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1.- Presentación 3

2.- Elementos químicos 4

3 .-Compuestos iónicos 10

4.- Palabras químicas 11

5.- Estados de la materia 11

6.- Definición de átomo 12

7.- Tipos de enlace 13

8.- Reacciones químicas 14

9.- Equipamiento del laboratorio 16

10.- Métodos de separación 17

11.- Unidades de medida 17

12.- Páginas interesantes 18

1.- Presentación

Mi nombre es Beatriz Pradillo, autora del blog

Antes de nada, quiero agradecerte que te hayas suscrito al blog por email, es la mejor forma de no
perderte nada de los nuevos contenidos y de las ventajas y descuentos que te va a suponer. Gracias
de nuevo por el interés mostrado y espero que mi trabajo te sea de utilidad, tanto este ebook como
los distintos productos y recursos que puedes encontrar en el blog.

En estos días es muy importante conocer y saber algo de inglés, ya sea debido al trabajo, porque
tienes que hacer una presentación, o en la búsqueda de bibliografía,...,lo cierto es que saber ciertos
conceptos en inglés puede facilitarte mucho la tarea.

El objetivo de este ebook es darte unas nociones de palabras básicas, nada difíciles de aprender,
para que te resulte más fácil entender textos en inglés que hablen de química, y ayudarte a perder el
miedo cuando tengas que acceder a esa información.
2.- Elementos químicos

Como no puede ser de otra forma, lo primero es conocer cómo se nombran los elementos de la tabla
periódica (the periodic table of chemical elements).

The horizontal rows of the table are called periods. Vertical columns are called
Group 1: Hydrogen and the alkali
H Hidrógeno Hydroge
Li Litio Lithium
Na Sodio Sodium
K Potasio Potassiu
Rb Rubidio Rubidiu
Cs Cesio Cesium
Fr Francio Franciu

Group 2: Alkaline earth metals

B Berilio Beryllium
M Magnesio Magnesium
C Calcio Calcium
S Estroncio Strontium
B Bario Barium
R Radio Radiu
a m
Groups 3-12: Transition metals
Sc Escandio Scandium
Ti Titanio Titanium
V Vanadio Vanadium
Cr Cromo Chromium
Mn Manganes Manganese
Fe Hierro Iron
Co Cobalto Cobalt
Ni Níquel Nickel
Cu Cobre Copper
Zn Cinc Zinc
Y Itrio Yttrium
Zr Circonio Zirconium
Nb Niobio Niobium
Mo Molibdeno Molybdenum
Tc Tecnecio Technetium
Ru Rutenio Ruthenium
Rh Rodio Rhodium
Pd Paladio Palladium
Ag Plata Silver
Cd Cadmio Cadmium
Hf Hafnio Hafnium
Ta Tántalo Tantalum
W Wolframio Tungsten
Re Renio Rhenium
Os Osmio Osmium
Ir Iridio Iridium
Pt Platino Platinum
Au Oro Gold
Hg Mercurio Mercury
Rf Rutherford Rutherfordiu
io m
Db Dubnio Dubnium
S Seaborgio Seaborgium
B Bohrio Bohrium
H Hassio Hassium
M Meitnerio Meitnerium
D Darmstadio Darmstadtium
R Roentgenio Roentgenium
C Copernicio Copernicium

N Nihonio Nihonium
Fl Flerovio Flerovium
M Moscovio Moscovium
L Livermori Livermorium
v o
T Téneso Tennessine
O Organesón Organesson

La Lantano Lanthanum
Ce Cerio Cerium
Pr Praseodim Praseodymiu
io m
Nd Neodimio Neodymium
Pm Prometio Promethium
Sm Samario Samarium
Eu Europio Europium
Gd Gadolinio Gadolinium
Tb Terbio Terbium
Dy Disprosio Dysprosium
Ho Holmio Holmium
Er Erbio Erbium
Tm Tulio Thulium
Yb Iterbio Ytterbium
Lu Lutecio Lutetium
A Actinio Actinium
T Torio Thorium
P Protoactin Protactiniu
a io m
U Uranio Uranium
N Neptunio Neptunium
P Plutonio Plutonium
A Americio Americium
C Curio Curium
B Berquelio Berkelium
C Californio Californium
E Einstenio Einstenium
F Fermio Fermium
M Mendelev Mendeleviu
d io m
N Nobelio Nobelium
L Laurencio Lawrencium

Group 13: Boron

B Boro Boron
A Aluminio Aluminum
G Galio Gallium
I Indio Indium
T Talio Thallium

Group 14: Carbon

C Carbono Carbon
S Silicio Silicon
G Germanio Germaniu
e m
S Estaño Tin
P Plomo Lead
Group 15:
N Nitrógen Nitrogen
P Fósforo Phosphor
A Arsénico Arsenic
S Antimon Antimony
b io
B Bismuto Bismuth

Group 16:
O Oxígeno Oxygen
S Azufre Sulfur
S Selenio Seleniu
e m
T Telenio Telluriu
e m
P Polonio Poloniu
o m

Group 17:
F Flúor Fluoride
C Cloro Chlorine
B Bromo Bromine
I Iodo/Yod Iodine
A Astato Astatine
Group 18: Noble
H Helio Heliu
e m
N Neón Neon
A Argón Argon
K Kriptón Krypt
r on
X Xenón Xenon
R Radón Radon
3.- Compuestos iónicos

List of common ion names

Monatomic anions:

Cl− chloride
S2− sulfide

Polyatomic ions:

NH4+ ammonium

ClO− hypochlorite
ClO2− chlorite ClO3


SO32− sulfite
SO42− sulfate

CO32− carbonate
PO43− phosphate
CrO42− chromate
BO33− borate C2O4

CN cyanide

SCN thiocyanate
MnO4− permanganate
4.- Palabras químicas
Estas son definiciones que necesitas saber en inglés:

 Atom = Átomo
 Structure = Estructura
 Protons = Protones
 Neutrons = Neutrones
 Elements = Elementos
 Nucleus = Núcleo
 Scales = Escalas
 Measurement = Medición / to measure = medir
 To absorb = absorber
 Matter = Materia
 Shape = Forma
 Bond = Enlace
 Surrounded = Rodeado
 Compound = Compuesto
 Reactants = Reactivos
 Products = Productos
 Mean = Medio
 Degrees = grados (de temperatura)

5.- Estados de la materia

States of matter

There are three main states of matter: solid, liquid and gases. Each of these
states is also known as a phase. The main differences between these states
are shape and volume.

 Solid: a matter with a rigid shape and fixed volume

 Liquid: a fixed volume but not a fixed shape
 Gas: it has neither fixed volume nor shape. It expands to fill
its container completely.
6.- Definición de átomo

All objects surrounding1 us are made of2

matter3. Air, water, a brick, even you are
made of matter! Matter is anything that
has mass. Matter is made upof smaller
pieces; atoms.

An atom is the defining structure of an

element, which cannot be broken by any
chemical means4. An atom consists of a
nucleus of protons and neutrons with electrons circling 5 this nucleus.

1 Surrounding = que rodea/rodeando

2 Made of = hecho de/ compuesto por
3 Matter = materia
4 Chemical means = medios quimicos/metodos quimicos
5 Circling = rodeando

Atomic Number =número atómico

The atomic number is the number of protons in an


The number of protons in a neutral atom is equal to

the number of electrons.

Atomic weight = peso atómico, also called relative atomic mass, is the ratio
of the average mass of a chemical element’s atoms to some standard
7.- Tipos de enlace

As we have seen, an atom consists of a nucleus of protons and neutrons with

electrons circling this nucleus.

You can break down3 the shell4 and orbitals of an atom on several 5 levels of

There are the main shells of the atom, and these are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
Each shell holds different sub-shells, which are themselves composed of atomic

1 Break down = Romper / descomponer

2 Shell = Capa
3 Several = Varios

What is an orbital?
Can we know with certainty both where an electron is and where it's going
next? According to The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, we can't. That makes
it impossible to plot an orbit for an electron around a nucleus.

However, there is a region of space where we can probably find an electron.

Such a region of space is called an orbital. You can think of an orbital as
being the region of space in which the electron lives.

Now we can try to answer the main question: why do atoms bond together?
Atoms are at their most stable when they have no partially-filled electron

If an atom has only a few electrons in a shell, it will tend to lose them to
empty the shell. (These elements are metals).

When an atom has a nearly full electron shell, it will try to find electrons from
another atom so that it can fill its outer shell. (These elements are nonmetals).

So, atoms bond1 together for a very simple reason: atoms “like” to have full
valence shells. Why? To get more stable, like noble gases.

1 Bond= enlace
Different kind of bond
Tipos de enlace

When metal atoms bond, a metallic bond occurs.

The bond between two nonmetal atoms is usually a covalent bond. Where
metal and nonmetal atom come together an ionic bond occurs.

A covalent bond is a form of chemical bonding that is characterized by the

sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms

An ionic bond is a type of chemical bond formed through an electrostatic

attraction between two oppositely charged ions. Ionic bonds are formed
between a cation, which is usually a metal, and an anion, which is usually a

8.- Reacciones químicas

Chemical reactions

A chemical reaction takes place1 whenever elements combine to form a

compound2. So, a chemical reaction is a change in which reactants 3 form new
compounds called products4:

Rate5 of reaction:

As you probably know, reactions happens at different speed. Some reactions

occurs6 in less than a second while others takes years to happen. The rate of
the reaction7 depends on the type of molecules which are combining.
Which things can affect the rate of the reaction?

a) Concentration : more concentration = higher chance that molecules will

collide = reaction is speeded up8

b) Temperature: higher temperature = molecules have more energy and

bounce9 much more = more molecules will collide 10 to combine = reaction is
speeded up

c) Pressure: increasing11 pressure (especially in gases) = molecules

concentrate and collide with each other more often

1 Takes place = ocurre

2 Compound = Compuesto
3 Reactants = Reactivos
4 Products = Productos
5 Rate = Velocidad
6 Occurs = sinonimo de “happens”
7 Rate of the reaction = velocidad de
reacción 8 Speeded up = acelerada
9 Bounce = rebotar / brincar
10 Collide = chocar / encontrarse
11 Increasing = aumentando
9.- Equipamiento del laboratorio

Laboratory equipment
10.- Métodos de separación

Methods of separating mixtures and purifying substances:

Filtration filtración

It is the mechanical or physical operation which is used for the separation of

solids from fluids.

Distillation destilación

Distillation is used to separate two liquids that are miscible (miscible: liquids
that completely mix and don’t form two layers).

Decantation decantación

This is the way of separating a liquid from an insoluble solid which has a
density greater than water. The mixture is allowed to stand e.g. in a beaker,
until all the solid settles out to the bottom of the container. Then the liquid is
carefully poured off to leave the insoluble solid behind

Chromatography cromatografía

It is the collective term for a set of laboratory techniques for the separation of
mixtures. The mixture is dissolved in a fluid called the "mobile phase", which
carries it through a structure holding another material called the "stationary
phase". The various constituents of the mixture travel at different speeds,
causing them to separate.

11.- Unidades de medida

The International System of Units (SI)

The International System of Units (abbreviated as SI) is the modern form

of the metric system, and is the most widely used system of measurement. It
comprises a coherent system of units of measurement built on seven base
 the metre for distance,
 the kilogram for mass,
 the second for time,
 the ampere for electric current,
 the kelvin for temperature,
 the mole for amount of substance, and
 the candela for intensity of light.

How many micrograms (µg, ug or mcg) are there in a milligram (mg)?

1000 micrograms = 1 milligram
1000 milligrams = 1 gram

The square metre is the SI derived unit of area, with symbol m2.
The cubic metre is the SI derived unit of volume. Its symbol is m3.

12.- Páginas interesantes

Te dejo algunas direcciones donde puedes encontrar más información acerca de los elementos
químicos y creo que pueden ayudarte.

Tabla periódica dinámica

Conversión unidades de medida
Recusos del blog

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