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Assignment No 1

Paper 1998
(a) State Boyle's law and Charle's law. Derive equation PV = nRT
Boyle's Law:
"This law states that volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional
to pressure. The temperature of the gas was kept by constant."
Mathematically; it can be written as
V œ 1/p
V = 1/p (constant)
Or V = k/p
PV = k
Or PV = Constant
"Boyle's law can be defined as product of pressure and volume of a given mass of a
gas is constant. Its temperature is kept constant."
Boyle's Law by Graph:
If we put a graph for different values of same mass of the gas we get hyperbolic as
shown in the figure. The shape shows that if pressure of the gas is increased the
volume will decrease and vice versa.

Charle's Law:
"This law states that volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to
temperature. Its pressure of gas is constant."
Mathematically can be written as

V = T constant
V/T =Constant
Charle's Law by graph:
If graph is plotted between different values of volume and absolute
temperature the gas at constant pressure. We obtained straight line, therefore we can
say that volume and temperature change correspondingly. If this graph is produced in
the backward direction then of observed that at temperature volume is not zero but it
become zero at -273K. Generally the gases are liquefied before reaching to the
temperature -273cº. The temperature -273cº is taken as zero on Kelvin scale of
temperature. The zero is called absolute zero.
General Gas Law Or General Gas Equation
General gas law is the combination of Boyle's law and Charle's law
According to Boyle's law

V œ 1/p (Temperature constant)

According to the Charle's law

V œ T (Pressure constant)
Combine both

V œ T/p
V = T/p constant
PV = T constant or PV/ nT = constant
→ PV/nT = R
PV = nRT where n is number of moles and R is universal gas constant, its value is
8.314 Joule /mole k
(b) Prove that β= 3α where β and α are co-efficient of volume and linear
Show that co-efficient of volume expansion is there times of the co-efficient of
linear expansion:
Consider a rectangular of volume
Before heating
→ V= Lwh
After heating its volume becomes
Vt = LtWt Ht
As we know that
L t = L (1+α∆T)
W t= W (1+α∆T)
H t = H (1+α∆T)
Put this value in eq: (1); we get
V t = L (1+α∆T) W (1+α∆T) H (1+α∆T)
V t = L W H (1+ α∆T) 3
As we know that
V= L W H
→V t = V (1+ α∆T)
As we know that
(a + b) 3 = a3 + b3 +3a2b +3ab2

V t = V [(1) 3 + (α∆T) 3 +3(1) 2 (α∆T) +3(1) (α∆T) 2]

V t = V (1+α3∆T3+3α∆T+3α2∆T2)
Since the value of "α" is very small so we neglect the higher power term.
V t = V (1+ 3α ∆T)
V t = V+ 3Vα ∆T
V t –V = 3Vα ∆T
:. V t – V =∆V
→ ∆V = 3αV∆T
∆V/V∆T = 3α
:. ∆V/V∆T = β
β= 3α
Hence Proved
This equation shows that co-efficient of volume expansion is three times of the co-
efficient of linear expansion
(c) Why the real gasses do not obey gas law at high pressure and low temperature.
Ans: The real gases do not obey gas law at high pressure and low temperature
because real gases have different quantity at different pressure and different
temperature. So the real gases have not obeyed gas law at high pressure and low

Paper 1999
(a) Show that the average transitional Kinetic Energy is directly proportional to the
absolute temperature Or Prove that 1/2 mV¯2 œT:-
As we know that
P = 1_ ℓ V¯ 2
3 .: ℓ = mnV

P = 1_ mnvV¯ 2
3 : nv = N/v

P = 1_mN V¯ 2
3 V

P = 1_ m NV¯ 2
From General gas equation
PV = nRT
nRT = 1_ m N V¯ 2
3 .: n= N/NA

N_ RT = 1_ m N V¯ 2
NA 3

R_ T = 1_ m V¯ 2
NA 3
Universal gas constant per unit Avogadro's number is called as Boyle's man constant.
Its value is
K = R_

KT = 1_ m V¯ 2
1_ m V¯ 2 = KT

m V¯ 2 = 3KT
Dividing both on sides by "2"

mV_¯ 2 = 3KT_
2 2

1_ m V¯ 2 = 3KT .:3K = Constant

2 2 2

1_ m V¯ 2 = (Constant) T
1_ m V¯ 2 œ T
Hence Proved
This equation is shown that the average transitional Kinetic Energy is directly
proportional to the absolute temperature.

Paper 2000
(a) Define Gas law and show that the pressure of an ideal gas is directly
proportional to the average square velocity.
Ans: The behaviour of a gas is determined by physical quantities like pressure,
volume, temperature and mass of the gas relation between two of variable, keeping
the other variable constant are caused gas laws.
Show that the pressure of an ideal gas is directly proportional to the average square
velocity (OR) Prove that P = 1/3 ℓ V¯ 2
Consider ideal gas having n-number of molecules is enclosed in a cubical volume.
Molecules are moving in all direction with their velocities Vx, Vy, and Vz along x, y,
z axis respectively. In order to derive an expression for pressure by these molecules,
we will consider the behaviour of one molecule of mass "m" with its velocity Vx
before collision with the wall and after collision its velocity is –Vx along x- axis

Momentum of one molecule

Before collision = mVx
Momentum of one molecule
After collision = -mVx
Change in momentum of one molecule
mVx - (-mVx)
Change in momentum of molecule
mVx + mVx = 2mVx
Distance travelled by one molecule
S = l + l = 2l
Time taken by one molecule
t = s/v = 2l/vx
Force excreted by the molecule is equal to the rate of change momentum.
F = ∆P/t
F = 2mVx / (2l/vx)
F = mVx 2/l
Force excreted by n- number n-molecule can be given as
F= mV1x2 + mV2x2+ mV3x2 +…………mVnx2
l l l l
F = m (V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)
The product of pressure and area is equal to force.
F = PA
PA = m (V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)
P = m (V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)

P = m (V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)

.: nV = N_
V = N_
nV = number of mole per unit volume.

P = m_=( V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)

P = mnV = (V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)
:. Mass per unit volume is called Density
ℓ = mVn
P = ℓ (V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2)
Vx¯ 2 = V1x2 + V2x2+ V3x2 +…………Vnx2
P = ℓ Vx¯ 2
Resultant velocity can be given as,
V¯ 2 = Vx¯ 2 + Vy¯ 2 + Vz¯ 2
.:V¯ 2 = Vx¯ 2 = Vy¯ 2 = Vz¯ 2
V¯ 2 = Vx¯ 2 + Vx¯ 2 + Vx¯ 2
V¯ 2 = 3 V¯ 2x
Vx¯ 2 = V¯ 2
Putting this in eq (1)
P = ℓ V¯ 2
P = 1_ ℓ V¯ 2
Hence Proved

Paper 2001
(a) Define Molar Specific heat, why gas has two specific heats. How that the
difference between molar specific heat at constant pressure and molar specific heat
is equal to universal constant.
Molar Specific Heat Capacity:
Statement: "Molar heat capacity of a substance is defined as the amount of heat
energy required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of the substance through 1k".
Explanation: In this case one mole of different substance required some quantity of
heat to raise their temperature by 1k
We have a reaction
∆Q = C m ∆T → (1)
And now for number of moles we have
n = m_
.: Mn = m put this value in above relation
∆Q = CMn ∆T
∆Q_ = CM
n ∆T
CM = ∆Q_ unit of molar specific heat is J/ mol k.
From this equation we can define molar specific heat as "The product of Molecular
weight and specific heat is called the Molar specific heat".
The molar specific heat of a gas depends upon whether or not the gas is allowed to
expand when it is heated. When the volume of the gas is kept constant through out
heating, we call if the molar specific heat at constant volume.
It is shown by Cv and defined as "Amount of heat energy required raising the
temperature of one mole of a gas through 1k at constant volume" and if pressure kept
constant throughout heating than it is called molar specific heat at constant pressure
and it is shown by Cp and defined as "Amount of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of one mole of a gas through 1k at constant pressure".
Prove that = Cp – Cv = R
Cp→ Molar specific heat at constant pressure
Cv→ Molar specific heat at constant volume
R → Universal gas constant it value is 8.314 Joule /mole k
Consider a cylinder in which an ideal gas is enclosed with friction less and free
moveable piston.
(1) Volume of cylinder is constant
Molar specific heat at constant volume
∆Q = nCv∆T → (i)
According to first law of thermodynamics at constant volume
∆Q = ∆U→ (ii)
Compare both equation (i) and (ii) then we get
∆U = n Cv ∆T→ (1)
(2) pressure of cylinder is constant
Molar specific heat at constant pressure
∆QP = n Cp∆T→ (2)
According to first law of thermodynamics at constant pressure
∆W = P∆V → (3)
As we know that
∆Q = ∆U + ∆W → (4)
Substituting of ∆Q, ∆U and ∆W then we put its value
n Cp∆T = n Cv∆T + P∆V → (a)
As we know that according to general gas equation
PV = nRT
P∆V = nR∆T → (5)
Put the value of P∆V in equation (a)
nCp∆T = nCv∆T + nR∆T
Cp = Cv +R
Cp – Cv = R
R = Cp – Cv Hence proved

(c) Define the co-efficient of linear expansion

α = ∆L/L∆T
Where "α" is proportionality constant known as co-efficient of linear expansion or
linear expansivity. It has different values for different substance such as for aluminum
its value is 2.4×10-5K-1.
"It can be defined as "change in length "∆L" per unit " original length" (L) per degree
"change in temperature"(∆T). Suppose it is the length after heating then,
∆L= Lt –L
Putting this value in equation 3 we get,
L t-L= α L∆T
L t= L +α L∆T

L t = L (1+α∆T)

Paper 2002
(a) Define gas law and show that PV = nRT
Same as 2000 and 1998

(c) Define co-efficient of linear expansion

Same as 2001

Paper 2003
(a) Define co-efficient of linear expansion and volume expansion and prove that
Same as 1998
Paper 2004
(a) State the basic assumption of kinetic theory of gases. Using of the
thermodynamics Prove that = Cp – Cv = R
Kinetic Theory of Gases:
The kinetic theory of gases is based upon the following assumption.
(1) Gas consists of molecules. Each molecule consists of an atom. All the
molecules of the gas in a state are identical.
(2) Any fixed volume of a gas consists of a large number of molecules. At
standard temperature and pressure there are about 3×1023 molecules in one
cubic meter of gas.
(3) The molecules are spread by a distance greater than the size of
(4) The molecules move freely in all direction with various speeds making
elastic collision with each other and with the walls of the container.
(5) The molecules with the walls of container and molecule exert force on
each other only when they collide
(6) Newton mechanics is applicable to motion of the molecules.
Prove that = Cp – Cv = R
Cp→ Molar specific heat at constant pressure
Cv→ Molar specific heat at constant volume
R → Universal gas constant it value is 8.314 Joule /mole k
Consider a cylinder in which an ideal gas is enclosed with friction less and free
moveable piston.
(1) Volume of cylinder is constant
Molar specific heat at constant volume
∆Q = nCv∆T → (i)
According to first law of thermodynamics at constant volume
∆Q = ∆U→ (ii)
Compare both equation (i) and (ii) then we get
∆U = n Cv ∆T→ (1)
(2) pressure of cylinder is constant
Molar specific heat at constant pressure
∆QP = n Cp∆T→ (2)
According to first law of thermodynamics at constant pressure
∆W = P∆V → (3)
As we know that
∆Q = ∆U + ∆W → (4)
Substituting of ∆Q, ∆U and ∆W then we put its value
n Cp∆T = n Cv∆T + P∆V → (a)
As we know that according to general gas equation
PV = nRT
P∆V = nR∆T → (5)
Put the value of P∆V in equation (a)
nCp∆T = nCv∆T + nR∆T
Cp = Cv +R
Cp – Cv = R
R = Cp – Cv Hence proved

(c) Define co-efficient of linear expansion

Same as 2002
Paper 2005
(a) State Boyle's law and Charle's law. Derive the expression PV = nRT
Same as 1998
Paper 2006
(a) Define co-efficient of linear "α" and co-efficient of volume expansion "β" and
prove that β = 3α
Same as 2003

Paper 2007
(a) Define specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) and constant volume (Cv).
Same as 2001
(c) Explain briefly what is heat death.
Same as 2000
Paper 2008
(a) State Boyle's law and Charle's law. Define and prove that for n moles of an
ideal gas the product of pressure and volume is equal to nRT where R is molar gas
constant and T is the absolute temperature of the gas.
Same as 1998,1999

Problems of Assignment
c) At what temperature Fahrenheit and Celsius scale coincide.
For suppose Cº = F = x = ??
As we know that
C = F – 32
5 9
x_ = x – 32
5 9
9x = (x – 32)×5
9x = 5x – 160
9x – 5x = - 160
4x = -160
x = -160_
x = - 40
(c) Convert 104º F into Kelvin.
F = 104º F
As we know that
K- 273 = F -32_
5 9
Put the values
K- 273 = 104 -32_
5 9
K- 273 = 72_
5 9
9(K-273) = 72 ×5
9(K-273) = 360
K-273 = 360
K-273 = 40
K = 40 +273
K = 313
(b) find the change in volume of steel sphere of 0.4m radius when it is heated from
0 to 100º C Given = 1.1×10 -5/k.
(b) The average Kinetic Energy possessed by molecules of gas is 2.5×10 -20J. Find
the temperature of the gas.

Calculate the root mean square speed of Hydrogen molecules at 200ºC.

(b) Find the change in volume of a lead sphere of 0.3 m radium when it is heated
from 0º to 100º C ( δ= 2.9×10 -5 ºC -1)
(b) A close vessel contains air at a temperature of 300º C and at pressure of 1
atmosphere. It is heated to 150º C what will be the new pressure?

(b) 1200 joules of heat energy is supplied to the system at constant pressure. The
internal energy of the system is increased by 750 joules volume by 4.5m3. Find the
work done against the position and pressure on the piston.
(b) Find the volume occupied in litres by the gram mole of the gas at 0ºC and at a
pressure of 1 atmosphere (a.atm = 1.01×105N/m2)

(b) A concrete slab is 10m long at 25ºC. How much longer will it be at 85ºC B for
concrete 3×10 -5 per ºC
(b) A 4kg copper block is taken from a furnace when its temperature was 550ºC and
placed on a large block of ice at 0ºC. Assuming that all the heat is used to melt ice.
What is the mass of ice melted? Sp. Of copper = 386 j kg – 1 c – 1, Heat of fusion of ice
= 3600 J/ kg

(b) Determined the average value of kinetic energy of the particles of an ideal gas
at 273k and 323k.

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