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Faculty of Engineering

Civil Engineering
Laboratory of construction materials
Guide #3: The Timber Laboratory
Professor: Oscar Gutiérrez-Junco

The Timber Laboratory

Aims and Objectives

The objective is to investigate the influence of moisture content and grain direction on the
strength of a hardwood and a softwood.

Timber is an anisotropic material which means that its strength will vary dependent upon the
relationship between grain direction and the direction in which the loading is applied.

By loading specimens in a testing machine it is possible to produce graphs of load against

deflection or load against change in length. From the straight portion of the graph, which
indicates that over this range stress is proportional to strain, Young's modulus can be
calculated. The ultimate failure stress can also be obtained directly from the graph.

Experimental Procedure

Six timber specimens will be used:

Sample 1: approximately 300mm long hardwood for testing in flexure over a span of
Sample 2: approximately 300mm long softwood for testing in flexure over a span of 250mm
Sample 3: As sample 2 but wet.
Sample 4: approximately 45mm long softwood for loading in compression parallel to the
Sample 5: approximately 20mm long softwood for loading in compression across the grain.
Sample 6: approximately 19mm square for loading in shear.

Measurement of Sample Dimensions

Sample 1,2 and 3 4 5 6

Length Measured Measured Measured
vertically horizontally vertically
(in direction of (perpendicular (in direction
load) to load) of load)
Width Measured
to shear plane
Depth Measured Measured
vertically vertically
(in direction (in direction
of load) of load)

The test is performed in the testing machine operated by the technician. The machine
records the results on disc for you to download.
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Laboratory of construction materials
Guide #3: The Timber Laboratory
Professor: Oscar Gutiérrez-Junco

The Report

Results and Analysis

Note the orientation of the measurements of the sample dimensions which are given in the
table above.

For the compression and shear tests use the formula for Young’s modulus given in the

For the flexural tests use the following formulae:

Stress =
2 bd 2

l W
Modulus E = 3

4 bd x

E = Modulus of Elasticity
l = span (not total length)
W = load
b = breadth (width) and d = depth of specimen
x = deflection
W / x should be obtained from your graph of load against displacement. It is the gradient.

For each specimen calculate the density in kg/m3, the failure stress in N/mm2 and the
modulus of elasticity (E) in N/mm.
Present your full calculations in your report and enter the results in Table 3.

Also answer the following question:

A timber post is supporting an area of a roof. The load is parallel to the grain (as sample 4)
and the timber has the same properties as sample 4. The original length of the post is
500mm. The sectional size of the timber is 100mm by 50mm. The total load of the roof is
1.4 kN/m2. What is the extension (i.e. the decrease in length) of the post when the roof load
is applied?
The area of roof for your post to support will be written onto your results table by the lecturer.
Enter your solution in the table.
You should assume that the post will not buckle.


Discuss the differences in the results for the different samples and how this affects the use
of timber on site.
Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Laboratory of construction materials
Guide #3: The Timber Laboratory
Professor: Oscar Gutiérrez-Junco

Compare all of your results with the accepted (published) values for these materials and
discuss the differences. Your discussion should cite the references from which the published
values have been obtained.

Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Laboratory of construction materials
Guide #3: The Timber Laboratory
Professor: Oscar Gutiérrez-Junco


(in the summary of their report)
Table 1. Results recorded in laboratory

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6
Length mm
Width mm
Depth mm
Mass g

Table 2. Results taken off from graph

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6
Load kN

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6
Span for - - -
bending m
Area for - - -
stress m2
Length for - - -
strain m

Table 3. Results of calculations

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6

Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering
Laboratory of construction materials
Guide #3: The Timber Laboratory
Professor: Oscar Gutiérrez-Junco

Question Area of roof m2 Extension mm

(to be completed by lecturer)

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