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1. Ascomycota

Formation of askospora in askus. of 2 different types of hyphae close

together. One hyphae forms a male genitals (anteridium) and other hyphae
forming female genitals (ascogonium). Every sex has a haploid core. The
stages of multicellular Ascomycota sexual reproduction take place as follows:

In Ascomycota which have a fruiting body, this collection of ascogonium

hyphae which forms a compact braid called the fruit body in the form of ascocarp.
The ends of the hyphae at ascocarp form the askus with two dikariotic haploid
nuclei, in the ascus then karyogamy produces a diploid nucleus (2n). The diploid
phase is short because then the nucleus divides meiosis resulting in four haploid
(n) nuclei. Each haploid nucleus divides again by mitosis so that each ascus
contains eight haploid nuclei (n). The cell walls then form around eight nuclei and
form ascospores. Cooked skosspores will spread from the broken askus. The
porospores that fall in the right place will germinate produce new haploid hyphae.
while asexual reproduction in unicellular ascomycota: by forming buds.
The formation of shoots (blastosphora) begins with the cell wall protruding to
form a small bud. The nucleus in the stem cell divides and one nucleus moves into
the stem cell. The stem cells then separate themselves from stem cells to form new
individuals. Sometimes the buds only attach to the parent to form a pseudohifa


The reproduction of the zygomycota:

1. Begin with 2 different types of hyphae, male hyphae (+) and female hyphae (-)
that are close together. both are haploid (n)
2. These adjacent hyphae form branches of hyphae bulges called gametangium (if
plural gametangia) each containing a haploid nucleus
3. The two gametangia meet and then experience plasmogamy (plasma union) to
form zigospores. This cell is in the form of a coarse walled da thick layer that
can withstand dry conditions and the environment does not use anything else
for 1 month.
4. If the environmental conditions have returned like all things, karogamy will
5. So that the diploid core is paired together
6. This process is quickly followed by meiotic division.
7. The zygospores then end their dormancy and germinate into short sporangium
which produces spores.
8. Germination spores grow into new mycelia
9. Asexual reproduction: using vegetative spores. Some hyphae will grow upward
with the bulging tip forming sporangium (a negative spore producer). Cooked
sporangium is black and then breaks and spreads in a suitable place. spores grow
into new mycelium.

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