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Estilo directo: She asked “Do you want a haircut or some highlights?”
Estilo indirecto: She asked me if I wanted a haircut or some highlights

Estilo directo: “How many loafs of bread do you want today?” asked the
Estilo indirecto: The hairdresser asked me how many loafs of bread I wanted
that day.

Estilo directo: The doctor asked me, “Do you usually take aspirin or ibuprofen?”

Estilo indirecto: The doctor asked me if I usually took aspirin or ibuprofen.

Estilo directo: “Which magazine are you going to buy today?” asked the shop
Estilo indirecto: The shop-assistant asked me which magazine I was going to
buy that day.

 En las preguntas de estilo indirecto no se usan los auxiliares (“do,

does,did, was , were, have…) ni los símbolos de interrogación ni se cambia el
orden sujeto verbo.(ya no son preguntas)
 El verbo mas común para introducir una pregunta en estilo indirecto
es ask pero wonder y want to know se usan también.
Hay dos tipos de preguntas:

1. Yes/No questions :Usamos If (whether ) , en lugar de that, para las

preguntas si/no(Yes/No questions) o que den dos opciones.


Peter  asked  if  I wanted to listen to music.

2. El pronombre interrogativo (question words Wh-) se usa para preguntas

con partícula interrogativa.


Peter asked where I lived.
 Recuerda :¿Qué pasa con los tiempos verbales / que pasa con las
expresiones de tiempo? ¿Y las expresiones de lugar? ¿Y con los pronombres o
adjetivos posesivos? Sucede lo mismo que en las frases enunciativas
REPORTED SPEECH: Orders and requests
(Las ordenes, peticiones o advertencias en estilo directo son frases en imperativo)

Estilo directo: “Run around the track,” ordered the coach ordered
Estilo indirecto:The coach ordered the players to run around the track

Estilo directo: She warned “Don’t eat too much before the match”
Estilo indirecto: She warned us not to eat too much before the match.

 Para introducir una orden en estilo indirecto solemos usar los verbos ‘tell’ o
‘order’ seguido de un complemento indirecto. Podemos usar otros verbos
como ‘ask’, ‘beg’(suplicar) o incluso el verbo ‘warn’(advertir) si queremos
hacer advertencias.
 Además, debes tener en cuenta que el segundo verbo debe ir en infinitivo
(to buy)
My mother said “Buy water” “My mother told me to buy water.

 En el caso de ser negativo, debe ir con el ‘not’ antes del infinitivo.

My mother said “Don’t buy water”  My mother told me not to buy water.
 (*Con algunos verbos como “wonder “, no usaríamos el objeto indirecto)
REPORTED SPEECH: suggestions
(Las sugerencia En estilo directo son frases que empiezan por: “Let´s…”Why don’t

Estilo directo: “Let’s watch the match,” suggested my sister.

Estilo indirecto: My sister suggested that we watch the match.
My sister suggested watching the match.
Para introducir una sugerencia en estilo indirecto debemos usar los verbos
‘suggest’ o ‘recommend’ en su forma de pasado. Podemos usar otros verbos
como ‘advice para dar consejos o ‘invite’ para hacer una invitación.
 Las sugerencias se pueden formar de dos maneras diferentes:
Sugerencia en estilo directo :“Why don´t we go to the cinema?.” suggested my
1 Se puede formar con una oración introducida por ‘that’ con un sujeto y su verbo
en forma base.(infinitivo sin to)
My brother suggested that we go to the cinema.

 Se puede formar usando un gerundio y no indicando el sujeto de la segunda frase.


My brother suggested going to the cinema.

Recuerda que existen muchos verbos para introducir una frase en estilo indirecto.
Los más comunes son ‘say’, ‘ask’ y ‘tell’, pero podemos añadir más información
usando verbos específicos (‘reporting verbs’). Algunos de esos verbos son los
Afirmaciones: announce, comment, admit, answer, apologise, state…
Preguntas: request, wonder, want to know
Órdenes: demand, warn, order
Sugerencias: recommend, suggest, advise
Por otro lado, debes recordar los aspectos importante ya mencionados: 
·         Debemos recordar que también cambian los adjetivos demostrativos,
los posesivos, etc. En la mayoría de los casos también cambian
las expresiones temporales y de localización.
·         Recuerda que en estilo directo usamos las palabras exactas que otra
persona ha dicho y por eso utilizamos comillas. En estilo
indirecto integramos las palabras de esa persona en nuestra frase, por lo
que no ponemos comillas.
  Los tiempos verbales en frases enunciativas e interrogativas cambian hacia
el pasado.

Estilo directo Estilo indirecto

Presente simple Pasado simple
Presente continuo Pasado continuo
Pasado simple Pasado perfecto
Pasado continuo Pasado perfecto continuo
Presente perfecto Pasado perfecto
Presente perfecto continuo Pasado perfecto continuo
Pasado perfecto Pasado perfecto
Can could
Must /have to Had to
Will /Would would
Change the following statements into reported speech.
1- “We haven´t seen her for ages.”
They said _____________________________________________________________
2- “He didn´t come in time for tea.”
She said_______________________________________________________________
3- “We´ll have to wait still she comes.
They said______________________________________________________________
4- “I went to the theatre with my parents yesterday night.”
She said ______________________________________________________________
5- “I know we don´t have enough money.”
He said _______________________________________________________________
6- “They tried to make them leave the office.”
She said ______________________________________________________________
7- “The farmer doesn´t know why the weather is going to change.”
They said _____________________________________________________________
8- “Carol wasn´t invited to the party.”
They said _____________________________________________________________
9- “I´ve never seen a thing like this.”
The policeman said ______________________________________________________
10- “I was sleepy and did not want to get involved.
The witness said ________________________________________________________

Change the questions into reported speech

1- “Have you got all your luggage?” She asked me____________________________

2- “Do you like vegetables?” He wanted to know______________________________

3- “Do you know the way to the station?” He wondered ____________________

4- “What´s your address?” He asked me_________________________________

5- “What time will it start,tomorrow?” My mum asked me_______________________

6- “Why did he go away so early?” The teacher wanted to know_____________________

7 “Do you remember what you saw in the street?”

The detective asked ____________________________________________________

8. “How many voices did you hear, last night?”

The detective asked _____________________________________________________
9.” Where have you been all day?” Mum asked the children”_________________________
Write the following orders and requests into reported speech.

1. Stay away from me,’ Mary told me.

2.‘Don’t trust your colleagues, ‘ he told me.

3.‘Trust me, ‘ he asked me.

4.‘Take it three times a day,’ the doctor told me.

5.‘Don’t move, ‘ the police officer ordered us.

6.‘Don’t make so much noise, ‘ the teacher asked us.

7.‘Call me tomorrow, ‘ she asked me.

8.‘Don’t accuse me,’ Tim told us.

9.‘Stop making excuses,’ they told me.

10. ‘Open your mouth,’ the dentist asked me.

Write the following suggestions into reported speech.

1 Mario said: "Let's study English." 

2 .His dad said: "Why don't we go to the countryside?"

3 Paul told Alice: "Why not play tennis today?"

4 Steve said: "Why don’t we drink a glass of water.?

5 Charles told her friends: "Let's have a rest in our flat”

6 The engineer told them: "Shall we start again?".

7 Mark said: "Let's call Peter." 

8 John said:" We could camp in this place."

Write the following orders and requests into reported speech.

11. Stay away from me,’ Mary told me.

12. ‘Don’t trust your colleagues, ‘ he told me.

13. ‘Trust me, ‘ he asked me.

14. ‘Take it three times a day,’ the doctor told me.

15. ‘Don’t move, ‘ the police officer ordered us.

16. ‘Don’t make so much noise, ‘ the teacher asked us.

17. ‘Call me tomorrow, ‘ she asked me.

18. ‘Don’t accuse me,’ Tim told us.

19. ‘Stop making excuses,’ they told me.

20. ‘Open your mouth,’ the dentist asked me.

Write the following suggestions into reported speech.

9 Mario said: "Let's study English." 

10 .His dad said: "Why don't we go to the countryside?"

11 Paul told Alice: "Why not play tennis today?"

12 Steve said: "Why don’t we drink a glass of water.?

13 Charles told her friends: "Let's have a rest in our flat”

14 The engineer told them: "Shall we start again?".

15 Mark said: "Let's call Peter." 

16 John said:" We could camp in this place."

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