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Ampl~tude, ~cho - The total vertical or pulse height of the

:ec7 1 ved s1gnal, either base-to peak or peak-to peak, when
1nd1cated by ''A" scan type presentation.

Angle o~ Incidence - The angle defined by the direction of

propagat1on of refracted wave and the normal to the inter-
face at the point of incidence.

Angle of Refraction. The angle defined by the direction of

propagation of refracted wave and · the normal to the inter-
face at the point of incidence.

Angle Testing - An Ultrasonic testing method in which the

angle of incidence is greater than zero.

Angle Transducer - A transducer used in angle testing 1n

which the sound beam is set · to some predetermined angle to
achieve a special effect, e.g. setting up shear or surface
waves in the tested piece.

A-Scan - A data presentation method by which intelligence

signals from a single object located are displayed. As
generally applied to pulse echo ultrasonics, the horizontal
and vertical _sweeps are proportional to time or distance and
amplitude or magnitude respectively. Thus the location and
magnitude of acoustical interface are indicated as to depth
below the transducer.

Attenuation ( Ultrasonic) - The loss of ultrasonic energy as

a wave is propagated through medium.

Background Noise - Extraneous signals caused by electronic

noise within the ultrasonic system.

Barium Titanate Transducer - (Polycrystalline Barium Tita-

nate BaTi03). A ceramic material composed of many individu-
al crystals fired together, and polarized by the application
of a d-e- field for use as a transducer.

Beam - A di~ected flow of energy into space matter.

Billet - A solid semi-finished round or square product that

has been- hot worked by forging, rolling or extrusion.

Blister -A defect in metal, on or near the surface, result-

ing from the expansion of gas in a subsurface zone. Very
small blisters are called ''pinheads" or "pepper blisters".


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Blowhole A hole in a casting or a weld caused by gas
entrapped during solidification.
Boundary Echo - A reflection of an ultrasonic wave from an

B-Scan A data presentation method generally applied to

pulse echo techniques which yields a two dimensional view of
a cross-sectional plane through the test piece. The horizo~­
tal sweep is proportional to the test piece, with the vert1-
cal sweep proportional to distance, between the front and
back surfaces and showing discontinuities in between.
Calibration - The standardization of the instrument, prior
to test, to a known reference value.
Casting - (1) An object at or -near finished shape obtained
by solidification of a substance in a mould; (2)
molten metal into a mould to · produce an object of desired

Casting Shrinkage - (1) "Liquid Shrinkage" - the reduction

in volume of liquid metal as it cools to the liquid stage
(2) "Solidification Shrinkage" - the reduction in volume of
metal from the beginning to ending of solidification; (3)
"Solid Shrinkage" - the reduction in volume of metal from
the solid stage to room temperature; (4)"Total Shrinkage"
the sum of the shrinkage in parts (1), (2) and (3).

Casting Strains - Strains in a casting caused by casting

stresses that develop as the casting cools.

Casting Stresses - Stresses set up in a casting because of

geometry and casting shrinkage.

Cathode Ray - A stream of electrons emitted by a heated

structure (or by a cold structure under the influence of an
electric field of high intensity) and projected in a some-
what confined beam by means of an electric field or a chang-
ing magnetic field.

Cleavage Fracture - A fracture, usually of a polycrystalline

metal, in which most of the grains have failed by cleave,
resulting in bright reflecting facets. It is one type of
crystalline fracture. Contrast with Shear Fracture.

Cold Shut (1) A discontinuity that appears on the

surface of cast metal as a result of two streams of liquid
meeting and failing to unite; (2) a portion of the surface
of a forging that is separated, in part from the main body
of metal by oxide.


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C~llimating Nozzle - A transducer assembly attachment de-
81gned to reduce the ultrasonic beam spread.

~~mpre~sion~l _wave- Waves in which the particle motion or

1 bration 1s 1n the same direction as the propagated wave.
Same as longitudinal wave.

Contact T~sting - Testing with transducer assembly in direct

contact w1th material through a thin layer of couplant.

Couplant - A substance used between the face of the trans-

ducer and the test surface to permit or improve transmission
of ultrasonic energy across this boundary or interface.

Crack A discontinuity which has a relatively large

cross-section in one direction and a small or negligible
cross-section when viewed in a direction perpendicular to
the first.

Cracks (Transverse, Longitudinal & Base Metal) - Discontinu-

ity resulting from very narrow separation of metal.

Crystals · (X-Cut) - Section cut so that its thickness is

parallel to the X axes of the crystal. A thickness exten-
sional mode of vibration occurs when excited.

Crystals (Y-Cut) - Section cut so that its thickness is

parallel to the Y axis of the crystal. A thickness shear
mode of vibiation occurs when excited.

Crystals (Z-Cut) Section cut so that its thickness is

parallel to the z axis of the crystal. Piezoelectric effect
is restricted to the X and Y axis, therefore mode of vibra-
tion is width-extensional.

c-scan A data presentation method generally applied to

pulse echo techniques yielding a two-dimensional plan view
of the scanned surface of the part. Through gating, only
echoes arising from the interior of the test object are
indicated. In the C-Scan no indication is given of the echo
Damping - Hindering or decreasing the time of vibrations or
oscillations in the motion of a body or in an electrical
system subjected to i~fluences which_are capable_of causing
vibration or oscillat1on. Compare w1th attenuat1on.

Damping (Ultrasonics) - Dec:ease or decay of ultrasonic wave

amplitude with respect to t1me.
Defect A discontinuity the size, shape, orientation o~
location of which makes it detrimental to the useful service
of the part in which it occurs.

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Delayed Sweep - A means of eliminating any specific part of
the pattern on the viewing screen from the initial pulse
towards the back reflection by delaying the beginning of the

Die Casting - (1) A casting made in a die; (2) a casting

process where molten metal is forced under high pressure
into the cavity of a metal mould.

Die Forging - A forging whose shape is determined by im-

pressions in specially prepared dies. ·
Discontinuity Any interruption in the normal physical
structure or configuration of a part, such as cracks, laps,
seams, inclusions of porosity. A discontinuity may or may
not affect the usefulness of a part.

Dispersion, sound ·- Scattering of rays of an ultrasonic beam

as a result of r~flection from a highly irregular incident
surface above that normally associated with a particular
Divergence Spreading of ultrasonic waves after leaving
search unit.
Double Crystal Method - The method of ultrasonic testing,
using two transducers with one acting as the sending unit
and one as the receiving unit.
Expanded Sweep - An expansion of the horizontal sweep line
or time axis on the viewing screen of the ultrasonic instru-
ment. This permits, when used in conjunction with the sweep
delay, to more closely scrutinize any portion of the pat-
False Indication - In non-destructive inspection, an indica-
tion that may be interpreted erroneously as a discontinuity.
Fatigue - The phenomenon leading to fracture under repeated
or fluctuating stresses having a maximum value less than the
tensile strength of the material. Fatigue fractures are
progressive, beginning as minute cracks that grow under the
action of the fluctuating stress. ·
Filled Crack A crack-like discontinuity, open to the
surface, but filled with some foreign material oxide
grease, etc. which tends to prevent penetrants from enter-
Forging - Plastically deforming metal, (usually hot) with
compressive force, into dies.


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Freq~ency . Number of complete cycles of a wave motion
pas~~ng a po~nt in a unit time (1 second) : number of times
a.v1bration is repeated at the same point in the same direc-
t~on per unit time (usually per second).

Ghost - An indication which has no direct relation to the

reflected pulses from the materials being tested.

Harmonic - Those vibrations differing in frequency from the

fundamental vibration by an integral multiple.

~eat Treatment - Heating and cooling a solid metal or alloy

1n such a way as to obtain desired conditions or properties.
Heating for the sole purpose of hot working is excluded from
the meaning of . this definitiqn. ·

Heat Affected Zone - That portion of the base metal which

was not melted during brazing, cutting or welding, but whose
microstructure and physical properties were altered by the

Hot Tear - A fracture formed in a metal during solidifica-

tion ·because of hindered contraction.

Immersion Testing - The use of a liquid as an ultrasonic

couplant in which the specimen to be tested and the trans-
ducer are completely immersed, and the transducer is not in
direct contact with the specimen •

Inclusion Any foreign matter contained in welds or cast-
Incomplete Fusion - Fusion which is less than complete.
Failure of weld metal to fuse completely with the base . metal
or preceeding bead.
Incomplete Penetration Root penetration which is less
than complete or failure of a root pass and a backing pass
to fuse with each other.

Lack of Fusion - Two dimensional defect due to lack of union

between weld metal and parent metal.

Lamb wave - A group of modes of ultrasonic vibrations capa-

ble of propagation.
Laminations Metal defects with separation or weakness
generally aligned parallel to the worked surface of the
metal. May be the result of pipe, blisters, seams, inclu-
sions or segregation elongated and made directional by
working. Lamination defects may also occur in metal-powder

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.. ..
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Longitudinal Wave - See compressional wave.

Longitudinal Wave (Velocity) - Rate of propagation of a wave

parallel to the direction of motion of the particles.
Loss . of Back <Reflection) -Absence of an indication of the
far surface of the article being inspected.

Manipulator - A device used for orientation of the transduc-

er a~sembly~ · As generally applied to immersion techniques,
prov~des e~ther angular or normal longitudinal, and trans-
verse surface.

Near Field Effects - Poor ultrasonic resolution arising from

complex wave · front characteristics. Also known as the
Fresnel field.

Node - A point in a standing wave where some characteristic

of the wave field has essentially zero amplitude.
· Non-destructive Testing (NDT) - Testing to detect internal
and concealed defects in materials using techniques that do
not damage or destroy the items being tested.

Orientation - Position of a discontinuity or part or surface

in relation to the test surface of th~ article or ultrasonic
Particle Motion Movement of particles in a material
brought about by the action of a transducer.
Penetration (Ultrasonics) Transmission of ultrasonic
energy through an article.
Piezoelectric Effect - The characteristic of certain crys-
tals to generate . electrical charges when subjected to me-
chanical vibrations, and conversely to generate mechanical
vibrations when subjected to electrical pulses.

Probe - Transducer or search unit.

Propagation - Advancement of a wave through a medium.

Pulse (Echo Method) - Ultrasonic test method that employs

reflected pulses as distinguished from the through transmis-
sion method.
Pulse Length - use of ultrasonic equipment that generates a
series of pulses which ~re separate~ from each other by a
constant period of time ~.e. energy ~s not sent out continu-
Pulse Rate - Number of pulses that are transmitted in a unit
time (also called pulse repetition rate).

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Rarefaction The thinning out, or moving apart of the
particles in a material as an ultrasonic wave is propagated.
Opposite in its effect to compression. The sound wave is
composed of alternate compressions and rarefactions of the

Rayleigh Wave - A wave that travels· o~r close to the

surface and readily follows the curvature o~ the part being
examined. Reflections occur only at sharp ~hanges of direc-
tion of the surface. )

Reference Blocks - A block or series of blocks of material

containing artificial or actual discontinuities of one or
more reflecting areas at one or more distances from the test
surface, which are used for reference in defining the size
and distance of defective areas in materials.
Refracted Ray A refracted ray is one which has been
changed both in velocity and direction as a result of its
having crossed an interface between two different media and
having initially been directed at an angle to that inter-

Refractive Index - The ratio of the velocity of a wave in

one medium to the velocity of the wave in a second medium iA
the refractive index of the second medium with respect to
the · first.

Reinforcement of Weld - (1) In a butt joint, weld metal on

the face of the weld that extends out beyond a surface plane
common to the members being welded; (2) In a fillet weld,
weld metal that contributes to convexity;

Resonance The condition in which the frequency of the

forced vibration (ultrasonic wave) is the same as the nato-
ral frequency of the body (test piece) which results in
abnormally large amplitudes of vibration.

Resonance Method - A method employing the resonance princi-

ple for the measurement of dimensions and other frequency
dependent qualities.

Resonant Frequency - The frequency at which a body will

vibrate freely after being set in motion by some outside
Root crack - A crack in either the weld or heat-affected
zone at the root of a weld.
Root of a joint - The location of closest approach between
parts of a joint to be welded.


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Root penetration - The depth to which weld metal extends
into the root of a joint.

Sc~nning <Manual & Automatic) - · The moving of the search

~n~t or units along a test surface to obtain complete test-
~ng of a material.

Scatt~ring (Ultrasonics) - Dispersion of ultrasonic waves in

a med~um due to causes other than absorption.
Search Unit - See Transducer.

~ensi~ivity - The smallest quantitative increment detectable

~n us~ng a measuring instrument.

Se~sitivity (Ultrasonic) - The level of amplification at

wh~ch the receiving circuit in ·an ultrasonic instrument is
set. Also, is the ability to detect small discontinuity.
Shear - That type of force which causes or tends to cause
two contigupus parts of the same body to slide relative to
each other in a direction parallel to their plane of con-

Shear Wave - A wave in which the particles of the medium

vibrate in a direction perpendicular to the direction of
Signal-To-Noise-Ratio - The ratio of amplitude~ of indica-
tion from the smallest defect considered significant and
those caused by random factors, such as heterogeneity in
grain size etc.
Slag A non-metallic product resulting from the mutual
dissolution of flux and non-metallic impurities in smelting
and refining operations.
slag Inclusions - Non-metallic solid material entrapped in
weld metal or between weld metal and base metal.

slag Lines - Elongated cavities containing slag or other

foreign matter.
specific Acoustic Impedance - A factor which determines the
amount of reflection which occurs at an interface and repre-
sents the product of the density of the medium in which the
wave is propagating and the wave velocity.
standing Wave - A wave in which the energy flux is zero at
all points. Such waves in elastic bodies result from th~
interaction of similar trains of waves running in the oppo-
site direction and are usually due to reflected waves meet-
ing those which are advancing.

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Surface Finish - (1) Condition of a surface as a result of a
final treatment; (2) Measured surface profile characteris-
tics, the preferred term being Roughness.
Surface Wave - See Rayleigh Wave.
Test Frequency - The frequency of vibration of the ultrason-
ic transducer employed for ultrasonic testing.
Transducer Any device which is capable of converting
energy from one form to another.
Transmission Angle - The incident angle of the transmitted
ultrasonic beam. It is zero degree when the ultrasonic beam
is perpendicular to the test surface.
Transverse - Literally "across", usually signifying a direc-
tion or plane perpendicular to the direction of working.

Transverse Wave - Same as shear wave.

Ultrasonic - Mechanical vibrations having a frequency above

the · range of audible sound, ultrasonic, therefore, refers to
frequency above 20,000 cycles per second.

Ultrasonic Abscirption - A dampening of ultrasonic vibrations

' that occurs when the wave traverses a medium •
J Ultrasonic spectrum - The frequency span associated with
.. elastic waves greater than the highest audible frequency,
generally regarded as being hig~er than 2.0 x 10 cycles per
second to approximately 12 x 10. cps.

Ultrasonic Testing - A non-destructive method of testing

materials by transmitting high frequency sound waves through
them •
Underbead Crack - A sub-surface crack in the base metal near
the weld.

Wave Length The actual instantaneous linear distance in

the direction of propagation of a wave that it takes for a
wave to go through a complete cycle.


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