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Basics of Automation Technology 95

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8 Programming tasks
The following tasks are intended to deepen the preceding subject matter and allow you to
practice working with STEP 7 and the hardware components once more by yourself.

In the case of programming tasks it is certainly possible that there different ways to solve
a problem. The supplied solutions thus offer only one of the possibilities of carrying out
the task.

8.1 Emptying a tank

A tank can be emptied by using the
pumps P1 and P2.

The pumps are controlled depending Tank

on the level of the tank.

S1, S2 and S3 serve as sensors for

monitoring the level.
P1 is to be active at a level below S2. P1 H1 54
P2 is to be active if the level lies Outlet 1 - - c::::===t::J:::==::j
between S2 and S3. P1 and P2 are

to be active if the level rises above

Outlet 2 - - c::::==~O==::::L
Control desk
S3. P2
Fig. 8./ TI!c/1I7%p,)" schl!l1Ii!
Draining is switched on and off by
means of the main control switch S4.
If a sensor fault occurs (e.g. S2 signals and S1 does not signal), P1 and P2 are to be
activated in order to prevent the tank from overflowing. In addition, a fault indicator light is
to be activated at the control desk.

Task 1:

Complete the assignment table for inputs and outputs.

Input variable Symbol Data type logical assignment Address

I Sensor Bottom S1 BOOl Operated S1 = 1 10.1
I Sensor Middle 10.2
I Sensor Top 10.3
I_Main _Switch 10.4
Output variable Symbol Data type logical assignment Address
0 Pump1 04.1
0 Pump2 04.2
0 Fault Indicator light 04.3
! ah. 8.2 .·/SSlgllll1l!l1I tah/I!
Basics of Automation Technology 96

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Task 2:

Complete the function table. Enter a remark under sensor if a sensor error occurs.

53 52 51 P1 P2 H1 Remark
0 0 0

0 0 1 -~

0 1 0 Sensor error
0 1 1

1 0 0 --------

1 0 1
1 1 0 -­
1 1 1
lof,. S. 3 FlIllc! iOIl lohi"

Task 3:

Determine the switching functions for P1, P2 and H 1 from the function table. Simplify the
functions as far as possible.

P1 = ..
P2 =.

H1 = .

Task 4:

Create the using program using STEP 7 in FBD. Use OB1 and FB1 to this purpose.

Addressing is to be carried out using the symbol table.

Subsequently test the program you have created.
Basics of Automation Technology 97

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8.2 Gate controller

01 (Open)
02 (Closed) Control desk
85 (Open) 8J S10 pen
8]80 Stop
8JS2 Close

Moving of a rolling gate is carried out by means of a motor that is controlled with two
power contactors 01 (Gate open) and 02 (Gate closed). Limit position monitoring of the
gate is implemented through the proximity switches S4 (Gate closed) and S5 (Gate
The rolling gate is operated from the entrance gate using a control desk. If the operating
mode switch S3 is in the Automatic position (1), the gate can be opened or closed by
pressing the momentary-contact pushbuttons S1 or S2 briefly. Reversal of the motor
direction is only possible via Stop (SO).
If the SO (Stop) button is pressed, the rolling gate stops immediately. A subsequent
upward or downward movement has to be started by pressing the momentary-contact
pushbuttons S1 or S2 again.
If the operating mode switch S3 is in the position Jogging (0), the gate is only moved
upwards or downwards as long as the momentary-contact pushbuttons S1 or S2 are
If the limit proximity switches S4 or S5 are triggered, the gate stops immediately

Task 1:

Complete the assignment table for inputs and outputs.

Data logical
Input variable Symbol Address
type assignment
I_Momentary_ Contact_Pushbutton_Stop SO BOOl Operated SO = 0 10.0
I_ Momentary_ Contact_Pushbutton_Open 10.1
I_ Momentary _ Contact_Push button_ Closed 102
Auto S3 = 1 /
I_Automatic_ Selection 10.3
Jo~~in~ S3 =0 --
,-Proximity_ Switch_Gate_Closed S4 Operated S4 = 0 104
I_Proximity_ Switch_Gate_Open 10.5
Data Logical
Output variable Symbol Address
type aSSignment
0_Contactor_ Gate_Open 01 Active 01 = 1 04.1
0_Contactor_Gate _Closed 04.2
___ L _ _ _ _ _ _
I uf,. ,\,._, . Iss/gull/ell/ {uhle
Basics of Automation Technology 98

L. '.
hr:~JLJ ,~ .~, I.

Task 2:

Enter the conditions for setting or resetting the flipflops used to control the power
contactors 01 and 02 in the table.

Flipflops for Set condition Reset condition (interlocks)

01 / Contactor gate open
02 / Contactor gate

Task 3:

Create the using program using STEP 7 in FBD. Use OB1 and FB1 to this purpose

Addressing is to be carried out using the symbol table.

Subsequently test the program you have created.

Basics of Automation Technology 99

8.3 Start-up control slipring motor

L3 -.. --.-.j .,..................-.......-­

F3 Control desk
[IJ SO Off
t,), 1

I·;g. s - li'clll/olo,!'.,\' ,1ch"/I/('

High switch-on currents have to be avoided at 3-phase slipring motors. This is achieved
by using resistors (R 1, R2, R3) switched in the rotor circuit. When the On-switch S1 is
operated the line contactor 01 picks up After a respective time delay of 5 seconds the
contactors 02, 03 and 04 pick up consecutively in order to jumper the resistor groups
R1, R2 and R3. After the last contactor has picked up the motor is in rated operation (the
sliprings are short-circuited). If the switch SO is operated, the motor is switched off
If a thermal overload occurs, the motor circuit breaker F3 triggers and switches the motor

Task 1:

Complete the assignment table for inputs and outputs.

Data logical
Input variable Symbol Address
type assignment
I_Momentary_ Contact_Pushbutton _ Off SO BOOl Operated SO =a 10.0
I_Momentary_ Contact_Push button_On 10.1
I_Motor_Circuit_Breaker 10.2
Data logical
Output variable Symbol Address
type assi~nment
0_Contactor1 - Line Active Q1 =1 04.1
o Contactor2 04.2
0_Contactor3 04.3

o Contactor4
-- -
Basics of Automation Technology 100

Task 2:

Enter the conditions for setting or resetting the flipflops used to control the contactors 01,
02, 03 and 04 in the table. Enter the conditions for setting the time functions in the table
extended with the three time functions.

Flipflops for Set condition Reset condition

Line contactor, 01

SE timer 1 (Z1), 02

SE timer 2 (Z2), 03

SE timer 3 (Z3), 04

/ lIf,. S'J /(\ {liN"

Task 3:

Create the using program using STEP 7 in FBD. Use OB1 and FB1 to this purpose.

Addressing is to be carried out using the symbol table.

Subsequently test the program you have created.
Basics of Automation Technology 101

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8.4 Pharmaceutical process vessel


I3J S4 Lt~ve'; 2

33 Leve! 1

He"t"'~ HO
Control desk
S2 Empty
GJ 51 (Start)
OutlE': .. .--r-~i---------' GJ Reset

In a pharmaceutical process vessel two raw materials are processed to a medicine under
temperature influence and a stirring movement.

The process consists of the following individual steps

• When pushbutton S1 has been pressed, the vessel is empty and valve Y3 IS closed.
valve Y1 is opened. Raw material 1 flows in the vessel until the level switch S3 is
• The agitator M is switched on and the valve Y2 is opened.
• After the level switch S4 has been reached, the valve Y2 is closed and the heating H
is switched on
• After the process temperature has been reached at S5, the heating is switched off
and a mixing time of 10 seconds started.
• After the mixing time has expired, the agitator M is switched off and the valve Y3 is
• After the level switch S2 has been reached (vessel empty), the valve Y3 is closed.
• The process can be started again by pressing S1.

The sequencer can be reset to the initial state by pressing the Reset button.
Basics of Automation Technology 102

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Task 1:

Complete the assignment table for inputs and outputs

-- -----------
Input variable Symbol Data type Logical assignment Addre ss
Start Pushbutton S1 BOOL Operated S 1 = 1 10.1
I_Empty_Sensor S2
I- Level1 - Sensor S3 10.3
I- Level2 - Sensor S4 10.4
1_Temperature_Sensor S5 10.5
I- Reset_Pushbutton Reset 10.0
Output variable Symbol Data type Logical assignment Addre ss
O_Valve Raw Material1 Y1 Valve open Y1 =1 04.1
° Valve Raw Material2
--=----=----:-- - - . - - -
------- - ---------
--,._- ­

O_Valve_Outlet Y3 04.3
O_Heating H 044
O_Agitator M 04.5
/ uh. S / / .Issigl/II/<'I/l Ii ,hi,'

Task 2:

Create a sequencer for the process operation to be realised.

Task 3:

Create the using program using STEP 7 in FBD Use OB1 and FB1 to this purpose

Addressing is to be carried out using the symbol table.

Subsequently test the program you have created.

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