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Example calculation on Distillation Columns (i.

e D103)

1) Relative volatility, α

Components Vapour pressure Mole fraction

Aluminum Alkoxide 73.9393 atm 0.3077
Ethylene 68.5430 atm 0.6923

73.9393 atm / 0.3077

68.5430 atm / 0.6923

α = 2.5

Hence, the mixture is separable when α > 1.

2) Equilibrium data

Based on the value α calculated above, the value of equilibrium data can be calculated and
plotted as below:

Table 1 Liquid fraction (x) and vapour fraction (y) values

x y
0.000 0.000
0.100 0.217
0.200 0.385
0.300 0.517
0.400 0.625
0.500 0.714
0.600 0.789
0.700 0.854
0.800 0.909
0.900 0.957
1.000 1.000

3) Feed, top, and bottom composition

These data will be obtained via the following formula:

Flow of light key (distillate/feed/bottom)
X d or X f or X b =
Flow of light key + Flow of heavy key


Xb = bottom’s composition

Xf = feed’s composition

Xd = distillate’s composition

All those points will be pointed and marked out in the graph, intersecting themselves with
the 45ᵒ line. Hence, the data is shown as the table below:

Composition Point
Xb 0.0300
Xf 0.3077
Xd 0.9800

The feed of the distillation column is assumed to be in a saturated liquid condition form.
Hence, the value of q-line will be equal to 1 that will produce a vertical line and intersecting itself
with the equilibrium, starting from the Xf point that touches the 45ᵒ line.

4) Reflux ratio, R

By applying the Mc-Cabe Thiele method and the reflux ratio, R, the number of theoretical
trays of the distillation column can be obtained. In this project, the value of R is not given.
However, it can be determined via Rmin value. The optimum reflux ratio of between1.2 and 1.5
times with the minimum reflux ratio (R min) can be used to calculate the actual reflux ratio

required for the distillation process (Towler & Sinnott, 2013). Hence, it is assumed to have 1.3
from the minimum reflux ratio.

R = 1.3(Rmin)

On the other hand, the value of R min can be determine from the graph and the formula as shown

R min + 1
Thus, the values of R and Rmin are shown in table below:

Minimum reflux ratio, Rmin Reflux ratio, R

2.1 2.73

5) Number of stages

The number of stages obtained from the graph below is 16 stages. The feed is at the 8th
stage from top and bottom. These stages will include with the total condenser and reboiler.
However, only reboiler will counted as a part of the equilibrium stage. Hence, the reboiler stage
needs to be deducted from total theoretical stages. The number of theoretical stages will be:

Theoretical stages = 16 -1 = 15 stages

Figure 1 Mc-Cabe Thiele diagram for D-103
6) Column height

The following equation is being used to obtain the height of the distillation column:

Hcolumn = 2.3(Nstages)

By referring to the calculated number of stages from Mc-Cabe Thiele method, the height
of the distillation column in meter would be:

Hcolumn = 2.3(16)

= 36.8 ft

= 11.2166 m

7) Column diameter

The plate spacing is assumed to be 0.5m. The diameter of the column is calculated
based on the following equations:

Diameter, Dc= ( )0.5
( uv ̂ )π ρv


V̂v = maximum vapour rate (kg/s)

uv ̂ = maximum vapour velocity (m/s)

To determine the value of maximum vapour velocity, l is assumed to be 0.5 m as shown

in formula below:

2 ρL-ρv 1/2
uv ̂ = ( -.171l + 0.27l - 0.047)[ ]

uv ̂ = 0.2122 m/s

Next, substitute all the values of V̂v , uv ̂ and ρv in the column diameter equation.

4 (2.542)
Diameter, Dc= ( )0.5
( 0.2122 )π 2.8

= 2.3339 m

These steps are repeated for D-106, D-107, D-108 respectively.

Figure 2 Mc-Cabe Thiele Diagram for D-106
Figure 3 Mc-Cabe Thiele diagram for D-107
Figure 4 Mc-Cabe Thiele diagram for D-108

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