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The Learner’s Development Profile

Name of the Learner : Prinze Dresdain Badecao Sumingwa

School : Bulalacao Elementary School
Date of Home Visit : December 10, 2017
Date of Birth : December 13, 2011
Age : 6
Grade/Year Level : Kindergarten 2
Gender : Male

Family Profile
Number of Siblings : 0
Birth Order : only child
Mother : Medina B. Sumingwa
Age : 32
Occupation : Housewife/Student
Educational Attainment : College Level
Father : Derrick Don D. Sumingwa
Occupation : Overseas Filipino Worker
Educational Attainment : College Graduate

Physical Development
His physical development is attributed since birth.
He was full time breast feed baby
even if I am working at that time. After we moved to Thailand,
he was exposed to animal milk
since the government in Thailand gives importance to the
development of a child and that everyday milk is normal to each
student until they finished primary. These help the body built of my
son who is not thin but not also fat. Therefore, I can also say that he is
a very healthy kid.

Social Development
As the only child, he don’t have playmate most of the time. Bu
then he was early exposed to
other kids because he attended school when he was still a 2-year old
kid. But after school, he was back to playing alone. These factors made
him doing things on his own. As his teacher said, he preferred to work
alone inside the classroom. Accordingly, he loved to play while inside
the classroom. I believed that is the effect of going to school at a very
young age. He is very sweet child and caring to his younger cousins.

Emotional-Moral Development
The different environmental factors affect my son’s emotional
and moral development. The culture he was exposed to when we were
in Thailand is very much different to our culture here when we moved
back. In Thailand, teachers don’t really discipline their kids if they are
in the kindergarten. They are soft hearted when dealing to younger
kids. This made it hard for us as a parent to discipline our son. We tried
to do what we know and exposed to but the result is not what we
wanted. Sometimes he doesn’t listen not unless he heard you shouting
at him.
His exposure to our doctrine as an Adventist helped him to be a
good kid. If he is doing not good or bad to others, we just remind him
about papa God and he will stop. His moral is what I am proud of. His
teacher once said that he is so kind and good to his classmates.

Cognitive Development
As to his cognitive development, the result of him being alone
most of the time playing alone helped him to love arts. Drawing is what
he liked to do and he can draw whatever he watch or see when going
on a trip. He is good in memorizing too such as names of different train
stations or places he’d been to. As his teacher said, Prinze loved to
draw. After finishing what his teacher had given them to do, he sit
down and draw. In his first month in a Philippine school, his notebook is
full of drawings.

Based on what I observed from him and what his teacher told
me, I found out that Prinze still need to improve on how he deal with
others. The way he talks and communicates to other people especially
older than him needs more focus and attention. As his mother, that’s
the only development that I really need to help him with.

As a mother and future educator, it is important that we guide
our children in a way that they will learn as much as they can even at
the very young age. Good parenting is the best we can give to our
children for them to overcome any circumstances that they face not
just in the school but outside as well. Let us continue to show them
how it is done. Showing by doing will encourage them to be a good
kid, classmate, and friend. Talking to them not only when they have
problems will make them stronger emotionally and giving value to any
things they have. All this factors will help for the physical, social,
emotional-moral and cognitive development of one’s child.

It is important that learning is continuing even if the child is
not at the school. As a parent, we should guide them and teach them
the true value of going to school. It is their future that is at stake so we
should do everything to help them develop their physical, social,
emotional-moral and cognitive skills.

Make an artistic, colorful and creative visual expression of

your insight or feelings about the influence of the home
and the school to the learner. Then, write a few
statements on the space below about your visual art.
H - aving a home full
O -f love and understanding
M -atters to a child rather than giving him
E - everything he wants.
S - chool and home learning will
C - hange your child’s idea about
H - ow learning is done.
O - vercoming problems along the way is
O - our way as a parent/s to show our
L - love and dedication to our child.

L - et them be a child as
I - t is the only way for them to
N -ever forget the lesson, understanding, and
K - knowledge that we showed, shared and imparted that
will guide them to what they will become someday.

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