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Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Content keys

● What does it take to reprogram ourselves to be a solution based thinker?

● We need to stop indoctrinating our children with the rituals of slave behavior
● Children dismiss the old paradigm
● Our education system makes workers not thinkers
● To the parents who have children with Instagram
● Update your software
● Should people speak affirmations out loud to program their subconscious
minds, even as far as listening to affirmations in their sleep?
● What rituals would you suggest for people to do in the categories of mental,
physical and spiritual for them to start to express their higher selves?
● Tapping into the subconscious mind is like knocking on a door continuously
asking to speak to the subconscious.
● City thinking vs. nature thinking
● Decisions vs Distractions
● Question: what would happen if you got rid of all your distractions?
● Great Rising vs. Good Mourning
● My good morning routine was distraction and consumption and left little time too
think, my great rising routine gets me ready to control my mind and control my day.
● Drinking gold
● Writing down purpose key
● Building Your future Self : The Cure to procrastination
● Every time I procrastinate I actually rob my future self
● The Pregnant Mind
● An idea can be produced better when you stand up to the pain of birthing it into
● Positive or Negative Charged Life
● How do you go through pain and how do you charge yourself up through it?
● Don’t Steal From Yourself .
● Your Language Controls Your Thinking
● Your frequency is what you do frequently”.
● How To Gauge Someone’s Frequency
● “How are you doing?” But what does that mean exactly?
● A Deeper Meaning Of Reproduction And Legacy
● My goal is to create keys to reproduce self and that's the goal of any human being
● So how I define legacy is energy that never dies.
● As long as you are observing my energy and you have conscious awareness of my
life, then I'm alive.
● The Afterlife Is The Future
● Make sure you become a key and unlock someone else so they can become a key
and we can create a world of keys.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Paradigm comes from Greek παράδειγμα (paradeigma), "pattern, example,

sample"[1] from the verb παραδείκνυμι (paradeiknumi), "exhibit, represent,
expose"[2] and that from παρά (para), "beside, beyond"[3] and δείκνυμι (deiknumi),
"to show, to point out".[4]

In rhetoric, paradeigma is known as a type of proof. The purpose of paradeigma is

to provide an audience with an illustration of similar occurrences. This illustration
is not meant to take the audience to a conclusion, however it is used to help guide
them there.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Tap In!

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

I would like to thank my sisters Andrea & Kalimah Muhammad for helping with the
transcription, edit and foreword. My fellow paradigm shifter and business partner Blue Pill
for his revision. My brother Basheer for helping choose a cover along with Derrick Grace,
Bro. Ben X, Billionaire Pa, Pop Darby, and Chris Cole who also added input into the cover
art. Everyone we encounter collaborates in the molding of our consciousness and I’m
extremely grateful to all who’ve added in any capacity to my mind and ideas.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

E-book Dedication:

This book is dedicated to all those who are deprogramming and reprogramming to a
higher program. To all of you readers shifting the paradigm, seeking truth and
knowledge. “tap In” -19keys

Having a positive mind ultimately brings us a benefit: Peace and Happiness, but
those aren't just the basics. Isn’t happiness and peace the epitome of what we desire as
a people in life? Is it though? After reading 19keys eBook which is an unorthodox
transcript of lectures, thoughts and opinions applicable to your life in a SOLUTION based
reprogramming method, I had to re-evaluate my entire life because his book detailed
lifetime solutions for problems that have been created in our daily lives from the birth of
our existence. I mean when I read the epithet “Good Mourning VS Great Rising” I was
astonished to say the least that a simple expression that was created to project and
imprint a positive start to your morning and to others by greeting your fellow co-worker,
friend, relative, or passerby could actually impact them negatively. The term mourning
means to mourn so to wake each morning expressing mourn our subconscious mind
wouldn’t know the difference and with words being the very shape of your daily existence
it’s important to use words that structure our thoughts into a routine of greatness so you
say Great Rising instead of Good Mourning which I have now replaced during my morning
expressions of positivity and blessing. Some may wonder why a young man such as
19keys should write so freely about life’s problems and actually be able to provide
solutions to how you think and act, but it seems to me necessary to state how life appears
at its most serious beginnings, at your birth and how that affects your present. I trust
that after reading “paradigm keys” solution- based mind reprogramming it will be read in
the spirit of seeking and FINDING the truth with a solution. -Andrea Muhammad
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Introduction keys

This is the period of enlightenment; the dawn of a new awakening and it couldn’t be more on time.
Our ancestors have passed down with them every lesson learnt from their struggles. It’s up to us
to use that information to gain our sovereignty.

We must continue to be a patient but vigilant people, a strategic, confident, planning and executing
people. Our enemy has been planning against us and has been winning for far too long for us to
be so potentially great. Time to turn that potential into actualization.

Everywhere in our culture you see genius. This genius may be overlooked, misappropriated and
mocked, but it can't be ignored. The cradle of creativity lies within the minds and expression of
our collective. Our spirit is so strong it moves the earth and controls the sun. We are the life force
that energizes everything yet we haven’t realized this yet.

No one who has set on the task of putting you in a cage will also give you your freedom. Who has
more power? The big dumb brute or small meek genius?

In every aspect of our lives we have been pointing our collective energy in the wrong direction. In
the time of MLK’s Civil Rights Movement we gave all our attention to those who rejected us. We
gave all our tolerance and patience to those who despised, spit on, punched, kicked and mocked
us. We gave all our love to hate because we did not understand.

We have been pointing our collective energy in the wrong direction for far too long. And now it is
time for us to refocus our energy within. Starting from our lower selves and to higher selves.

If you keep in mind the thought patterns of this book Paradigm Keys you can easily pry some
locks open. A paradigm refers to programming our collection of habits. This is a quick smart
solution based read to “tap in”. The point of reading any book like this is to help make better
decisions. This is an unorthodox read, transcripted from lectures, thoughts and opinions of
19keys. Consider this offering like a mixtape and my next project will be my album; a much more
personal and deeper cerebral read on the codex of 19keys and my life's journey. This one gets
straight to the point reprogramming you from the first sentence.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

What does it take to reprogram

ourselves to be a solution-based

By 19keys (Jibrial Muhammad)

Society is working towards a subconscious paradigm shift:

The subconscious mind is where you shift the paradigm because it controls the conscious
behavior. At the core of programming is our faith, which we get our rituals and rites from that we
have become accustomed to. Religion is full of rituals, so when you think about success, you can
look at the rituals we’ve been implementing in our lives and you can measure whether those
things are successful or not. How successful are those rituals and if they are supposed to get us
the ultimate level of divine success, why aren’t they working? In design thinking we look at how
things work, its internal parts and what the interface with that design. We observe take insights
for our decisions. Well what have you observed from your expressions? And how is the world
interfacing with your design? And how are you interfacing with the worlds design? The design of
nature allows man and woman to tap into to god. The design of nature is made from god and the
mathematical structure of the universe. The language of the universe is mathematical. Language
speaks toward our ability to express ourselves. Which is why slaves were forbidden from
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

interacting with certain knowledge held in books. Because as Fredrick Douglas said “knowledge
makes a man unfit to be a slave”. We must break away from the slave rituals and free and truly
empower ourselves.

After putting the ideas of ritualistic behavior into context in order to reprogram a person, you
need to program their language, faith and beliefs.

You must look at their faith and what’s built into those rituals. You also must ask what the root of
those rituals are and how were they learned.

There is a need for balance within how we align our morality vs

our power:
In America, it's no secret that most of our rituals are passed down from slavery, and these
rituals are the effects of Christianized teachings. Christianized in the sense that when the slave
master gave the Christian religion to slaves, they embedded certain things within the rituals of
those people to make them better slaves.

The way our moral system is set up is based on the slave’s moral system and the slave’s
moral system is based upon “following the crowd mentality” to not use one’s power as if it gives
them a more upright or moral stance. The master utilizes the master’s moral system to control the
culture of the people and control the language. The master BELIEVES he’s doing a good thing
because he’s giving the people a language, creating a false sense of faith, something to believe
in; a “God’’ and a culture. If you can control a person belief in God, you become their god. If you
can control their language you can control how they express themselves.

Slaves morality sees virtue as refrain in using one's power, to exercise it would make them
like their master immoral. The slaves think of themselves as good and of the one who keeps them
in bondage evil. This of course is true. But the slaves also think any behavior or characteristics
like the master is also evil or immoral. So, the slaves don’t want to become their own master and
control their own reality and paradigm. Which is why the slaves asks when they should take.

Considering for a moment our behavior as a collective in this country, we are not fully using our
power. The belief in turning the other cheek and not using our own power somehow makes us
think we are better than the ones who oppress us.

We need to redefine that weakness within our programming so that we can become the masters
of our existence. The illusion of liberty has just given us a bigger cage to be under someone
else's authority. Under those with all the power. The goal shouldn’t be to simply have freedom it
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

should be power; we must become our own masters. Not to get a job, create a job. Not ask for
opportunities, create opportunities. Not to vote or die but to lobby and live. Not to ask for help
but to do for self. Not to wait for college acceptance but to self-educate and create our own
schools. Not to complain of fake news and under representation but create our own media.
Teach the master programming to our children.

We need to stop indoctrinating our children with the rituals of slave


There are even some Muslims that before they became Muslims, they were so
indoctrinated by Christianity that they haven’t been able to repudiate Christianity from their system
of thinking and behavior that they project that slave way of thinking into the ideals of Islam.
Understand that when they gave us language, they didn’t give us ALL the language. It was
enough language that would allow our pattern of thinking to continue to think like a slave. We are
not given words that would make us think in a sovereign manner. We aren’t taught about systems
such as banking and Economics as far as how it’s subjecting us to any nefarious implications.
Having our own banking system was just never built into our comprehension. We weren't taught
about liquidity injections- meaning when a bank basically prints more money to continue
to sustain itself. We were not taught economic sustainability, intergenerational wealth, real
estate , credit or any entry level financial literacy.

But as we hear more common place conversations about wealth within our paradigm this
changes the trajectory of our future. Sure, we can continue to complain or we can act on the
solutions by giving our people access. The smarts to do better. So the very act of teaching our
people financial power produces an entirely different reality one where we are not begging but
demanding and enforcing.

We can now invision our lives through a fresh pair of eyes with new opportunities
because constructed into our programming and language is a different pattern of
thinking to express.

Think SUSU- a Caribbean system of saving where they give capital out to their people by pooling
money together. A more advanced would idea of that would be utilizing blockchain technologies
and cryptocurrencies. Think about giving your own people access to capital instead of relying on
the government or banks, whom we consider to be wicked and no longer relying on this entity of
destruction. We consider the master to be evil in slavery, but we rely on the master for our
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

survival. This ends with you who decide to make the change and create a path for the next
generation to be proud to walk.

Children are dismissing the old paradigm

The children of today are growing up in a new paradigm with new options, new awareness
and a new language of consciousness, they look at what we’ve accepted in these old paradigms
and it astonishes them but not from intrigue but of contempt. They analyze and observe the old
ways and compare it to today’s reality and the opportunities that people are currently using to
gain success. And they dismiss the traditional routes and indoctrination. They have been exposed
to much knowledge and make too many observations to ever put their mind back inside the box.
Even though they are still being taught to live within this old paradigm tied to Christianized slave

This behavior is the fault of some of the parents who still embrace the old Christianized
paradigm by teaching their children this repeated cycle of behavior and ritualistic ideals, produced
from what their parents instilled within them. Go to school get a job work till you retire and die.
How many households are fostering that rebellious original god spark in their children? How many
parents are telling their children they can build their own world and play by their own rules? How
many parents are raising their children to beg god instead of become one? How long will allow
the white america to be your god?

We love our ancestors, but we can’t perpetuate the ignorance of them.

Today, if you know more than what your great-grandparents were taught, good. Because
some of them were wholly ignorant to the design of the system we live in and you have to evaluate
what they were teaching you. In lieu of their ignorance, they passed down rituals and programs
that you should also re-evaluate so you can have a different future than the one they provided
you with. Do not dishonor and disrespect yourself by perpetuating traditions just because they run
in the family. You are the one who breaks the generational curses. The dietary curses, financial
curses, religious dogmatic curses, etc. evaluate your entire life and audit your upbringing for
generational curses and end them with you.

Think about what it means to go backwards in order to control the present so that we can
begin to control the future.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Our education system is built on creating workers and

consumers, and not Thinkers and Owners:

Our education system puts people within the systems of grades (A, B, C, D), like factory
workers which does not grade imagination or the godly potential within. Many children who
received A’s in school do not reach their full potential in life. It’s better to have gotten all F’s in
school and become a success in life than the get “good grades’’ false measurements of success
and potential. Some children were taught they didn’t have the societies skills to be successful
because they didn't want to sit long enough to become indoctrinated and prove they can get a
good grade. The class clown who was diagnosed with adhd is now a world-famous comedian and
the children got good grades now works for them on set. The outspoken child who challenged his
teacher is now a thought leader influencing the teacher’s children. Often those bad children that
didn’t want to submit to authority thought for self and didn’t want to assimilate. They gain grit and
strong minds developing even stronger characters. Because the uncommon route develops
original thinking.

Technical vs. Abstract thinking

Technical thinking is following rules, it is doing things as they are. Like an artist who’s told
to draw a picture and draws is perfect to the detail. This requires no creativity; it's just doing things
as they are. The creative childlike mind sees things as they are and questions what they could
be. Always asking questions instead of accepting the “just because’’. If Leonardo Da Vinci and
Basquiat were to draw the same picture it would come out completely different. Leonardo would
give you the exact picture with no emotion. Basquiat would draw the picture with more emotion
which is what we considered abstract. The most emotional or feeling the father from the technical
route. Basquiat picture could still give you the feel of the original picture just conveyed from a
different emotional range. Leonardo would give you his technique doing it the technical way.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Think of a modern cell phone technically it was made for talking, browsing the internet,
texting etc. But Steve Jobs designed the apple product so we’d have an emotional connection. It
has all sorts of apps and things for you to incorporate your life into. Now their different users who
interface with the phones design. Some use it for making calls playing, games browsing the
internet and texting. Others are more abstract they see it as their way to conquer or change the
world. Their studio, business, media center, book publisher, they make themselves famous and
make millions. But technically it's just a phone but they interact with nothing in a technical sense.
Even in a system not designed for you, you can still make it work for you. But it requires some
creative capacity to abstract all that you can. Were all born creative but were programmed to think
more technical to do as were told, to adhere to authority. But when things change as they have
like with social media all the creatives were ready to abstract all they could from these tools. This
is why google has begun to hire creatives with no degrees. Because the education system is
outdated and society is steady changing. It has outpaced the education system. The students are
so used to doing things the technical route as they were taught and told, they have lost the creative
capacity to adapt in new markets. Technically instagram was created as a community photo
sharing app. But how many people have you seen launch careers in an abstract manner? I’ve
artist paint upside down with their eyes closed. Technically the end result is the same as other
artist but the artist as abstracted a marketing strategy to make himself world famous. This is
creative capacity at its finest. What creative capacity are we missing when it comes to our
collective power? Could build new IOS system and design apps to help circulate the black dollar?
Or establish trade or a crowdfunded lobby app for getting our agendas out there?

The real purpose of education should be to raise geniuses, gods and original beings to
add uniqueness in our collective field of reality. To teach all the secrets of the world, not
prepare dull minds who listen to false authority. But since this is reason of education it’s
a lot of ancient knowledge that's not taught otherwise, we would be creating masters in
all schools across the nation. With every generation reaching new heights and
expanding our world. But society hasn’t been evolving it’s only been changing. We
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

dress different, talking different listen to different frequencies of music but have our
minds evolved? That is the question we should answer!

The nations of today considered themselves educated and enlightened when they are
actually zombies, hypnotized and brainwashed. The world has actually turned quite
barbaric in its practices. In today world of so called freedom more people are living
under physicalized, tranquilizers and lobotomized slaves than ever before in history.
The schools are designed to domesticate not educate. To create sleepers not thinkers
so that their minds never develop as a threat to the current system of power. The
children are brainwashed and minds are conditioned to do things and to think the
thoughts that authority wants them to think. Generational perpetuation of this system
has been handed down until the rebellious spark of the actively enlightened,
revolutionary, solution-based thinkers fight against the very design of the system.

Key Quote

“The only interesting thinkers are those who wish to shift evolve and
overthrow the current paradigm”.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Many people don’t know where to start when it comes

to reprogramming the subconscious mind. How do we
start small in obtaining more knowledge for

We must introduce ourselves to new knowledge and experiences. it doesn't take 21 days to make
a habit, it only takes one. That’s the day you start and the day you don’t quit. But can you make it
past the pain of breaking your current comfort?

The neurons that fire off in your brain when you think about pain are the same ones that ignite
when it comes to procrastination and tasks you don’t want to do. So, thinking about what you
don’t want to do becomes painful. The only way to get over it is to DO THE TASK.

When you decide to tell yourself that you’re going to do a task and then proceed to do it, that’s
where the re-programming kicks in and your brain no longer fires that pain trigger. I learned this
lesson from my desire to know why I procrastinate and to re -educate myself on the process of
how to learn. You need to be a seeker and find a purpose that’s bigger than self. If you are selfish,
you won’t teach yourself anything new because you are content and complacent where you are.

Find an effective way of learning whether it’s reading, listening to podcasts, or watching
videos. Change the way you interface with your devices and who you follow on social media.
Delete people who do not bring value to your life and follow the ones who do. Follow people who
teach you about investments, spirituality, physics, astronomy, or business because although you
may still have the same routines and behaviors, what you consume, and digest is knowledge and
it becomes something great that you can utilize. Learn how to value knowledge because those
who value knowledge will have the necessary discipline to seek truth learn and execute. All
change starts with self-love. Do you love yourself enough to seek the necessary information or
wisdom to change your life and serve your best interest? If you don’t want to change you won’t
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Audit who’s bringing you knowledge:

To the parents who have children with Instagram: Make it a requirement that your children
follow the same knowledge-based people that you follow. This will ensure that some of what’s
coming down their feed is healthy knowledge. Then, follow up on a post with your children.

This makes you accountable for the reality that you live in.

That would be the most important social media rule that I would have for a child. It would
be mandatory that they follow certain people and to report on what these social media influencers
curate that would create progression and active useful intelligence into their lives. Then you will
know that your child is learning and that they have positive influences within their environment.
This is a necessary update that our minds need to implement when it comes to raising our children
within this new era of technology and social influence.

Update your software

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

In the new paradigm, understanding the tools that exist today and the mechanism of
reconditioning your mind, I love to compare this to an iOS update. When new features and
resources are available, in order to access them, you need to update your phone. In this new
paradigm, there are new tools available that allow you to recondition your mind in order to have
access to these resources. Mental updates are new ways and new abilities to teach and guide
your children.

You can complain about what exists today or utilize what exists today to change the way
you live and the results of tomorrow.

There are no excuses. Excuses are tools that build monuments of nothingness. when you
see people who are walking around with nothing , it's because they have built their life out of
excuses . Find you reason to execute and bury you excuses.

Too many fools with smartphones. Everyday new information, knowledge, scientific discoveries,
technology and advances in all fields are happening. But how often do you update yourself?

Update your programming to current time reality

We must reprogram ourselves when a new paradigm shift happens. I want people to ask themselves this
question. Why haven’t black people boomed off the things that have happened? Why haven’t the Internet,
social media era produced alot of black billionaires. Why?

Well when you are truly passionate desire and you match that with ambition everything will be sacrificed
that impedes your way of bringing about the reality of that desire.

So, there are those of us of saying they want success saying they want to dream saying they want to obtain
a thing. Adults complaining and putting the energy in all the wrong directions and they never focus on the
actual thing that will bring about what they desire

This problem has plagued us for far too long but now we are living in the paradigm of opportunity where
can to obtain everything we want but we have to raise our level of awareness.

There was a time when the only way we could be informed about what’s happening if the news media told
us over or we had an inside connection. Today we are our connection, those of us of higher awareness
search for the information that will lead about the things that we desire. You can ask people, you can go on
YouTube, social media whatever you need you can find the information. There’s a very small percentage
of people who know about the opportunities and are going to take that information to interact with it.

If black people had the knowledge of how powerful the social media was to become in 1995, perhaps we
would’ve responsibly used that awareness. Really jumped into era and made ourselves billionaires
creating our own financial freedom.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

But our intentions and energy has been distracted for so long that we have not been able to extract and
mine the potential of this world. This of course is by design, they keep us fighting for basic needs and rights,
distracted and fearful so we never synchronize with opportunity. We have to remember that every time were
fighting the nightmare we are missing the dream.

We must no longer be caught by the same traps for the sake of our descendants. But first we have to
update ourselves so that we reprogram and stay consistently tapped in with the present where all the
opportunities exist.

We have to stop reacting only when it’s too late but if we interact with the present we are never too late in
the present. Instead of focusing on what we missed out on let’s focus on what’s here.

We should all be studying all of the things that are happening with the artificial intelligence important for the
black community. Understanding how block chain tech can be utilized for our solutions. Deep learning,
machine learning ,the internet of things, crypto currency , the gig economy etc. See what you must
remember is that there's always something like the social media happening , but are you aware of it? Are
you paying attention to your reality? Are you constantly updating your mind to current time reality. Or are
you waiting to interact with opportunity when it’s too late?

There are so many things that happen in the world and when we are able to recognize the signs. in the
recognition of the signs being in synchronicity with the environment with social media and or distractions
and escapism is taking us away from being synchronized they have always been huge things that happen
in every.

The key is synchronicity the key is being present the key is raising the level of awareness the key is constant
reprogramming self so that you can always be updated to the new changes and be able to use the available
tools that now exist. Think about it like when the new iOS update comes out on your iPhone. They may
have new tools that will be good for your success but you can’t use them unless you update your phone.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Should people speak affirmations out loud to program

their subconscious minds, even as far as listening to
affirmations in their sleep?

The response is absolutely! But you have to take it a step deeper and look at what
you consume. If you program your mind with affirmations, but you’re dehydrated, your
mind is not electrical. The affirmations will not effectively input. It’s like trying to download
the greatest program in the world on the oldest computer in the world. It won’t be

What rituals would you suggest for people to do in the

categories of mental, physical and spiritual for them to
start to express their higher self?

You are what you eat and what you consume so you must change what you eat and what
you consume. When I talk about an asset lifestyle, which is mentioned in my book- an energy
asset lifestyle is something that you do, that is good for your energy and creates more energy
than it takes away. In relation to the foods you eat; your body is an electrical energy system. The
body, the psyche, and the spirit needs energy. The reason we eat food is that it has light in it from
the sun that we convert to energy (photosynthesis). That’s the literal reason we eat food. We have
now turned eating into a flavor contest in which we live to eat instead of eating to live.

Food that lacks energy from the sun is a liability.

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

The literal sense of it is that you are doing your body a disservice because your body has
to breakdown the food to get to the light so it can give your body energy and you can becom e
what you eat. This is how your new cells are formed. When you eat food that doesn’t have much,
if any energy at all, into your body, it’s like putting water in a gas tank. We fill ourselves up, but
we’re not giving ourselves energy so we can continue to run properly, in which we end up tired
and sleepy and this also affects how we think .

A healthy mind receives affirmations optimally

If you are giving affirmations to an unhealthy mind and body, it’s not downloading at the highest
speed nor can it effectively take in what is needed to produce results.

Tapping into the subconscious mind is like knocking on a door continuously asking to speak to
the subconscious.

Sometimes the subconscious mind will not answer the first time you try to enter, you will
have to repeatedly knock on the door (auto-suggestion). Finally, the subconscious will answer
and receive your message (affirmation). An unhealthy body will take much longer for the
subconscious mind to answer the door. A healthy body may take a week or two to receive a
Positive affirmation as opposed to an unhealthy person which could take a year or more because
the subconscious mind is just as dead as the conscious.

It’s important that you take care of the physical because there’s a direct correlation to how
you think. If you eat junk foods, you have junky/negative thoughts. It takes a lot of energy for the
mind to have positive thoughts. Negativity is low energy. Positivity is high energy. If you want your
mind to have positive thoughts, you must consume positive foods.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

In Dr. Wesley Muhammad’s book, “Understanding the Assault on the Black Man, Black
Manhood and Black Masculinity” there is a discussion of biophotons and the circadian rhythm as
it pertains to the light within our bodies. Scientists can measure light that is not seen by the human
eye, but it is detectable by a machine. This machine can measure the biophotons in your body.
For example, you have an aura radiating from within you- what they found using this machine is
that when you are sick or dying you have a brighter aura. A brighter light seems counterintuitive,
but this has been concluded to mean that the body is healing itself.

Remember, we eat food to get light.

When you meditate, it was also found that you have a brighter aura/glow. Your body is
producing more light to heal itself. It balances out your left and right brain and comes into
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Energy is needed for the 3rd dimension

I believe that closing your eyes is something you can do to heal because observing this
3rd realm takes energy. When you get sick, you want to close your eyes. In order to observe this
3rd dimension, it takes energy because you literally created your observations around yourself so
in order to observe your creations you need energy. During meditation and controlling your system
of breathing you give your body a chance to align itself and raise your kundalini/vibrations and

City Thinking VS Nature Thinking:

Eating right, thinking right, being in the right environment, and immersing yourself in
nature; those are the keys to life. There’s a difference in how your mind responds when you’re
in the city vs. in nature. The only thing that’s natural within this world are the things within

In the city, your body is always digesting unnatural light.

Watching scary movies before going to sleep at night holds the images you viewed in your mind
causing your mind to think in an unnatural way.

But when you close your eyes in nature, you think more naturally resulting in more creativity.

Away from man’s mechanisms is where he finds his creative genius and that’s when
God talks to him.

In nature is where you find your assets. You find your liabilities in the city.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Unnatural sounds like cars and phones and the constant movements of the city life are
not organic for a human being.

Imagine if you take a human being from 1000 years ago and drop him in modern day New
York City in the middle of rush hour. He will go crazy. It’s sensory overload.

We dull our senses to be able to deal with the overload of things that we go through. When you
look at autistic children, they sometimes have a great ability at one thing, but their other senses
are down. A normal functioning human being can do multiple things at once, but we don’t have
access to that superior part of our brain that produces that genius within us. Focusing on one
thing at a time gives your mind the ability to focus its energy on that faculty of thought to produce
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Decisions VS Distractions:

When your consuming you’re not thinking and when you’re thinking you are being
controlled by what you consume, meaning you are not thinking for self. When it’s time to think
for self you distract yourself because it’s too difficult causing you to procrastinate and become
addicted with your distractions.

Many people do not like thinking because they don’t like their own thoughts. Ask a
person to sit alone with their own thoughts and it’s not that they cannot but they do not feel
comfortable with their own mind. They prefer to be distracted from their own reality, because
while they are consuming their distraction, they don’t have to think.

Distractions also come from decision fatigue. You only have a finite amount of psyche
(mental) energy per day to produce great decision making. It is said that it’s better to see a
judge in the morning if you’re on parole than later afternoon because your chances of being
let off will be greater. By afternoon judges most likely won’t let you off because they used all
their resolution making (judgement) up and haven’t become aware of it, so they either
postpone the deliverance and make no decision or form one that isn’t in the best interest of
the attendees.

The reasons Steve Jobs and other creatives and visionaries wore the same clothes
and didn’t implement uniforms, was to save the decision-making power for something more
powerful like your goals throughout the day and manifesting them. I myself decide what I will
wear the night before, so I do not have to spend time thinking about what I am wearing which
is small and minute in comparison to what is needed to run an effective and successful

Think of your decision-making energy as a battery and you only have so much juice
during your waking hours, so use it wisely on what matters before decision fatigue kicks in.

The more you are distracted with phones, tech, social influence, the less you’re able
to make great decisions —— the more chaos and confusion. The government creates panic
and fear because it’s easier to control a person while they are in times of chaos, distracted
by fear and worries. They do not have time to think to create a better outcome in their lives.

Key quote: While you observe the devil, you starve the God.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Question: what would happen if you got rid of all your distractions?

When I wanted to write this book, I had to start fasting from chaos and distractions. I
moved to a whole new city with less chaos and distractions because I could not find the time
to focus and think. Once I started to get rid of this distraction, I started making better decisions
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

and could hear myself thinking clearly and able to convey my thoughts and complete this
project that I have been wanting to give to the world for a while now. Every distraction
represents a goal or designs a thought that could be habit forming but instead it’s consuming
that time slot.

I want you to take an audit of all your distractions and chaos and go on a fast.

Relationships, emotional time, emails, texts, friends, social sites, TV, Netflix, sports
and play; anything that’s not going to affect your goals but help clear the way for you to do
more. Then observe for yourself, when you’re not on Netflix or Instagram how are you utilizing
that time instead. I call that your evolution time, time you could be spending evolving your
mind or life to the next level. Remember sacrifice is the currency to buy the life you want to
have to give and receive. What are you willing to give up? Also find your purpose. The
purpose will keep you focused and help you reason when you begin to drift into old habits.

So, if you’re like myself and had to release something like coffee or Netflix from my daily
habits, you too observe that feeling you get when you want to indulge in your distractions.
That feeling represents the frequency that thought has in your mind and the goal is to change
the frequency to develop a new paradigm. Detach, get rid of that dependency you have with
your distractions and replace that either with something higher in self progression or nothing
at all. Don't always feel the need to become attached or feel a void. Just observe the feeling
don't let it control your drive.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Grand Rising VS Good Mourning:

Words are Universal so I’m careful with the words I use to shape my Universe. I no
longer use the term good morning because I do not want to wake up thinking about mourning.
Comparable to a wake or funeral when you are in mourning, because our subconscious mind
doesn’t know the difference so instead to discern the difference in daily ritualistic affirmation
when greeting one another I say great rising. I also change my routine from mourning a dead
one with chaos and distractions like social media, or consumption of rap music that screams
about bitches, hoes and money and I consume a breakfast that give me fuel and energy for
my day. I detach from those habits to get new results, so now my morning is consumed with
helping me be great, rising to control my day and my mind to complete my goals and realize
a greater version of SELF.

Anything that takes more energy than it gives back is an energy liability, anything
that gives more energy than it takes is an energy asset.

Key quotes: Chaos breeds more chaos

● Good morning routines

● Check phone
● Consume content
● Take hot shower
● Eat breakfast
● Drink juice or soda
● Listen to loud rap music
● Go to work at job

Key quotes: Organization breeds more organization.

Great rising routine: Rewire self

First thing I do in the rising;
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

● Smile (sometimes even before I open my eyes)

● Make my bed (get a goal done)
● Meditate 10-20 mins with meditation music
● 19 push up start workout for 5 mins
● Drink alkaline water on empty stomach
● Take cold shower
● Brush teeth left hand my with opposite hand
● Take gold water
● Write down purpose key of the day
● Crown myself

My good morning routine was a distraction and left little time to think progressively. My great
rising routine gets me ready and able to control my mind and control my day.

Smiling when you first rise:

The very act of smiling activates neural messaging that

benefit your health and happiness. ... The feel-good neurotransmitters — dopamine,
endorphins and serotonin — are all released when you smile.

Making my bed:

Making my bed allows me to start my day off completing a goal, which then sets me in
rhythm to complete more goals.


Allows me to store energy in the mind, observe my thoughts, and set my intention for the
day, calm me and helps be present and focused.

The 19 pushups / 5-minute work

Starts my day off active also releases endorphins, helps regulates stress, feel more energized
and at the end of the day helps me to get a better night’s rest.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Drinking water on empty stomach

One of the best things you can do after you wake up: drink at least 16oz (500mL)
of water. Water fires up your metabolism, hydrates you, helps your body flush out toxins,
gives your brain fuel, and may even make you eat less.

Cold showers

I’ve been taking cold showers my whole life, so the cold shower has scientifically proven
benefits. It helps me link a physically active goal, and lets me know I’m serious about
achieving my goals because I’m willing to take a cold shower to prove it to myself. It also
allows increased blood flow throughout the body and brain increasing alertness, relieves
stress, treats depression boost immunity etc.

(Ladies, I understand you like lava hot showers maybe just try it once)

Brushing teeth with the opposite hand

Using your opposite hand will strengthen neural connections in your brain, and even grow
new ones. It's like how physical exercise improves your body's functioning and grows muscles

Drinking gold

The gold helps regulate electrical flow within my body, hand eye coordination, increases
focus, helps regulate appetite, increases mental acuity and increases energy, curves caffeine
dependency and promotes lucid dreaming while asleep.

Ig: @goldewater website

Writing down purpose key

The purpose is what the overall drive of the day is, write it as you ponder back on your day
and imagine what the purpose of the entire day was. This will keep you focused and
promote discipline towards engaging in activities that are purposeful toward your day. It
doesn’t have to be an actual goal just a guide.

Purpose key for the day ex:

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Minimizing distraction increases production, make necessary and productive phone calls.

Crown myself

Your day should serve your best interest and purpose which is having freedom, justice,
equality, and power. And that’s what my crown represents freedom, justice, equality,
power and enlightenment. And I never walk outside without a reminder of my purpose.
ig: crownz19 - crown yourself

Bonus Keys: Transcripted from a live lecture in its

original form
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Building Your future Self: The Cure to procrastination

I came up with this concept, this key about you having two versions of
yourself at all times in life.

You have your procrastinating side and then you have your executing

You have your productive side and then you have your reluctant side.

Depending on which one you feed is the one that grows.

I think about the concept of my future self because throughout time you
don’t stay the same person. Who you were a few years ago, you're not
the same person because you’ve read, have experienced, and your
mind creates and makes decisions differently?

There's a version of myself that is richer and has more wealth than I do
today and every time I procrastinate, I rob my future self of some of
my fortune. I'm taking away some of his money. Every time I don't read
something that I should learn I'm robbing my future self of some of my
knowledge. Every time I’m not eating correctly, I’m robbing my future
self of some of my health.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

This is the concept that I'm starting to live my life by.

I want my future self to be strong as hell and of course, this future self is
just an ideal concept of my higher self or my greater version of self.

I know we rob ourselves of our potential because we are nowhere near

the greatest versions of what we could be. We have this idea that some
people can’t be business owners, some people can’t be entrepreneurs,
or some people can't be geniuses.

All people have minds that can be nurtured, and the nurturing of that
mind can birth a genius and his potential into reality. So, the “Some”
people are the people that we make excuses for that never reached a
point of potential and that point of greatness.

I love referencing Cardi B because it was only a couple of years ago that
she was a stripper. And probably a stripper with ideas of what she
wanted her future to be like. At that time she wasn't the greatest version
of herself and not saying that she's at her greatest version now but she's
at another level and has graduated to a different status into where I'm
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

sure she considers to be a lot more self-respecting than the old

degradation of the job that she used to do. I'm pretty sure there were
people in her life that told her where she was at back then was the totality
of her potential of what she will be in life.

The Pregnant Mind

When your mind is pregnant with an idea you must nurture it. Nurturing
an idea is comparative to the nine months that a woman goes through
when carrying a baby in her womb. During those nine months you have
changing seasons and during the seasons regardless of whether it’s
winter, summer or spring you must consistently nurture the baby and, in
this case, your idea.

A pregnant woman must endure morning sickness, nausea, anxiety and

heightened senses of emotions. This is the same with your mind when
you have an idea. You’re a person that's on a journey. And you go
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

through the changing seasons. At the height of birthing your idea into
reality, it is the most painful consequence because the pain is the
contractions letting you know that your idea and is now ready to be
birthed. It is now ready to go from the darkness of your mind to reality.

The problem is that not everybody can go through that pain. The
intensity of the pain makes a lot of people draw backward. In birth, during
the crowning, when the baby’s head has fully appeared is when the
contraction phase of pain starts to come more rapidly. Because it’s so
painful a lot of women want to relax instead of progress a little more to
get that baby’s head to pop out.

Your ideas are birthed in a similar process. Instead of going through the
pain, we draw back from that contractions and want to relax. We say to
ourselves that we came this far so that's enough. No. When you are
nurturing something and getting to that point of your journey when you
are doing well the most painful part is the change. The idea must
squeeze through.

In natural birth, some women can stand up during the pain. Even though
this process is painful as hell they stand up because they know that this
is the best way to go through the pain and this will allow the baby to drop
and come into reality much quicker. So, while some women want to get
epidurals or C-sections some women stand up because they know the
body is naturally in tune to endure the pain that way. An idea can be
produced better when you stand up to the pain of birthing it into

I think about all the people who are getting somewhere on their journey
and they're going very far and then the pain comes and they look for an
escape from it. They look for escapisms like watching TV or celebrating
at the club instead of acknowledging how far they came and then making
the decision to go even harder. If you go harder than you can truly create
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

a whole new version of your reality and really birth something different
because it’s on the other side of pain. Through the intensity of your labor
is when you become someone great.

Positive or Negative Charged Life

Everything in our reality is atoms. Atoms have a negative charge or a

positive charge. We call that an ion. It can go through the phase of
adding more protons and electrons. You can compare your life in the
same way. When you go through things, you can become more positive
from it or more negative. A person may go through a painful process and
become depressed or some people become stronger. It depends on how
you go through that difficulty.

Key quote: “ A positive mind produce positive results’

How do you go through pain and how do you charge yourself up

through it?

A set of twins may go through the same set of harsh circumstances such
as abuse, poverty and homelessness. As twins, they share the same
DNA and can deal with these things the same way. But one twin comes
out of it stronger by transmuting their experience and the consistent
feelings of dissatisfaction allow them to continuously produce change
while also continuously staying positive. The twin recognized his
experience and that he’s still alive. Seeing that he has the strength to
endure while also recognizing that he could endure additional hardships
and become even stronger. Meanwhile, the other twin dwells in the
harsh circumstances and sees life as unfair and oppressive.

Life depends on your outlook and how you charge yourself up.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Each twin became more positive or negative because of how they

perceived the pain. That's why I instruct people to go through pain with
appreciation because it means you’re about to give birth. Don't take the
comfort route because dissatisfaction brings change. Satisfaction
brings relaxation. When you’re satisfied you don’t have the desire to do

If you get to that point in your journey where you put in a countless
number of hours and you feel like you need to celebrate, go to work
some more.

Endure the Pain to Fulfill Your Potential

When you look at celebrities, world leaders, politicians and people that
you look up to; don't you think that they could have stopped at the
midpoint of their journey said, “Based on what I’ve done so far, I'm good
and I can celebrate for the rest of my life.” But they said no. They realized
how far they came and if they put themselves through more pain then
they can become even greater. They strive to see the totality of
possibility if they continuously endure more pain.

We celebrate when we should be working. We desire to celebrate

significant moments like graduations, new jobs, buying a new house,
and when we hit other major milestones. Those are the times to keep
pushing and keep working. You went through a lot of pain to reach those
milestones, now go through more. On the opposite side of darkness is

Don’t Steal from Yourself

Everything starts in the mind. But what happens in the science of

procrastination is that anytime we don't want to do something, systems
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

of pain start to light up and instead of us going through the work we put
it off until tomorrow although we know that our future selves will benefit
from it. Each time you do that, you’re robbing your future self of reaching
a higher version of reality that it can exist in.

So, when you get to this time next year your future self may be rich,
happy, wise or feel complete because you’ve birthed a new self. Every
dollar you spend today robs your future. Every dollar you don't make
robs your future self. Every time you procrastinate, it’s robbing your
future self.

In the same way you’ve robbed yourself of all the opportunities and
limitlessness that got you to this moment of life including everything you
don't have is because your past self-robbed your current self. Every time
you didn't take an opportunity you robbed yourself.

Ask yourself what did I do yesterday to invest in today or what am I doing

today to invest in tomorrow or how am I stealing?

If next year I want to be twice as smart as I am today, I’m going to read,

study, learn from experiences and deep reflection. I’m going to gain a
comprehensive understanding and wisdom of reality that will add to my
decision-making brain. Then I will become a version of myself that I
appreciate. But if I don't do these things and instead, I go party, kick it,
drink liquor, and hang out with friends that are a liability to my lifestyle,
when I get to next year I will find that I have robbed myself. But if I go
the other way, I can say, “Damn Future Self, you are popping!” Your
future self is always building you continuously.

Time is one of those things that's elusive because we make it to points

in time and then we grade ourselves by our memories and the conditions
of how we treated ourselves in earlier times. But no one can rob us but
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Whatever you don't know today is because you stole it from

yourself yesterday.

Your Language Controls Your Thinking

A paradigm is your program of thinking. It’s your everyday habits. If you

are a procrastinator and you have lazy habits, your laziness is the
frequency that you live your life on. It’s the lens that you view the world
through. If you are making $30,000 a year, you are in a $30,000
paradigm. Your habits are causing you to make $30,000 at the end of
the year.

If you desire to shift your paradigm you’ve got to think differently and
move differently. Once you do this, you’ll see yourself making more
money because you changed your behaviors when it comes to making
money. A lot of times the behavior needs to be to stop spending so much
money and start saving. When you switch your actions to spending less,
tell yourself that you are being wealthy.

Don’t call yourself cheap.

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

When we see someone, we consider to be wealthy like Bill Gates, we

don’t see him spending money on expensive brand names. When you’re
not spending your money, you're being wealthy.

Your paradigm is the program of thinking and often your language. I

speak English because I grew up in a paradigm and family where
everyone spoke English. But if I grew up in a paradigm where I spoke
Spanish, French, Arabic, Portuguese and Mandarin then my paradigm
would be multilingual. It would change the rhythm of how my mind thinks
and would provide a way for me to have more opportunities. I could fly
to China and become a Mandarin teacher or go to a Spanish speaking
country and do business with people there. Language expands your
reach of activity and things that you can do.

Once you change your paradigm and your repetition of habits you
change your frequency, because...

“What you do frequently becomes your frequency”.

Observing your success habits and failure habits will allow you to make
changes which will also change your paradigm. When you make
changes to your habits, it also changes the way you think, which
changes the way you behave, which changes the outcome of your life.

We must continuously sharpen ourselves and feed the future versions

of ourselves which is our current version. People oftentimes separate
the present and the future. If you start eating better, right now you get
the reward right now. You start feeling better right now. Your life changes
right now.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

I want to keep the topic of language at the forefront because language

is everything. It is how we express our thoughts. If we don't have a
language for them then there is an inability to express certain thoughts.
The Chinese have a present tense language. Americans have a future-
tense language that brings about future rewards. The Chinese don't say,
“I will do something”, they say “I do something”. In English, we say “I will
do something” yet when you look at the structure of that sentence the
“will” separates you from the doing. When you speak in present-tense
language, the separation of language and the expression of your
behavior changes from future tense to now.

Keith Chen was an economist that studied economic paradigms to try

to figure out if language connects to how people save money. What he
found out was that present-tense language people save more money
and smoke less. The reason for this is because they realize that their
future is the present and their reward is in the present.

If you stop a bad habit now, then you are rewarded right now. And if you
start a good habit then you are rewarded right now as well.

The above is a picture of some of 19keys personal notes printed out on his wall.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

How to Gauge Someone’s Frequency

Our English language has programmed us in a way that doesn’t allow

our consciousness to stream. The English language doesn't even have
a certain set of tones to vibrate our minds and the rhythm of our thoughts
to think at higher frequencies. We believe that because our parents,
teachers, or ourselves speak a certain way that this is the best paradigm
that we should live in. Unknowingly if I was born in another country or
on another planet with the same type of body but a different set of
parents; how would I think? My programming would be different.

Your programming creates your limitations or your limitlessness. This is

important when it comes to thinking about the frequency of our
programming and we should always be questioning it. Question it to
ensure it makes mathematical, rational and logical sense. A lot of people
are not mathematical thinkers because a lot of mathematical thinking
requires introverted thought processes. And to be an introvert you must
spend time alone. The time alone removes the influences from
everybody else's paradigm of thinking. It allows you to have a deeper
analysis of thought and those deep thoughts will carry you to wisdom
and reflection.

When you have deeper thoughts, you stop looking at the shallower
surface paradigm of thinking and you notice the nuances of your
language. In English we say,

“How are you doing?” But what does that mean exactly?

How am I doing what?

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

And you begin to realize that operational thought doesn't make sense.
But if I change my words to, “How are you feeling?” Then I’m asking
them what frequency they are living on or how are they vibrating. Then
people can answer that question with more alignment and be in more
control of their frequency that they are living on.

They can discover their habits and the root of what causes a
feeling. But our language is not built to communicate the
expression of our willpower.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

A Deeper Meaning of Reproduction and Legacy

We’re born in paradigms where one kid can go to school to receive a
million-dollar education and another one can go to a school where he
gets a poor education. I talk to children at schools that I know have an
education system that is not going to give them everything. Even when
they graduate, they still won't have the tools necessary to build
themselves to their higher version and the education is robbing their
future selves. Because I know that they're not going to get those tools,
I’m going to give them the tools I know they’re not going to receive unless
they have a key in their life that unlocks them.

My goal is to create keys to reproduce self and that's the goal of

any human being. It’s the goal of life because life is reproduction. We
are in a continuous state of reproduction and legacy building because
something that outlives you is the energy that you put into that which can
also reproduce itself. Whether it’s in the womb of a mind or the womb of
a body that you make with a woman.

We have millions of cells and they reproduce themselves over a period,

so we literally become new versions of ourselves all the time. One cell
has all the DNA and information of you, and you can be produced by just
one cell in your body. It’s very important when you think about
reproducing self because every part of yourself has the information
needed to support reproduction and change. If my thoughts that I
impregnated into another person continues to live throughout the future,
then I have a legacy.

Language was created by another man or woman, so I like to define

words myself. If I control my expression to my definition of language,
then I control the definition of my thoughts from a subconscious
paradigm shift. So how I define legacy is energy that never dies.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

How we write our script in life and how we sign our energy signature
throughout life should be the constant throwing of seeds and constantly
becoming keys and those keys should be reproduced throughout time.
Key is an energy; it is chi and it is knowledge.

If I decided to tell you that I’m moving to an island and that this is the last
time you’d ever see me again, in your mind you’d think I'm on an island
because you have no other information. Or what if I disappeared and
died... in your mind, I'm still vibrating and I'm still a thought that you are
observing as energy that exists. The only way you would know that my
physical body is not here is if you got information and knowledge that
tells you so.

If you are observing my energy and you have conscious

awareness of my life, then I'm alive.

If you never forget me, I'm alive. If my energy outlives my current body,
I’m alive. Scientists were just able to quantify on a Quantum level that
our energy still moves after our body is gone. We are energies that
continuously exist, and I believe that death is the future. People always
ask what afterlife is. A dead person can’t tell you, but a person alive can
tell you what happened after a dead person is gone.

The Afterlife Is the Future

Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

We are in a constant state of the future. We are in a constant state of

the afterlife. People are dying every single day, but we are continuing
life after them. For me, death is just the future because that's what
energy continues to transmute and that's where energy continues to
exist in different points of time.

When I think about my death, I think about it in terms of where my energy

is going to exist after my body is gone. We are the future of our
ancestors. We are the descendants. Imagine a hundred years ago and
people are asking what the afterlife is. This is the future now that people
hundreds of years ago were wondering about.

If you want to know what happens anywhere else beyond this plane that
we live on, it’s this.

This is what’s happening after death. We’re still alive. We’re still having
conversations, solving problems and building. We’re still creating
technology. Life continues to flow after you are gone but we subset it on
individual archetype in importance to say that life no longer continues to
exist because I’m gone. It's a selfish question. We’re thinking about our
own experience and not thinking about the organism of experience. Life
continues to flow through. It’s just that your body is gone. That's the only

Conclusion Keys:
So, bringing the topic back to procrastination, when I think about future
self, you rob your future self when you procrastinate today. Your
future self can be very rich if only you invest in yourself today. Your future
self can be very smart if only you read and reflect today. You can have
everything you want if you just do what you need to do today. When you
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

stop procrastinating you win. Invest in the right people, mature yourself,
go through the pain and you will continuously birth yourself all the time.

Last year I was in a different place than today, but I had in my mind an
idea and I said, “I love the journey.” And I believed that if I went on this
journey that I can produce a new self. I'm not who I was a year ago. I'm
a whole different person and I'm enjoying some of the investments that
I made a year ago. I was reading things, learning things and moving in
the way that brought me to where I am right now.

Today I invested in this person to become this person. Any money that
I have today is because last year at this time I put that money in my
pocket. Invest in yourself and be that person.

It's my hope that you’ve gained something from me that will change
your pattern of thinking.

Make sure you become a key and unlock someone else so they
can become a key and we can create a world of keys. Instead of
all these rusty lock minds.

Journey of the 19keys

When I first tapped into the 19Keys, and I began my journey of consciousness
after hearing a quote from Master Fard Muhammad that resonated with me strong.
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

The quote was: “There are 17 million original people and 2 million indians, which
means there are 19 million rusty locks, which means there are 19 million keys.
Keys meaning a code, chi or energy. The energy is the knowledge that will become
the light, to restore higher levels of consciousness to a lost people.”
Paradigm keys: Solution Based Mind Reprogramming

There is no ending. Just another beginning.

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