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Find your own way is one of the most difficult task in our modern life.

Our life
always presents its best opportunities in such secret ways that most of us are too
busy looking for something better to even notice. But I noticed that execellent
chance. It was time when my best friend and I went to the festival of classical
music. I was a person who had never aimed to anything, but simply tried this and
that but that festival changed my life forever and that was the first time for me to
break down. I had a love at first note. The music come over me …and I strayed out
of thought and time. Believe it or not but I experienced a whole spectrum of my
emotions and feelings: I wanted to laugh and even scream. I looked across and saw
that tears were already trickling down friend's cheeks. The music was very
touching. In that moment I realized that music should be an integral part of my life.

But the music wasn't the only interest. On my music teacher recommendation I
visited a musical club which united children from different countries. Our main
purpose were singing and dancing. I was a beginner in the dancing but I tried to did
all my best. Anyway, from that moment on, I realized my second passion become
dancing. Attending classes there I was impressed by my team leaders who gave
themselves completely to their work with children. I met creative and interesting
people which did my life better. Also, it was an excellent chance to show my
ability to sing and dance. The camp helped me to let me give up on myself and
convinced me that I if I keep on with your music someday I could do so much
more for the music industry.

In the club I was surprised by people who compose music and write poems. I
thought that such people were very talented. Also I believed that they could draw
pictures and shown their feelings by their music or poems. They could make me
cry or laugh. Moreover, they made me think about global problems and just dreamt
while I was listening to the music.

My life has changed dramatically in recent years. I graduated from music school
with a prestigious diploma. Now I am studying in VSU, Foreign Languages
Faculty (English-Spanish section). Even here, music helps me to enrich my
vocabulary, to understand texts in different languages and don't miss in lectures. I
am still listening to classical music and I deeply respect it as my first journey to the
wonderful, complex world of music.

That is why I'm particularly interested in this programme. I really want to plunge
into the atmosphere of music, make new friends and create something new in the
music industry. I am sure that this programme will help me in this. Moreover,
living in an English-speaking country is an excellent experience for my future
English career.

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