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Nabilah Permata F


Assignment 8

Answer each question with between 50 and 100 words. Type answers in a separate Word
document and upload the file to the dropbox. Two points per question.

1. What are the issues involved in climate change/environment and what are
countries doing to address them? What is the "tragedy of the commons"?

In general, climate change is referred to as the phenomenon of global

warming, where there is an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The
characteristics of global warming or climate change are seen by the erratic
distribution of weather, such as high rainfall even though it is still in the dry
season, and so in the case of a prolonged dry season. In addition, there is an
increase in the volume of water as a result of melting polar ice and causing floods.
The frequent occurrence of tornadoes, El Nino, La Nina, including the balance of
the ecosystem.

Instruments of climate action can produce important momentum in reducing air

pollution and improving public health. We must use this momentum. For example, the Paris
Agreement invites countries to submit a national climate plan or "national contribution
commitment" (NDC) that has been upgraded in 2020. This document can be a powerful
instrument to direct funding and change the direction of global emissions.
The tragedy of common property or the tragedy of shared ownership is the problem
that there is a compilation of individuals exploiting or using resources together increasing
their demand and requiring supplies and resources to be unavailable to the source or all that
exists in their environment. Commons means that land is commonly available for all grazing
animals, collecting wood, etc.
2. How does population growth affect economic resources and world conflict?

The results of the study indicate that the conditions of the impacts of
derivative climate change due to the addition of population to water resources
and cases of disease have been quite significant. The smaller the population
growth rate, the greater the CO2 reduction. The population growth rate of 2% is
predicted to cause a reduction in dengue cases by 2.53% to 5% from 2010 to 2025.
Likewise for economic losses, the smaller the rate of population growth, the
greater the reduction in economic losses. In order to minimize the effects of
climate change, the Government is advised to impose a policy on reducing the
number of people through Family Planning (KB) programs, limiting the number of
vehicles through mass transportation use and limiting years of vehicles operating,
saving fuel use, and increasing the amount of green open space.

3. What policies have countries adopted to deal with the problem of increasing

The handling of climate change at the international level is discussed

through the climate change convention framework (UNFCCC) which is produced
through the negotiation process of the parties that have ratified the UNFCCC
agreement which currently numbered 194 countries, and is binding. Indonesia has
ratified the UNFCCC with Law No. 6 of 1994, and ratifying the Kyoto Protocol
agreement through Law No. 17 of 2007. Implementation of the agreement at the
international level requires translation into the context of national development
(internalization) to support sustainable development and mainstream the
principle of low emissions and resilience to climate change. The effectiveness of
controlling climate change is also very dependent on policy and 'measure' at all
levels (international, regional, national, and sub-national)

4. How can information be used as a tool for or against governments?

First, political democratization. This political democratization has created a

system where the media and the public can 'shout' against the government. The
media often builds hostility towards the government when there are policies that
are not in accordance with the aspirations of citizens.

Second, the development of communication technology has penetrated at

the new media stage. This new media technology has characteristics that are
almost completely different compared to old media. In new media, the boundary
between recipient and producer of messages becomes blurred.
5. Why are cultural imperialism and ethnocentrism issues in international relations?

Because they affect the relation of all of the nation around the world.
Interestingly, ethnocentrism does not only form European countries and becomes
the basis for nationalism, but also in states or administrative regions in several
European countries. One case is Spain. Each administrative region in Spain has its
own unique culture and does not exist in other regions. For example, the Basque
Country has ethnic Basque whose language and culture are very different from those
of Castille in the states of Castilla and Leon.

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