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Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution

Answer : 1.b 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.c 8.b 9.d 10.a 11.b 12.d 13.b 14.d 15.c 16.a 17.a 18.a
19.b 20.b 21.d 22.a 23.c 24.b 25.b 26.b 27.b 28.d 29.d 30a

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“IBCS is the Premier BOE Coaching Services in India, where dream convert into reality in very short
Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution

Answer : 1.True 2.True 3.True 4.False 5.False 6.True 7.True 8.False 9.True 10.True
11.False 12.False 13.False 14.False 15.True
Q-III : Answer the following question in brief : [5X3=15 marks]

1. Define IBR Steam pipe.

Answer : IBR Steam pipe :

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution
2. What it indicates, if chimney emits the smoke a)White b)Hazy brown c)Black.

Answer :
Whit Smoke : Whit smokes indicating complete combustion.
Hazy Brown smoke : Hazy brown smoke indicating incomplete combustion. Partial
formation of CO in flue gas.
Black smoke : Black smoke indicating poor combustion. A very high CO formation in flue

3. Which safety valve should blow first, the super heater or Drum and why?

Answer : Super-heater /Main steam line safety valve should blow first because whenever
any excessive pressure will be in any boiler, pressure must released immediately.
Superheater tube must establish steam flow through its coil otherwise chances of
overheating/ starvation will the their in coil, which is lead to superheater tube failure. Drum
safety valve should not be blow prior to superheater safety valve.Hence to avoid such
condition super heater safety valve pressure setting always be stetted less than drum safety
valve pressure setting. All the safety valve setting in between the range of working pressure
& boiler design pressure. During steam test of any boiler above condition has to be ensured
without any failure.

4. What is the furnace purge and it’s necessary?

Answer : Furnace purge : The purge system assures that the boiler furnace, the associated air and flue
gas paths, machineries like FD, ID and APH and equipments containing sources of ignition energy like ESP
are purged with air to remove any explosive mixture before ignition. The BPS(Boiler Purging System) during
the purge verifies that the air and flue gas paths are open, fuel shut off valves are closed and no flame is
detected. To avoid any explosion/accident, boiler purging has to be ensured.

5. Name the three main classification of coal?

Answer : Classification of coal : There are four major types (or “ranks”) of coal. Rank
refers to steps in a slow, natural process called “coalification,” during which buried plant
matter changes into an ever denser, drier, more carbon rich, and harder material. The four
ranks are:

1. Anthracite: The highest rank of coal. It is a hard, brittle, and black lustrous coal, often
referred to as hard coal, containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage
of volatile matter.

2. Bituminous: Bituminous coal is a middle rank coal between subbituminous and

anthracite. Bituminous usually has a high heating (Btu) value and is the most common type
of coal used in electricity generation. Bituminous coal appears shiny and smooth when you
first see it, but look closer and you may see it has layers.

3. Subbituminous: Subbituminous coal is black in color and dull (not shiny), and has a
higher heating value than lignite.

4. Lignite: Lignite coal, aka brown coal, is the lowest grade coal with the least
concentration of carbon.

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution
Q-IV : Answer the following question in detail : [5X5=25 marks]

1. List any five advantages of pulverized coal firing system?

Answer : Advantages of Pulverized Coal Firing:

1. The main advantage of pulverized firing system lies in the fact that by breaking a
given mass of coal into smaller pieces exposes more surface area for combustion.
2. Greater surface area of coal per unit mass of the coal allows faster combustion as
more coal surface is exposed to heat and oxygen. This reduces the excess air required
to ensure complete combustion and the required fan power also
3. Wide variety and low grade coal can be burnt more easily when the coal is pulverized.
4. Pulverized coal gives faster response to load changes as the rate of combustion can
be controlled easily and immediately. Automatic control applied to pulverized coal fired
boilers is effective in maintaining an almost constant steam pressure under wide load
5. This system is free from clinker and slagging troubles
6. This system works successfully with or in combination with the gas and oil
7. It is possible to use highly pre-heated secondary air (350oC) which helps in rapid
flame propagation
8. The pulverized system can be repaired easily without cooling the system as the
pulverizing equipment is located outside the furnace
9. Large amount of heat release is possible in this system compared to stoke firing
10. The banking losses are low compared to stoke firing system
11. The boiler can be started from cold very rapidly and efficiently. This is highly
important when grid stability is of the important concern
12. The external heating surface is free from corrosion and fouling as smokeless
combustion is possible
13. There are no moving parts in the furnace or boiler subjected to high temperature.
Therefore the life of the pulverized fuel firing system is more and operation is trouble-less
14. Practically no ash handling problem in this type of firing system
15. The furnace volume required is considerably less as the use of the burners which
produce turbulence in the furnace makes it possible to complete combustion with
minimum travel

2. List advantage of CFBC boilers over AFBC boilers?

Answer : Advantages of CFBC Boiler :

1. Simplified fuel preparation, less than 10 mm ( Absence of Coal Milling/Pulverising
2. Environmental benefits: Low Nox emission due to low combustion temperature and Sox
emission effectively Controlled by adding lime stone.
3. High Efficiency: Higher boiler efficiency even on part loads due to better burn ability.
Fuel can be burn with combustion efficiently over 95% irrespective of ash content. Operate
with overall efficiency of 84% plus or minus 2% independent reheat temperature control.
4. Combustion temperature is much below the ash fusion temperature, melting of ash
and associated problems are avoided. Slag free combustion and no clinker formation. Easier
ash removal as ash flows like liquid from combustion chamber. In conventional boiler there is

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Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution
risk of clinker formation if temperature exceeds 950‟C and loss of combustion efficiency if
temperature falls below 800‟C.
5. No slagging in furnace & no frequent soot blowing: Volatization of alkali components in
ash does not take place & ash is non Sticky. Hence no slagging or soot blowing required.
6. Suitable for using wide range of Fuels and fuel qualities. Operated efficiently with
variety of fuels. Even fuel like flotation slimes, coal washer rejects, high sulphur coals, Agro
waste, Lignite, Bio-mass, wastes, etc can be burnt efficiently either independently or in
combination of coal. Give rated output even with inferior quality fuel. Coal with high ash
content as high as 62% can be fired & GCV of as low as 2500Kcal/kg. Even carbon content
of only 1% (by weight) can sustain fluidized bed combustion i.e. high carbon burn out up to
98-99% can be achieved.
7. Ease of Start up : Provision of automatic Ignition System and Control systems using
micro-processors & automatic Ignition equipment give excellent control. Burner management
System for Start Up burners only.
8. Sustainability under Cyclic loading:- Minimizes stress on boiler tube material with low
variation of combustor temperature under cyclic loading of boiler particularly under varying
grid frequencies.. So it has fast response to load fluctuations: Excellent operational flexibility.
Part load down to 25% mcr & ideally suited to wide load fluctuation. Inherent high thermal
storage characteristics can easily absorb fluctuation in fuel feed rates. Response to
changing load demand is comparatively quick to that of oil fired boiler.
9. High Reliability because low flue gas velocities in combustor minimizes erosion and
hence the boiler tube failures leading to very high reliability of the boiler.
10. Reduction in boiler size: High heat transfer rate over a small heat transfer area
resulting overall size reduction of boiler so compact plant design.

3. What are the principle heat losses that occur in a boiler?

Answer : Principle heat losses in Boiler : Heat Losses in boiler Plant is mainly divided in
to four parts.
1. Dry flue gas loss : It is because of balance dry heat available in flue gas at boiler exit.
2. Wet flue gas loss: Steam in flue gases formed from the combustion of hydrogen present
in the fuel together with any moisture present in the fuel.
3. Heat lost due to incomplete combustion : It is due to incomplete combustion of fuel.
4. Heat lost due to unburnt fuel : Loss of ignition which is mostly measured through %
carbon available in fly/bottom ash.
5. Heat lost to external radiation : It is a skin loss because of surface heat loss form boiler
due to heat released by radiation.

4. What are the benefits of thermal insulation?

Answer : The benefits of thermal insulation : Thermal insulation contributes drastically

to the lower consumption of heating fuel and thus to the preservation of our environment,
while protecting other building elements from the weather. Here follows a list of the most
important benefits of the thermal insulation:
1. Reducing the heating cost : The heating of a house aims at creating the thermal
condition that we can describe as "comfortable living conditions" contemplating for any
thermal losses to the environment. When a space (a building shell), is thermally insulated
that means that these losses are less and therefore the need for the heating to be on is
smaller and thus the consumption of the fuel is smaller too.
2. Creating the condition of thermal comfort : The feeling of the thermal comfort
depends on the air temperature in the space and on the temperature of the surrounding
surfaces. In not insulated rooms it is common to feel cold although the air temperature is
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Indian BOE Coaching Services
Karnataka BOE-2018 Paper-2 (Boiler Engg-2) Solution
high. The reason for this lies on the drafts created when air becomes cold passing through
cold surfaces. When insulating a building, its surfaces (walls etc) have only a small
temperature difference with the air, thus giving no rise to draft effects. So the heating
needed to achieve comfortable conditions in an insulated building, is only a fraction of that
needed in a not insulated one.
3. Avoiding condensation to take place on building elements : In buildings with no
thermal insulation usually condensation appears on the walls. This phenomenon becomes
apparent when vapor touching cold wall surfaces is condensed. A consequence of this is
the grey spots visible on the walls which are signs of mold with dust particles attached on it
due to the surface being dump. With the external thermal insulation of the walls this
phenomenon is altogether avoided since the temperature in the building doesn't fall below
the critical condensation point.
4. Reduced possibility for moisture present inside the building elements : In dump
spaces one can observe humidity dispersed in the environment through the building
elements. When a wall is not insulated and thus cold, vapor may liquidate in its interior
causing severe damage to its overall strength. External thermal insulation is the appropriate
preventive measure against this phenomenon.
5. Protection of the elements of the building envelope from the intense thermal
stress : Thermal insulation protects the external building elements from thermal stress
reducing thus the possibility of cracks appearing on their coatings.
6. Environmental protection : Applying thermal insulation on a building leads to
considerable savings in energy consumption and accordingly fuel consumption. The fact
that less fuel is needed leads to less pollution for the environment. It has been calculated
that the emitted CO2 gases for the heating of an insulated building are as much as 45%
less than the ones emitted from a not insulated building.

5. How loss of Ignition is dangerous? What action to be taken in such situation?

Answer : Loss on ignition : The loss on ignition is reported as part of an elemental or

oxide analysis of a mineral. The volatile materials lost usually consist of "combined water"
(hydrates and labile hydroxy-compounds) and carbon dioxide from carbonates. It may be
used as a quality test, commonly carried out for minerals such as iron ore. For example, the
loss on ignition of a fly ash consists of contaminant unburnt fuel.
LOI is dangerous because of this is major chances of formation of CO in flue gas, which is
lead to explosion.
Following are the methods by which LOI can be controlled :
1. Maintain desired level of oxygen in flue gas.
2. Periodically monitor the value of LOI in fly ash. It should not be more than 2%.
3. Chances of clinker formation is more in fly ash at higher level of LOI. Hence ensure
desired level of LOI in any case.

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