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Patch: 70

Product: Cameleon XR Windows 1.2

Date: 2010-06-11 11:55
Cases: C1022 C1031 C1035 C1083 C1090 C1117 C1128 C1157 C1183 C1190 C1193 C1202
C1209 C1210 C1213 C1226 C1232 C1233 C1237 C1271 C1303 C1306
Module: cxr_mcsrv 4.2-18
Module: cxr_dm 1.1-9
Module: cxr_oamsdk
Number: C1022
Date: 2009-03-25 13:32
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Negative values in the Runtime info
Changing PC clock backward was causing wrong runtime information,
possibly negative values.
Number: C1031
Date: 2009-03-30 15:07
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Stopped applications remain in BigBrowser Application pane
Suspended, then killed applications, were remaining in the MCSrv
until the MCSrv was restarted.
Number: C1035
Date: 2009-03-19 11:35
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Multichassis with SCBus based board
The MCS was preventing SCBus based board from declaring
multi-chassis devices
Number: C1083
Date: 2010-06-10 14:47
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Runtime info available outside MCC
Access to runtime information (application and AEP list, call
stats per AEP) and runtime server information. Every 5 seconds an
XML file named mcs_rtinfos.xml, containing the various
information is saved in the cdr/ folder.
Number: C1090
Date: 2009-07-03 13:48
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: MCS release group in use
When an outbound call fails, the released group is reused too
soon for another call. The MCS continues the outbound call
cleaning on an active call and resets the wrong device.
Number: C1117
Date: 2009-06-25 16:23
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: MCS wrongly releases seat after a conference abort
After issuing a conference media abort, the MCS releases all DSP
resources of the conference, including seats. Seats are then
reused even if they are still connected.
Number: C1128
Date: 2009-10-16 17:46
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: System runtime information was sometimes wrong
System runtime information was sometimes wrong.
Number: C1157
Date: 2009-10-16 17:44
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Invalid CDR due to errorneous condition
Various error conditions were causing the call to be rejected
without CDR or with a CDR containing limited information.
Typically, SS7 call with a unregistered TDM board, missing
Number: C1183
Date: 2009-11-02 16:54
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Multichassis end-points optimization
When doing multi-chassis, the MCS was always using an end-point
to switch the RTP and the channel, even when this was not needed.
Number: C1190
Date: 2009-09-21 12:08
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Extra abort sent on disconnect disturbs channel state
MCSrv was sending an superfluous abort, not waiting for its
completion, when disconnecting a channel. This was prematurely
releasing the channel, causing problem during the next call.
Number: C1193
Date: 2009-09-23 12:22
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Stopping media operation in conference does not work in some conditi
When Stopmedia operation in conference is called from application
with OP_MEDIA_ALL, but recording was not active, other active
function would not be stopped (example: ongoing playprompt).
Number: C1202
Date: 2009-10-16 17:46
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Outbound call fails with error code 0x2504
MCS was replying with 0x2504 (ERR_AR_BADID) error code when
applications were placing outbound calls. From log files, we
noticed that a group (call-context) at MCS was reused before
being released by previous call.
Number: C1209
Date: 2009-10-09 10:02
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: MCS continuously trying to close faulty channel
If an MCU was failing to properly close a circuit, the MCS was
infinitely trying to close it, generating extra load and logs.
Number: C1210
Date: 2009-10-19 14:01
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Automatically blocking circuit with errors
When encountering certain errors like close/open circuit failing,
the MCS automatically sends a block.

Number: C1213
Date: 2009-11-02 16:54
Modules: cxr_mcsrv cxr_mcukallastra cxr_mcunms2005_1 cxr_mcunms8_1
Subject: Switching error when using Kallastra (RTP) and NMS (media resource)
When configuring Kallastra board for SIP (together with the
MCUSIP) and a media resource on NMS, MCS fails to properly
configured the switching.
Number: C1226
Date: 2009-11-12 09:01
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: MCS CDR folder not created when changed
When changing the CDR folder from the administration tool (Big
Browser), the MCS failed to create CDRs if the folder did not
exist. The MCS now automatically creates the folder when not
Number: C1233
Date: 2009-12-01 16:14
Modules: cxr_mcsrv cxr_ccpcsrtc cxr_appsdk
Subject: Blindtransfer to accept bypass success results
The MCS was always dropping successful blindtransfer
independently of the call states. Now, only successful/idle/idle
transfers drop the call.
Number: C1237
Date: 2009-12-11 08:35
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Pool inter usage delay
Ability to set a minimum delay between a pool's devices usage.
This is globally configured in the DPD.
Number: C1271
Date: 2010-06-11 11:22
Modules: cxr_mcsrv cxr_oamsdk
Subject: DM not compatible with old XR version
The DM shipped with XR1.2 SP1 was not compatible with old XR
Number: C1303
Date: 2010-06-03 18:57
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Big Browser to show Failed outbound calls in application runtime inf
Big Browser displays the failed outbound calls for each
application. Failed calls are shown in a new additional column
and are categorized as:
- notvalid: failed because appID or aepID not found, or APP/AEP
not enabled, or AEP is not an outbound AEP
- canceled: canceled by application before the calls are answered
or timed-out on the network
- failed: failed on network. Includes busy, no-answer,
Number: C1306
Date: 2010-05-27 17:29
Modules: cxr_mcsrv
Subject: Second vx_PlayAsync fails
When using vx_PlayAsync, if vx_StopAsync is called very shortly
after vx_PlayAsync, next vx_PlayAsync may fail. Workaround: add a
small delay (100ms) after vx_PlayAsync.
This is the same as C1154.

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