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Nama : Muhdi fadil

Nirm :

Prodi : Teknologi Mekanisasi Pertanian (1D)

Mata Kuliah : Fisika Terapan

Question :

1. bicyclist in the tour de france reach speeds of 34.0 miles per hour (mi/h) on flat sections
of the road. what is the speed in
(a) kilometers per hour (km/h)
(b) meters per second (m/s)?

Answer :

34.0 mi mi 1.609 km
a. Speed = ( ¿ (1) = (34.0 ¿( )
h h mi
= 54.7
34.0 mi mi 1.609 km 1h
b. Speed = ( ¿ (1) (1) = (34.0 ¿( )( ¿
h h mi 3600 s
= 15.2
2. The drawing shows a person looking at a building on top of which an antenna is mounted.
The horizontal distance between the person's eyes and the building is 85.0 m. In part a the
person is looking at the base of the antenna, and his line of sight makes an angle of 35.0
with the horizontal. In part b the person is looking at the top of the antenna, and his line
of sight makes an angle of 38.0 with the horizontal. How tall is the antenna?

Answer :
The height of the athena, A. The Lets call the height of the building above the eyes, B.
For the eyes lets call that height E. Now we have two triangles.  The left one (a) can be
expressed by the following Tangent relationship.
tan (35.0) =
And the right one (b) can be expressed by
( A+ B)
tan (38.0) =
85.0 m

Solve these two relationship as follows

tan (35.0) =
85.0 m

B = (85.0 m) tan (35.0)


( A+ B)
tan (38.0) =
85.0 m

A+B = (85.0 m) tan (38.0)

We can find A by doing the following

(A+B) - B = (85.0 m) tan (38.0) – (85.0 m) tan (35.0)

A = (85.0 m) tan (38.0) - tan (35.0)

A = (85.0 m) (0.0811) = 6.89 m  6.9 m

3. Batu bata dilempar keatas dengan kecepatan 20 m/s. Tinggi Maksimum batu bata tersebut
adalah ...

Jawab :

v₀ = kecepatan awal bola = 20 m/s

h = ketinggian yang dicapai bola

vt = kecepatan pada titik tertinggi.

g = percepatan gravitasI

vt = v₀ - gt ....(1)

h = v₀.t - ¹/₂ g.t² .....(2)

vt = v₀ - gt
vt ?
Kecepatan pada titik tertinggi adalah nol (0). Mengapa ?
Karena pada titik tertinggi, bola berhenti sebentar sebelum jatuh kembali ke tanah.
Jadi "vt" dititik ini selalu nol.
vt = 0 m/s
v₀ =  20 m/s
g = 10 m/s²
Menghitung Waktu

vt = v₀ - gt

0 = 20 - 10.t

10t = 20

t = 20 : 10

t = 2 sekon
mencari ketinggian maksimumnya

h = v₀.t - ¹/₂g.t²

 v₀ =  20 m/s
 g = 10 m/s²
 t=2s

h = v₀.t - ¹/₂g.t²

h = 20.2 - ¹/₂.10.2²

h = 40 - ¹/₂.10.4

h = 40 - 5.4

h = 40 - 20

h = 20 meter.

Jadi ketinggian maksimum yang dicapai bola adalah 20 meter.

4. Jarak yang ditempuh benda antara 0 sampai 8s adalah..

Jawab :

Dik = t = 12

Rumus Luas Trapesium :

Luas = t ( a+b )
= 12 ( 4 + 8 )
= 72 m

5. In a quarter-mile drag race, two cars start simultaneously from rest, and each accelerates
at a constant rate until it either reaches its maximum speed or crosses the finish line. Car
A has an acceleration of 11.0m/s and a maximum speed of 106 m/s. Car B has an
acceleration of 11.6m/s and a maximum speed of 92.4 m/s. Which car wins the race, and
by how many seconds?

Answer :

We need to devide to devide the motion of this car to two interval the fisrt one with
constant accelaration and the second one with constant speed the lenght of the race is :

1 1609m
L=( ) ( 1 mile ) x ( ) = 402.25 m
4 1mile

For the first car A, which has a maximum velocity of vmax A = 106 m.s-1 and accelration of vA =
11 m.s-2.

v2 max, A = v2o,A + 2a Ax1

Since the car starts from rest Vo,A = 0

v 2 maxA
X1 =
2 aA

For the first car B, which has a maximum velocity of vmax B = 92.4 m.s -1 and accelaration of

ᵅB =11.6 m.s -2

v 2 maxB
x2 = 2 ᵅB
( 92.4 m . s−1 ) ❑2
= = 368 m
2(11.6 m . s−2)

For car A the following equation on motion describes the motion of the car :

 tB = t1 + t2
v max . B L−x 2
 tB = +
aB vmax B

Substitute with the given values to get :

(92.4 M . S−1) ( 402.25 m )−(368m)

tB = +
( 11.6 m. s−2) (92.4 m . s−1)

= 8.336 s

tA =❑
√ aA

2( 402,25 m)
√ (11 m . s−2)

= 8.552 s

Since tA > tB, so car B will won the race bye a time of

t = t A- tB

∆t = 8.552 – 8.336 = 0.216 s

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