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Is online education as good as a standard college education?

In our modern world, technology has been a part of our society now because it is easy to
use and can communicate with others who is far away which is very helpful to business too.
Technology has been developing without stopping from all over the time so it created one te
chnology which is useful for us, it is online education. Online education is one type of educati
on that students can study on their own computers if they have internet. It is like you study th
rough the internet. Nowadays, online education has been one part in the education and onlin
e education became more popular since the past decade. So online education should be use
d instead of the traditional education because you can learn from anywhere you want or any
part of the world if you have internet to connect, it is cheap so it can help you to save your m
oney, and you can learn what you want from it.

The first reason is online education can learn from anywhere in the world. You only have i
nternet and laptop, but you can learn from it. It is designed to support the students which are
not conveniently to go to learn at the school. Not only, children can learn online education bu
t adults also can learn from it too. This makes us more convenient because we don’t have to
go to school or study extra class in the city which is very traffic and hard to travel. It is also g
ood for your health because you don’t have to worry about attendant and you don’t need to s
it for a long time so you don’t get back pain. There was a research about an acute effect of si
tting a long time. The statistic shows that the way of sitting can have a lot of effect to our hea
lth. This research was written by Penning, A., Okely, A. D., Trost, S. G., Salmon, J., Cliff, D.
P., Batterham, M., & ... Parrish, A. (2017) who published Acute effects of reducing sitting ti
me in adolescents: a randomized cross-over study. Online education helps you to reduce thi
s problem because you control the amount of time to study. You can learn anytime so you d
on’t need to be sitting for a long time. Online education is a great choice that you must try.

The second reason is online education is low cost. Not only that you can learn from anywh
ere, you also don’t pay much money for this style of education. The cost of online education i
s start at the low price so you don’t need to worry about money. It is lower cost than normal s
tudies when it compared to the course in the campus. The reason is online education doesn’
t has to pay a lot amount of fee. For example, you want to enroll in the Big Data Specializatio
n program provided by University California, San Diego through Coursera, you’ll pay $399. Y
ou also have an option to pay $49 per course. Many online courses now are free of charge i
n example like MIT. But free courses of online education don’t usually come with a certificate
of completion so you need to be sure to look for accuracy. Anyway, they are still more useful
when it compared the difference, Stephanie (Norman, 2017). So this would make you be mo
re sure about the price of online education courses.

The third reason is you can learn anything what you want to know from it. Nowadays, peo
ple use more technology and internet. Internet helps us to communicate so we can exchang
e the knowledge from other university too. This makes you can choose what you learn becau
se the information comes from many parts around the world. Some people said that the infor
mation from the internet has lack of accreditation and low quality, but we can solve this probl
em by choose the online courses that is from the universities or credible institutions. If you sti
ll worry about it, you can go and purchase through the main website of that university to mak
e you feel relax. The advantage of online education is you can still learn the course that is dir
ected through your dream like you study in the traditional education and you can try other co
urse that you are interested too. You can study with it without the stress because you can m
anage your time. This is a huge advantage of this education.

In summary, online education has been increased and still increased more every year. So
we should study online education instead of traditional education in the college because you
can learn from anywhere that you want of comfortable, it started with a low price, and you ca
n study what you want. The statistic from the experts will make you be more clear and sure t
o choose this type of education. Sometimes online education doesn’t be like what you think.
“A high quality degree earned in an online format should not fundamentally differ from a cam
pus-based degree ... The only significant difference should be the way that the classes are d
elivered.” This quote said by Robert Monroe (n.d.) that is about the degree that you get from
this . Anyway, online education is a good choice to learn but it depends on your decision that
you want to choose. What do you think about it?


Penning, A., Okely, A. D., Trost, S. G., Salmon, J., Cliff, D. P., Batterham, M., & ... Parrish, A. (2017). Acute effec
ts of reducing sitting time in adolescents: a randomized cross-over study. BMC Public Health, 171-11. doi:10.118

Stephanie Norman (2017), 5 Advantages Of Online Learning: Education Without Leaving Home.

Robert Monroe, Director of the Online Hybrid MBA, Tepper School of Business

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