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1. I am not surprised by these statistics as I know a lot of people and friends that suffer from
anxiety, small forms of depression and that are not happy with their life or they believe
constantly that they are not good enough for certain things.
2. I, personally, am happy with my life because I consider myself both a lucky person and
an optimistic. I tend not to look too far ahead in the future because I observed that people
who do that tend to be more worried and tend to make plans that will most probably not
happen, and that’s not because the plans are unrealistic but this society is changing so fast
that any plan we do today will probably look way different in 5 years. I live on the
premise ‘future problems are for future me’.
3. I don’t have a moment that I could call ‘the happiest in my life’ but I am generally happy
when I can be useful for someone. I like to be helpful and to be considered ‘the person
who you could count on’. This is what makes me happiest.
4. Happiness is nothing but a mental state that is triggered by certain situations, moments, or
memories but on the pure scientific side the happiness is the release of Dopamin and
Serotonin hormones by the brain.

1. The man’s problem seems to be that he is suffering from depression
2. His social interactions, his work performance, his lifestyle were all affected by his
3. I have several friends that are in a similar situation, but I am trying to be a good friend
and be there for them when they need it.
4. He never mentioned who was Judy as he only said that he met her. She may be a girl he
met online while he tried to find a girlfriend or she may be just a friend. I think that the
advice she gave him is to see a specialist and talk to someone about his problems. If the
situation is that problematic the best thing to do is to seek for help, at least in my opinion.
5. The same thing I mentioned before, to seek for help.

1. Things are just getting me down.
2. He’s not his usual self at all.
3. I’m feeling a bit under the weather.
4. I’m feeling a bit low at the moment.
5. Things are getting on top of me.
6. I’m finding life hard at the moment
7. I’m under a lot of pressure
8. I’m not sure I can take much more.
The sentence that is used to talk about physical is 3 in a context when a person thinks he got a flu
or cold.
In the moment a lot of people think they got a flu, but you know, the virus is spreading. Jokes
aside, as I said earlier, I know people and friends that are down and under a lot of pressure.

I believe all of the conditions there are real except for Mid-life crisis which I think is just
an excuse for some people when they do stuff which are not appropriate for their age or that are
just stupid, or too fast just because they didn’t do that when it was the time or did not have the
opportunity to do it. The rest of them I believe they are real conditions that need either medical
or special treatment.

I believe the most helpful advices that would work at least for me would be to take
control of the time as a more organized person with it’s time will be organized with life also.
Another way to be happy would be to take regular exercises as this process would help the
hormones to function normally including dopamin and serotonin. One of the best advices is to
have a pet. A pet (and I’m not talking about a fish or an exotic turtle or I don’t know what is in
trend right now...) will make you more responsible and studies show that pets can feel when a
human is down and they even try to cheer their master up (At least dogs, I don’t like cats as
much as I love dogs).

1. I believe it is a nice try to gather some tips. If just one of the tips will help someone I
think it is a win so I don’t think they are either serios or light-hearted.
2. I definitely don’t believe this. For a person that experiences depression it is much more to
do than just ‘change your mind’. If you saw the movie joker you would know that a fake
smile is not going to help at all it will even make it worse.
3. As I said earlier yes there are some tips that could help someone who is suffering from
depression but there are some who are completely pointless as ‘act happy’ as I said
earlier or ‘feed your soul’. You can’t just say to a depressed nihilist atheist ‘just be
religious, God or whatever deity you believe in will help you’... It would not help at all.
The best thing to do is to seek for help, you should not try to handle this kind of problem
4. Yes I had to help friends dealing with depression and even a girlfriend and I tried my best
to be there for them when they needed.

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