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Didactics of English

Task 2

Language learning strategies

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Group: 551026_3

Diego Armando Ramirez Gil

Leidy Merchán Arciniegas

Autor Notes:

Task 2, Language Learning Strategies, Didactics of English, Universidad Nacional Abierta y a

Distancia (UNAD), Delivery in Evaluation and Assessment Environment


Language learning strategies general view

The language learning strategies are a series of techniques and activities directed towards all

of those students of native and non-native language to encourage them and helping to improve

the skills that they are in need of, so they would be able to speak fluently, this learning strategies

play an important role when teaching or learning any new knowledge (language just like in this

case), these strategies help people to be more autonomous because it creates in them minds the

ability and responsibility on his or her own learning.

Trainers and trainee through this process achieve and work with the procedures that work as

tools to get the goals effectively solving problems from education issue in an organized way.

Major varieties of language learning strategies are cognitive, mnemonic, metacognitive,

compensatory (for speaking and writing), effective and social.

Cognitive strategies:

The cognitive learning strategies are processes by means of learners can get the new

information in a successful way so with these kinds of strategies the students obtain and retain

the knowledge effectively.

examples of cognitive strategies are

 Concept mapping

 Visualization

 Making association

 Chunking

 Questioning

 Scanning

 Underlying

 Guessing form context

 Analyzing

 Self-checking

Metacognitive strategies:

These strategies are directed to the methods used for helping trainee to understand the way that

they learn the language, it is a self-knowledge development analyzing the way that they gain and

apply those new concepts in any situation.

Example of metacognitive strategy:

 Auto-evaluation

 Visual,

 Selective attention

 Self-reinforcement

 Ambiguity-tolerant

 Kinesthetic

 Analyze

 Apply

 Assessing

 Questioning

Mnemonic strategies:

The mnemonic strategies are those instructional ones created for learners to understand and

improve the memory of the important information just learned, likewise it helps learners to link

the new information with those concepts already known.

Examples of mnemonic strategy:

 By sounds

 By body movements

 Location

 Acrostics

 Clustering

 Phrases

 Keywords

 Narrative chaining

 Chunking

 Guessing

Compensatory strategies for speaking and writing

This strategy enriches knowledge as we listen and to improve speech we can use

synonyms and gestures and to improve writing we use them, that is to say we use

synonyms, although it is said that the strategies are intended only for linguistic use.

 Self-assessment.

 Summaries.

 Maps.

 Videos.

 The TIC

 Exchange of ideas.

 Dynamics.

 Readings.

 Interactive method.

 Individual method

Affective strategies

This strategy we live every day listening to compliments receiving and sending affectionate or

affectionate messages, we can also experience other kind of feeling like anger, discomfort. It also

motivates us to learn more English or even another language to improve communication.

Although we may experience fear when speaking a language other than the native language for

fear of making mistakes in some cases.

 Messages of love.

 affectionate calls.

 flattering images.

 romantic music.

 Letters. And even fanny memes.


 chat

Social strategies

It is part of a social plan that seeks interaction with others, a set of actions developed

in different media. Cultural Capacity.

Social Science.

Area suitable for public.

Manage the number of people to attend.

Tell something about us.

Sharing activities. Researching other cultures.

Interweave and cover different topics.

Make a brief presentation of the attendees.


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