hydrogen and of \7X
firmed that the cosmic background radiation helium that were produced during the initial
does fit Planck's formula for blackbody radi-
ation. The characteristic temperature of this
expansión of the universe. In addition, the inter-
stellar médium contains elements of higher \e burmng
radiation is about 3 K., indicating that the typical atomic number that were synthesized by nuclear
wavelength of photons has increased by a factor reactions in the interiors of stars that have since
of about 1000 because of the expansión of the exploded. A third component consists of com-
universe since its temperature was 3000 K pounds of hydrogen and carbón that are the pre-
(Weinberg, 1977). cursors of life. These clouds of gas and dust may
contract to form new stars whose evolution
depends on their masses and on the H/He ratio
2.2 €tellar fvolution of the gas cloud from which they formed.
• I0 -
The evolution of stars can be described by (1.6 X

Matter in the universe is organized into a specifying their luminosities and surface tem-
"hierarchy of heavenly bodies" usted below in peratures. The luminosity of a star is proportion-
prder of decreasing size. al to its mass, and its surface temperature or White dwarrs (9 X 10' a) <v Red dwarts
color is an indicator of its volume. When a cloud
clusters of galaxies comets
of intersteller gas contraéis, its temperature
galaxies asteroids
increases, and it begins to radíate energy in the
Stars, pulsars, and meteoroids
black holes dust particles
infrared and visible parts of the spectrum. As the ~r~ —r~ 1 1 i 1—
temperature in the core of the gas cloud 4.4 4.3 4.1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.6
planets moléculas
approaches 20 x 106 K., energy production by log Surface Temperature, K
satellites atoras of H and He
hydrogen fusión becomes possible, and a star is
Figure 2.1 Stellar evolution on a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for stars ranging from 1 to 9
Dn a subatomic scale, space between stars and born. Most of the stars of a typical galaxy derive
solar masses. When a star has used up the hydrogen in ¡ts core, it contracts and then moves
galaxies is ftlled with cosmic rays (energetic energy from this process and therefore plot in a
off the main sequence and enters the realm of the red giants, which genérate energy by
nuclear particles) and photons (light). band, called the main sequence, on the helium fusión. The evolutionary track and the life expectancy of stars are strongly dependent
Stars are the basic units in the hierarchy of Hertzsprung-Russell diagram shown in Figure on their masses. Stars five times more massive than the sun are nearly 1000 times brighter,
heavenly bodies within which matter continúes 2.1. Massive stars, called blue giants, have high have surface temperatures of about 18,000 1C—compared to 5800 K for the Sun—and remain
to evolve by nuclear reactions. Many billions of luminosities and high surface temperatures. The on the main sequence only about 68 million years. Their evolution to the end of the major
stars are grouped together to form a galaxy, and Sun is a star of intermedíate mass and has a phase of helium burning takes only about 87 million years (Iben. 1967).
large numbers of such galaxies are associated surface temperature of about 5800 K. Stars that
into galactic clusters. Stars may have stellar are less massive than the Sun are called red
companions or they may have orbiting planets, dwarfs and plot at the lower end of the main However, when the core becomes depleted in the shell accumulates in the core, which con-
including ghostly comets that fiare briefly when sequence. hydrogen, the rate of energy production declines tinúes to contract and therefore gets still hotter.
\hey approach the star on their eccentric orbits. As a star ñve times more massive than the Sun and the star contracts, raising the core tem- The resulting expansión of the envelope lowers
The planets in our solar system have their own converts hydrogen to helium while on the main perature still further. The site of energy pro- the surface temperature and causes the color to
retenue of satellites. The space between Mars sequence, the density of the core increases, duction now shifts from the core to the turn red. At the same time, the shell ¡n which
and Júpiter contains the asteroids. most of which causing the interior of the star to contract. The surrounding shell. The resulting changes in hydrogen is reacting gradually thins as it moves
are fragments of larger bodies that have been core temperature therefore rises slowly during luminosity and surface temperature cause the toward the surface, and the luminosity of the star
broken up by collisions and by the gravitational the hydrogen-burning phase. This higher tem- star to move off the main sequence toward the declines. These changes transform a main-
forces of Júpiter and Mars. Pieces of the aster- perature accelerates the fusión reaction and realm of the red giants (Figure 2.1). sequence star into a bloated red giant. For
oids have impacted as meteorites on the surfaces causes the outer envelope of the star to expand. The helium produced by hydrogen fusión in example, the radius of a star five times more


massive trian the Sun increases about 30-fold just a particular energy-producing reaction is densities in excess of 10'6 g/cm3. Their gravita- sequently, Houtermans moved to the U n i v e i - . i i
before helium burning in the core begins. exhausted, the star contraéis and its interna! tional fleld is so great that neither light ñor of Berlin where he met the British astronom. i
When the core temperatura approaches temperature rises. The increase in temperature matter can escape from them, henee the ñame Robert Atkinson. Houtermans and Atki'i-,....
100 x 106 K, helium fusión by means of the may trigger a new set of nuclear reactions. In "black hole." Observational evidence supportmg used Gamow's theory of alpha decay to prop....
"triple-alpha process" begins and converts three stars of sufficient mass, this activity culminates in the existence of black holes is growing and they that stars genérate energy in their interior; l.-.
helium nuclei into the nucleus of carbón-12. At a gigantic explosión (supemova) as a result of are believed to be an important phenomenon in the formation of helium nuclei from four p r o t ó n .
the same time, hydrogen fusión in the shell which a large fraction of the outer envelope of the evolution of galaxies. captured by the nucleus of another light elein.-in
around the core continúes. The luminosities and the star is blown away. The debris from such Stars, it seems, have predictable evolutionary The initial title of their paper was "Wie k . m n
surface temperaturas (color) of red giants become explosions mixes with hydrogen and helium in life cycles. They form, shine brightly for a while, man einen Heliumkern im P o t e m i . i h < > | i i
increasingly variable as they evolve, reflecting" interstellar space to forra clouds of gas and dust and then die. Hans Bethe (1968, p. 547) put it kochen." (How one can cook a helium nuclcir. m
changes in the rates of energy production in the from which new stars may form. this way. a pressure cooker.) Needless to say, the editor. . >i
core and shell. The evolutionary tracks in Figure As stars reach the end of their evolution they the Zeicschriftfúr Physik insisted that the Mili- I"
2.1 ¡Ilústrate the importance of the mass of a star turn into white dwarfs, or neutrón stars (pulsars), If all this is true, stars have a life cycle much like changed (Atkinson and Houtermans, 1924).
to its evolution. A star five times as massive as or black holes, depending on their masses animáis. They are born, they grow, they go Ten years later, in April of 1938. ( i a n n m
the Sun is 1000 times brighter while on the main (Wheeler, 1973). Stars whose mass is less than through a definite interna! development, and organized a conference in Washington. I) < . i»
finally die, to give back the material of which they discuss the internal constitution of stars I In
sequence and has a more eventful life as a red about 1.2 solar masses contract until their radius
are made so that new stars may live. conference stimulated one attendee, Hans Un lu-
giant than stars below about two solar masses is only about 1 x 10* km and their density is
(Iben, 1967, 1974). between 10* and 10a g/cm3. Stars in this configu- to examine the possible nuclear t e a i i i o n ,
The length of time a star spends on the main ration have low luminosities but high surface between protons and the nuclei of the liy,hi • •!,-
sequence depends primarily on its mass and to a temperatures and are therefore called white ments in order of increasing atomic n i i i i i l n - i
lesser extent on the H/He ratio of its ancestral dwarfs (Figure 2.1). They gradually cool and fade 2.3 Bethe (1939) found that the "pressure mokri ..i
Atkinson and Houtermans was the riuclcu. oí
gas cloud. In general, massive stars (blue giants) from view as their luminosities and surface tem-
consume their fuel rapidly and may spend only peratures diminish with time. Stars that are The origin of the chemical eiements is intimately 'sC and made it the basis of his famous < T i i >
10 x 106 years on the main sequence. Small stars appreciably more massive than the Sun develop linked to the evolution of stars because the eie- cycle for hydrogen fusión in stars to be picM-nir.l
(red dwarfs) have much slower "metabolic" rates dense cores because of the synthesis of heavy ments are synthesized by the nuclear reactions later in this section (Bethe, 1968).
and remain on the main sequence for very long chemical eiements by nuclear reactions. Even- from which stars derive the energy they radíate Gamow infiuenced the evolution of the i l n - m v
periods of time exceeding 10 x 109 years. The tually, such stars become unstable and explode into space. Only helium and deuterium, the of nucleósynthesis in many other ways. In I'"'.
Sun, being a star of modest magnitude, has as supernovas. The core then collapses until its heavy isotope of hydrogen, were synthesized he published a paper in the Ohio Jnurnul ,<!
enough hydrogen in its core to last about radius is reduced to about 10 km and its density during the initial expansión of the universe. The Science (an unlikely place for a nuelcaí .iiim
9 x 109 years at the present rate of consumption. is of the order of 10" to 10" g/cm3. Such stars entire theory of nucleósynthesis was presented in physics paper) on the buildup of heavy clriumi»
Since it formed about 4.5 x 109 years ago, the are composed of a "neutrón gas" because elec- a detailed paper by Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler by neutrón capture and subsequently . I n i n i
Sun has achieved middle age and will provide trons and protons are forced to combine under and Hoyle (1957) referred to aflectionately as pioned the idea that the chemical elemcnii w r i »
energy to the planets of the solar system for a the enormous pressure and the abundance of B2FH. Subsequent contributions (for example, synthesized during the first 30 min al'tci i h r Hiu
very long time to come. However, ultimately its neutrons greatly increases as a result. Neutrón Schramm and Arnett, 1973) have been concerned Bang. In the mid-1940s Alpher and < MIMMW
luminosity will increase, and it will expand to stars have very rapid rates of rotation and emit with speciflc aspects of the theory and its inte- wrote a paper detailing the origin of ilic i lu-inn .il
become a red giant, as shown in Figure 2.1. The pulsed radio waves that were first observed in gration into the evolution of stars of different eiements based on that assumption. Ai < ¡.nnu» i
temperature on the surface of the Earth will then 1965 by Jocelyn Bell, a gradúate student working tnasses and initial compositions. suggestion, Hans Bethe's ñame was aiM.M ni
rise and become intolerable to life forms. The with A. Hewish at the Cavendish Laboratory of The theory presented by B 2 FH (1957) evolved absentia," thus creating the famous m i i i m n . i i i -
expansión of the Sun may engulf the terrestrial Cambridge University in England (Hewish, from the work of several other scientists, among Alpher, Bethe, and Gamow (1948).
planets, including Earth, and vaporize them. 1975). The Crab Nébula contains such a whom George Gamow deserves special recogni- The abundance of the chemical elernrnli u n í
When all of its nuclear fuel has been consumed, "pulsar" which is the remnant of a supernova tion. Gamow received his doctórate from the their naturally occurring isotopes is the h l m - p i i n i
the Sun will assume the end stage of stellar evo- observed by Chínese astronomers in 1054 A.D. University of Leningrad and carne to the Uni- for all theories of nucleósynthesis I "i ilii-i
lution that is appropriate for a star of its mass (Fowler, 1967). The cores of the most massive versity of Góttingen in the spring of 1928 for reason, geochemists and stellar spciiio,, ,,p|,,i,
and chemical composition. stars collapse to form black holes in accordance some postdoctoral studies. There he met Fritz have devoted much time and effort i < > ..l.i,mnn>i
Toward the end of the giant stage, stars with Einstein's theory of general relativity. Black Houtermans with whom he spent many hours in accurate analytical data on the contení 1 1 < ni
become increasingly unstable. When the fuel for holes have radii of only a few kilometers and «cafe making calculations (Gamow, 1963). Sub- the eiements in the Sun and other, ,i H ,
Table 2.1 Abundances of the Elements in Units of Number of Atoms per 10° Atoms of Silicon NUCLEOSYNTHESIS 17
Awmic no. Element Svmboí Abundante* Atomic no. Element Svmboí Abundanct1 •

1 hydrogen H 172 x 10'° 53 iodine [ 9.0 x 10-' i •H

2 helium He 2.18 x 10' 54 xenón Xe 4.35 x 10° |0 _
3 lithium Li 5.97 x 10' 55 cesium Cs 3.72 x ID' 1 \\ . .
4 beryllium Be 7.8 x 10-' 56 barium Ba 4.36 x 10° He
9 -
5 boron B 2.4 x 10' 57 ianthanum La 4.48 x 10-'
6 carbón C 1.21 x I0 7 58 cerium Ce 1.16 x 10° jl
£. oQ —
7 nitrogen N 2.48 x 10' 59 praseodymium Pr 1.74 x 10"' C
8 oxygen O 2.01 x 10' 60 neodymium Nd 8.36 x 10-' . /
9 fluorine F 8.43 x 102 61 samarium Sm 2.61 x 10-' .—!Z i
M '•
10 neón Ne 3.76 x 106 62 promethium Pm 0 , f. _ 1 \ • Fe
11 sodium Na 5.70 x 10* 63 europium Eu 9.72 x 10~ 2 0 b
lílAA ¡ Á
12 magnesium Mg 1.075 x 10" 64 gadolinium Gd 3.31 x 10-' vi 5 - l l y y ifl. . M
13 aluminum Al 8.49 x 10* 65 terbium Tb 5.89 x 10"2 y i/iAi M?
Si 1.00 x 10'
14 silicon 66 dysprosium Dy 3.98 x 10-'
—^ 4— i : V VI *•• 1A
15 phosphorus P 1.04 x 10* 67 holmium Ho 8.75 x 10-2
1 * *1• / • 1
5.15 x
5.240 x
x 10'1 '
x lfl- !
I \l \
18 argón Ar 1.04 x 70 ytterbium Yb 2.43 x 10-' j c
2 -
11 * \ 1 W .
19 potassium K 3.770 x 101 71 lutetium Lu 3.69 x ID" 2 1 = L.I ssc MÁA--
V*V\yVT c
6.11 x
3.38 x
2.400 x
x 10-'
x 10-2
x 10-'
0 Q_
yi . • . . ArA/V. . Pm
\ * *^
.A A
2.95 x
1.34 x
x 10- 2
x 10-'
I _,_
*Be *' V • • * V" •. / * V*v \ VVV\A/\/v * * B¡
25 manganese Mn 9.510 x 103 77 iridium Ir 6.60 x 10-' I * * * • ¥ * *,
26 iron Fe 9.00 x 10! 78 platinum Pt 1.37 x 10° I _,_ U
J 27 cobalt Co 1250 x 103 79 gold Au 1.86 x 10"' 3
28 nickel Ni 4.93 x 10* 80 mcrcury Hg 5.2 x 10-' 1 —| i ^ i | i | i | i
29 copper Cu 5.14 x 102 81 thailium TI 1.84 x 10-' m r
r ""iin i
' i
• i
40 50 60 70 80 90
30 zinc Za 1.260 x 10J 82 lead Pb 3.15 x 10° "m °
31 gallium Ga 3.78 x 102 83 bismuth Bi IM * 1(r' 1 Atomic Number (Z)
32 germanium Ge 1.18 x 102 84 polonium Po ~0 1
33 arsenic As 6.79 x 10° 85 astatine At ~0 Figure 2.2 Abundances of the chemical elements in the solar system in terms of atoms per
34 selenium Se 6.21 x 10' 86 radon Rn ~0 106 atoms of Si. The data were derived primarily by analysis of carbonaceous chondrite
35 bromine Br 1.18 x 10' 87 francium Fr ~0 meteorites and by optical spectroscopy oflight from the Sun and nearby stars (Anders and
36 krypton Kr 4.53 x 10' 88 radium Ra ~0
Ebihara, 1982).
37 rubidium Rb 7.09 x 10° 89 actinium Ac ~0 i
38 strontium Sr 2.38 x 10' 90 thorium Th 3.35 x [O" 2
39 yttrium Y 4.64 x 10° 91 protacunium Pa from the wavelength spectra of the light they 1. Hydrogen and helium are by far the mo;
40 zirconium Zr 1.07 x 10' 92 uranium U 9.00 x 10' 3
emit. Information on the abundances of non- abundant elements in the solar system, an
41 niobium Nb 7.1 x 10-' 93 neptunium Np
42 molybdenum Mo 152 x 10° 94 plutonium Pu volatile elements has come also from chemical the atomic H/He ratio is about 12.5.
43 technetium Te 0 95 americium Am 0 : analyses of stony meteorites, especially the car- 2, The abundances of the first 50 elemen
44 ruthenium Ru 1.86 x 10° 96 curiura Cm o ; bonaceous chondrites, which are the most undif- decrease exponentially.
45 rhodium Rh 3.44 x 10-' 97 berkelium Bk 0 ferentiated samples of matter in the solar system
46 palladium Pd 1.39 x 10° 98 califomium Cf 3. The abundances of the elements havin
47 sil ver Ag 5.29 x 10-' 99 einsteinium Es 1 \ available
1 to us (Masón, 1962). Table 2.1 lists the atomic numbers greater than 50 are ver
48 cadmium Cd 1.69 x 10° 100 fermium Fm j abundances of the elements in the solar system
low and do not vary appreciably wit
49 indium In 1.84 x 10-' 101 mendelevium Md í compüed by Anders and Ebihara (1982). The
50 tin Sn 3.82 x 10° 102 nobelium No increasing atomic number.
° K abundances are expressed in terms of the number
51 antimony Sb 3.52 x 10"' 103 lawrencium Lr 0 |B oí atoms relative to 106 atoms of silicon. Figure 4. Elements having even atomic numbers ar
52 teilurium Te 4.91 x 10°
K- 2^ U a olot of these data and ¡Ilústrales several more abundant than their immediate neigí
1 Tha terrestrial abundances of the radioactive da ughters of uranium and thorium are verv low and are therefore indicated as fll . * "nportant observations about the abundances of bors with odd atomic numbers (Oddo
" ~0." In addition, neptunium and plutonium are produced in nuclear rcactors and therefore occur on the Earth. However, the '^K '•"U ^^ elements. Harkins rule).
truniuranium elements having atomic numbers of 95 or greater do not occur in the solar system. Their abundances are thcrefore B| i, ',
iluled u "0." SOURCE: Anders and Ebihara (1982). jBSÜ'-

(2.111 stability of the isotopes of lithium, beryllim

5. The abundances of lithium. beryllium. and another protón to form the nucleus of heiium-3 boron. The crux of the problem is th.
boron are anomalously low compared to (,He) plus a gamma ray (•/) and 5.493 MeV of (2.12) nucleus of jBe is very unstable and (
other elements of low atomic number. energy. Finally, two helium-3 nuclei must collide quickly with a "half-life" of about 10
+ V (2.13)
6. The abundance of iron is notably higher to form helium-4 (fHe), two protons, and 12.859 Therefore, 'Be must absorb a third l
than those of other elements with similar MeV. The end result is that four hydrogen nuclei (2.14) nucleus very soon after its formation tu m
atomic numbers. fuse to form one nucleus of helium-4, a gamma safely to stable '¿C (Fowler, 1967). An ¡il
7. Two elements, technetium and pro- ray, a neutrino, and 19.794 MeV of energy. The end result is that four protons are fused to tive reaction involving the addition o!' .1
methium, do not occur in the solar system The entire process can be described by a series form one nucleus of *He, as in the direct proton- to the nucleus of *He has an even smallcr
because all of their isotopes are unstable of equations in which the nuclei of hydrogen and proton chain. The nucleus of '^C acts as a sort to succeed because the product, iLt, has .
and decay rapidly. helium are represented by the symbols of the of catalyst and is released at the end. It can then life of only 10~ 21 sec and decomposcs i
appropriate isotopes (see Chapter 4), even be reused for another revolution of the CNO helium and hydrogen.
8. The elements having atomic numbers
though these isotopes do not actually exist in cycle.
greater than 83 (Bi) nave no stable isotopes atomic form in stellar interiors where their elec- The Sun contains elements of higher atomic ¡H-jLi
but occur naturally at very low abundances number than helium including l|C and therefore
trons are removed from them because of the.high
because they are the daughters of long-lived ¡H
temperature. carnes on hydrogen fusión by the CNO cycle. In
radioactive isotopes of uranium and fací, most stars in our Milky Way Galaxy are
thorium. The triple-alpha process is indeed the k
J H + ¡ H - » f H + £ " + v + 0.422 MeV (2.5) second-generation stars because our Galaxy is so the synthesis of all elements beyoml In
The nucleosynthesis model of B 2 FH (1957) oíd that only the very smallest first-generation
£ + + $- -> 1.02 MeV (annihilation) (2.6) Without it, stellar evolution would br
includes eight different kinds of nuclear reactions stars could have survived to the present time.
circuited, and the universe would be cuín
that occur at specified temperatures in the course JH + }H — ^He + y + 5.493 MeV (2.7) The low reaction cross section of the proton-
only of hydrogen and helium.
of the evolution of a star. Several of these reac- proton chain by which the ancestral stars gener- Helium burning sustains red giants u n U
tions may take place simultaneously in the cores |He + 32He -> iHe + ¡H + ¡H + 12.859 MeV ated energy has been a source of concern to few tens of millions of years or less. W n l i m
and outer shells of massive stars. As a result, the (2.8) nuclear astrophysicists. When this difficulty was ing temperature ¡n the core, alpha p a t í n !<•
core of a star may have a different chemical com- pointed out to Sir Arthur Eddington, who pro- with the nuclei of l £C to produce nw.\r\
position than the shell surrounding it. Moreover, The direct proton-proton fusión to form helium- posed hydrogen fusión in stars in 1920, he
higher atomic number.
not all of the nuclear processes take place in all 4 can only take place at a temperature of about replied (Fowler, 1967)
stars. Consequently, other stars in the Milky 10 x 106 K, and even then the probability of its 'ÍC + ÍHe -. l $0
Way Galaxy do not necessarily have the same Wc do not argüe with the critic who urges that
occurrence (or its "reaction cross section") is the stars are not hot enough for this process; we 'fO + *He - fSNc
chemical composition as the Sun and her very small. Nevertheless, this process was the tell him to go and find a hotter place. etc.
planets. only source of nuclear energy for first-generation
All stars on the main sequence genérate energy stars that formed from the primordial mixture of After the hydrogen in the core has been con- However, electrostatic repulsión bciwi-ni pimi
by hydrogen fusión reactions. This process hydrogen and helium after the Big Bang. verted to helium "ash," hydrogen fusión ends tively charged nuclei and alphu p a i M i l n iiiniu
results in the synthesis of helium either by the " Once the first generation of stars had run and the core contracts under the influence of the size of the atoms that can foitn MI i l u » sviiv
direct proton-proton chain (equations 2.5-2.8) through their evolutionary cycles and had gravity. The core temperature rises toward The heaviest atom produced by ilir a i l i l i i i u i i u|
or by the CNO cycle (equations 2.9-2.14). The exploded, the interstellar gas clouds contained 100 x 106 K, and the helium "ash" becomes the alpha particles is 2ÍNi, which decays tu '
protón—protón chain works as follows. Two elements of higher atomic number. The presence fuel for the next set of energy-producing nuclear then to stable i'Fe. These niiiloui
nuclei of hydrogen, consisting of one protón of carbón-12 C|C) synthesized by the ancestral reactions. The critica! reaction for helium therefore cause the enhanced a h i i i u l a i n
each, collide to form the nucleus of deuterium stars has made it easier for subsequent gener- burning is the fusión of three alpha particles elements in the iron group i l l u s M a i n l i I llJUI N
(fH) plus a positrón (^*) and a neutrino (v). (The ations of stars to genérate energy by hydrogen (triple-alpha process) to form a nucleus of '¿C. 2.2.
designation of atomic species is presented in fusión. This alternative mode of hydrogen fusión During the final stages of the c v u i m n I ni i ..I I
Chapter 4.) Each reaction of this kind liberales was discovered by Hans Bethe and is known as He + ÍHe - (2.15) giants, several other kinds of n i n l r . n ii MIIMI
0.422 million electrón volts (MeV) of energy. The the CNO cycle. occur (B2FH, 1957). The most iiiipun.iii ,1 MII.«I>
|Be + ÍHe • (2.16) vlin h
positrón (positively charged electrón) is annihi- are the neutron-capture r i í a i i n i m
lated by ¡nteracting with a negatively charged produce a large number of i h r i i |M> lili
'¿C+¡H-l|N + 7 (2.9) Thb is the critical link in the chain of nucleo-
electrón giving off additional energy of 1.02 syitthesis because it bridges the gap in nuclear atomic numbers greater than .Vi l i o 1 1
MeV. The deuterium nucleus collides with '}N-.'|C + £* +v (2.10)

tions involve the addition of a neutrón to the An even more rapid rate of neutrón capture is 74 77
34 Se
nucleus of an atom to produce an isotope having
the same atomic number but a large mass
required to make ^Zn from f^Cu by addition of
five neutrons in succession to form ¡,Cu, which N
number. For example, the equation then decays by /?" emission to stable ]5JZn. 33 As P -proces V6

• z¿N¡ + y (2.21) fJCu + 5 »n - ¡°9Cu + 5y (2.27) 32 Ge

70 71 72 74 V5
'N SyTIN ^

indicates that the nucleus of UNÍ absorbs a

íiJCu -»]°Za + P ~ + v H— 7.2 MeV
(2.28) Z

y V2
V neutrón, which changes it to an excited state of c
64 65 66 67 \69 70
jjNi, which then deexcites by emitting a gamma o Zn
J ray. Nickel-63 is radioactive and decays to stable
Capture of neutrons at such rapid rates is char-
£ \3
" \4 \3
acteristic of the r-process, which requires a much.

"Cu by emitting a /?" particle, \65
^ 6 \70
V greater neutrón flux than the s-process and 29 Cu -*s
v-\2 V\6
«, therefore takes place only during the last few L N
J 5¡Ni - ^Cu + r +v + 0.0659 MeV (2.22) \63
minutes in the life of a red giant when it explodes
as a supernova.
28 Ni SíL
where v is an antineutrino. ^Cu is a stable ^6S
However, no neutrón capture on any time 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
> isotope of copper and can absorb another
J neutrón to form «Cu.
scale can account for the formation of some
atoms such as stable jJSe shown also in Figure Neutrón Number (N)
"Cu + ¿n -» "Cu + y (2.23) 2.3. This nuclide is synthesized by the addition of
two protons to stable l\Ge in the so-called p- Figure 23 Nucleosynthesis in red giants by neutrón capture on a slow time scale (s-process)
process. followed by beta decay. The dark squares are stable isotopes. whereas the unshaded ones are
Copper-64 is radioactive and undergoes radioactive. The process starts with stable S|Ni, which absorbs a neutrón to form unstable
branched decay to form "Zn and "Ni, both of 2jNi, which decays to stable SJCu by emitting a /3~ particle. The main line of the s-process. as
which are stable. + 2 1H - ¡JSe (2.29) indicated by arrows, proceeds from 'iNi to ¡][Se and beyond but bypasses ]%Zn and ]JSe.
3^Zn is produced by neutrón capture on a rapid time scale (r-process) from f'Zn via unstable
SíCu - SJZn + 0- + v + 0.575 MeV (2.24) This process also takes place at the very end of 5oZn and from z|Cu, which captures five neutrons in rapid succession to form IgCu followed
by decay to stable jJZn. jJSe is a proton-rich nuclide that cannot form by either the s-process
5ÍCu — fjNi + 0* 4- v + 1.678 MeV (2.25) the giant stage of stellar evolution.
} or the r-process and requires the addition of two protons (p-process) to stable l\Ge.
The system of nuclear reactions originally pro-
This process of successive additions of neutrons posed by B2FH (1957) can account for the
ii illustrated in Figure 2.3. U takes place during observed abundances of the chemical elements in
the red giant stage of stellar evolution when the the solar system and in nearby stars. Nucleo-
neutrón flux is low enough to permit the product synthesis is taking place at the present time in 2.4 Summary hydrogen and helium. In the end, stars explode,
nucleus to decay before the next neutrón is the stars of our galaxy and in the stars of other and the remnants become solid objects of great
«dded, This process therefore is characteristically galaxies throughout the universe. We have good We live iri an expanding universo whose future is density.
j/ov» and it is therefore referred to as the s- evidence in the wavelength spectra of light from uncertain. The universe started with a Big Bang The abundances of the chemical elements in
process. distant galaxies that the chemical elements we about 15 x 109 years ago and has evolved since the solar system can be explained by the nuclear
By examining Figure 2.3 closely we see that find on Earth also occur everywhere else in the then in accordance with the laws of physics. reactions that energize the stars. These reactions
the track of the s-process bypasses l%Zn, which is universe. However, pulsars and black holes have Stars are the basic units in the hierarchy of progress from fusión of hydrogen and helium to
onc of the stable isotopes of zinc. In order to high internal pressures and temperatures that heavenly bodies. They form by contraction of neutrón capture and to other reactions, most of
make this isotope by neutrón capture reactions, cause atomic nuclei to disintegrate into more douds of interstellar gas and dust until their core which occur only for a short time at the end of
the pace must be speeded up so that unstable primitive constituents. The relative proportions tanperatures are sufficient to cause hydrogen the active life of a star. The chemical elements we
lUZn can pick up a neutrón to form l%Zn before of the chemical elements in other stars are differ- fiísion. Stars evolve through predictable stages know on Earth occur throughout the universe,
it decays to stable ™Ga. ent because local conditions may affect the yields •^Pending on their masses and initial composi- but their abundances vary because local condi-
of the many nuclear reactions that contribute to . j»ns. They genérate energy by nuclear reactions tions affect the yields of the nucleosynthesis pro-
(2.26) their synthesis. ™t synthesize other elements from primordial cesses.

Problems MASÓN, B.. 1962. Veteantes. Wiley, New York. 274

pp. WHNBERG. S., 1977. The F¡rs! Three M,nuu-s. Baní,,,,
Books, New York. 177pp
PENZIAS, A. A,, and R. W. WILSON, 1965. A measure-
1. How has the abundance of hydrogen (H) in the 7. Why is lead (Pb) more abundant than we might WHEELER, J. C, 1973. After the supernovu. „(,.„ •
have expected? ment of excess antenna temperature at 4.080 Mc;s. Amer. Scientis:, 61: 42-51.
universe changed since the Big Bang?
Astropkys. J., 142:419.
2. Why are elements with even atomic numbers 8. Check the abundance of argón (Ar) and deter- SCHRAMM, D. N., and W. D. ARNETT, 1973. Expiosice
more abundant than their neighbors with odd atomic mine whether it is greater than expected. If so, suggest Nudeosymhesis. University of Texas Press, Austin
numbers? an explanation. and London, 301 pp.
3. How do we know that the Sun is at least a 9. How did lithium (L¡), beryllium (Be), and boron
"second-generation" star? (B)form?
4. Why do technetium (Te) and promethium (Pm) 10. Compare the abundances of the "rare earths"
lack stable isotopes? (lanthanum to lutetium) to such well-known metáis as
Ta, W, Pt, Au, Hg, and Pb. Are the rare earths really
5. What other elements alsq iack stable isotopes?
ail that "rare"?
6. Why do the elements of Problem 5 exist on the
Earth, whereas Te and Pm do not?

P.S. Not all of thesc questions have unequivocal answers.


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