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Ex 1

MODEL: His results are more impressive than my

results. His results are more impressive than

1. Jim's sense of humour is as unusual as her sense of

humour. 2. Grandmother's pears are very juicy; our pears are
not. 3. Our employers will be as surprised as their employers. 4.
Tom boasted to his friend about his success and Bob boasted to
his friend. 5. I'm glad I haven't a mind like your mind.
6. You have your own interests, and I have my interests. 7.
The Browns took
their twins to the Zoo, and the Ashtons took their twins to the
circus. 8. He'll
take my hand and I'll take her hand and we'll start dancing. 9.
She is mad at
her daughter and I am mad at my daughter. 10. Scratch my back
and I'll
scratch your back.

EXERCISE 2. Use the possessive pronoun instead of the

possessive adjective:

MODEL: He is one of her fans. He is a fan of hers.

1. He is one of my friends. 2. Tom lent his friend one of his

books. 3. I gave him one of our dictionaries. 4. She played one of
her old records. 5. Some of their neighbours had come over to
tea. 6. He took a fancy to one of my cousins. 7 Here, John, meet
one of your well-known commentators. 8. Is this another of their

little schemes? 9. Was it one of her favourite puns? 10. That's
one of our favourite tunes.

EXERCISE 3. Fill in the blanks with the suitable reflexive


1. If the child eats so little he'll make . . . ill. 2. Can a five-year-

old boy wash . . ., dress . . . , feed . . . ? 3. We find it still difficult
to express ... in English. 4. Alice hurt. . . when she fell down the
tree. 5. They are likely to have enjoyed ... at your party. 6. One
has to serve ... in that restaurant.
7. My cousin switched the light off and finding ... in the dark
began to cry.
8. I was told you have devoted ... to science. 9. She cheers ... up
by talking about her youth. 10. I bought a new watch for . . .
yesterday. 11. One can lose . . .quite easily in London. 12. We
forced ... to smile. 13. Do pull. . . together! 14. The ringleader
shot . . . . 15. I chose to defend . . . against her. 16. The cat looked
at... in the looking glass. 17. Make ... at home (pi). 18. They could
only speak for .... 19. She cooked ... a good meal and went to

EXERCISE 4. Choose the necessary pronoun:

Note that prepositions denoting concrete spatial relations are

not followed by reflexive pronouns. With the following
prepositions as, like, but, except personal and reflexive pronouns
are used in variation:
1. He began to imagine how he might rescue her in spite of
(her/herself). 2. They tried to live up to a lot of people who were
better off than (them/ themselves). 3. The car was heading

straight towards (them/themselves). 4. Then he went crazy,
screamed and threw (him/himself) about. 5. Look about
(you/yourself)! 6. Somebody like (you/yourself) should set the
fashion. 7. I winced inside (me/myself). 8. She was beside
(her/herself) with rage. 9. My sister and (I/myself) went shopping.
10. Do they have any money on (them; themselves) ? 11. When
he was (him/himself) again she was too happy to question him.
12. We'll place our paper in front of (us/ourselves). 13. I am
deeply touched to be offered help by so eminent a man as
(you/yourself). 14. He takes too much upon (him/himself). 15. For
somebody like (me/myself) this is no surprise. 16. I hope it'll
remain between (us/ourselves).

Identify the two personal pronouns in each of the following
sentences. Tell whether each pronoun is in the first person, the
second person, or the third person.

1. I picked up Sam’s paycheck and sent it through the mail.

2. I would like to tell you about last summer.
3. It was a long winter, and to make the time pass more quickly, I
took up painting.
4. He couldn’t quite hear what you said.
5. We thought that the team was out of the running, but it came
back to win the pennant.
6. Is the book Sandy’s, and does she want it?
7. Will you please try to write us more often?
8. We should not criticize other people too harshly, for those
people may turn around and criticize us.
9. They saw the exhibit when it was at the art museum last year.
10. Brad looked at the painting, and knew it was his.

Underline the pronouns used in place of nouns. Identify their
antecedents (the noun each pronoun stands for)
1. Carolyn and Katy waxed their skis.
2. Ms. Rodriguez played the guitar for her class.
3. “Have you spoken to Jean?” Sheila asked Rene.
4. The steam made a hissing sound as it escaped.
5. Dad and Marty finished their painting.
6. The Millers moved. Anthony helped them.
7. “Are the gloves yours?” the sales clerk asked Joe.
8. Kim won a trophy. She was excited.
9. “I will write the invitations,” said Kevin.
10. “We met Jim at the movie,” said Mike and Jan.
11. The test took half an hour. It was simple.
12. The results are in. They will be posted later.
13. Bob carried Sue’s picture with him.
14. Dolores deposited the money in her savings account.
15. Al and Lee are here. Did Sarah find them?

List the antecedents of the pronouns in CAPITAL letters.
1. Shelley, will YOU please answer the phone? IT has been ringing
for five minutes.
2. Grandmother said that SHE would love to come for dinner
3. Larry will give you the information when you need IT.
4. Juan should go to the fair before IT closes on Friday.

5. Peter and I will practice our duet before WE come to band
practice on Saturday morning.
6. The carpenter picked up HIS hammer.
7. You must wait YOUR turn.
8. The columnist wrote HER article.
9. Two members have not paid THEIR dues.
10. Nora has improved HER grades.

EXERCISE 8 Write a correct demonstrative pronoun for each

1._____________________ is the first Japanese restaurant I’ve been
2._____________________ were my favorite stores.
3._____________________ don’t taste as fresh as the others.
4._____________________ was a good idea.
5._____________________ are my sisters with me.
6._____________________ over there are yours.
7._____________________ is his house across the street.


Write whether each capitalized pronoun is DEMONSTRATIVE or
1. WHO was at the door?
2. Are THESE left over?
3. We chose THAT for our theme song.
4. WHICH of the jackets is yours?
5. Sara preferred THOSE.
6. WHOSE is the blue pen?
7. THIS is best for everyone.
8. WHAT was that noise?

EXERCISE 10 Using Indefinite Pronouns Correctly.

Underline the indefinite pronoun, then underline the correct
possessive pronoun.
1. Nobody lost (his or her, their) place.
2. Everyone has paid (his or her, their) fee.
3. Many of the musicians brought (his or her, their) instruments.
4. Each of the type writers comes with (its, their) own carrying
5. All of the gymnasts practiced (his or her, their) routines.
6. Neither of the girls brought (her, their) swim suit.
7. If anyone is interested, have (him or her, them) see me.
8. Several of the containers were missing (its, their) labels.
9. Both of the stores raised (its, their) labels.
10. Neither of the scientists completed (his or her, their)
11. Everything was returned to (its, their) owner.
12. Some of the architects sent in (his or her, their) designs.
13. None of the sulphur is in (its, their) flask.
14. No one offered (his or her, their) help.
15. Either of the girls can explain (her, their) answer

Ex. 11 Fill in the correct self pronoun (myself, yourself,

himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves)
or each other into the gaps.

1. Bob cut ………………….. while he was preparing supper.

2. The two climbers fell and hurt ………………….. on the rocks.

3. Sandy and her friend Margie looked at ………………. very
4. "Don't worry, Mandy. We can take care of ……………………. ."
5. Mr Smith is teaching ………………… Spanish but he thinks it's
very difficult.
6. What a nice sweater! - Thank you, I've knitted it
…………………….. .
7. The clock came off the wall …………………. .
8. Mrs Brown wallpapered the living room ………………….. .
9. Both families haven't been talking to ………………….. since the
big quarrel last year.
10. Cathy and Ann are sewing fancy costumes for …………….. .

Ex.12 Fill in with relative nouns

1. This is the boy ……………. had an accident.

2. Yesterday I saw a car ……….. was really old.
3. Mandy is the girl …………. I met on Friday.
4. I haven't seen Peter, ……….. brother is five, for a long time
5. The robber stole the car…………. the lady parked in front of the
6. This is the man …………. house is on fire.
7. Can I talk to the girl ……………… is sitting on the bench?
8. The book ………….. you gave me is great.

Ex.13 Relative Clauses, Relative Pronouns

1. Where is the bottle of Coke ………. who which whose x I

bought this morning?

2. I talked to the girl ………. who which whose x car had broken
down in front of the shop.
3. Mr Jones, ……… who which whose x is a taxi driver, lives on
the corner.
4. There is the car ………. who which whose x I'd like to buy.
5. He cleaned the car ………. who which whose x had an
6. This is the girl ………. who which whose x comes from Spain.
7. That's Peter, the boy ……. who which whose x has just arrived
at the airport.
8. What did you do with the money …….. who which whose x
your mother lent you?

Ex. 14 Correct the pronoun errors.

1. Keats wrote that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." He added

that it's "loveliness increases."

2. At some schools, you have to take the courses they tell you to

3. Everyone at the game brought their Thermos filled with hot


4. Marie and me will go with you and she to the craft fair.

5. You have a much higher GPA than me.

6. Make your reservations with either Dana or myself.

7. On the ten o'clock news, they announced that Pete and her will
be the new delegates.

8. Unless you grasp the concept, it can be really frustrating.

9. My barber and his boss are always arguing; he told me they
may never make peace.

10. The band played a fanfare for the President and I as we

disembarked from the plane.

11. You and me are best buds. This makes me very happy.

12. When they drove to California, they were surprised at how

fast it went.

13. The photograph certainly did justice to the scenery; it's

quality was excellent.

14. Dad loves the wide open spaces. That is why he moved out of
the city.

15. Sarah says she is going to graduate with honors or die trying.

16. Mike, Susan, and I washed the floor ourself this morning.

17. One of the plans were drawn by the architect who is more
famous than me.

18. All of the lumber were warped by the heavy rain.

19. Joe is afraid of dogs, and he is allergic to cats. That is why he

doesn't have a pet.

Ex. 15 "Who" and "Whom," "Whoever" and "Whomever"


Fill in the correct form in the following sentences.

1. _____ kicked the field goal?

2. The governor appointed _____ for the position?

3. I will pick ______ needs the money.

4. Dan Baker is not only the man ______ wrote the best-selling
novel but also the ex-convict about ______ everyone wonders.

5. Trudy and ______ will be co-chairs of the committee?

6. You and ______ bought the flowers for ______ ?

7. This is the woman for ______ the bell tolls.

8. The student ______ was wearing the blue shorts swore that he
would punch out ______he could catch.

9. Jody went to the history class admiring ______ could write an

"A" paper for that professor, ______ was noted for his tough
grading policies and about ______ everyone was gossiping.

10. The corporation was facing bankruptcy; consequently, it could

not advertise for the technicians ______ would be the most
qualified, and they had to settle for ______ they could find that
would be willing to work for low wages.

11. Martha is a very conscientious mother upon ______ the whole

family depends.

12. This general, with ______ many soldiers fought and under
______ more soldiers were trained, ______ disciplined soldiers
_______ disobeyed the slightest order, and ______ challenged
______ appeared to have the faintest spark of promise, died
ingloriously yesterday while sitting in his easy chair in the nursing
home, dreaming of the days when he could strike fear in the
hearts of ______ he commanded.



EXERCISE 1. Choose the correct preposition in parentheses in the

sentences below:

1. Mary walked (in, into) the dining-room. 2. She put her packages
(on, at) the table. 3. She is sitting (in, on) an armchair (into, in)
the living-room. 4. Is her husband (at, in) home now? No, he is
(on, at) the library. 5. He also spends many hours (in, on) his
office (on, at) 50, Fleet Street. 6. I found a note pinned (in, on) my
door which said: "Meet me (at, in) the corner of Oxford Street and
Regent Street. 7. His family lives (at, on) Bridge Street (in, on)
Edinburgh, Scotland. 8. You must always write your return
address (in, on) the envelope. 9. The team arrived (in, at) England
last week.

EXERCISE 2. Will in each blank with to, into or from:

1. She learnt English . . . books. 2. Then she taught it . . . you.

3. A prisoner has escaped . . . prison. 4. He escaped . . . the
woods. 5. He fell... a river and the police rescued him . . . it. 6.
They saved him . . . drowning. 7. Her father has retired . . . bed.
8. He has retired . . . the army.

EXERCISE 3 Fill in each blank with onto or into whenever

possible; otherwise with on or in:

a) 1) Take a seat... the car. 2. Don't take everything... the car.

3. Help me lift this suitcase . . . the seat. 4. They are

arriving . . . Rome. 5. They are driving . . . the city. 6. Are they
staying . . . the city tonight ?
b) In which of the last 6 sentences could we use off, and in
which could we use out of?

EXERCISE 4. Fill in each blank with the suitable preposition. Use a

different preposition each time:

1. The Danube rises . . . the Black Forest and flows . . . the

Black Sea. 2. The Isles of Scilly are a group of islands . . . the
Atlantic, . . . Cornwall. Not many people live . . . them. 3. The
train leaves . . . Paris early in the morning, and it gets . . . Curtici
by dinner-time. 4. Step . . . this ladder, but be careful you don't
fall... it. 5. Wait . .. me round the corner, just . . . the baker's. 6.
You aren't permitted to smoke . . . the area of petrol tanks. 7.
Look out, children! There's a car racing . . . you!

EXERCISE 5. Choose the correct preposition in parentheses in the

sentences below:

1. They stopped (in front of, below) the museum and sat
down (in, on) the steps. 2. Jim said, "I must go (to,
towards) the library and take out some books. I'm living
(to, in) our hostel this term". 3. Our house is number 40.
Number 42 is (opposite, next to) ours. 4. Number 41 is
(opposite, next to) ours. 5. We like to live (about, among)
civilised people. 6. Something is hidden (at the back of,
behind) this simple occurence. 7. I am (behind, at the
back of) my work. 8. There is a beautiful park (behind, at
the back of) my house.


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