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Table of Contents


1 Intro
2 Basics
.. 2.1 File system layout
.. 2.2 systemd
..... 2.2.1 Bash scripting
.. 2.3 Change lost root password
3 Essential commands
.. 3.1 Help
.. 3.2 trivial
.. 3.3 root
..... 3.3.1 visudo
.. 3.4 Showing logged in users and what they are doing
.. 3.5 IO redirection
.. 3.6 Search for files
.. 3.7 Working with files
..... 3.7.1 The editor `vi'
..... 3.7.2 File globbing
..... 3.7.3 Comparing files
..... 3.7.4 uniq - collapse consecutive lines
..... 3.7.5 grep
..... 3.7.6 sed
..... 3.7.7 Other commands
..... 3.7.8 I-nodes and links
.. 3.8 Backup, compression, etc
..... 3.8.1 Archiving
..... 3.8.2 Backups
.. 3.9 Permissions
..... 3.9.1 Octal representations of permissions
..... 3.9.2 setuid, setgid
..... 3.9.3 Sticky bit
..... 3.9.4 Extended attributes
..... 3.9.5 umask
.. 3.10 Root
.. 3.11 Processes and resource limits
..... 3.11.1 Process types
..... 3.11.2 Useful commands
..... 3.11.3 ulimit
..... 3.11.4 Set global resource limits
.. 3.12 Inspect library dependencies
.. 3.13 Useful utils
..... 3.13.1 tree
.. 3.14 Locate a program
4 Operation of running systems
.. 4.1 Boot, reboot, shutdown
.. 4.2 Modules
.. 4.3 GRand Unified Boot loader (GRUB)
.. 4.4 Manage processes
..... 4.4.1 mpstat
..... 4.4.2 ps
..... 4.4.3 /proc/
..... 4.4.4 list open files by a process
..... 4.4.5 Priorities
..... 4.4.6 kill
..... 4.4.7 crontab
..... 4.4.8 at
..... 4.4.9 sar
..... 4.4.10 misc
..... 4.4.11
.. 4.5 AppArmor
.. 4.6 Package managers
..... 4.6.1 dpkg
..... 4.6.2 Advanced Packacking Tool (apt)
5 User and group management
.. 5.1 /etc/passwd
.. 5.2 Adding users
.. 5.3 ACL
..... 5.3.1 Install `getfacl' and `setfacl':
..... 5.3.2 Check compatibility of the file system with ACL:
..... 5.3.3 `setfacl -m u:rand:rw /mnt/asdf/test.txt'
..... 5.3.4 `getfacl test.txt'
..... 5.3.5 Set to a directory:
..... 5.3.6 Remove all ACL:
.. 5.4 Adding sudo capability for a user
.. 5.5 Show which shell is used
.. 5.6 Bash restricted shell
.. 5.7 Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
.. 5.8 Show available shells and who I am
6 Networking
.. 6.1 Basic networking
..... 6.1.1 Show IP address configuration
..... 6.1.2 set IP using nmgui/nmci
..... 6.1.3 set IP manually
..... 6.1.4 set hostname
..... 6.1.5 Static DNS entries
.. 6.2 Installing an ftp server
.. 6.3 Firewall
.. 6.4 Show ports opened by a process
.. 6.5 Routing
.. 6.6 Mount NFS share
.. 6.7 Running NFS server to share directories
.. 6.8 Recursive DNS caching server
7 Storage configuration
.. 7.1 Partioning
.. 7.2 File systems
..... 7.2.1 Examples
..... 7.2.2 tune2fs
.. 7.3 Mounting
.. 7.4 Fix file system errors
.. 7.5 df
.. 7.6 Encrypted partition
..... 7.6.1 Mount at boot
..... 7.6.2 Encrypt a swap device
.. 7.7 Swap space
.. 7.8 Quota
..... 7.8.1 Creating quotas
..... 7.8.2 Turn quotas off
.. 7.9 RAID
..... 7.9.1 Configure software RAID
.. 7.10 Create logical volumes
8 Virtualization
9 Additional
10 References

1 Intro

These are my notes for the Linux Foundation Certified System

administrator (LFCS) exam. The notes are *not* a complete guide to the
exam, but I think they cover the main topics. I have compiled these
notes from multiple sources freely available on the internet as a
summary for myself. References are found at the bottom of this
document. Hopefully this summary is also helpful for anyone else
pursuing LFCS.

Commands have been tested on Ubuntu 19. To be less repetitive, I have

omitted `sudo' from many commands that must be executed as root.

• Oscar Franzén <>

2 Basics

• terminal = *tty* = virtual console

• pseudo-ttys = terminal emulators, e.g. Xterm, tmux, etc
• shell = the program you see when you log in, e.g. bash, zsh, sh
• an /inode/ is a data structure on disk that describes and stores
file attributes and location

2.1 File system layout


| Path | Description |
| /bin/ | Essential binaries. |
| /sbin/ | System binaries. |
| /usr/ | Contains user applications, package manager,|
| | files, etc. |
| /boot/ | Compressed kernel image (vmlinuz), initramfs|
| | (initial RAM filesystem, mounted before real|
| | root filesystem becomes available). |
| /opt/ | Proprietary software or software downloaded |
| | w/o package managers. |
| /root/ | Root lives here. |
| /var/ | Data that change frequently, etc log files, |
| |mail, transient data cache, lock files. |
| | |
| /run/ | A pseudo-fs. Transient data. |
| /dev/ | Device files. Represents connected devices. |
| /proc/ | Pseudo-filesystem in memory with kernel data|
| |structures and processes. |
| /home/ | Contains users' files and directories. But |
| |root is /root/ |

2.2 systemd

• an `init' replacement designed to start processes in parallel, it

has always `pid=1'
• we can see that on Ubuntu, `/sbin/init' points to
• Emulates "runlevels" for compatibility with old init (`sysvinit')
using /targets/
• `runlevel' to display current runlevel
• Change runlevel with `telinit N' where N is the runlevel
• Runlevels:
| Runlevel | Description |
| 0 | Halt the system. Runlevel 0 is a |
| |special transitional state used to|
| |shutdown the system quickly. |
| 1 |Maintenance mode used for |
| |low-level system maintenance that |
| |may be impaired by normal system |
| |operation. |
| | |
| 2 | The default runlevel (on |
| |Debian-based systems). |
| 3 | Not used on Debian-based systems.|
| 4 | Not used on Debian-based systems.|
| 5 | Not used on Debian-based systems.|
| 6 |Reboot the system. |
• Runlevel can be changed with `init [0-6]' although this is not the
recommended way to change runlevel
• `service' is a wrapper for `systemctl' and `service' supports a
subset of actions. `systemctl' is the main utility for service

2.2.1 Bash scripting


│ if CONDITION; then
│ else
│ fi
Condition Evaluates to true when
[ -a file ] file exists
[ -d file ] file exists and is a directory
[ -f file ] file exists and is a regular file
[ -u file ] file exists and its SUID bit is set
[ -g file ] file exists and its GUID bit is set
[ -k file ] file exists and its sticky bit is set
[ -r file ] file exists and is readable
[ -s file ] file exists and it is not empty
[ -w file ] file exists and it is writable
[ -x file ] file exists and it is executable
[ str1 = str2 ] Strings are equal
[ str1 != str2 ] Strings are not equal

Integer comparisons
Condition Evaluates to true when
int1 -eq int2 int2 equals to int2
int1 -ne int2 int1 not equal to int2
int1 -lt int2 int1 is less than int2
int1 -le int2 int1 is less or equal to int2
int1 -gt int2 int1 is greater than int2
int1 -ge int2 int1 is grreater than or equal to int2

`$?' gives the exit status of the last executed command

2.3 Change lost root password


1. Press shift at boot

2. In the GRUB menu press 'e'
3. On the line starting with 'linux', change 'ro' to 'rw
4. Press CTRL+X
5. `passwd root'
6. Reboot

3 Essential commands

3.1 Help

Config examples are present in `/usr/share/doc/'.

│ # compile manual index
│ mandb
│ man -k keyword
│ info command

3.2 trivial

│ whoami

3.3 root

Any member of group `wheel' have sudo access.

│ # inherit user session
│ su
│ # fresh session
│ su -
│ # login as a different user, "-" is a shortcut for "-login"
│ su - user
│ # add to wheel
│ usermod -aG wheel user

3.3.1 visudo

Used to edit the `/etc/sudoers' file. A line like this gives any
member of the group `wheel' sudo access:
│ %wheel ALL = (ALL) ALL
│ ^ indicate what programs are allowed to run, ALL for all
│ foobar ALL = (root:root) /sbin/test

3.4 Showing logged in users and what they are doing


│ w

3.5 IO redirection

│ program < input_file
│ program > output_file
│ program 2> error_file
│ program > output_file 2>error_file
│ echo 'hello world' > file1
│ # appends a line
│ echo 'hi again' >> file1

3.6 Search for files

│ find / -name "passwd"
│ find / -name "*passwd*"
│ # find files named 'zic' that are rwx for u and rx for g and o
│ # execute echo on each file found
│ find / -name "zic" -perm 755 -exec echo '{}' \;
│ # find all files smaller than 100kb
│ find / -size -100k
│ find / -maxdepth 3 -type f -size +2M
│ # find file1 _or_ file2, \ to escape (
│ find / \( -name file1 -o -name file2 \)
│ # identify all hard links to the file 'foobar'
│ # (i.e., finding all files with the same inode)
│ find / -samefile foobar
│ # list all files not owner by user 'root'
│ find / \! -user root
│ # search case insensitive
│ find / -iname "PassWd"
│ # identify files with identical permissions to 222
│ # 222 = w-rx for ugo
│ find / -perm 222
│ # at least permission 222
│ find / -perm -222
│ # write for u or write for g or write for o
│ find / -perm /222
│ # files accessed at least 24 hours ago
│ find / -atime +1
│ # uses a previously constructed database
│ locate file
│ # update the database
│ updatedb

3.7 Working with files


3.7.1 The editor `vi'


Command What it does
i Insert mode
ESC Exit any mode to command mode
o Enter insert mode and insert a new line
:wq! Write and quit
:q! Quit w/o saving
:w! Force write
u Undo
gg Go to beginning of file
G Go to end of file
:/foo Search for the string "foo"
n Next occurence
N Previous occurence
:42 Go to line 42
dd Delete the current line
x Delete the selected character
v Select text
y Copy selected text
p Paste selected text
d Delete selected text

3.7.2 File globbing


Example Files and directories it matches
ls -l a* Beginning with a
ls -l a? Two characters beginning with a
ls -l a[ab] aa or bb
ls -l a[a-c] aa, ab or ac
ls -l a[a-c]* Begin with aa, ab or ac

3.7.3 Comparing files


◊ diff/diff3

│ diff file1 file2
│ # output side by side in two columns
│ diff -y file1 file2
│ # compare 3 files line by line
│ diff3

3.7.4 uniq - collapse consecutive lines


│ # Compare only first two characters
│ uniq -w 2 file
│ # Prefix lines with number of occurences
│ uniq -c file

3.7.5 grep

│ # print the file name of the match
│ grep -l pattern path
│ # also search subdirectories of path
│ grep -lr pattern path
│ # as above but with case insensitive
│ grep -lri pattern path
3.7.6 sed

│ sed 's/source/target/' file
│ sed 's/source/target/g' file
│ # case inensitive
│ sed 's/source/target/gi' file
│ # apply only on row 2
│ sed '2s/source/target/' file
│ # print only changed rows
│ sed -n 's/source/target/p' file
│ # prints lines 2 to 4
│ sed -n 2,4p file
│ # deletes lines with source
│ sed '/source/d' file
│ # delete line 12
│ sed -n 12d file
│ # insert "hej" on line 5
│ sed '5ihej' file

3.7.7 Other commands


│ # sort based on column 2
│ sort -k 2 file
│ # cut using one whitespace as delimiter and print column 1 from file
│ cut -d " " -f1 file
│ # print columns 1 and 3 from file
│ cut -d " " -f1.3 file
│ ls
│ # long output
│ ls -l
│ # show hidden files
│ ls -la
│ # recursive
│ ls -lR
│ # list by time stamp
│ ls -lt
│ # show directory properties and not its content
│ ls -ld
│ # shows current directory
│ pwd
│ # print file content
│ cat
│ tac
│ # copy file1 and file2 to dest
│ cp file1 file2 /dest
│ # recursive
│ cp -r source/ target/
│ # rename a file/dir or move it
│ mv file1 file2
│ # remove a directory including read only files
│ rm -rf dir
│ # makes parent directories if needed
│ mkdir -p foo/bar
│ # removes dir (only if dir is empty)
│ rmdir dir
│ sed
│ # estimate space used by a file or dir (default returns size in kb)
│ du /sbin/
│ awk
│ cut
│ # substitute string1 with string2
│ tr string1 string2
│ # substitute repeated occurences of one character with a single one of
│ # that character
│ tr -s ' '
│ paste
│ # print last 10 lines of file
│ tail file
│ # print last 20 lines
│ tail -n 20 file
│ # output the tail of the file as it grows
│ tail -f file
│ # print first 10 lines of file
│ head file
│ # creates an empty file
│ touch file
│ # specific timestamp
│ touch -t YYMMDDhhmm file
│ patch
│ sed
│ awk
│ # add line numbers
│ cat <file> | nl

3.7.8 I-nodes and links


◊ Hard links

More than one file can point to the same i-node. Must be on the same
device. Cannot be directories.
│ # creates a hard link
│ ln target newname
│ # the inode will be the same for the files
│ ls -il

◊ Symbolic links

Points to a file. If the file is removed the link becomes

invalid. Symbolic links have different inode numbers.
│ ln -s target linkname
│ # create a symbolic link to sbin in the current dir
│ ln -s /sbin/
◊ Show inode for a file or dir

First column shows the i-node number.

│ ls -li

3.8 Backup, compression, etc


3.8.1 Archiving

│ # make tar.bz2 archive
│ tar -jcvf file.tar.bz2 *
│ # uncompress
│ tar -jxvf file.tar.bz2
│ # print content of tar file
│ tar -tf file.tar
│ # delete a file from a tar file
│ tar --delete -f test.tar file

3.8.2 Backups

◊ dd

The `dd' program is very useful for making copies of raw disk space. A
common joke with `dd' is that is stands for *data destroyer*, so it
should be noted that it's a very dangerous utility.

Write a file containing zeros:

│ dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/drive/foobar bs=2G count=1

◊ Create a backup

The device _must_ be unmounted

│ dd if=/dev/sda of=/system_images/sda.img
│ # make a complete copy of one disk onto another
│ dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb

◊ Restore a backup

│ dd if=/system_images/sda.img of=/dev/sda

◊ Copy Master Boot Record (MBR)

│ # MBR is always stored in the first 512 bytes of the disk
│ # bs sets the block size, count copies this number of blocks
│ # bs*count is the amount of data copied
│ dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr_sda.backup bs=512 count=1

◊ rsync

│ rsync -avr source dest
│ # -z adds compression
│ rsync -avrz source user@
│ # use ssh
│ rsync -avre ssh source user@

3.9 Permissions

3.9.1 Octal representations of permissions


Sum represents combinations.

Octal Meaning
0 no permission
1 x
2 w
4 r
5 rx
6 rw
7 rwx

│ # change owner
│ chown
│ # change group
│ chgrp
│ # change permissions
│ chmod
│ # example of chmod
│ chmod u+rwx,g+r,o+r fil

◊ Examples

Octal Meaning
0666 rw for everyone
0777 rwx for everyone
3.9.2 setuid, setgid

Run a program as the user/group set as owner of the file. Cannot be

applied to bash scripts.
│ chmod u+s test
│ chmod g+s test

3.9.3 Sticky bit


When a directory's sticky bit is set, the filesystem treats the files
in such directories in a special way so only the file's owner, the
directory's owner, or root user can rename or delete the file. Without
the sticky bit set, any user with write and execute permissions for
the directory can rename or delete contained files, regardless of the
file's owner. For example `/tmp/' has +t.
│ chmod +t directory_name

3.9.4 Extended attributes


Metadata associated with files. Extended attributes are not

interpreted by the file system. Extended attributes consists of
namespaces. Stored in the /inode/ of the file. ACL uses the `system'

Flag Meaning
I Immutable, no user can change it. No hard links.
a Apppend-only
A No-atime-update (access time of the file is not updated)
│ lsattr
│ =chattr [+|-|=mode] filename=

3.9.5 umask

Can be used to remove permissions from newly created files.

│ # remove write permissions from newly created files
│ umask 222
3.10 Root

Sudo file is stored in `/etc/sudoers/' and `/etc/sudoers.d/'.

│ $ sudo -s

3.11 Processes and resource limits


3.11.1 Process types


| Process type | Description |
| | |
| Interactive | Need to be started by a user, either at a |
| process | command line or through a |
| | graphical interface. |
| Batch Processes | Automatic processes which aree scheduled from |
| |and then disconnected from the terminal. |
| Daemons | Server processes running continuously. Mauny |
| |launched during system startup. |
| Threads | Lightweight processes that are run under the |
| |umbrella of a main process. |
| Kernel threads | Kernel tasks that users neither start nor |
| |terminate and have little control over. |

3.11.2 Useful commands


│ ps
│ ps -u <username>
│ pgrep
│ kill
│ pkill
│ # kill all processes owned by group with GID=99
│ pkill -G 99
│ # kill all processes whose parent process is 4992
│ pkill -P 4992
│ killall

3.11.3 ulimit

Used to get or set resource limits.

│ # see current limits
│ ulimit -a

◊ Limit stack size

When you call a function, a new "namespace" is allocated on the

stack. That's how functions can have local variables. As functions
call functions, which in turn call functions, we keep allocating more
and more space on the stack to maintain this deep hierarchy of

To curb programs using massive amounts of stack space, a limit is

usually put in place via ulimit -s. If we remove that limit via ulimit
-s unlimited, our programs will be able to keep gobbling up RAM for
their evergrowing stack until eventually the system runs out of memory

│ ulimit -s 4096

3.11.4 Set global resource limits


• Done in `/etc/security/limits.conf'
• Config format:
│ * hard nproc 10
│ ^ user group or all (*)

│ ^ hard or soft limit

│ ^ whatever should be enforced (number of processes here)

│ ^ the actual limit

3.12 Inspect library dependencies


Use `ldd <command>'.

3.13 Useful utils


3.13.1 tree

Prints tree structure of a directory.

│ apt-get install tree
│ tree
3.14 Locate a program

│ which ls
│ # also locates where man page is (+ source code)
│ whereis ls

4 Operation of running systems


4.1 Boot, reboot, shutdown


│ # power off, -h as in halt
│ shutdown -h now
│ # reboot
│ shutdown -r now
│ # legacy commands
│ reboot
│ halt
│ poweroff

4.2 Modules

• Modules have `*.ko' extensions and are found in

• `lsmod' lists loaded modules
• `modprobe' to load module using a database of dependency information
• Modules can be loaded specifying parameters: `modprobe e1000e
debug=2 copybreak=256'
• `/etc/modprobe.d/' contains default parameters applied when
loading a module with modprobe
• Module dependencies will be loaded as well
• `modprobe -r' to unload module
• `insmod' is another way to load modules directly
• `rmmod' is another way to unload modules
• `modinfo' to show details such as version, module dependencies,
supported hardwares, what parameters can be supploed during loading
• `depmod' to rebuild the module database

4.3 GRand Unified Boot loader (GRUB)


• Config is `/etc/default/grub' and if it is modified then run

after (the actual file read by GRUB at boot is `/boot/grub/grub.cfg/',
but it should not be modified manually).
• If GRUB is not installed for some reason, install it with
`grub-install /dev/sdX'
4.4 Manage processes

4.4.1 mpstat

│ apt-get install sysstat
│ mpstat
│ # -P to indicate which cpus
│ # -u for CPU utilization
│ # 2 second intervals
│ # 3 reports
│ mpstat -P ALL -u 2 3

4.4.2 ps

Term Desc
pid Process id
ppid Parent process id
│ # all processes
│ # BSD style syntax
│ ps aux
│ # UNIX style syntax
│ ps -aux
│ ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%cpu,%mem --sort=-%cpu
column meaning
user owner
pid process ID
%cpu CPU time divided by the time the process has been running
%mem resident set size divided by memory of the machine
VSZ virtual memory in KiB
RSS resident memory in KiB, i.e. non-swapped physical memory
tty attached terminal
stat process state
start start time of the process
time cumulative CPU time
command command, those within [] are system processes of kernel threads

4.4.3 /proc/

• Processes are actually directories in `/proc/[pid]'

• Contains current state of each process running
• Child processes
• Memory usage
• `/proc/meminfo'
• `/proc/sys/'
• Contains tunable kernel parameters as plain text files
• Can be changed with `sysctl' (or by writing to files directly)
• Print kernel setting: `sysctl kernel.pid_max', corresponding to
• `sysctl -a' prints all available settings
• `/etc/sysctl.conf' contains parameters applied during boot, to
make a change permanent, add it to this file. To apply current
config without rebooting, run `sysctl -p'

4.4.4 list open files by a process


│ lsof -p [pid]

4.4.5 Priorities

Lower niceness means higher priority. Range is from -20 to 19.

│ # run a program with modified scheduling priority
│ nice -n value command
│ # alter priority of running processes (only root)
│ renice -n value [pid]

4.4.6 kill

│ # send SIGTERM
│ kill pid
│ # send SIGKILL
│ kill -9 pid
│ # list all available signals
│ kill -l

◊ Signals

Signal Description
SIGHUP Terminate
SIGINT Terminate, interrupt from keyboard, CTRL-C
SIGFPE Core dump, sent from kernel
SIGKILL Terminate, abnormal termination
SIGTERM Terminate, graceful termination (default in kill)
SIGSTOP Stop, cannot be handled or ignored
SIGCONT Continue
SIGCHLD Ignore, child stopped
SIGPIPE Terminate, broken pipe, socket closed

4.4.7 crontab

│ crontab -e
│ # or as root to modify a specific users cron jobs
│ crontab -e -u user

4.4.8 at

│ apt-get install at
│ service atd status
│ at
│ atq
│ atrm

4.4.9 sar

System activity reporter.

│ # CPU usage report 3 times in intervals of 3 seconds
│ sudo sar 3 3

4.4.10 misc

│ pgrep name
│ pstree
│ uptime
│ strace
│ free
│ # mainly for virtual memory stats but also for CPU, process and disk statistics
│ vmstat
│ pmap
│ iotop
│ iostat
│ # prioritize a process in io scheduling
│ ionice

4.5 AppArmor

• Alternative to SELinux
• Profile based
• Two modes:
1. Enforce
2. Complain
│ apt-get install apparmor-profiles
│ apparmor_status
│ # put profile in complain mode
│ aa-complain
│ # put profile in enforcement mode
│ aa-enforce

4.6 Package managers


4.6.1 dpkg

A low-level package manager. Database is located in `/var/lib/dpkg'.

│ # list installed packages
│ dpkg -l
│ # list installed files from a package
│ dpkg -L package
│ # query status of an installed package
│ dpkg -s package
│ # list content of deb package
│ dpkg -c package.deb
│ # install deb package
│ dpkg -i package.deb
│ # remove package
│ dpkg -r package.deb

4.6.2 Advanced Packacking Tool (apt)


• Based on `dpkg'.
│ apt-cache search term
│ apt-cache show pkg
│ # Show packages whose name starts with prefix
│ apt-cache pkgnames openjdk
│ # Search all packages that contains file
│ apt-file search file
│ # List all files in the pkg. pkg doesn't need to be installed or fetched
│ apt-file list pkg
│ apt-get autoremove
│ apt-get clean
│ apt-get update
│ apt-get install pkg
│ apt-get [--purge] remove pkg
│ apt-get upgrade

5 User and group management


5.1 /etc/passwd

The second field is password, is it has an `x', then passwords are

managed by `/etc/shadow'. `/etc/passwd' has 644 permissions that means
anyone can read it. This is because system programs and user apps need
to read the information in that file. On the other hand, `/etc/shadow'
has 400 permissions. `/etc/shadow' is preferred way to keep passwords
as it prevents anyone to read hashed passwords.

5.2 Adding users


│ sudo su
│ groupadd test
│ useradd mrtest
│ useradd mstest
│ usermod -a -G test mrtest
│ usermod -a -G test mstest
│ # lock user account
│ usermod -L username
│ # A locked password prevents a user to authenticate with that password,
however, user
│ # can authenticate by other means, e.g. ssh keys etc. Locking an account
eliminates to
│ # authenticate and use that account in any way,
│ passwd -l username
│ mkdir /mnt/asdf
│ touch /mnt/asdf/acl.txt
│ chgrp -R test /mnt/asdf/
│ chmod ug+rwx /mnt/asdf
│ chmod o+rx-w /mnt/asdf
│ # The point is to give a user access to /mnt/asdf without adding the user to
the test group
│ # since that also gives access to other files.
│ userdel user
│ # chage (change user password expiry)
│ chage <username>
│ # create system account (default shell should be nologin)
│ useradd -r -s /usr/sbin/nologin

5.3 ACL

• If files inside a directory where a default ACL has been set do not
have a ACL of their own, they inherit the default ACL of their
parent directory.
5.3.1 Install `getfacl' and `setfacl':

`sudo apt-get install acl'

5.3.2 Check compatibility of the file system with ACL:


=tunefs -l /dev/sda2 | grep "Default mount options"

5.3.3 `setfacl -m u:rand:rw /mnt/asdf/test.txt'


5.3.4 `getfacl test.txt'


5.3.5 Set to a directory:


`setfacl -m d:o:r /mnt/test/'

5.3.6 Remove all ACL:


`setfacl -b /mnt/test/'

5.4 Adding sudo capability for a user


Don't edit /etc/sudoers or /etc/sudoers.d/ directly, rather use

`visudo', because problems are checked before saving. For example, to
add `sudo' capability for user "test" add this line:
│ test ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

5.5 Show which shell is used


│ echo $SHELL

5.6 Bash restricted shell


• cd directories
• changing certain environment variables
• specify an absolut path in any command
• IO redirecting
│ bash -r

5.7 Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)


• Provides authentication policies in a uniformed and modular way for

applications. A PAM-aware application invokes libpam which in turn
checks these configuration files to apply rules and invokes PAM
modules. PAM integrates low-level authentication modules into a
high-level API that provides dynamic authentication support for
applications. This allows developers to write applications that
require authentication, independently of the underlying authentication
• _To employ PAM, an application/program needs to be “PAM aware“; it
needs to have
been written and compiled specifically to use PAM. To find out if a
program is “PAM-aware” or not, check if it has been compiled with the
PAM library using `ldd command'._
• Main config file is `/etc/pam.conf' and `/etc/pam.d/' contain PAM
config files for each PAM-aware program.
• PAM libraries are found in `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/security'
(many so files here have man pages: `man listfile')

5.8 Show available shells and who I am


│ cat /etc/shells
│ echo $USER

6 Networking

6.1 Basic networking


`ifconfig' is deprecated, use `ip'

6.1.1 Show IP address configuration


ip addr show ip a s

6.1.2 set IP using nmgui/nmci


│ nmtui
│ nmcli # CLI for network manager

6.1.3 set IP manually


ip link set eth0 down ip addr add dev eth0 ip link set
eth0 up

6.1.4 set hostname


Modify: /etc/hostname Show current hostname: hostname

6.1.5 Static DNS entries



6.2 Installing an ftp server


Install the very secure ftp server and configure it for anonymous
access to a specific directory.
1. `sudo apt-get install vsftpd'
2. `sudo service vsftpd start'
3. Config file is `/etc/vsftpd.conf'
• Create a directory for data (anonymous access will be allowed):
`sudo mkdir /datamkdir /mnt/asdf/'
4. Modify the config file:
• `sudo vim /etc/vsftpd.conf'
• Make sure the settings are:
│ anonymous_enable=YES
│ anon_root=/data/
│ no_anon_password=YES
│ write_enable=YES
│ local_enable=YES
• Restrict users to their home directories:
│ chroot_local_user=YES
│ chroot_list_enable=YES
│ chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd_chroot_list
• Create an empty file: `touch /etc/vsftpd_chroot_list'
• Rate limits in kb:
│ anon_max_rate=10240 # 10 kb
│ local_max_rate=20480 # 20 kb
│ max_per_ip=5 # 5 connections
• Restrict data transfers to this port range:
│ pasv_enable=YES
│ pasv_max_port=15500
│ pasv_min_port=15000

6.3 Firewall

• The kernel firewall is *NetFilter*

• The utility to manage rules is *iptables*
• A frontend for *iptables* is UncomplicatedFirewall (*ufw*)

◊ iptables

│ # list rules
│ iptables -L
│ # verbose
│ iptables -L -v

◊ ufw

│ ufw allow ssh/tcp
│ ufw logging on
│ ufw enable
│ ufw status
│ # block all network connections from one IP
│ ufw deny from
│ # block entire subnet
│ ufw deny from
│ # only for a specific network interface
│ ufw deny in on eth0 from
│ # allow ssh
│ ufw allow ssh
│ # or
│ ufw allow 22
│ ufw allow from to any port 873

6.4 Show ports opened by a process


│ # all processes
│ netstat -tln

6.5 Routing

Routing IP traffic:
│ ip route show
│ # or
│ route -n
│ # Add route to through
│ ip route add via

To configure system as route forward must be enabled: `echo 1 >


6.6 Mount NFS share


│ # only client package needed, no need for server components
│ apt-get install nfs-common
│ mount -t nfs <IP>:/NameOfShare /mnt/my_mounted_nfs

Permanently, by adding line to `/etc/fstab':

│ IP:/NFS-SHARE/ /mount/point nfs defaults 0 0

6.7 Running NFS server to share directories


│ apt-get install nfs-kernel-server

6.8 Recursive DNS caching server


• `apt-get install bind9 bind9utils'

• `named' is one service within bind, its config is
`/etc/bind/named.conf.options', add the following so its within
`options { ... }':
│ recursion yes;
│ # use google name servers as forwarders
│ forwarders {
│ };
• Local zones are configured in `/etc/named.conf.local', examples:
│ # DNS -> IP
│ zone "" IN {
│ type master;
│ file "/etc/bind/";
│ };

│ # for reverse DNS, i.e. IP -> DNS
│ zone "" IN {
│ type master;
│ file "/etc/bind/";
│ };
• Content of `/etc/bind/':
│ $TTL 604800
│ @ IN SOA (
│ 3; <-- serial increment
│ ...
│ ...
│ ...
│ ...)
│ @ IN NS
│ ns IN A
│ web1 IN A
│ @ IN AAAA ::1
• Content of `/etc/bind/':
│ ; SOA lines are same as before
│ @ IN NS
│ 15 IN PTR
│ 16 IN PTR
• Use `named-checkzone' to check for errors
• Restart bind: `service bind9 restart'
• Don't forget to change name server on the system to try it (or use
`dig @IP domain')

7 Storage configuration

• SSD naming schjeme is `/dev/nvme{order}n{ns}p{part}' where `{order}'

is the disk order number, `{ns}' is the namespace, and `{part}' is
the partition number.
• `blkid' can be used to identify block device attributes.
• `lsblk' lists all block devices found. `lsblk -f' prints file
system type and UUID

7.1 Partioning

• Partitions can be MBR or GPT

• Limit of maximum 4 partitions with MBR
• Limit of maximum 128 partitions with GPT
• For MBR, an extended partition is a normal partition that has been
divided into multiple logic partitions so that it is possible to
have more than four partitions. Only *one* extended partition can be
• For creating MBR, use `fdisk', for GPT use `parted' (can also create
MBR) or `gdisk'.
│ fdisk
│ # list all partitions
│ fdisk -l
│ parted -l
7.2 File systems

Applications do not access the physical disk directly. Instead,

application code access data contents by file names which is an
abstraction by the filesystem. Every file is associated with an
inode. inode is a datastructures that holds following metadata about
the file:

7.2.1 Examples

• ext3
• ext4
• btrfs
• xfs
• vfat (non-Linux)
• ntfs (non-Linux)
• hfs (non-Linux)
Available file system creation utilities: `ls -l /sbin/mkfs*'

7.2.2 tune2fs

Tune ext file system parameters such as:

• maximum mount count before `fsck' is called
• time interval between `fsck'
• `tune2fs -l <dev-node>' to see all parameters that can be updated.

7.3 Mounting

UUIDs are reliable because they are unique and consistent. Filesystem
UUIDs are generated when creating (format) a filesystem.
│ mount filesystem_uuid /mount-point
│ mount partition_label /mount-point
│ # List all mounted filesystems
│ mount -l

7.4 Fix file system errors


• Should only be run on unmounted file systems

• Main utility: `fsck' (files recovered by this program are placed in
the `lost+found' directory at the root of the file system)
• The easiest way to force a check of the filesystem on next reboot is
to create a file `/forcefsck' at the filesystem

7.5 df
│ # -T adds "Type" column
│ df -hT

7.6 Encrypted partition


Options are dm-crypt and Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS). LUKS is more
secure (according to `info cryptsetup').
│ apt-get install cryptsetup
│ # setup a partition
│ cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdb1
│ # initializes the volume, and sets an initial key or passphrase
│ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb1 testing
│ # You can see a mapping name /dev/mapper/testing
│ ls -l /dev/mapper/testing
│ cryptsetup -v status testing
│ # Create a file system
│ mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/testing
│ # Mount
│ mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/testing /mnt/point
│ # Unmount
│ umount /mnt/point
│ cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/testing

7.6.1 Mount at boot


To mount an encrypted partition at boot time, add a normal entry to

`/etc/fstab'. `/etc/fstab' is not aware that device is encrypted.
1. Make entry in `/etc/fstab':
│ /dev/mapper/testing /media/enc ext4 defaults 0 2
2. Make entry in `/etc/crypttab'. If key-file is omitted, secret will
be asked from the console.
│ testing /dev/sda1 luks-secret-file
│ # or specify the fourth field as "none" to prompt for passphrase
│ # interactively from console
│ testing /dev/sda1 none luks

7.6.2 Encrypt a swap device


Data written to the swap device can contain sensitive information, and
as such it is important to consider security.
1. Find out the partition that is currently being used for swap, then
deactivate it:
│ cat /proc/swap
2. swapoff /dev/sda2
3. Format:
│ cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda2
│ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 swapcrypt
4. Make it swap
│ mkswap /dev/mapper/swapcrypt
5. Test it
│ swapon /dev/mapper/swapcrypt
│ cat /proc/swaps
6. Add entry to `/etc/crypttab'
│ swapcrypt /dev/sda2 /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256
7. Add entry to `/etc/fstab'
│ /dev/mapper/swapcrypt none swap defaults 0 0

7.7 Swap space


Virtual memory can make Linux function as if it has more memory than
it physically has, and works in two ways:
1. Many programs don't use all the memory they have permission to
use. This is because child processes are created using
copy-on-write (COW) and only gets a new page of memory if there is
a change.
2. Memory can be swapped to disk when inactive and only recalled when
needed again.
│ mkswap /dev/sdX1
│ swapon /dev/sdX1
│ swapoff
│ cat /proc/swaps
Add entry to `/etc/fstab':
│ /dev/sdX1 swap swap sw 0 0

7.8 Quota

Disk quotas control maximum space particular users can have on the
disk. Quotas are based per filesystem basis. There are limits on
number of blocks and inodes. These limits are expressed as *soft* and
*hard* limits. Hard limits can never be exceeded. _Soft limits can be
exceeded for a grace period_.
7.8.1 Creating quotas

1. Install:
│ apt-get install quota
2. File systems must be mounted with the `usrquota' or `grpquota'
│ mount -o usrquota /dev/sdxN /mount-point
3. Generate quota accounting files (stored in root of quoted
│ quotacheck -v /media/
`quotacheck' is also used to update quotas.
4. Turn on quotas:
│ # -u = user quotas, the default (can be omitted)
│ quotaon -vu /media/usb
5. Set up quotas per user or group:
│ edquota user
6. To change grace period (editor will launch):
│ edquota -t
7. To query quota information of current user:
│ quota

7.8.2 Turn quotas off


│ quotaoff

7.9 RAID

• Redundant Array of Independenty Disks (RAID), spreads I/O over

multiple disks
• Can be hardware or software (part of the kernel)
• With hardware RAID, the OS is unaware that RAID is in use
• If hardware controller fails, an identical one must be used;
however, in software RAID the same disks can be attached to any
controller for lower- to mid-range hardware.
|Level | Description |
| 0| No data spreading across disks. No redundancy. |
| 1| Mirroring. Each disk has a duplicate. |
| 5|Rotating parity stripe. A single drive failure does |
| |not cause data loss. |
| 6| Can handle loss of two disks. |
| 10| Can be seen as RAID 1+0. |

7.9.1 Configure software RAID


1. Create partitions on each disk

2. Create a RAID device:
│ apt-get install mdadm
│ mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
/dev/sdd /dev/sde
3. Format RAID device:
│ mkfs.ext4 /dev/md0
4. Make it persistent, such that after a reboot the RAID array will
│ mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
5. Update `/etc/fstab':
│ echo -e "/dev/md0\t/mnt/raid5-md0\text4\tdefaults\t0\t0" >> /etc/fstab
6. Mount the RAID device:
│ mkdir /mnt/raid5-md0
│ mount /dev/md0 /mnt/raid5-md0
7. Examine RAID status:
│ cat /proc/mdstat
8. The raid device can be stopped using:
│ mdadm -S /dev/md0
9. Monitoring of the device can be done with:
│ mdadm --detail /dev/md0
│ cat /proc/mdstat
10. Edit `/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf' and change `MAILADDR root' to
`MAILADDR any@email.domain'

7.10 Create logical volumes

LVM groups one or more physical volumes into volume groups, which can
be sub-divided into logical volumes, which mimic nominal disk

The steps are:

1. create partitions using fdisk
2. Install tools:
│ apt-get install lvm2
3. Initialize physical volumes for use by LVM:
│ pvcreate /dev/sdb1
│ pvcreate /dev/sdb2
4. Merge sdb1 and sdb2 into one group:
│ vgcreate vg0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1
5. Create the logical volume:
│ lvcreate --size 350M --name lv1 vg0
6. Display physical volumes:
│ pvdisplay
7. Display logical volumes:
│ lvdisplay
8. Logical volumes are now in `/dev/vg0/lv*'
9. Format and mount
│ mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg0/lv0
│ mkdir /mnt/lv0
│ mount -t ext4 /dev/vg0/lv0 /mnt/lv0
10. `df -h'
11. Add to `/etc/fstab'
12. Add another physical volume to the logical:
│ vgextend vg0 /dev/sdc1
│ lvextend --size +100M /dev/vg0/lv0
│ lvreduce --size 100M /dev/vg0/lv0
When resizing volumes it is useful to create a snapshot of logical
volumes with the `lvcreate -s' or `lvcreate --snapshot' switch to
ensure that data is not lost. To do so there must be enough room on
the volume group first. The following is a demonstration of a snapshot
for `lv0':
│ lvcreate --size 100M --snapshot --name l-vol0-snapshot /dev/vg0/lv0

8 Virtualization
1. Install virtualization tools:
│ apt-get install qemu-kvm virtinst
│ virt-install
│ virsh

9 Additional

• `mkfifo' (named pipes)

• review `vim'
• see man page of `touch'
• compare binary files: `cmp'
• `md5sum'
• Check primary language of a system
│ echo $LANGUAGE
│ echo $LANG
• Print all environmental variables
│ env
│ printenv

10 References

• [
• []
• []
• []
• []
• []
• []
• []
• []

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