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<p>I am doing programs in The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie.</p>

<p>I am currently at exercise 1-22 that says:</p>

<p>Write a program to "fold" long input lines into two or more shorter lines
after the <code>last &gt; non-blank character</code>
that occurs before the n-th column of input.
Make sure your program does something intelligent with very long line,
and if there are &gt; no blanks or tabs before the specified column.</p>

<p>My problem is not how to do the program...

My problem is where am I supposed to fold the line.</p>

<p>What does that "after the last non-blank character" means? Where should I fold
the line?</p>

<p>Please guys DON'T tell me the program itself. I want to do it on my own.</p>

<p>I just want to know the point where I am supposed to fold the line.</p>

<p><strong>EDIT</strong>: There is another problem...</p>

<p>What if my line contains <code>tabs</code>? In that case column length of the

line increases from the character length. Which length should be considered?</p>

<p><strong>EDIT 2</strong>:</p>

<p>Something intelligent...
To tackle the case of tabs, I have an idea...</p>

<p>There are 2 exercise before 1-22 -- 1-20 and 1-21. Which are entab
and detab... you guys must be knowing... So I will first detab the line
then fold it and then entab the folded lines... I think that's gonna be
the most intelligent in case of tabs. Any one?</p>

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<span class="comment-copy">"Please guys DON'T tell me the program

itself. I want to do it on my own." - That itself is worth an upvote.</span>

–&nbsp;<span class="comment-user">user529758</span>
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><a class="comment-link"
href="#comment20723231_14797734"><span title="2013-02-10 12:31:26Z"
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<span class="comment-copy">Blank characters are all forms of

spaces. It is basically asking you to not split words in two.</span>

–&nbsp;<a href=""
title="176,616 reputation" class="comment-user">Mat</a>
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class="relativetime-clean">Feb 10 '13 at 12:32</span></a></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">Try folding the line after the last non-

blank character before the 80th column</span>

–&nbsp;<a href=""
title="5,704 reputation" class="comment-user">Ganesh</a>
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class="relativetime-clean">Feb 10 '13 at 12:32</span></a></span>
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<span class="comment-copy">Just that this <code>Make sure your

program does something intelligent with very long line</code> is quite ambiguous...
Is it telling the reader to break the word?</span>

href="" title="50,409 reputation"
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<span class="comment-copy">Exactly: This is why I

mention in my answer below that it's up to you to decide what to do if
the exercise is a little vague. You'll be learning whatever you decide
to do, so do as much or as little as you feel confident doing.</span>
–&nbsp;<a href=""
title="2,255 reputation" class="comment-user">ChrisC</a>
<span class="comment-date" dir="ltr"><a class="comment-link"
href="#comment20724175_14797734"><span title="2013-02-10 13:32:06Z"
class="relativetime-clean">Feb 10 '13 at 13:32</span></a></span>

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<p>I think this exercise is basically emulating a "word-wrap"
function you might see on a text editor. "Non-blank" would mean
"whitespace", e.g. a space character.</p>

<pre class="lang-c prettyprint prettyprinted" style=""><code><span
class="str">"Once upon a time"</span></code></pre>

<p>If you were asked to "fold" that line after the 14th column of input,
the 14th character is the "i" in "time". Your output should be two
lines: <code>"Once upon a", "time"</code>. </p>

<p>The question also says to be intelligent with very long lines.</p>

<p>For example, </p>

<pre class="lang-c prettyprint prettyprinted" style=""><code><span

class="str">"Once upon a time Once upon a time Once upon a

<p>If you were splitting this line at 14 characters, you should consider
the fact that the line must be split into more than two lines.</p>

<p>There is also the case when a word could be very long, preventing you from
splitting it:</p>

<pre class="lang-c prettyprint prettyprinted" style=""><code><span

class="str">"Deoxyribonucleicacid is DNA"</span></code></pre>

<p>If you split that at 14 characters, you would not find any whitespace characters
until <code>" is"</code>, so the word should be split.</p>

<p>Finally, I'd agree that the question is slightly ambiguous, but as

long as you're writing code somewhat along the lines of what is
required, you're learning, so I wouldn't worry about getting too hung-up
on the details. Good luck :)</p>
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<span class="comment-copy">That is where I am confused... Since

Non-blank means anything except ' ', '\t' and '\n'.</span>

–&nbsp;<a href=""
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<span class="comment-copy">Yes, so you fold at the last

character "back" from the nth column that is not blank. Meaning you work
your way back until you find a whitespace from the position you want to
break at - the break at the one just ahead of the space.</span>

–&nbsp;<a href="
petersson" title="114,361 reputation" class="comment-user">Mats Petersson</a>
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<span class="comment-copy">@MatsPetersson perfect! agreed!</span>

–&nbsp;<a href=""
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<p>Consider this example: let's say <code>n = 6</code> (for the simplicity
of counting) and the line that you need to fold looks like this:</p>

<pre class="lang-c prettyprint prettyprinted" style=""><code><span

class="typ">Got</span><span class="pln"> all chars on one line</span><span
class="pun">.</span><span class="pln">
</span><span class="lit">00000000001111111111222222</span><span class="pln">
</span><span class="lit">01234567890123456789012345</span></code></pre>

<p>Go through the characters counting the current position in the line
that you are producing. When you see a whitespace, go back to find the
last non-space char <em>before</em> it, and makr its position. When your counter
reaches <code>n</code>, see where was the last non-blank character preceding a
space in the original line, and fold the line.</p>

<p>In the example above, the first space that you see is at the position
3. At this point you go back one char, mark 2 as the last non-blank
preceding the space, and go on. When the count reaches 6 (at character
split the line at position 3, and reset the current position back to
zero. Continue with the algorithm to fold at 7, 13, and 20.</p>

<pre class="lang-c prettyprint prettyprinted" style=""><code><span

class="typ">Got</span><span class="pln">
on one
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title="people seeking specific software recommendations">Software
<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="practitioners of the art and science of signal, image and video
processing">Signal Processing</a></li>
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class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="those using, extending or developing Emacs">Emacs</a></li>
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class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="users and developers of hardware and software for Raspberry Pi">Raspberry
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link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="программистов">Stack Overflow на русском</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="programming puzzle enthusiasts and code golfers">Code Golf</a></li>
</ul></div><div class="site-footer--col site-footer--category
js-footer-col" data-name="Technology"><ul class="-list">
<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="programadores y profesionales de la informática">Stack Overflow en
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="users of Ethereum, the decentralized application platform and smart contract
enabled blockchain">Ethereum</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="Data science professionals, Machine Learning specialists, and those
interested in learning more about the field">Data Science</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with
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class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="Bitcoin crypto-currency enthusiasts">Bitcoin</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="software quality control experts, automation engineers, and software
testers">Software Quality Assurance &amp; Testing</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="sound engineers, producers, editors, and enthusiasts">Sound Design</a></li>
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js-footer-col" data-name="Technology"><ul class="-list">
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="enthusiasts and power users of Windows Phone OS">Windows Phone</a></li>
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name="Life / Arts">
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class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="professional, enthusiast and amateur photographers">Photography</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts">Science Fiction &amp;
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gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })" title="Graphic Design
professionals, students, and enthusiasts">Graphic Design</a></li>
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title="movie and tv enthusiasts">Movies &amp; TV</a></li>
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title="musicians, students, and enthusiasts">Music: Practice &amp; Theory</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a
href="" class="-link js-gps-track" data-
gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })" title="writers/artists using
science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and
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class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="engineers, producers, editors, and enthusiasts spanning the fields of video,
and media creation">Video Production</a></li>
</ul></div><div class="site-footer--col site-footer--category
js-footer-col" data-name="Life / Arts"><ul class="-list">
<li class="-item"><a href=""
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title="professional and amateur chefs">Seasoned Advice (cooking)</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="contractors and serious DIYers">Home Improvement</a></li>
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class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="people who want to be financially literate">Personal Finance &amp;
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title="academics and those enrolled in higher education">Academia</a></li>
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link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="legal professionals, students, and others with experience or interest in
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="physical fitness professionals, athletes, trainers, and those providing
health-related needs">Physical Fitness</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="gardeners and landscapers">Gardening &amp; Landscaping</a></li>
</ul></div><div class="site-footer--col site-footer--category
js-footer-col" data-name="Life / Arts"><ul class="-list">
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title="parents, grandparents, nannies and others with a parenting
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<div class="site-footer--col site-footer--category js-footer-col" data-
name="Culture / Recreation">
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<li class="-item"><a href=""
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title="linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts">English
Language &amp; Usage</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="scientific skepticism">Skeptics</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested
in learning more">Mi Yodeya (Judaism)</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
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title="road warriors and seasoned travelers">Travel</a></li>
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title="committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in
learning more">Christianity</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="speakers of other languages learning English">English Language
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title="students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the
Japanese language">Japanese Language</a></li>
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js-footer-col" data-name="Culture / Recreation"><ul class="-list">
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title="students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the
Chinese language">Chinese Language</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the
French language">French Language</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="speakers of German wanting to discuss the finer points of the language and
translation">German Language</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of
biblical texts">Biblical Hermeneutics</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
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title="historians and history buffs">History</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="linguists, teachers, students and Spanish language enthusiasts in general
wanting to discuss the finer points of the language">Spanish Language</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about
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<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
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title="лингвистов и энтузиастов русского языка">Русский язык</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the
Russian language">Russian Language</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="passionate videogamers on all platforms">Arqade (gaming)</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute
on bicycles">Bicycles</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href="" class="-
link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing
games">Role-playing Games</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="anime and manga fans">Anime &amp; Manga</a></li>
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title="those who create, solve, and study puzzles">Puzzling</a></li>
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<li class="-item"><a href=""
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title="mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles">Motor
Vehicle Maintenance &amp; Repair</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="people who like playing board games, designing board games or modifying the
rules of existing board games">Board &amp; Card Games</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="LEGO® and building block enthusiasts">Bricks</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="dedicated home brewers and serious enthusiasts">Homebrewing</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="students and teachers of all martial arts">Martial Arts</a></li>
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title="people who love being outdoors enjoying nature and wilderness, and learning
about the required skills and equipment">The Great Outdoors</a></li>
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title="serious players and enthusiasts of poker">Poker</a></li>
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title="serious players and enthusiasts of chess">Chess</a></li>
<li class="-item"><a href=""
class="-link js-gps-track" data-gps-track="{ location: 2, link: 25 })"
title="participants in team and individual sport activities">Sports</a></li>
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title="professional mathematicians">MathOverflow</a></li>
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title="people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data
mining, and data visualization">Cross Validated (stats)</a></li>
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title="theoretical computer scientists and researchers in related
fields">Theoretical Computer Science</a></li>
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title="active researchers, academics and students of physics">Physics</a></li>
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title="those interested in the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge,
reality, and existence">Philosophy</a></li>
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title="professional linguists and others with an interest in linguistic research
and theory">Linguistics</a></li>
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title="practitioners, researchers, and students in cognitive science, psychology,
neuroscience, and psychiatry">Psychology &amp; Neuroscience</a></li>
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