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Jacklyn Voll

Informal Reading Inventory Narrative

Word list:

I learned a lot from listening to Gracey read the word lists. One of the main areas for
improvement I noticed was that she needs to remember to look at all the letters in the word. In
the first two lists most of the words she got wrong is because she took out a letter or she added in
a letter making it a different word. In relation, in the fourth and fifth grade list she seemed to
look at the first few letters of the words and come up with a word that started with the same
sounds if she didn’t know the actual word. However, one of her strengths is her metacognition
because she goes backs and self-corrects some of the words in the first two lists that she read.
Another thing I noticed when she was in the fourth-grade list is that if she didn’t know half way
through it she said a common word to her or one that she thought was funny. Even though she
was on frustration level for fourth grade I decided to test fifth grade the next day to make sure
that she was not just making up funny words because she was tired of reading the word lists. She
did do a little better on the fifth-grade list and said fewer funny words, but she was still on
frustration level, so I decided to stop after that. Overall, based on the words list she is on grade
level for independent and third grade level for instructional. Gracey tried her best at the words
and stayed focused for the most part. She also told me she felt special because she was the only
one I was pulling out of the room to do these words.

Silent reading:

According to the answers that Gracey gave some of her strengths are main idea, inference, and
vocabulary. However, some of her areas for improvement include: cause and effect, detail, as
well as some inference questions. When asking about the main idea Gracey was able to give a
detailed summary of the story, although when I asked her specific detail questions most of the
time she was not able to answer them correctly. In addition, I noticed when I asked her yes or no
inference questions she would usually give the correct yes or no answer however when I asked
her the second part of the question she seemed to not know, making it seem like she guessed on
the answer that she chose. Overall, Gracey is on a second-grade level for instructional. Another
thing I learned about Gracey is that when she is answering questions she has a hard time sitting
still. She wanted to stand or lean on the table while answering questions, which helped her stay
focused on the questions. I also noticed that Gracey’s silent reading comprehension is a little
lower than her oral reading comprehension. I cannot say for sure but based on how she is in the
classroom I believe it is because she does not stay focused on the reading as well when reading
to herself because she does not have somebody monitoring if she is reading every word. In
conclusion, Gracey is on a second-grade silent reading level and her main strengths are main
idea, inference and vocabulary.

Oral Reading Miscues:

One of the first patterns I found that Gracey was doing while reading was adding in words. She
added in the word “the” a lot throughout the first two oral readings. In addition, I also noticed
besides her insertions that most of her mistakes were mispronunciations. In the second reading,
on the third-grade level, she added endings to a couple of the words that she read. However,
although she did make a few mistakes her comprehension for second and third grade were on the
instructional level. In addition, she was using metacognition because she was able to self-correct
a couple of her mistakes. I noticed that most of the sentence or words she did not fix made sense
with the errors she made which means she probably thought she read the sentence correctly
because it made sense to her. On the other hand, when she got to the fourth-grade reading
passage her reading miscues seemed to increase. She made a lot of insertions and
mispronunciations. Gracey also skipped over more words in this passage than the other two, she
did not know some of the words but other words and sentences she skipped over without
realizing. Some general patterns I noticed when she was reading is that she reads through
punctuation occasionally and she reads some lines extremely fast which is when she misses the
most words. Overall, Gracey found frustration level for word recognition on the fourth-grade

Oral reading Comprehension:

When reviewing Gracey’s reading comprehension she showed areas of strength in stating the
main idea, detail and vocabulary. On the other hand, her areas for improvement included
sequence and inference as well as a few detail questions. In relation to what I stated earlier in
silent read comprehension, she was able to give great detail when asked about the main idea of
the text but when asked to answer specific detail questions she had a hard time answering some
of them correctly. I noticed that she was on the questioning level of reading comprehension for
the second and third grade passage, so I decided to move on to the fourth-grade passage, which is
where I found her frustration level. She was answering I don’t know for a lot of the fourth-grade
passage or making up answers that she could remember reading in the text. She was trying her
best to remember the details from the story, but she could not recall some of the correct
information. However, Gracey was able to use some context clues from the text to understand
some of the vocabulary and answer a few of those questions correctly on the second and fourth
grade reading passage. Overall, Gracey is able to state details from the main idea and figure out
vocabulary, however some areas of improvement include sequencing and inferencing.

In conclusion, Gracey is on grade level for most of the sections that I tested from the IRI book.
She worked hard to answer the questions as best as she could for most of the passages. She did
get of focus some of the days, so I would stop and continue it the next day, then she would be
back on track again. Overall, Gracey tried her best in each section which leads me to believe the
information I collected from her is as accurate as it can be.

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