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Reminder CA=Check Answers Discussion

Greeting Games ? Q&A

Eliciting Modeling Reading

IL=Instructional Language LI=Lead in LP=Language Production

PD=Picture Description RP=Role Play SP=Structure Practice

CCQ Definition FE=Feedback Exchange

Exercises Extension Exercises Pronunciation

? QD = Question Development
☆ Target Language
Level 2 Unit 6
改变·梦想 English for all
What’s in it for you. (2 min) Home, sweet home

Don’t forget to punch in!
Lesson 1

Praise students when they do well.

We have a new apartment.

T Greet student by name. What's in it for you.

Do sound/vision checks.
T State lesson objectives: Learn names of rooms in houses.
Learn rooms in houses

Eli © ABC360 . Smile Junior

T What is your favorite room in your house?

S Answers.

Def & Pro

apartment (n) /əˈpɑrtmənt/ - a place to live
room (n) /rum/ - area with walls, floor and
改变·梦想 English for all Level 2 Unit 6 Lesson 1

Warm up (3 min)

Warm up
T Please read. Which rooms can you find these things in?
S What rooms can you find these things?

T What rooms can you find these things?
S Answers. (Living Room, Kitchen, Bedroom,
T Name the 4 pieces of furniture.
S Answers. (Sofa, Refrigerator / Fridge, Bed,
Bath / Shower)
2 © ABC360 . Smile Junior
改变·梦想 English for all Level 2 Unit 6 Lesson 1

Focus on (3 min)

Focus on
Fill in the blanks. 选词填空。
T Please read.
S Fill in the blanks.
3 study
T Model words. 1 bedroom
S Repeats. 4
Exe 5 living room
T How many rooms are there?
S Answers.
T Room 3 is a study. What do you do in a study? 3
S Answers. © ABC360 . Smile Junior

T Where is the bathroom?

S Answers.
T&S Do the same for others.
kitchen (n) /ˈkɪtʃ(ə)n/ - room where you cook food
study (n) - a room for reading, writing, etc.
bedroom (n) - a room for sleeping
bathroom (n)
- where people wash and have a bath or shower
living room (n) - where people sit/relax together
改变·梦想 English for all Level 2 Unit 6 Lesson 1

Speak up (9 min)

Speak up
T What do you see? Nina: Guess what! We have a new apartment.
S Answers. Eric: Where is it?
T How many rooms are there in the apartment? Nina: It's on Borui Road, in downtown.
S Answers. Eric: That's nice. What's it like?
Nina: It's really beautiful and big.
Eric: How many rooms does it have?
? Nina: Well, it has six rooms. There is one living
RP room, two bedrooms, one study, one
T Who are you?
kitchen and one bathroom. Oh, now I can
have my own bedroom.
S Chooses.
Eric: Wow, that's super. Congratulations!
T&S Practice twice, changing roles.
Nina: Thanks.
Q&A ? 4 © ABC360 . Smile Junior
1. How many rooms does Nina’s apartment have?
2. What rooms are these?
3. “Congratulations!” When do you say that? Def & Pro
T&S Discuss.
downtown (n) /ˈdaʊnˌtaʊn/ - main part of a city
super (adj) /ˈsupər/ - excellent
congratulations (n) /kənˌɡrætʃəˈleɪʃ(ə)ns/
Ext - used to tell someone you are happy
T Let’s practice using different voices. I am Nina.
T&S Practice and switch if time allows.

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