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Examination of DMT-based methods for evaluating the liquefaction potential

of soils

Article  in  Journal of Zhejiang University - Science A: Applied Physics & Engineering · November 2011
DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A1100015


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3 authors, including:

Gordon Tung-Chin Kung

National Cheng Kung University


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Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817 807

Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)

ISSN 1673-565X (Print); ISSN 1862-1775 (Online);

Examination of DMT-based methods for

evaluating the liquefaction potential of soils*

Gordon Tung-Chin KUNG1, Der-Her LEE1,2, Pai-Hsiang TSAI†‡2

(1Sustainable Environment Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 701, Tainan)
(2Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan 701, Tainan)

Received Jan. 20, 2011; Revision accepted Aug. 30, 2011; Crosschecked Oct. 9, 2011

Abstract: The flat dilatometer test (DMT) has the potential to be a useful tool in the evaluation of liquefaction potential of soils.
In practice, it is necessary to carefully examine existing DMT-based methods for evaluating liquefaction potential. We con-
ducted the DMT and cone penetration test (CPT) in high liquefaction potential areas to examine the existing DMT-based
methods for liquefaction potential evaluation. Specifically, the DMT and CPT were conducted side-by-side at each of six in-situ
sites, and thus it is feasible to utilize those test results to validate the existing DMT-based methods. The DMT parameter,
horizontal stress index (KD), is used as an indicator for estimating liquefaction resistance of soils in terms of cyclic resistance
ratio (CRR). The analysis results revealed that the existing KD-based liquefaction evaluation methods would overestimate the
CRR of soils, which leads to overestimation of the factor of safety against liquefaction. Also, the estimations of DMT-KD values
by using the CPT-qc as well as the correlation between DMT-KD and CPT-qc proposed by the previous studies would be sig-
nificantly smaller than field measurements. The results reflected that further validation of the existing DMT-based methods for
liquefaction evaluation is desirable.

Key words: Liquefaction, Flat dilatometer test (DMT), Horizontal stress index, Earthquake
doi:10.1631/jzus.A1100015 Document code: A CLC number: TU43

1 Introduction ating liquefaction resistance caused by earthquake

have been developed, improvements to the existing
When an earthquake occurs near urban areas, DMT-based methods for liquefaction resistance
part of earthquake-induced building damage results evaluation are of interest to geotechnical engineers.
from liquefaction of soil. At present, the standard Essentially, DMT has the potential to be a useful
penetration test (SPT)- and cone penetration test tool for liquefaction evaluation due to the conven-
(CPT)-based methods for evaluating earthquake- ience of testing and data post-processing. When a
induced liquefaction are commonly used in practical large number of DMT data are not available to de-
designs. Over the past two decades, the flat dila- velop a DMT-based method for liquefaction evalua-
tometer test (DMT) has been gradually adopted by tion, it would be, intuitively, a feasible means to cor-
geotechnical engineers to investigate characteristics relate the DMT data with CPT and/or SPT data for
of in-situ soils, especially the lateral properties of developing the intended method. In fact, some of the
soils. As only a few DMT-based methods for evalu- existing DMT-based methods for evaluating lique-
faction resistance, such as Monaco et al. (2005) and
Grasso and Maugeri (2006), were developed based on

Corresponding author
* this approach. A recent study involved a series of
Project (No. NSC 98-2221-E-006-198) supported by the National
Science Council side-by-side field DMT and CPT tests to develop
© Zhejiang University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 DMT-based methods for liquefaction evaluation
808 Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817

through a direct correlation between the parameters of (2005), Grasso and Maugeri (2006), and Tsai et al.
DMT and CPT (Tsai et al., 2009). In addition, (2009) is briefly introduced herein.
Robertson (2009) has correlated main DMT parame- Monaco et al. (2005) proposed a CRR curve
ters with CPT parameters and evaluated the correlation based on a study of the correlations between cone tip
using published records and existing links to various resistance (qc) from CPT and blow count (N) from
other parameters, as well as comparison profiles. SPT and relative density (Dr), and between DMT
Fig. 1 shows that the DMT-based curve of cyclic horizontal stress index (KD) and Dr. Their DMT-based
resistance ratio (CRR) presented by Tsai et al. (2009) model is expressed as follows:
significantly differs from the ones proposed by
Monaco et al. (2005) and Grasso and Maugeri (2006). CRR 7.5  0.0107 K D3  0.0741K D2  0.2169 K D  0.1306,
This difference could confuse geotechnical engineers (1)
when attempting to select a DMT-based CRR curve to
practically evaluate the liquefaction potential of soils. where CRR7.5 is the cyclic resistance ratio of soil at a
It would be desirable to further examine the applica- magnitude of earthquake equal to 7.5.
bility of the existing DMT-based CRR curves for Specifically, the relationship between qc and Dr
liquefaction evaluation. To this end, this study col- adopted by Monaco et al. (2005) to formulate the
lected five sets of side-by-side DMT and CPT data CRR curve may be the one proposed by Jamiolkowski
presented by Tsai et al. (2009) and conducted another et al. (1985a) or Jamiolkowski et al. (1985b). Monaco
side-by-side test set to collectively examine the ex- et al. (2005) did not clearly indicate which equation
isting DMT-based CRR curves. was adopted. Subsequently, Grasso and Maugeri
(2006) followed the methodology adopted by Monaco
0.6 et al. (2005), in which the relationships between qc
Liquefied Monaco et al. (2005)
Marginal liquefied
Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10)
Tsai et al. (2009)
and Dr and between KD and Dr were used to develop
0.5 the CRR curve. Note that there were three CRR
0.4 models proposed by Grasso and Maugeri (2006), of
which, only the one developed based on the rela-

0.3 tionship between qc and Dr proposed by Jamiolkowski

0.2 et al. (1985b) was used in this study to compare the
performance in evaluating the liquefaction potential
0.1 of soils. The relationship between qc and Dr proposed
0 by Jamiolkowski et al. (1985b) is expressed as
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
qc  C0 exp( Dr  C1 )( v0 )C2 , (2)
Fig. 1 Existing DMT-based CRR curves considered in this
CSR7.5: cyclic stress ratio at a magnitude of earthquake equal where Dr is the relative density as fraction of unity;
to 7.5  v0 is the effective overburden stress (kg/cm2); C0,
C1, and C2 are the experimental coefficients
(C0=11.79; C1=2.93; C2=0.72).
2 DMT-based liquefaction evaluation The CRR model presented by Grasso and Mau-
methods geri (2006) is expressed as

The DMT-based methods for evaluating lique- CRR 7.5  0.0308e0.6054 KD . (3)
faction resistance of soils in terms of CRR have been
presented by Marchetti (1982), Robertson and Cam- Note that Eq. (3) corresponds to Eq. (10) in
panella (1986), Reyna and Chameau (1991), Monaco Grasso and Maugeri (2006). Tsai et al. (2009) em-
et al. (2005), Grasso and Maugeri (2006), Monaco ployed the results of in-situ tests to establish the cor-
and Marchetti (2007), and Tsai et al. (2009). The relation between CPT-qc and DMT-KD rather than the
recent development of CRR curves by Monaco et al. conventional qc-Dr-KD and N-Dr-KD relationships
Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817 809

used by Monaco et al. (2005) and Grasso and Maugeri cally, qc and fs are directly measured by the CPT.
(2006) to develop the DMT-based method for evalu- Then, qc1N,cs and Ic can be calculated based on
ating the CRR. A total of six sites were selected to Robertson and Wride (1998). In Figs. 3–8, SM
conduct the in-situ side-by-side CPT and DMT tests. represents silty sand, CL denotes low-plasticity silty
The regression analysis was then performed to di- clay, and ML represents low-plasticity sandy silt. For
rectly establish the relationship between the corrected each of six sites, DMT and CPT tests were conducted
cone resistance (qc1N,cs) and horizontal stress index at the same depth, which means KD and qc1N,cs of a soil
(KD), which can be expressed as at the same depth are available. In this regard, using
those data to examine the existing methods becomes
qc1N,cs  0.4 K D3  7.7 K D2  56 K D  20. (4) feasible. Therefore, the test results were collectively
employed to examine the difference between the ex-
isting DMT-KD-based liquefaction evaluation meth-
Note that qc1N,cs is so-called the clean-sand
ods of Monaco et al. (2005), Grasso and Maugeri
equivalence of the corrected cone tip resistance ac-
(2006), and Tsai et al. (2009), as shown in Fig. 1.
cording to Robertson and Wride (1998). Once the
qc1N,cs-KD relationship is available, the KD-based CRR
curve can be easily established through the existing N

CPT-based CRR curve. The CRR curve proposed by

Tsai et al. (2009) is expressed as Site 2 Epiceter of 1946
Hsinhua earthquake

CRR7.5=exp[(KD/8.8)3–(KD/6.5)2+(KD/2.5) –3.1]. (5) Site 3

Note that the above KD-based CRR curve was Site 1 hu i Riv
Yens Hsinhua Fault
established based on the widely accepted SPT- and Main sand boiling area in
1946 Hsinhua earthquake
Site 6
CPT-based CRR curves (Robertson and Wride, 1998;
Youd et al., 2001; Idriss and Boulanger, 2006) as well
as the correlations between qc and KD. The CRR curve Taiwan
Site 4
proposed by Tsai et al. (2009) has been additionally
validated by Kung et al. (2009). More detailed in- area Site 5
formation can be found in their paper. Rive
5 0 5 (km)

3 Side-by-side CPT and DMT tests Fig. 2 Layout of six study sites in Tainan

Two types of in-situ tests (CPT and DMT) were

performed side by side at each of six sites in Tainan 4 Examining existing DMT-KD liquefaction
City of Taiwan. Of the six sites, five sites (site 1 to evaluation methods
site 5) were performed by Tsai et al. (2009) and one
site (site 6) was conducted in this study. Fig. 2 shows It should be emphasized that the SPT-based
the locations of six sites analyzed in the present study. liquefaction evaluation methods are excluded in the
Figs. 3–8 show the test results of DMT and CPT, present study because CPT and DMT can capture
including stratigraphy, cone tip resistance (qc), sleeve more complete characteristics of stratigraphy. As
friction (fs), soil behavior type index (Ic), clean-sand mentioned previously, all the existing DMT-KD liq-
equivalence of normalized cone penetration resis- uefaction evaluation methods considered in this study
tance (qc1N,cs), material index (ID), and horizontal (Monaco et al., 2005; Grasso and Maugeri, 2006; Tsai
stress index (KD). Of these parameters, qc, fs, Ic, and et al., 2009) are developed based on the CPT- or SPT-
qc1N,cs from CPT were calculated according to Youd et based CRR as well as the correlation between DMT-
al. (2001), while KD and ID from DMT were calcu- KD and CPT-qc or between DMT-KD and SPT-N. As a
lated according to Marchetti et al. (2001). Specifi- result, the goal to examine these existing DMT-KD
810 Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817

qc (MPa) fs (kPa) Ic qc1N,cs ID KD

0 10 20 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 4 8 12
gray silty sand with
CL: pale brown
silty clay 5

SM: gray silty

Depth (m)


Alternating gray silty

sand and clay layer 15
SM: gray silty sand
CL: gray silty clay
with thin, fine sand

SM: gray silty

sand 20

Fig. 3 Results of CPT and DMT test on site 1

qc (MPa) fs (kPa) Ic qc1N,cs ID KD

0 10 20 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 4 8 12 16 20
pale brown sandy
silt with thin, fine

CL: 5
gray and pale
brown silty clay
Depth (m)

gray sandy silt

inserting fine sand 10

gray silty fine sand
with clay

CL: gray silty clay

SM: gray silty fine 20
sand with clay

Fig. 4 Results of CPT and DMT test on site 2

qc (MPa) fs (kPa) Ic qc1N,cs ID KD

Backfill 0 10 20 0 50 100 150 0 1 2 3 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 4 8 12
SM: pale brown
silty sand with clay

SM: gray silty

sand with clay
CL: gray silty clay
SM: gray silty sand
Depth (m)

CL: gray silty clay

SM: gray silty sand

CL: gray silty clay

SM: gray silty
sand with clay 15

CL: gray silty clay


Fig. 5 Results of CPT and DMT test on site 3

Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817 811

qc (MPa) fs (kPa) Ic qc1N,cs ID KD

Stratigraphy 0 100 200 0 4 8 12
0 10 20 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3

ML: pale brown

sandy silt
CL: gray silty clay
with thin sand 5
Depth (m)

gray silty sand
with thin clay 10

CL: gray silty clay

with thin sand
gray silty
sand with thin

Fig. 6 Results of CPT and DMT test on site 4

qc (MPa) fs (kPa) Ic qc1N,cs ID KD

0 10 20 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 4 8 12

CL: pale brown

silty clay with
fine sand
SM: pale brown 5
silty sand

CL: gray silty

clay with fine
Depth (m)


SM: gray silty



Fig. 7 Results of CPT and DMT test on site 5

qc (MPa) fs (kPa) Ic qc1N,cs ID KD

0 10 20 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 100 200 0 1 2 3 0 4 8 12 16
SM: pale brown,
brown and gray
silty sand
SM: gray silty
sand with clay or 5
Depth (m)

SM: gray silty

sand with clay
SM: gray sandy
silt or sand with

SM: gray silty 15

sand with thin

CL: gray silty clay


Fig. 8 Results of CPT and DMT test on site 6

812 Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817

methods can be achieved by examining the correla- KD is only equal to a half of the measurements at
tion between CPT-qc and DMT-KD using the results depth of around 8 m. Similar results can be obtained
of side-by-side DMT and CPT tests (Figs. 3–8). in a deeper sandy layer at depths of 15.5 to 16.5 m.
Figs. 9–14 compare KD values measured by Fig. 10 displays the comparison of KD on site 2.
DMT with those computed based on CPT-qc values The KD measured at shallow depths near ground sur-
and qc-KD correlations. Note that only the data of KD face rapidly increases with the decrease of depth in
measurements at depths of 0–20 m are compared this site. Both methods from Tsai et al. (2009) and
since the liquefaction potential of soil at larger depth Grasso and Maugeri (2006) cannot capture this be-
is considered relatively low. As shown in Fig. 1, the havior. For the sandy layer at depths of 10.2 to
method by Monaco et al. (2005) is not included in the 17.8 m, the method by Tsai et al. (2009) would
comparison because the qc-KD correlation is not overestimate KD at depths of 10 to12 m, but the es-
clearly given in their paper. Therefore, only the timations at depths of 12 to 17.8 m are satisfactory.
methods by Tsai et al. (2009) and Grasso and Maugeri The method by Grasso and Maugeri (2006) generally
(2006) are selected to further study the intended issue. underestimates KD in this sandy layer at depths of
As shown in Figs. 9–14, the soil behavior type index 10.2 to 17.8 m.
Ic from CPT is applied in the present study to filter the
test data. Only the data points with Ic2.6, which can KD
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Stratigraphy
be identified as the sandy soil according to Youd et al. 0
(2001), are adopted in the comparison (Figs. 9–14). ML: pale brown
2 sandy silt with thin,
Fig. 9 displays the comparison of KD at depths fine sand

within 0–20 m on site 1. The black points represent
CL: gray and pale
the DMT-KD measurements at various depths on this 6 brown silty clay

site. The dotted line denotes the DMT-KD values 8

Depth (m)

ML: gray sandy silt

estimated by Tsai et al. (2009) using Eq. (4), while the 10
inserting fine sand

solid line represents the DMT-KD values estimated by 12

Grasso and Maugeri (2006) using Eq. (2). As shown SM: gray silty fine
14 sand with clay
in this figure, the KD values of the sandy layer (SM) at
depths of 5.3 to 13.5 m are significantly underesti-
mated by Grasso and Maugeri (2006). The estimated 18 CL: gray silty clay
SM: gray silty fine
20 sand with clay
Stratigraphy DMT measurements
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 Estimated using Tsai et al. (2009)
Backfill: Estimated using Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10)
gray silty sand with
2 pebbles
Fig. 10 Comparison of KD measured by DMT and esti-
4 CL: pale brown silty clay mated from qc-KD correlations on site 2
Fig. 11 shows the comparison of KD on site 3.
Similarly, the behavior that KD measured at shallow
Depth (m)

SM: gray silty sand

depths (0–4 m) near ground surface raises with the
12 decrease of depth on this site cannot be simulated by
14 Alternating gray silty
the two methods. The difference in the accuracy of
sand and clay layer
SM: gray silty sand
estimating KD at various depths between the two
CL: gray silty clay with
thin, fine sand
methods is rather limited in this case. Generally, the
estimations of KD by Tsai et al. (2009) are greater
SM: gray silty sand
20 than those by Grasso and Maugeri (2006) at depths of
DMT measurements 4–15 m. This trend is similar to those obtained on
Estimated using Tsai et al. (2009)
Estimated using Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10) sites 1 and 2.
Fig. 9 Comparison of KD measured by DMT and estimated Fig. 12 displays the comparison of KD at depths
from qc-KD correlations on site 1 within 0 to 20 m on site 4. Similar to the results on
Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817 813

sites 2 and 3, the trend that KD increases with the The comparison of KD on site 5 is shown in
decrease of depth at shallow depths cannot be simu- Fig. 13. The method by Grasso and Maugeri (2006)
lated by the approaches of Tsai et al. (2009) and always underestimates KD in this case, irrespective of
Grasso and Maugeri (2006). The measured KD at depth. As to the performance of the method by Tsai et
depths of 7 to 9 m and 14 to 18 m can be accurately al. (2009), KD is underestimated at shallow depths (2
estimated by Tsai et al. (2009). For the depths of 9 to to 10 m), but can be adequately estimated at greater
12 m, both methods obviously underestimate KD. The depths (10 to 20 m).
KD estimated by Tsai et al. (2009) is generally greater
than that estimated by Grasso and Maugeri (2006). 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Stratigraphy

KD Stratigraphy 2
CL: pale brown silty
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Backfill clay with fine sand
0 4
SM: pale brown
silty sand with clay SM: pale brown
2 6 silty sand
SM: gray silty
4 sand with clay
8 CL: gray silty clay with

Depth (m)
fine sand
6 CL: gray silty clay
SM: gray silty sand
Depth (m)

8 12
CL: gray silty clay
SM: gray silty sand
CL: gray silty clay 16 SM: gray silty sand

14 SM: gray silty

sand with clay
18 CL: gray silty clay
DMT measurements
20 Estimated using Tsai et al. (2009)
Estimated using Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10)
DMT measurements
Estimated using Tsai et al. (2009)
Estimated using Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10) Fig. 13 Comparison of KD measured by DMT and esti-
mated from qc-KD correlations on site 5
Fig. 11 Comparison of KD measured by DMT and esti-
mated from qc-KD correlations on site 3
Fig. 14 exhibits the comparison of KD on site 6.
Note that the method by Tsai et al. (2009) was de-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Stratigraphy veloped based on the CPT and DMT data conducted
on site 1 to site 5. The testing data of site 6 are not
2 incorporated into the development of their method.
ML: pale brown sandy
silt As shown in this figure, the performance of the
CL: gray silty clay

with thin sand method by Tsai et al. (2009) on estimating KD through
CPT-qc is satisfactory. Specifically, KD can be rea-
Depth (m)

SM: gray silty sand sonably estimated by Tsai et al. (2009) at various
with thin clay
10 depths. Nevertheless, KD of sandy layers is signifi-
12 cantly underestimated by Grasso and Maugeri (2006)
CL: gray silty clay with
14 thin sand at depths of 0–20 m although the variation of KD
profiles estimated by Tsai et al. (2009) and Grasso
SM: gray silty
sand with thin
and Maugeri (2006) with depth is similar.
18 clay
Overall, the results reveal that the method by
20 Tsai et al. (2009) can reasonably estimate the KD
DMT measurements measurements, while the KD estimated by Grasso and
Estimated using Tsai et al. (2009)
Estimated using Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10) Maugeri (2006) are significantly smaller than the
Fig. 12 Comparison of KD measured by DMT and esti- measured values. It is not surprising that the per-
mated from qc-KD correlations on site 4 formance of the method by Tsai et al. (2009) is more
814 Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817

satisfactory, because their method was developed 0.92, while the slope for the Grasso and Maugeri
directly through regression analysis using the side-by- (2006) is equal to 1.67, which is far away from the 1:1
side CPT and DMT data of site 1 to site 5. perfect line. This result could be used to interpret the
trend of CRR curves shown in Fig. 1. Based on the
preliminary investigation of this study, adopting
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
0 KD-Dr-qc relationship to correlate DMT-KD with

2 SM: pale brown,

CPT-qc could result in a significant bias, which usu-
brown and gray silty
sand ally leads to overestimation of the CRR values of soils
SM: gray silty sand with of the existing DMT-based liquefaction evaluation
clay or silt
6 methods.
8 SM: gray silty
sand with clay
Depth (m)

10 R2=0.83
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
Site 4 Site 5 Site 6
12 SM: gray sandy silt or
sand with clay

SM: gray silty
16 sand with thin clay
KD measured by DMT 0.92

18 1

CL: gray silty clay

20 10
DMT measurements
Estimated using Tsai et al. (2009)
Estimated using Grasso and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10)

Fig. 14 Comparison of KD measured by DMT and esti-
mated from qc-KD correlations on site 6

Although the CPT and flat-plat DMT have been 20
used for over 30 years, relatively little has been pub- Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 R2=0.89
Site 4 Site 5 Site 6
lished regarding comprehensive correlations between
the two in-situ tests (Robertson, 2009). Only a few 1
DMT-based liquefaction evaluation models have 1.67
KD measured by DMT

been published (Robertson and Campanella, 1986;

Reyna and Chameau, 1991; Monaco et al., 2005;
Grasso and Maugeri, 2006; Tsai et al., 2009). The 10

existing DMT-based liquefaction evaluation methods

considered in this study were developed based on the
relationship of KD-Dr-qc or KD-Dr-N. 5
According to Figs. 9–14, the analysis results
reveal that the method by Grasso and Maugeri (2006) (b)
generally underestimates the KD value. If the CRR 0
curve proposed by Tsai et al. (2009) is correct, the 0 5 10 15 20
KD estimated using CPT-qc or qc1N,cs
CRR of soils at a certain KD would be overestimated
by other existing CRR equations, which means that Fig. 15 Comparison of performance of various methods in
estimating KD from CPT-qc. (a) Tsai et al. (2009); (b) Grasso
the liquefaction potential of soil will be underesti-
and Maugeri (2006)-Eq. (10)
mated. For further studying this behavior, all meas-
ured data points of KD as well as those estimated by As shown in Figs. 9–14, there exists an inter-
Tsai et al. (2009) and Grasso and Maugeri (2006) are esting trend in that the value of KD would increase
included in Fig. 15. The linear regression results are with the decrease of depth at shallow depths (e.g.,
also shown in this figure. The slope of the regressed <4 m), which is similar to the trend of the overcon-
straight line for the method by Tsai et al. (2009) is solidation ratio (OCR). Further analyses on this point
Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817 815

are shown in Figs. 16 and 17. As shown in Fig. 16, the 20

KD at depths of 0–4 m is underestimated (1:1.37) by R2=0.80 1
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
Tsai et al. (2009), while slight overestimation of KD 2.20 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6

can be obtained for depths of 4–20 m (1:0.88). For the

scenario shown in Fig. 17, the KD is significantly

KD measured by DMT
underestimated by Grasso and Maugeri (2006) at
depths of 0–4 m and 4–20 m simultaneously. In this
regard, the capability of the method by Tsai et al.
(2009) in estimating KD is more satisfactory. How-
ever, it can be concluded that both methods by Tsai et
al. (2009) and Grasso and Maugeri (2006) are inca- 5

pable of capturing the characteristics of KD at shallow

depths. In other words, it is not suggested to use those (a)
methods to analyze the potential of liquefaction of 0
soils at shallow depths. Indeed, it is desirable to study 20
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
this interesting research topic further. Site 4 Site 5 Site 6

20 15
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 2 1.59
KD measured by DMT

R =0.73
Site 4 Site 5 Site 6

KD measured by DMT

15 1 10

10 5

5 0
0 5 10 15 20
KD estimated using CPT-qc or qc1N,cs
Fig. 17 Performance of the method by Grasso and Mau-
20 geri (2006)-Eq. (10) with various depths. (a) 0–4 m; (b)
Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 R2=0.89 4–20 m
Site 4 Site 5 Site 6

It may be desirable to examine the performance

of the material index criterion for identifying the soil
KD measured by DMT

type. Fig. 18 shows the fines content measured by the
soil samples taken from each of the six sites and ma-
10 terial index measured by the DMT tests. In practice, a
soil can be classified as sandy soil with ID>1.8, silty
soil with 0.6<ID<1.6, and clayey soil with ID<0.6.
5 Based on the test results conducted in the present
study, the upper bound may be slightly adjusted to be
(b) 1.6 for more adequately identifying the sandy soil
(Fig. 18). However, additional test results are required
0 5 10 15 20 to further verify this founding.
KD estimated using CPT-qc or qc1N,cs
Finally, this study collects liquefaction case
Fig. 16 Performance of the method by Tsai et al. (2009) histories, in which the DMT data are available, to
with various depths. (a) 0–4 m; (b) 4–20 m examine the accuracy of CRR curves proposed by
816 Kung et al. / J Zhejiang Univ-Sci A (Appl Phys & Eng) 2011 12(11):807-817

Tsai et al. (2009) and Grasso and Maugeri (2006). on SPT, CPT, and shear wave velocity, use of DMT
According to the comparison in the previous section for liquefaction resistance evaluation has received
of this study, KD based on CPT data would be sig- greater attention in recent years. The DMT is capable
nificantly underestimated by Grasso and Maugeri of measuring horizontal stresses and has an excellent
(2006), which results in the overestimated CRR operational repeatability. Thus, any improvement to
curve. This can be effectively verified by a number of the existing DMT-based methods for liquefaction
data points from actual liquefaction case histories resistance evaluation should be of interest to geo-
(Fig. 19). technical engineers. This study collected and con-
ducted the side-by-side DMT and CPT data and used
3.0 these data to examine the existing DMT-based
Classified by Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS)
methods for evaluating liquefaction resistance of
soils. Specifically, this study employed the CPT-qc
2.4 Sandy soil
data and the correlation between CPT-qc and
Material index, ID

DMT-KD to calculate the values of DMT-KD at vari-

ous depths, and then the calculated and tested values
of DMT-KD were compared.
Silty soil
The results reveal that the method by Grasso and
Maugeri (2006) would significantly underestimate the
0.6 DMT-KD of soils. This implies that adopting KD-Dr-qc
Clayey soil relationship to correlate DMT-KD with CPT-qc could
result in a significant bias, which leads to overesti-
0 25 50 75 100 mation of the CRR values of soils of the existing
Fines content (%)
Fig. 18 Examination of material index (ID) using the test
DMT-based liquefaction evaluation methods. Instead,
data the simplified method by Tsai et al. (2009) can im-
prove the bias of existing DMT-based methods in
CRR-KD curve (Grasso and Maugeri, 2006)-Eq. (10)
estimating CRR of soils.
CRR-KD curve (Tsai et al., 2009) The results also indicate that the behavior of KD
Liquefied cases: Non-liquefied cases:
Reyna and Chameau (1991) Reyna and Chameau (1991) value increasing with the decrease of depth cannot be
Mitchell et al. (1994) Tsai et al. (2009)
Tsai et al. (2009) captured by the methods of Tsai et al. (2009) and
Grasso and Maugeri (2006). This finding may be due
to the effect of the overconsolidation behavior of soil

at shallow depths not being reflected by the existing

0.2 DMT-based methods for liquefaction evaluation.
Further study on this aspect is desirable.
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0 Dilatometer (SDMT) for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
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