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SPECIAL ORDER 20-007 Mareh 24, 2020 ATTENTION: All Department Members ce: Assistant Chief J. Flavin (COB) All Captains Assistant Chief A. Trevino (CSI All Lieutenants Deputy Chief R. Blanton (COS) Deputy Chief G. Guzman (TEC) Deputy Chief J. Humphrey (FCD) Deputy Chief A. Muro (PSC) Deputy Chief J. Reyes (IDC) Deputy Chief R. Waldhelm (PNC) ‘SUBJECT: COVID-19 Call Response Police Communications and Responding Officers will adhere to the following protocols when handling potential Covid-19 symptoms: ‘San Antonio Police Department Covid-19 ~ Officer Safety Protocols and Coor Radio/ Patrol Response Protocols. 1. Police Communications: ‘Call takers will ask health-related questions forall calls regarding persons atthe location where officers will be dispatched ’. Ifa calle self-identifies themselves or any other persons on location as positive for Covid-19 or sick with fulike symptoms (fever, coughing and sneezing, etc) ‘c. Advise the caller that responding officers wll be wearing masks, goggles and protective gloves upon arrival; 44. Notifies responding officers that persons on location are positive for Covid-19 or are ‘exhibiting flu-like symptoms; and 2. A Communications Unit supervisor willbe immediately notified ofall locations where a caller has indicated that any person atthe location tested pasitive for Covid-19 ‘a. The Communications Unit Supervisor will immediately contact the Fusion Center to log and track the location. 3. The Fusion Center will maintain a log of all locations where officers are dispatched to, where a possible Covid-19 exposure may have occurred, 4. The designated Medical Liaison Officers and their hours are as follows: (0700-1900) Officer Benito Juarez 210.262.9420 b, (1900-0700) Detective James Medrano 210.825.1034 © Lisison Off contact forall officers is jing any on- incidents and off-duty of ‘esting wth anproval fom ther personal physician, 5. Responding Officers: A, Level 1- Safety Procedure (no Covid-19 or flu-like symptoms have been identified by Police Communications). Officers shall: 1, Attempt to maintain a social distance of at leat six (6) feet from any individual; 2. Assess whether the complainant appears sick with any cold or flu-like symptoms. Ifs0, notify the complainant that you will return shorty, leave the location, and put on your protective mask, protective gloves and glasses if available. (Le. Level -2 Safety Procedure); 3, Reeengage the complainant and handle the assignment; 6. Ifany officer is coughed, sneezed, or spit upon while engaging with any person, submit ‘report to the Medical Liaison Officer immediately upon the completion of the call for NOTE: The Medical Lisison Officer will determine whether quarantine is necessary; 7. After every assignment, use hand sanitizer or seek a location with soap and water and wash hands before clearing the cal for service; and 8. This policy shall not prohibit an officer from using a mask and protective gloves if they believe its necessary. B, Level 2- Safety Procedure (when notified by Communications of « potential Covid-19 patient on location, or (2) persons with flu-like symptoms are on location). Ofticers shall 1. Prior to arriving on location, put on your protective mask, protective gloves and. eyeglasses if available; 2. Attempt to maintain a safe distance of at least six (6) feet from any complainant; 3, Advise all complainants that you are required by policy to remain (6) feet away from the complainant during the health crisis; 4. Ifany officer is coughed, sneezed, or spit upon while engaging with any person, submit a report to the Medical Liaison Officer immediately upon the completion ofthe call, for service; NOTE: The Medical Liaison Officer will determine whether quarantine is necessary, 5. While it may be iffieult, prior to responding to any incident where an arest ‘may occur, officers should put on their mask and protective gloves. Take the time to protect yourself ist; and 6. After every assignment, use hand sanitizer or seek a location with soap and weter and wash hands before clearing the call for service. ©. Level 3 Safety Procedure Safety Procedure (when notified by Communication Unit of a 19 patient on location, or two (2) persons with flu-like symptom areon location, 1, Barring exgent circumstance, withdrawal from the location and notify Police ‘Communications to activate a COVID Response Team to the location; 2, Stay on location outside the location and advise the complainant that police are responding with higher-level safety equipment; and 3. Await arival for COVID Response Team to interact with the complainant and provide necessary information. Responding Officers will still be responsible for handling and reporting the overall assignment. UPUM | S William P. McManus Chief of Police Wont!

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