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Materials Characterization 52 (2004) 159 – 164

Short communication
Application of the Rosin–Rammler and
Gates–Gaudin–Schuhmann models to the particle
size distribution analysis of agglomerated cork
A. Macı́as-Garcı́a a,*, Eduardo M. Cuerda-Correa b, M.A. Dı́az-Dı́ez a
Escuela de Ingenierı́as Industriales, Área de Ciencia de los Materiales e Ingenierı́a Metalúrgica, Universidad de Extremadura,
Avda de Elvas S/N. E-06071 Badajoz, Spain
Departamento de Quı́mica Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Extremadura, Avda de Elvas, S/N. E-06071 Badajoz, Spain
Received 6 November 2003; accepted 30 April 2004


In the present, work samples prepared from cork waste and low quality cork have been analyzed from the standpoint of their
particle size distribution (PSD). The distribution function F(/) (mass fraction) and density function f(/) (number of particles
binned between two given mesh sizes) of the agglomerated samples have been obtained by applying two widely-used
mathematical models, namely those proposed by Rosin – Rammler (RR) and Gates – Gaudin – Schuhmann (GGS). RR model
provides excellent results when applied to the samples here studied, which leads to a more accurate separation of the different
particle sizes in order to obtain a better industrial profit of the material.
D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Particle size distribution; Modeling; Agglomerated cork

1. Introduction masking power of paint pigment [8]. These examples

illustrate the intimate involvement of particle size in
Many methods of varying complexity have been energy generation, industrial processes, resource uti-
developed to determine the size distribution of partic- lization, and many other phenomena.
ulates [1 –7]. Particle size is probably the most im- The current demand for cork far outstrips its
portant single physical characteristic of solids. It annual production. There have consequently been
influences the combustion efficiency of pulverized several studies published aimed at optimizing the
coal, the setting time of cements, the flow character- use of natural cork slabs and cork waste, some of
istics of granular materials, the compacting and sinter- which are unfit for industrial use [9 –12]. Control of
ing behavior of metallurgical powders, and the the cork particle sizes is an important factor be-
cause it allows one to make better use of the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-24-289604; fax: +34-24- material and to select more efficiently the PSDs
289601. according to their potential application.
E-mail address:
(A. Macı́as-Garcı́a).

1044-5803/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
160 A. Macı́as-Garcı́a et al. / Materials Characterization 52 (2004) 159–164

In the process of milling cork, one obtains a PSD After milling, the cork particles were separated
that may be treated cumulatively or differentially. The into different particle sizes using a 200-mm-diam-
determination and subsequent treatment of this distri- eter sifting column whose internal diameters corre-
bution requires the use of accurate methods of anal- spond to those set out in the UNE Norm 7-050
ysis of particle sizes, i.e., the use of methods of PSD Part II. This column was placed on a vibrating
analysis or characterization. Correct information in table at 100 vibrations/min for 12 min, rotating at
this sense will be the basis of not only the subsequent 1 turn/min.
design of the milling circuits, but also of the particle The resulting values allow one to obtain the
concentration circuits and control of the operation experimental PSD curves. These represent the percen-
when the plant is running. tages by weight versus particle size.
A number of methods aimed at determining Several mathematical models have been utilized
PSDs (i.e., sieving, cycloning, microscopy, etc.) to obtain the distribution and density functions from
have been described in the literature [13,14]. Using experimental PSD curves. The most commonly used
different characterization techniques for the PSD are those of RR and GGS [21 – 23].
analysis of a material, one may obtain quite radi- The RR distribution function has long been used
cally different information [15 – 17]. Hence, which to describe the PSD of powders of various types
analysis technique is used will depend on the and sizes. The function is particularly suited to
ultimate goal of the characterization. represent powders made by grinding, milling, and
The results of a PSD analysis may be expressed in crushing operations. The general expression of the
different forms: binning by particle diameter indicating RR model is:
the nominal mesh sizes, or by PSD, in grams, in
percentage by weight of each fraction (differential   m 
distribution, as the cumulative percentage of sizes /
Fð/Þ ¼ 1  exp  ð1Þ
below a given value—undersize—and as the cumula- l
tive percentage of size above a given value—oversize)
The aim of this study is to obtain the distribution where F(/) is the distribution function, and / is the
F(/) (mass fraction) and density f(/) functions particle size (mm), l is the mean particle size (mm),
(number of particles binned between two given mesh and m is a measure of the spread of particle sizes;
sizes) of a cork waste sample by applying the RR l and m are adjustable parameters characteristic of
and GGS mathematical models to the PSD data the distribution. This expression may be rewritten
obtained by sieving through different size meshes as:

lnfln½1  Fð/Þg ¼ mln/  mlnl ð2Þ

2. Materials and experimental methods

A plot of the first term of this expression versus the
Samples were prepared from cork waste and low- natural logarithm of / will result in a straight line of
quality cork unfit for industrial use. This material slope m if the behavior of the material fits the RR
was ground in a star or tooth mill to yield a model.
granulate of suitable particle size and to make a The application of the function to a specific
preliminary elimination of impurities (sand, dust, distribution and the calculation of its parameters
etc.). The product was passed through a hammer are often done via linear regression of data, repre-
mill for further reduction of particle size and sented as ln{  ln[1  F(/)]} versus ln/, indicative
separation of impurities. The purified granulate of the applicability of the RR distribution function to
was then passed through a blade mill to yield the the PSD. Often a least-squares regression analysis is
final different PSDs. used to fit a line to the data point. The correlation
A. Macı́as-Garcı́a et al. / Materials Characterization 52 (2004) 159–164 161

Table 1
PSD analysis of milled cork
Range Mesh Fraction Fraction Cumulative Cumulative
of sizes size (g) (%) % weight % weight
(mm) (mm) (under) (over)
< 0.71 0.71 1.00 1.39 1.39 98.61
0.71 – 1 1.0 1.70 2.36 3.75 96.25
1 – 1.4 1.4 8.60 11.94 15.69 84.31
1.4 – 2 2.0 7.20 10.00 25.69 74.31
2 – 2.8 2.8 17.70 24.58 50.27 49.73
2.8 – 4 4.0 20.50 28.47 78.74 21.26
4 – 5.6 5.6 11.40 15.83 94.57 5.43
5.6 – 8 8.0 2.30 3.19 97.76 2.24
8 – 11.2 11.2 1.60 2.22 100 0

coefficient may be used as the parameter for good- Fig. 2. Plot of the distribution function vs. particle size.
ness of fit. The density function in the RR model
will be:
  m  particle diameter of the distribution (size modulus),
m / and m (distribution modulus) is an adjustable param-
f ð/Þ ¼ m /m1 exp  ð3Þ
l l eter. If the logarithm of the F(/) is plotted versus the
logarithm of particle size /, a relatively straight line is
One relatively uncomplicated method that has often obtained, with a slope equal to m, obtaining the
found favor in the metalliferous mining industry since expression:
1940 is the GGS equation, defined by:
/ logFð/Þ ¼ mlog/  mlog/max ð5Þ
Fð/Þ ¼ ð4Þ
Hence, a plot of the logarithm of the distribution
where F(/) is the fraction of the sample finer than size function versus the logarithm of the particle diameter
/, / is the particle diameter, /max is the maximum will give a straight line if the PSD curve fits the

Fig. 1. PSD curve obtained by sieving. Fig. 3. Plot of the density function vs. particle size.
162 A. Macı́as-Garcı́a et al. / Materials Characterization 52 (2004) 159–164

Table 2
Fits to the RR and GGS models
Cumulative % weight (under) F(/) / (mm) f(/) log F(/) Log / ln{ ln[1 F(/)]} ln /
1.39 0.014 0.71 0.020  1.857  0.15  4.269  0.34
3.75 0.038 1.00 0.038  1.426 0  3.264 0
15.69 0.157 1.40 0.112  0.804 0.15  1.768 0.34
25.69 0.257 2.00 0.128  0.590 0.30  1.214 0.69
50.27 0.503 2.80 0.180  0.299 0.45  0.359 1.03
78.74 0.787 4.00 0.197  0.104 0.60 0.437 1.39
94.57 0.946 5.60 0.169  0.024 0.75 1.069 1.72
97.76 0.978 5.68 0.122  0.010 0.90 1.335 2.08
100 1 11.20 0.089 0 1.05 – 2.42

GGS model. The density function in this model will On the other hand, the area under the curve between
be: two sizes (i.e., /1 and /2) indicates the number of
m/m1 particles (expressed as particle mass or volume) whose
f ð/Þ ¼ ð6Þ diameters are comprised in that interval:
Z /2
Fð/2 Þ  Fð/1 Þ ¼ f ð/Þdð/Þ ð7Þ
3. Results and discussion /1

The values of the weights of the different particle Finally, the slope of the distribution function (plot-
sizes obtained in the sieving operations are listed in ted vs. the particle diameter, /) at each point gives the
Table 1, together with the cumulative percentages by density function, f(/), defined by Eq. (3) and plotted in
weight. Fig. 1 depicts the corresponding PSD curve. Fig. 3. This function represents the differential curve
Fig. 2 shows the distribution function, F(/), obtained corresponding to the percentage of particles of a certain
from fitting the experimental results of Fig. 1 to size. Many materials present PSD curves like that
Eq. (1). This function may represent the fraction by shown in Fig. 1 and are therefore well suited to be
volume, by mass, or by number of particles. The value analyzed by using this type of model.
of the function at a given point is the fraction of the We applied the two above-described models to the
number of particles (mass or volume) that is below a experimental results given in Table 1 and Fig. 1. The
given size. different parameters to be fitted are listed in Table 2.

Fig. 4. Fit to the RR model. Fig. 5. Fit to the GGS model.

A. Macı́as-Garcı́a et al. / Materials Characterization 52 (2004) 159–164 163

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and GGS models, respectively. properly fit the experimental data. Nevertheless, fur-
From the observation of the two figures and the ther investigations are being carried out for some
corresponding linear correlation coefficient, one other materials with hopeful results.
deduces that the RR model provides a better fit to
the experimental PSD curve than GGS does. The
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