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Name : Andri Chandra Wongso

NIM : 121611233140

Etika & Estetika (B) UTS

Ethics, also called moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that talks about human praxis
(actions). Ethics is the science of norms, values and moral teachings. Ethics is a philosophy that
reflects moral teachings. Philosophical thought has 5 characteristics which are rational, critical,
fundamental, systematic and normative that there are not merely reporting moral views but
investigating what moral views really are. This human action is determined by various norms. This
norm is further divided into legal norms, moral norms, religious norms and norms of courtesy. Legal
norms come from laws and regulations, religious norms come from religion while moral norms come
from the inner voice. The norm of courtesy comes from everyday life while the moral norm comes
from ethics. Ethics does not a question the human situation, but rather how humans must act.

Ethics is divided into 2 broad fields that there are general ethics and specific ethics. General
ethics is ethics that talks about the basic conditions of how humans act ethically, how humans make
ethical decisions, ethical theories and basic moral principles that become a guide for humans to act
,for instance law norms, moral norms, religious norms and courtesy norms. And then Special ethics is
the application of basic moral principles in a special field of life. How to make decisions and act in
the field of life and special activities carried out, which are based on the way, theories and basic moral
principles, for instance individual norms,and social norms.

Indonesia has more culture and language that control social activity in social life. Social
norms are behaviours and the basic ways of socialising within the community. 15 Social Norms in
Indonesia that can help you to get familiar with Indonesian behaviours that there are :

1.) Giving Greetings

It’s considered as a polite thing to greet strangers and also someone you are already familiar with. A
casual way to greet someone could be as simple as saying Halo which means hello. But there are also
ways to greet someone in more formal ways. You can say Selamat Pagi (Good Morning), Selamat
Siang (Good Afternoon) and Selamat Malam (Good Evening)

2. Using Titles Before First Names

People in Indonesia are very serious on calling people using the appropriate title. This is a social norm
that is able to show the status or the seniority of a person. It’s also very rude for someone to instantly
call someone with their first name. Use the title first and then their first name. For male Indonesians,
you can use the formal term Bapak which means Sir or Mas for the informal term. You can refer
female Indonesians as Ibu which means M’am or Mba that’s more informal. A title used to call
someone who is probably younger than you would be Adek.

3.Giving Handshake

When people in Indonesia meet each other, they usually shake each other’s hands. The handshake
could be firm and brief. However, most people in Indonesia shake hands with little power. Also after
shaking someone’s hand, it’s normal to bring your hand briefly to your chest. It’s a very common and
polite gesture
4. Giving Slight Bow and Smile

This is also a very common social norm used when you meet a stranger or someone you know well.
Giving a slight bow and smiling is a gesture that shows that you acknowledge the person. It is a polite
way of greeting from afar when close contact is not possible.

5. Avoid Shouting or Raising Voice in Public

Indonesians are very keen on saving face or personal reputation. They also highly value peace. It’s
best to avoid shouting loudly or raising your voice in public. Those things are sources of disturbances
and annoy people a lot. Try as much as possible to talk with a normal or low voice while in public.
Loudness can also seem as arrogant or boastful.

6. Ask for Permission

Indonesian people are very friendly to all kinds of people especially when you’re polite and shows
humbleness. When you’re in a crowded place and you need to pass someone then you can kindly say
Permisi which means Excuse-me. People will let you pass through without a problem. You can also
say it while giving a smile which makes you more seem friendly to them.

7. Using the Right Hand

While in public or a group of several people, use your right hand to receive or take things. The right
hand is seen as the more polite hand because there is a notion that the left hand is used only for
bathroom purposes. Make sure to use only the right hand for eating and handing out things. If you’re
left-handed, this could be quite uncomfortable but try to follow this social norm so people won’t get
the wrong impression of you.

8. Wearing Modest Clothing

Most people in Indonesia are still conservative and value modesty. In terms of clothing, the social
norm would be to wear something that is not too revealing. Avoid wearing clothes with no sleeves.
Also, try not to wear clothes that are too tight on the body. Some places in Indonesia are more used to
the variation of the clothing that people wear though but it’s still a good way to follow the social norm
to avoid any discomfort.

9. No Public Displays of Affection

It’s very important to never show public displays of affection. People have a distaste of public
displays of affection on those who do not have special bonds such as marriage. Kissing and hugs are
not allowed for the opposite sex members to do. However, the same sex may hold each other’s hands
which can be assumed as a sign of close friendship.

10. Avoid Causing a Commotion in Public

Never intentionally cause someone’s public embarrassment. Mocking, insulting or even criticising
should be a private matter. People don’t like it when they are done publicly in places because they
become a source of embarrassment and commotion. Indonesians are very serious about keeping
harmony. They do not like public arguments which can disturb the peace among people. These actions
are also bad behaviours that may cause people to think the worst of you
11. Pointing at Things

When you want to point at things, try to use an open hand or your right thumb. You can still use the
index finger since it might be easier but try not to turn it into a habit when you’re in Indonesia.
Pointing at things using your index finger is a rude thing especially when you’re pointing at someone
in public.

12. Being Sociable with Indonesian People

Indonesian people are very sociable human beings. They like to strike up any kinds of conversation
with strangers. It’s the social norm to try get people engage in conversations or activities within a
certain group. Someone who likes to be alone gives off the impression of arrogance and anti-social.

13. Greeting by Shaking Hands

The cultural norm of greeting someone in Indonesia is by shaking their hands. Some Indonesians
would shake hands with someone and might direct that hand to their heart. Besides shaking hands,
another norm would be to raise both palms together, nod and smile. To avoid confusion, one can wait
for the other person to do the gesture first.

14. Being Superstitious

Many Indonesians are still highly superstitious. It’s a cultural norm for a lot of them to be this way as
most of the superstitions have been taught ever since they were children. Some are even tightly related
to the culture and the tradition. It’s normal to see Indonesians avoid doing certain things because they
believe that it will invite bad luck. On the contrary, they may do things that are quite unusual just
because they believe that they will receive good luck.

15. Speaking Quietly

Indonesians are encouraged to speak quietly or in the normal tone of voice. The cultural norm is to
maintain harmony while conversing. To raise one’s voice is seen as unnecessary and uncivilised
unless it is extremely necessary. Indonesians would speak quietly and slowly as to show respect
towards one another. Speaking quietly can help Indonesians to avoid disturbing the people around

Every citizen who occupies a place must obey the norms in force in the community occupied to give a
good impression of the neighborhood. By obeying the prevailing norms in our society we can feel the
social life in that place because our presence is recognized by them.

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