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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Polomolok North District

Name:_________________________________________________ Grade & Section:__________________

Direction: Read and answer the following statements and questions below. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the space provided before each number.

________1. Which of the following statements describe text as connected discourse?

A. A group of sentences that initiate discussion
B. Any passage that form a unified whole.
C. It has a lot of forms that cue more ideas
D. It requires knowledge for appreciation.
________2. Group brainstorming develops teamwork. Which of the following is an example of a group
A. Self-memorization C. Team Consultation
B. Online research D. Personal Review
_______ 3. Graphic Organizers has variety of forms. What type of graphic organizers visualize the
similarities and differences of something?
A. Bubble Map C. Outline
B. Topical Organizer D. Venn Diagram
_______ 4. The purpose of outline is to organize information. What type of outline includes statements
about the subject?
A. Sentence Outline C. Both a and b
B. Topic Outline D. None of the above
________5.Dave is really good in terms of spelling and his seatmate asked him to allow him to copy during
their quiz. What appropriate thing Dave should do?
A. Dave should not entertain him.
B. Dave should allow his seatmate to copy his answer.
C. Dave should announce to the class that his seatmate is copying.
D. None of the answers are correct.
_________6. In writing, cohesion and coherence is really important. How can coherence and cohesion be
A. By writing what is in your mind.
B. By researching the topic and copy the works of others.
C. By ensuring that the main topic is supported by supporting details.
D. None of the above.
_________7. Angel loves to write stories. Her passion and love for reading is the reason why she and had
written a lot of novels now and has even published it. What values or attitude of Angel is worth
A. Kindness and Humility
B. Passion and Love
C. Perseverance
D. Trust
________ 8. There are six characteristics of effective language, which of the following best describes
Familiar Language?
A. descriptions which create concrete images with details that readers can visualize
B. straightforward and to-the-point
C. easily understood because it is used in regular basis
D. relationship between the writer and the reader is essential
________ 9. Which organization technique does italics fall under?
A. physical format C. structure
B. signal words D. textual clues
_______10. In forming a paragraph, we put together words to form phrases, clauses or sentences. What
specific term refers to the arrangement of words?
A. sentence C. syntax
B. semantics D. phonology
________11. Shena, a senior high school student would like get the idea of her classmates about
“Absenteeism”. Which among the techniques must she use?
A. Brainstorming B. Census C. Research D. Survey
________12. There are four brainstorming tips suggested by Mark Nichol. Which among these tips is the
most useful in clustering and webbing?
A. Cubing B. Free Writing C. Listing D. Mapping
________13. The following are the essential elements of a good paragraph EXCEPT:
A. Coherence B. Completeness C. Order D. Unison
________14. A paragraph is a collection of sentences which relates to one main idea or topic. Which of the
following is NOT considered to be a characteristic of an effective paragraph?
A. Adequate Development C. Topic Outline
B. Coherence D. Unity
________ 15. As a writer, one can combine different patterns of paragraph development to better state an
idea on a particular topic and achieve your writing purpose.
A. True B. False C. Fairly True D. Not True at All
________ 16. The following are the uses of description pattern EXCEPT:
A. provide description C. show how parts work together
B. identify components parts D. tell differences
________ 17. Why learning the patterns of paragraph development important?
A. It aids writers to achieve effective writing.
B. It allows writers to organize ideas and opinions.
C. It helps writers in determining the approach in presenting his/her ideas.
D. all of the above
________ 18. Why is it important in writing that our ideas be connected to one another?
A. so that readers will have trouble in remembering key ideas.
B. so that readers will enjoy what you are telling them.
C. so that readers will feel like they are reading a long list of ideas.
D. so that readers will understand the main point in your essay.
_________19. In writing, cohesion and coherence is really important. How can coherence and cohesion be
A. By writing what is in your mind.
B. By researching the topic and copy the works of others.
C. By ensuring that the main topic is supported by supporting details.
D. None of the above.
________20. Discourse is the extended expression of thoughts or ideas in a speech, discussion or
conversation. What will you do if the discourse cannot be understood?
A. You have to pay attention to the speaker.
B. Never mind about what the speaker is talking about.
C. You have to listen carefully to the speaker and asked him/her the thing that bothers you.
D. None of the choices are correct.
________ 21. Which of the following contributes to a successful descriptive paragraph?
A. use of concise words C. use of unfamiliar language
B. use of sensory language D. use of comprehensible terms

(22-28) Reading Comprehension

Direction: Read the passage taken from the story :Footnote to Youth” and answer the
questions that follow.

The sun was salmon and hazy in the west. Dodong thought to himself he would tell his father
about Teang when he got home—after he had unhitched the carabao from the plow and left it in its shed
and fed. He was hesitant at first to tell his father about what he was going through but finally decided to
tell it, but a thought came to him-- his father might refuse to consider it.”

________22. What pattern of development is used in the first paragraph of the story?
A. Definition B. Description C. Narration D. Problem-Solution
________23. Based on the narrator’s description, what is the place and time (setting) of the story?
A. At home before 6 am. C. In school during lunch time.
B. At home before 6 pm. D. In the garden before 6 pm.

Dodong started homeward, thinking how he would break his news to his father. He wanted to
marry his girlfriend Teang. He was seventeen, he had pimples on his face, the down on his upper lip
already was dark- these meant he was no longer a boy. He was growing into a man— he was a man
Thinking of himself man-grown, Dodong felt he could do anything. So, he told his father about what he
wanted to do. His father kept gazing at him with inflexible silence after his confession. His father doesn’t
want him to marry yet.

________24. Dodong had pimples on his face, which means it is a sign that he is already a teenager. How
old was Dodong?
A. 15 years old B. 16 years old C. 17 years old D. 18 years
________25. What was the feeling of Dodong’s father after telling him what he wanted to happen?
A. Amazed B. Excited C. Happy D. Sad
________26. What was the reason why Dodong’s father won’t allow him to marry?
A. Dodong was too young.
B. His father was afraid that nobody will help them.
C. They do not have enough money to spend for the wedding.
D. None of the above.

Dodong and Teang got married. They had their first born name Blas, it was not only Blas but, many
more children came for six successive years a new child came along. Teang was ashapeless and thin now.
She did the laundry, cooking, and everything at home. They were both happy still.
One day, Dodong’s son Blas came home. Blas was eighteen; he came home one night very
flustered and happy. It was late at night and Teang and her children were asleep. Dodong heard Blas’
steps, for he could not sleep well at night. He watched Blas undress in the dark and lie down softly. He
noticed Blas couldn’t sleep. Suddenly Blas whispered that he wanted to marry Tona her girlfriend. Dodong
was shocked that very night. The next day, Blas asked his father again about him plan. Dodong never
said anything but he felt extremely sad and sorry for Blas.

_________27. What was Teang feeling about her married life?

A. Sad B. happy C. Contented D. Hopeless
_________28. What decision made Dodong extremely sad and sorry for Blas?
A. He decided to work abroad.
B. He decided to marry at eighteen.
C. He decided to leave his family and girlfriend.
D. All of the above.
_________29. How many children do Teang and Dodong have?
A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine
________ 30. A pattern in paragraph development that gives connotative and denotative meaning is called
A. Cause and Effect C. Definition
B. Comparison and Contrast D. Narrative
________31. In the area of medicine, Dr. Buenaventura would like to write an article about the product he
developed in treating dengue cases. What pattern in paragraph development must he use?
A. Definition C. Exemplification/Classification
B. Description D. Problem-Solution
________32. Arrange the following ideas in order to accomplish the steps in writing effective paragraphs.
1 – Add transitional sentences
2 – Finish with a concluding statement
3 – Focus your paragraph with a topic sentence
4 – Develop your paragraph with details

A. 3-2-1-4 B. 3-4-1-2 C. 3-1-4-2 D. 3-1-2-4

________33. Arrange the following statements in order to come up with the steps on writing a good cause
and effect paragraph.
1 – Research ideas and create an outline
2 – Pick a good cause and effect topic
3 – Finish your paragraph with a concluding statement
4 – Write the causes and effects of the topic

A. 2-1-3-4 B. 2-3-1-4 C. 2-4-3-1 D. 2-1-4-3

________ 34.The following statements explain and describe narration as a pattern for paragraph
development EXCEPT:
A. It is used to recount events.
B. It is used to explains how things work.
C. It is used to sort out information.
D. It is used to tell actions in sequential manner.

(35-38) Direction: Identify the pattern of paragraph development used in each of the given selection.
Choose your answer from the given choices below and write it on the space provided
before the number.

A. Narration D. Exemplification/Classification G. Comparison and Contrast

B. Description E. Cause and Effect
C. Definition F. Problem - Solution

________35. Paragraph 1
Most parent have common complaints about schooling: Expenses are getting higher.
Matriculation fees may increase again. Textbook prices for all levels gave likewise increased
because of paper and printing expenses. Fares to and from school can be draining to a
student’s allowance, which he then transfers to his parents. Prices of snacks have gone up,
making many students abstain during certain periods. These complaints are common, both to
parents sending their children to private schools, and to those with children in public schools.

________ 36. Paragraph 2

One resolution to the problem of deforestation is to use less paper. If you use less paper,
fewer trees will be cut for paper making. How can you use less paper? One answer is to reduce
your paper use by using both sides of the paper when you photocopy, write a letter, or write a
paper for school. A second answer to reuse old paper when you can, rather than using a new
sheet of paper. The backs of old envelopes are perfect for shopping lists of phone messages,
and when you write a rough draft of an essay, write in on the back of something else. A final
answer is to recycle used paper products instead of throwing them away. Most schools, offices,
and neighborhoods have the same kind of recycling center. If you follow the three Rs – reduce,
reuse and recycle – you can help save the world’s forests.

________ 37. Paragraph 3

Headaches can have several causes. One obvious cause is stress. People have hectic lives
and frequently have multiple stressors every day, like work, family and money. Another reason
for headaches in some people has to do with diet. Some get headaches because they are
dependent on caffeine. Other people may be allergic to salt, or they may have low blood
sugar. The environment can also cause this uncomfortable condition. Allergens such as
household chemicals including polishes, waxes, bug killers, and paint can lead to headaches.
Lowering stress, controlling your diet and avoiding allergens can help avoid headaches.

_________38. Paragraph 4
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is exactly what the name states. It is the giving of intelligence or
reasoning to machines its synthetic knowledge. Well this is the current definition of AO. There
were those before our time that brought legends to life, this was their most advanced
technology, their AI. However, there is a branch of computer science that is dedicated to
ensuring the prolonged growth of this division of expertise. There is no founder of AI, but it
began in the late 1940’s after WWII. Artificial Intelligence can be seen today in an assortment
of approaches to the definition; several of which are still under construction. However, there is
a risk that we run with progression of this kind of technology. There is a threat of knowledge
that at times cannot tame, knowledge is power.

_________39. Paragraph 5
Changes in our society in recent years have weakened family life. First of all, today’s
mothers spend much less time with their children. A generation ago, most houses got by on
Dad’s paycheck, and Mom stayed home. Now many mothers work, and their children attend
an after school program, stay with a neighbor, or go home to an empty house. Another change
is that families no longer eat together. In the past, Mom would be home and fix a full dinner-
salad, pot roast, potatoes, and vegetables, with homemade cake or pie to top it off. Dinner
today is more likely to be takeout food or TV dinners eaten at home, or fast food eaten out,
with different members of the family eating at different times. Finally, television has taken the
place of family conversation and togetherness. Back when there were meals together, family
members would have a chance to eat together, talk with each other and share event of the
day in a leisurely manner. But now families are more likely to be looking at the TV set than
talking to one another. Many homes even have several TV sets; which people watch in
separate rooms. Clearly, modern life is a challenge to family life.

________40. Which among the statements DO NOT support exemplification pattern in paragraph
A. It uses illustrations to clarify topics and ideas presented.
B. It provides strong evidences to prove and support writer’s main statement.
C. It is used to critique concepts by giving meanings and examples.
D. It utilizes distinct examples to add information.
________ 41. Which among the patterns of paragraph development use the transitional words thereafter,
first, next, before and after?
A. Narration C. Description
B. Cause – Effect D. Definition
_________42. There are identified properties of a well-written text. What property is being shown when
ideas are connected at the conceptual level and can be seen through well-defended arguments
and organized points?
A. cohesion C. coherence
B. unity D. organization
________ 43. Read and evaluate the following statements. Which of the statements below use formal
A. Exceedingly large segments of the population are expressing their discontent with lawyers
who appear to be more engrossed in amassing financial assets than in providing efficacious
care to people with legalities.
B. A lot of people are unhappy with their lawyers who only seem to care about how much
money they make, and not giving their client best service.
C. A large number of clients are complaining about their lawyers who are apparently more
interested in making money than in providing best legal service.
D. None of the above
__________44. Another way of thinking about implicit information is to think of it as ___________?
A. guessing C. reading between the lines
B. using context clues D. predicting
_________ 45. Which of the following techniques used to become a critical reader that refers to the act of
constructing and deconstructing ideas in both spoken and written form?
A. reading B. reasoning C. solving D. thinking
__________46. It refers to the appropriateness of word or vocabulary usage.
A. coherence B. language use C. mechanics D.
__________47. One of the properties of a well-written text is organization in which all ideas are well-
developed when there is a clear statement of purpose, position, facts, and etc. How is
organization achieved?
A. Arrange the ideas logically and accurately.
B. Disarrange the ideas logically and inaccurately.
C. Plan out, list things or ideas in mind and arrange your thoughts.
D. All of the answers are correct.
__________48. Coherence means that sentences are arranged in logical manner, making them easily
understood by the reader. How are we going to arrange the details of a paragraph?
A. Arrange them alphabetically.
B. Arrange them according to what you know is right.
C. Arrange them in order in which they happened and according to geographical location.
D. None of the answers are correct.
Direction: Identify what part of the paragraph is being highlighted in the given selection. Choose your
answer from the given choices below and write it on the space provided before the number.
A.Topic Sentence B. Supporting Details C. Concluding Sentence
_________49. Family vacations can bring people closer together. I remember a time when my sister
and I were not getting along. When we first left on family vacation, she and I hardly spoke, but
being forced together made us to interact. Positive situation like this can create closer bonds,
important to forgoing good relationship.
_________50. The most important problem in our city is its poor public transportation system.
Thousands of residents rely on the city’s buses and taxes to travel throughout this
large city, while the Metro Transportation System’s daily schedule are totally

_________51. It is defined as the details given by the author to support his claim
A. opinion C. counterclaim
B. evidence D. statement
________ 52. The copying of someone else’s work and claiming as copy as your open without due citation.
A. libel B. criticism C. plagiarism D. slander
________ 53. In making outlines, what is the best order of organizing your ideas?
A. Roman Numerals, Uppercase Letters, Arabic Numerals, Lowercase Letters
B. Uppercase Letters, Lowercase Letters, Roman Numerals, Arabic Numerals
C. Roman Numerals, Arabic Numerals, Uppercase Letters, Lowercase Letters
D. Arabic Letters, Uppercase Letters, Roman Numerals, Lowercase Letters
_________54. Proper mechanics refers to conventions of writing which includes capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling. What will you if your seatmate doesn’t follow those mechanics in writing?
A. Ignore your seatmate.
B. Talk to your seatmate about other things.
C. Tell your seatmate about the mechanics and discuss it to him/her.
D. Do not bother, let your seatmate do what he/she thinks is right and proper.

(55-60) ESSAY
Direction: Write your answer clearly and legibly on the other side of the paper.
Rubrics: Organization- 2 pts. Coherence/cohesion- 2 pts. Mechanics- 2 pts.

55-60. Write a poem that consist of 5 to 8 lines using one or two figures of speech.

-End of Test-

Prepared by:
Kimbeerlyn C. Doromas Approved:
SHS Adviser
Norma M. Layagan MT-I
School Head

Parent’s Signature: ___________________________

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