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Amy Nehring

FAML 160-04

Sister Canlas

December 20, 2019

Top Ten of Things I Want to Remember from FAML 160

These are in no particular order, but each is relevant to how I feel

1. Social Classes – there is no reason to label someone. It can cause judgment, belittling or

entitlement. When we as a society, get rid of labels, we might be able to love and

understand each other.

2. Same-sex attraction – This is one that is harder for me, but being accepted for who you

are and how you live your life is what we all want. Just because it is different, then the

“norm” doesn’t mean that you should be treated any differently. Ours is not to Judge;

ours is to accept and love.

3. Conflict Resolution – Learning to communicate with each other is important; being able

to have an open dialog to resolve issues and not to take everything to heart could be

beneficial to yourself. When we did this assignment, it turned in to be feeling like I was

doing everything wrong, and I was at fault for the problems we were trying to resolve.

4. Active Listener – Being an active listener, will help me to understand people’s problems

and will result in me giving advice that will help them with their issues.

5. Work Ethic – The importance of having a good work ethic is what my father taught me.

Being able to help provide for my family makes me feel like I have value.

6. Not a “Supermom” – learning that it is okay that I’m not a supermom, I don’t need to do

everything and I don’t need to perfect at everything either. It's okay just to be me.

7. Bird and Bees – Having an open conversation with your children about sex and what to

expect, the importance of intimacy, and the value of waiting for the right person to share

this part of themselves.

8. Marriage – In marriage, there are many things that you need to remember. Not to take

each other for granted, making sure you say “I Love You,” and having an open

communication about your fears and your desires for your marriage and each other.

9. Conflict – There is going to be conflict; it is inevitable. But learning how to handle it,

talking through it, having an open mind and understanding what others are feeling will

help you resolve or get to a point where you can accept that you are accepted for your


10. Communication – With everything we have learned this semester. Communication is the

most important thing to take away. What I what to pass on the most is that we have to

continue to have an open dialog with family, friends, and neighbors. If we stop the lines

of communication, the world will shift in anger, judgment and ultimately its downfall.

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