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J. Plant Pbysiol. Vol. 144. pp.

45 -48 (1994)

Endogenous Levels of ABA and Cytokinins and their

Relation to Stomatal Behavior in Dayflower (Commelina
communis L.)


1 Forestry Department, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, PRC
2 Basic Course Department, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, PRC
3 Agronomy Department, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, PRC

Received August 27,1993 . Accepted January 24,1994


During adventitious root formation in dayflower, the ABA level diminished gradually, and cytokinin
(mainly isopentenyladenosine and zeatin riboside) levels in the abaxial epidermis and the transpiration
rate of leaves increased significantly. However, root excision resulted in the increase of ABA levels and
the reduction of cytokinin levels, and the transpiration rate also decreased dramatically. The stomatal be-
havior of dayflower cuttings induced by the existence or excision of adventitious root can be explained
by the concentration and ratio of endogenous cytokinin and ABA in abaxial epidermis.

Key words: Stomatal behavior, ABA, cytokinins, commelina.

Abbreviations: ABA '" abscisic acid; CTK - cytokinin; BHT = butylated hydroxy-toluene; ELISA =
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay; iPA = isopentenyladenosine; ZR = zeatin riboside; DHZR = di-
hydrozeatinriboside; BSA = bovine serum albumin; OVA = ovalbumin; PBS '" phosphate buffer solu-
tion; SE = standard error.

Introduction opening and the increase of transpiration rate, even though

the root does not touch a layer of water, while root excision
It is generally accepted that stomatal movement of plants induces stomatal closure and the reduction of transpiration
influences the rate of gas exchange, which in turn affects rate. In this circumstance, the stomatal responses to root ex-
transpiration as well as photosynthesis and respiration. The istence or excision can not be explained only by root-derived
mechanism of stomatal movement is complicated. The con- ABA.
ventional view of the stomatal response to soil drying is that Early speculation that soil drying would reduce CTK syn-
as water supply is restricted, leaf water potential and turgor thesis in roots and its transport to leaves (ltai and Vaddia,
decline, eventually promoting stomatal closure. There is 1965) has been supported by some experimental data show-
now a considerable amount of evidence that soil water defi- ing that soil drying reduces CTK synthesis in roots (Cf: Da-
cit can also induce stomatal closure even when leaf water sta- vis et al., 1987), kinetin-like activity in root exudate (ltai and
tus does not change (Black mann and Davis, 1985; Gollan et Vaddia, 1965) and CTK content in leaves (Davis et al., 1986).
al., 1986). One explanation for this is that root-derived ABA These responses imply that there may be a link between root
in response to soil drying is the primary mediator of sto- physiology and stomatal behavior. In this study, we report
matal closure (Zhang et al., 1987; Zhang and Davis, 1989). on the effect of adventitious root existence or excision on
Xu and Lou (1980) have found that the adventitious roots the levels of endogenous ABA- and CTK-like immunoreac-
produced from sweet potato cuttings promote stomatal tivity and the stomatal behavior of Commelina.

© 1994 by Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart


and their linear measuring ranges were all 0.064-200pmol. The

within-plate variation coefficient was from 2.0 % to 2.8 % and
that between plates was from 1.06 % to 3.4 %. Sample extract dilu-
tion curves were parallel with standard curves in ELISAs.
The crude extract was passed through a CIS Sep-pak cartridge to
Stem remove the pigments. The efflux was collected and then 600 J-IL of
Cork this solution was taken out and dried with a stream of
N 2; the residue was dissolved in 400 J-IL PBS (Om mollL, pH 9.2),
Plastic bag the pH adjusted to around 8.0 with 0.1 N HCL and extracted three
times with an equal volume of 85 % water-saturated n-butanol. The
Adventitious butanol extracts were pooled and dried with a stream of N 2 and re-
root dissolved in 600 J-IL PBS (0.01 mollL, pH 7.4) for determining the
Glass rack levels of iPAs, ZRs and DHZRs, respectively.
The flowchart described by Ross et al. (1987) was used in the
CTK assay with minor modifications. All samples were assayed in
Distilled water triplicate .
.. - .

Fig. 1: The device used for the culture of stem segments of Com-
melina. Measurement ofstomatal aperture
The stomatal aperture was expressed as transpiration rate accord-
ing to the method reported by Munns and King (1988).
Materials and Methods

Plant materials
The dayflower stem segments of 8 cm long bearing one leaf were
detached in water and their lower ends immersed in distilled water Effect of the existence or excision of adventitious roots on
in a glass tube (2 cm inner diameter and 10 cm long). The experi-
foliar transpiration rate.
mental device is shown in Fig. 1. The plastic bag must be used in or-
der to keep the adventitious roots away from a layer of water. Ten It was found that the transpiration rate of detached leaves
segments per treatment were used and root excision was conducted of the cuttings decreased day by day until the appearance of
7 days after incubation. The abaxial epidermal strips (ca. 200 mg) adventitious roots, then increased significantly with elonga-
were harvested and then ground under liquid nitrogen and ex- tion of roots even when these roots had not been touching
tracted with 3 mL 80 % methanol containing 10 mg/L BHT at 4 °C the layer of water. On the contrary, it diminished dramat-
for 48 h. The supernatant was collected after centrifugation at ically after root excision (Fig. 2). These results indicated that
10,000 x g for 30 min at 4°C; the residue was retained and extracted the formation of adventitious roots promoted stomatal
again with 1 mL of the same solvent at 4 °C for 24 h and centrifuged opening, while root excision induced its closure.
again at the same conditions. The second supernatant was combined
with the first one.
Effect of the existence and excision of adventitious roots
on endogenous ABA level in abaxial epidermal strips.
The results in Fig. 3 show that ABA level in the abaxial
Determination ofABA content epidermal strips from leaves of dayfIower decreased gradu-
An indirect ELISA (Zhang et al., 1991) was used. The procedure
used to purify and fractionate ABA from the crude samples was 0.6
based on that described by Weiler (1986). C 0
'" Control ,,
'"E 0.5
y ,
~.cision \

Determination of CTK contents. ~

Three ELISAs for iPAs, ZRs and DHZRs have been developed in -..
the plant hormone lab of Nanjing Agricultural University (Chen '" 0.3
and Zhou, unpublished). According to the method of NaI0 4 oxi- c
dation described by Weiler (1980), iPA, ZR and DHZR were conju- -0
gated, respectively, to BSA as immunogen or OVA as immobilized '"

antigen. Rabbits (about 2 kg) were immunized with an emulsion of 'c" 0 .1

the conjugates (iPA-N 9-BSA, ZR-N9-BSA and DHZR-N9-BSA, re- ~'"
spectively) in PBS and Freund's complete adjuvant, as described
previously (Hurn and Chantler, 1980). Sera were mixed with an 0
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
equal volume of glycerol and stored at - 20°C. Anti-iPA, -ZR and Incubation days
-DHZR antisera basically recognized iPA-group CTKs (iPAs), ZR-
group CTKs (ZRs) and DHZR-group CTKs (DHZRs). Fig.2: Effect of adventitious root formation and root excision on
The basic parameters of the 3 indirect ELISAs developed for the foliar transpiration rate of Commelina. A, B, C, D and E stand
iPAs, ZRs and DHZRs were as follows: the working concentrations for the different sampling times of determining ABA and CTK lev-
of anti-iPA, -ZR and -DHZR antisera were 1: 10,000, 1: 6000 and els. The no-tail, one-tail and two-tail arrow marks in Figs. 2, 3 and 4
1 :2000, respectively. The coating amount of iPA-N9"OVA, ZR-N9" represent the time of adventitious root appearance, formation of
OVA and DHZR-N9"OVA was 0.08, 0.11 and 0.13 J-Ig/well, respec- many roots and root excision, respectively. Averages ± SE of 3 rep-
tively. The detection limits of the 3 ELISAs were 4, 0.4 and 1 fmol, licates.
ABA and CTK regulating stomatal behavior 47

12 Discussion
Control IT
The nature of any chemical signal moving from roots to
Root excision
o leaves in response to soil drying has been subject of much in-
E terest during the last 25 years (Zhang and Davis, 1989). Some
evidence denotes that ABA plays a central role in root-to-
shoot communication, and may convey effects of soil drying
and then control stomatal behavior (Zhang et al., 1987;

Zhang and Davis, 1989). However, Munns and King (1988)
and Munns (1990) showed that the concentration of ABA in
m the sap of wheat plants was not sufficient to account for the
inhibitory effect of the xylem sap on stomatal conductance,
with an explanation that ABA was not the only antitranspi-
Incubation days rant. The results in this paper (Fig. 3) indicate that the sto-
Fig. 3: Effect of adventitious root formation and root excision on mata of dayflower respond to increased epidermal ABA con-
the level of ABA in abaxial epidermis of Commelina. Averages ± SE tent, which is consistent with previous reports (Zhang et aI.,
of 3 replicates. 1987; Davis et al., 1987), but ABA accumulated in abaxial
epidermal strips after root excision may come from chloro-
plasts (Cornish and Zeevaart, 1984), mesophyll cytoplasm
(Hartung et al., 1981) or cytoplasm of guard cells ( et
ally during the formation and growth of adventitious roots aI., 1982; Cornish and Zeevaart, 1986). Thus, the onglll of
and then showed only a small increase at day 8. However, ABA in Commelina abaxial epidermis controlling stomatal
root excision caused a marked rise in ABA level, which was closure is complex in stress conditions, for it may come from
203 % of that in control plants (Fig. 3). It implied that the the leaves (Fig. 3; Kriedemann et aI., 1972; Munns and King,
significant increase of ABA level in the abaxial epidermal 1988) as well as the roots (Zhang et aI., 1987; Davis et aI.,
strips after root excision was closely correlated to stomatal 1987).
closure and the reduction in foliar transpiration rate. Little progress has been made in the study of the effect of
Effect of the existence and excision of adventitious roots endogenous cytokinins on stomatal behavior perhaps be-
on endogenous CTK (iPAs, ZRs and DHZRs) levels in ab- cause of the assay's technical difficulty. Davis et ai. (1986)
axial epidermal strips. . presented preliminary data that soil drying reduces the cyto-
Figure 4 illustrates that the total amount of CTKs lll- kinin contents in leaves. This paper is the first report that
creased considerably after adventitious root appearance and the presence of roots, which is a prerequisite for normal
were maintained at a higher level for several consecutive function of stomata (Xu and Lou, 1980), can raise cytokinin
days. However, root excision caused a marked. d~crease in levels in the abaxial epidermal strips of Commelina and fur-
CTK levels. Of three cytokinins tested, the vanation of en- thermore that root excision can reduce cytokinin levels (Fig.
dogenous iPA and ZR contents were very evident, but 4). This implied that cytokinins also controlled stomatal be-
DHZR levels showed no significant fluctuation (Fig. 4). havior as supported by the report of stomatal responses to
These results indicate that root-derived cytokinins, mainly applied cytokinins (Blackmann and Davis, 1983) in addition
iPAs and ZRs, participated in the regulation of stomatal be- to ABA (Zhang et aI., 1987; Davis et aI., 1987).
havior of dayflower. Of three cytokinins tested, the variation of iPA and ZR
levels induced by root existence or excision is very pro-
nounced; however, there is little fluctuation in DHZR con-
Co ntr o l
tent. This may mean that DHZR has little effect on stomatal
u. 28 Roo t
behavior. More work in this area is clearly required.

r Plant growth and development are controlled by several
plant hormones in a complicated way (Leopold, 1982; Wang
E 21
c: and Zhou, 1991). Blackmann and Davis (1984) have found
that the variation of stomatal aperture depends on the con-
.. '4
centration of applied ABA and Zeatin. The interaction be-
> tween the increased ABA (Fig. 3) and decreased cytokinin
(Fig. 4) in abaxial epidermal strips of Commelina after root
excision appears to be the main factor resulting in stomatal
closure and the reduction of transpiration rate (Fig. 2). On
o o~Z~R~==~======~~======~~~~I~~ the other hand, from the experimental data (Figs. 3 and 4) it
2 5 6 8 was calculated that the ratio of cytokinin and ABA in ab-
IncubatIon days axial epidermis strips was about 2.2 before adventitious root
Fig.4: Effect of adventitious root formation and ~oot excision on appearance, was elevated to about 7.5 after root formation
the level of CTKs in abaxial epidermis of Commehna. T stands for and remained at a higher level up to root excision; then it
the total amounts of iPAs, ZRs and DHZRs. Averages ± SE of 3 was lowered apparently down to about one tenth of that in
replicates. the control at the same period. This means that the ratio be-

tween these two hormones is also involved in the regulation HURN, B. A. L. and S. M. CHANTLER: Method in Enzymology, Vo!'
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LEOPOLD, A. c.: Hormonal Regulatory Systems in Plants. Recent
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initiation of this experiment, preparation of glossy prints and help-
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ful suggestions. We also thank Prof. X. D. Xu, for constructive
comments and suggestions.
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