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Animal bites are common issues in some places, especially to those people who have pets at home or to
those people whose neighbors are pet owners. Animal bites happen when an animal becomes
aggressive, rabid, or threatened. Most common bitten area of the body is on the extremities and also on
the head and neck region. The most common area of animal bite for children is the head and neck. And
according to Doud Galli, S. K., & Miller, P. J. (2019, July 8). “most bites occur in the victim’s home or in
the home of a friend or relative” and these bites could lead to infection if not treated because bites may
differ in depth, it could be in the skin, tissue or in the bone that would lead to fracture. Also a Swiss
study of dog bites indicated “wounds to the hand are at particular risk of developing secondary
infectious.” Hands are one of the common spots of dog bites, it happen maybe because of petting or
threatening the animal.

The common animals mentioned in this study are dogs and cats, and the bites occur equally in men and
women, however men is more likely the victims of dog bite and women for cats. Though the issue or
incidence of infection is quite low, the possible rabies is probably the reason for assessing the animal
bite injuries. Bitten patients require full physical examination to examine all bites and its condition
because the degree of injury is important, possible infections can be prevented and possible
complications could be prevented.

“Injuries to the head and neck region have a lower risk of infection than injuries to the extremities. The
risk of infection is increased with puncture wounds, treatment delay (6 – 12 h), and in patients older
than 50 years. Likewise, patients who are immunocompromised are at increased risk”

When a person is bitten by an animal, early consultation is required for prevention and treatment of
possible complications. The best prevention is educating the community especially to those families who
have pets and children at home.


Upon knowing how animal bite occurs it made me think that people in the community are at high risk of
animal bite especially to those families who have infants and toddlers at home. According to the article
“Animal bites to the head and neck” children are at risk for animal bite in the head and neck because
children’s size puts them at risk for aggressive and dominating behavior of animals.

In the community where we are assigned to, I saw a dog who barks to every person who passes by their
front doors, I realize this scenario could lead to animal attack and putting the community in harm.
Since education is the key to prevention, as a nurse I will educate the families about animal bite and its
effect to the body and I will educate children to avoid petting unfamiliar animals and avoid harming or
threatening the animals. And also educating those who owns pets that animals can be aggressive
sometimes that is why it must be kept inside the house to avoid harming the community.

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