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Organized by group members 3:

Andi Syahri Bulan
Indah Saputri
Asnan Sahar
Agung Kade Artana


Praise us for the presence of Allah SWT, for the blessings, grace and blessing of the
author, can finish this paper on time. Hopefully salawat and greetings remain abundant to the
Prophet Muhammad, along with his family, friends and followers, hopefully we will receive
safekeeping in the future of Yaumil Mahsyar.
This paper was submitted to fulfill the Economic English course assignment. This
paper presents a discussion of Management and Human Resource Development.
The author realizes that the contents of this paper are far from perfect. Likewise in
writing this paper, the writer is not free from mistakes and shortcomings. The author is happy
to accept suggestions, criticisms, and constructive corrections from all parties to improve this
paper. Finally, the author hopes that this paper will benefit readers. Good luck always with us
all. Amen.

Table of the Contents

Table of the Contents.......................................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I.....................................................................................................................................1


A. Background...........................................................................................................................1

B. Formulation of the Problem..................................................................................................2

C. The Purpose of the Paper......................................................................................................2

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION...........................................................................................................3

A. Definition of Human Resource Management.......................................................................3

B. Scope of Human Resource Management..............................................................................4

C. The Role of Human Resource Management.........................................................................4

D. Human Resource Management Function..............................................................................5

E. The Purpose of Human Resource Management...................................................................6

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................8

A. Conclusion............................................................................................................................8

B. Suggest..................................................................................................................................8



A. Background

Resources are everything that is an asset of the company to achieve its objectives.
Resources owned by a company can be categorized into four types of resources, such as
Financial, Physical, Human and Technology Capability. Financial resources are one
important element in order to form a company that is developed and continues to grow
because it deals with shares which are the main capital in building a company and developing
and continuing the company. Physical resources are resources that involve physical support
for the establishment of a company such as its equipment. Human resources are a central
sector and are important in order to achieve the objectives in a company, because with the
ability of the skills of the workers and the quality of human resources can move the company
properly and correctly. Technology capability is also an important supporting element in
moving the company, because with the completeness of technology and technological
sophistication will facilitate the running of a company. Of the four sources the most
important aspect is humans, because humans are the most important movers in the company.
The progress and failure of the company depends on the management of human resources
can be done in a company or by a certain department.
Human resources have characteristics that are different from other resources, have
unique characteristics, namely human nature that is different from one another, has a mindset
not an inanimate object. This specificity causes the need for specific attention to this
resource. Managing people is not as easy as managing inanimate objects that can be placed,
arranged in such a way according to the manager's will. Humans need to be treated as whole
people in various ways so that each individual is willing and able to carry out the work, rules
and orders that exist in the organization without causing adverse impacts on the company and
individuals as employees in the company. The person who regulates is called a personnel
manager or human resource manager.
In this paper, we will discuss a little about human resource management. And it is
fitting for us as students majoring in management to be able to understand how human

resource management. So that the reader expects that the reader understands and can draw a
little wisdom or lessons and can be applied in economic life.
B. Formulation of the Problem
a. What is the definition of human resource management?
b. What is the scope of human resource management?
c. How is the role of human resource management?
d. What are the functions of human resource management?
e. What are the goals of human resource management?
C. The Purpose of the Paper
a. To explain the understanding of human resource management.
b. To explain the scope of human resource management.
c. To explain the role of human resource management.
d. To explain the function of human resource management.
e. To explain the purpose of human resource management.


A. Definition of Human Resource Management

HRM consists of the words management and human resources. Management is the art
of regulating the process of utilizing human resources and other resources effectively and
efficiently to achieve certain goals. These resources include: man (human), money (money),
methods (methods / ways / systems), materials (materials), machines (machines), and the
market (market). The human element which is one of the elements of resources developed
into a field of management called HRM which is a translation of man power management.
There is a management that regulates the human element that is called management of
staffing or personnel management.
HRM is the science and art of managing the relationships and roles of the workforce to
be effective and efficient in helping the realization of company, employee and community
HRM is often equated with Personnel Management, namely planning, organizing,
directing, and controlling the procurement, development, compensation, integration,
maintenance, and termination of employees, with the aim of realizing company, individual,
employee and community goals.
The HRM equation with personnel management is clearly both a science that regulates
people in an organization, in order to support the realization or achievement of goals.
Difference between HRM and personnel management: HRM is studied at a macro level,
personnel management is at a micro level. HRM considers employees to be the main assets
(assets) of the organization that must be well maintained, personnel management considers
employees to be a factor of production that must be used productively. The HRM approach is
modern, the personnel management approach is classic.
The focus of the HRM study is the issue of human labor arranged according to the
order of its functions, to be effective and efficient in realizing the goals of the company,
employees and society. Employees are planners, actors and always play an active role in
company / business activities.

B. Scope of Human Resource Management
The scope of HRM activities is a process that can be carried out by personnel managers
1. Design and organize work and block it with employees.
2. Plan, attract and select, train and develop employees effectively to be able to do the work
that was previously designed.
3. Creating conditions and work environment that can satisfy the various needs of employees
through career development opportunities, compensation systems or fair remuneration, and
the relationship between employees and supervisors that are harmonious through the
employee organizations that are formed.
4. Maintain and guarantee the effectiveness and high morale in the long term.
The simple process above can be described in small sections specifically managing
important matters in the stages needed. In the real world, what is faced by the personnel
manager is not as simple as the above process, but more complex depending on the
challenges faced. These challenges include external challenges such as: economic, political,
and government regulations, technology, and social culture, as well as organizational
challenges such as the character of the organization, trade unions, individual differences, the
value systems of managers and employees are different and others
For this reason, organizations, especially personnel, need to actively take steps deemed
necessary such as monitoring environmental changes, evaluating and taking proactive actions
in overcoming challenges through appropriate techniques and approaches.
C. The Role of Human Resource Management
The role of HRM is to arrange the staffing program which addresses the following issues:
1. Determine the number, quality and effective placement of workers in accordance with
company needs based on job description, job specifications, job requirements, and job
2. Determine the withdrawal, selection, and placement of employees based on the principle
of the right man in the right place and the right man in the right job even for recently in the
right man in the right time.
3. Establish welfare, development, promotion, and dismissal programs.
4. Forecast the supply and demand of human resources in the future.

5. Estimating the state of the economy in general and the development of companies in
6. Monitor labor laws and policies for the granting of remuneration for similar companies.
7. Monitor the technical progress and development of trade unions.
8. Carry out education, training, and employee performance assessments.
9. Manage employee mutations both vertically and horizontally.
10. Arrange pensions, awards and severance pay.
D. Human Resource Management Function
The functions of Human Resource Management are:
1. Planning.
Planning is to plan the workforce effectively and efficiently to suit the needs of the company
in helping the realization of objectives, planning is done by setting staffing programs.
2. Organizing.
Organizing is an activity to organize all employees by establishing the division of labor,
employment relations, delegation of authority, integration, and coordination in the
organizational chart.
3. Direction.
Directing is an activity that directs all employees to want to work well, wants to work
together, the leader assigns subordinates so that all their tasks are done well
4. Control.
Control is the activity of controlling all employees obeying company rules and working
according to plan, if an error occurs or an irregularity is made improvement. Employee
control includes attendance, discipline, behavior, cooperation, implementation of work and
maintaining the work environment situation.
5. Procurement.
Procurement is a process of withdrawal, selection, placement, orientation and induction to
get employees in accordance with company needs.

6. Development.
Development is the process of increasing the technical, theoretical, conceptual and moral
skills of employees through education that is appropriate to the needs of current and future
7. Compensation.
Compensation is the provision of direct and indirect compensation, money or goods to
employees in return for services provided to the company. The principle of compensation is
fair and reasonable.
8. Integration.
Integration is to unite the interests of the company and the needs of employees, so as to
create harmonious and mutually beneficial cooperation. The company makes a profit,
employees can meet the needs of the results of their work.
9. Maintenance.
Maintenance is an activity to maintain and improve the physical, mental, and loyalty of
employees so that they will continue to work well in accordance with company needs.
10. Discipline.
Discipline is the desire and awareness to obey company rules and norms. The company must
strive to achieve these desires.
11. Grabbing.
Termination is the termination of one's employment relationship from the company.
Dismissal can be caused by the company's wishes, the desires of employees, expired
employment contracts, pensions, and other causes
E. The Purpose of Human Resource Management
The objectives of human resource management are:
1. Social Purpose
The social objective of human resource management is that the organization or company is
socially and ethically responsible for the integrity and challenges of the community by
minimizing its negative impacts.
2. Organizational Objectives
Organizational goals are formal goals that are made to help organizations achieve their goals.
3. Functional Purpose

Functional objectives are those aimed at maintaining the contribution of the human resources
department at a level that is appropriate to the needs of the organization.
4. Individual goals
Individual goals are the personal goals of each member of the organization or company that
wants to achieve through its activities in the organization.


A. Conclusion
Human resource management is a process of dealing with various problems in the
scope of employees, employees, laborers, managers and other workers to be able to support
the activities of the organization or company in order to achieve predetermined goals. The
part or unit that usually deals with human resources is the human resources department or in
English is called the HRD or human resource department.
Human resource management also involves the design of planning systems, employee
organization, employee development, career management, performance evaluation, employee
compensation and good employment relations. Human resource management involves all
management decisions and practices that directly affect human resources.
Human Resource Management is needed to improve the effectiveness of human
resources in the organization. The aim is to provide an effective work unit organization. To
achieve this goal, the study of personnel management will show how companies should
obtain, develop, use, evaluate, and maintain employees in number (quantity) and type
B. Suggest
We as the compilers of this paper hope that readers can understand and understand
human resource management issues properly and correctly so that readers can apply them in
economic life.
We also ask the campus to provide a policy in the form of training on how to recruit
employees in a company to economics faculty students, so that economics faculty students
can understand how a company can recruit new employees. So hopefully after the economics
faculty students graduate from this campus, they can easily be accepted to work at the
company they want.


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