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Software development is a 10 phased process.

Project begins once the deal is inked and the Project Sponsor offloads his worries to the Project Manager.

1. The first phase is scope development. The management determines the project scope in 4 hrs
and obtains project sponsorship in a day (Wow!). The dragon (P.M) then enters. He takes 1 day
to identify the resources he needs to get the job done. After this, he spends a day in building his
core Project Management team (also called Key personnel team). Scope development phase
ends once this is done –Milestone 1
2. Software requirement analysis phase soon starts with the conduction of needs analysis. A
skilled analyst takes 5 days time to complete this job and 3 days to draft preliminary software
specifications. Armed with this information, our Project manager prepares his preliminary project
budget in 2 days time. He sits with the analyst and reviews the specifications and the budget to
see if they can be fine-tuned. Analyst is given a day to incorporate the needed changes and
resubmit the specification to help the PM prepare a delivery time plan, which he does in a day
and sits with the management to convince them of its worth and obtain a NTP (Notice to
proceed). Historic records (Organization Process Assets) prove that it takes 4 hrs to convince the
management. Once the green signal is given, the PM secures all needed resources in 1 day and
closes this Analysis phase –Milestone 2
3. Immediately afterwards, he opens the gates of the design phase. The poor analyst is given 2
days to review preliminary software specifications and 5 more days to develop functional ones.
After this, he’s expected to develop a prototype based on the functional specifications he earlier
developed and hand it over to his boss, PM, who cleverly passes the buck onto the management.
The management takes 2 full days to review the prototype and a day to incorporate feedback into
it. They visit the client along with the PM to obtain needed approvals, which is usually given in 4
hrs. Design phase closes after approval is obtained – Milestone 3. Five things happen after this.
4. Developing phase- A developer spends one day each on reviewing functional specifications,
identifying tiered design patterns, and assigning development staff. He dedicates 14 days to
developing code and an equal number to primary de-bugging. This ends developing phase –
Milestone 4
5. Testing phase- Immediately after close of design phase, testers spend 4 days to develop unit
test plans using product specifications identified and 4 days to create integration test plans. They
spend 5 days reviewing the codes using these unit test plans after Milestone 4. Then, 2 days are
used up to test component modules. 3 days are dedicated to identifying anomalies and an equal
number to modify the code. Then, it takes 2 days to test the modified code after which, unit
testing is declared over- milestone 5a. In accordance with the integration test plan, test module
integration work is undertaken. This 5 day activity is preceded by Milestone 5a. Then, 2 days are
dedicated to identification of anomalies, followed by 3 to modify code and 2 to re-test modified
code. Once done, integration test plan is assumed to be completed- milestone 5b.

Testing phase is a 2 stage activity comprising of unit testing & integration testing

6. Training phase- 3 activities of this phase, all consuming 3 days each, succeed milestone 3. Two
of them are developing training specifications for end users and help desk support; and the third
is identifying training methodology. 3 weeks are spent to draft training material. Afterwards, 4
days go in conducting training usability studies. 3 days are utilized to finalize training material and
2 to develop training delivery mechanisms. This marks the completion of this phase – Milestone
6. It may be noted that all tasks in this phase are performed by trainers.
7. Documentation phase- As soon as the first activity of the testing phase starts, work on
development of help specifications, a day long activity, begins. After 50 % of the code is
developed (development phase task), 21 day long activity of developing help system starts. Then,
it takes 3 days to document all this, 2 days to review the documentation. 2 day work-
development of user manual specifications starts after milestone 3. After document review, 3
weeks are spent to create user manuals. Creation is followed by 2, 2 day activities. Review user
manuals and incorporating feedback. This completes documentation phase- Milestone 7. All work
here is handled by technical communicators.
8. Pilot phase – After analysis phase, PM spends a day each in identifying test group and
developing software delivery mechanism. After milestones 5b,6 & 7 are achieved, and once the
software delivery mechanism is developed, deployment team spends 1 day to install the software.
Then, it waits for 7 days to obtain user feedback and 1 day to evaluate testing info. With this,
ends pilot phase- Milestone 8.
9. Deployment phase- After milestone 8, the deployment team carries out 5 activities, each of one
day duration, in serial order. They are –
a. Developing deployment strategy
b. Developing deployment methodology
c. Securing deployment resources
d. Training support staff
e. Carrying out deployment
- This completes deployment phase: Milestone 9.
10. Post implementation review phase- After milestone 9, the PM carries out 3 activities, each of
one day duration, in serial order
a. Review entire project work to document lessons learnt
b. Distribute the same to all team members
c. Creating a maintenance team.
- This ends post implementation phase: Milestone 10.
- The project ends with the completion of Milestone 10.


Resource Name
Task Name

Project – SD
Project Manager
Analysis/Software Requirements
Documentation Communicators

Deployment Team


Post Implementation Review

Software development template

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