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Antenna and Guided Waves

1. Guided Waves

Introduction In general Maxwell’s curl equations and wave

equations are
In the wave propagation so far
discussed, only uniform plane waves,
remote from any guiding surfaces, have
been considered. In many actual cases,
propagation is by means of guided waves,
that is, waves that are guided along or
over conducting or dielectric surfaces. In rectangular coordinates for the non-
Common examples of guided conducting region above equations will
electromagnetic waves are the waves become
along• ordinary parallel-wire and coaxial
transmission lines, waves in wave guides,
and waves that are guided along the
earth's surface from a radio transmitter to
the receiving point. The study of such
guided waves will now be undertaken.

A) Waves between parallel planes

It will be assumed that propagation is in

the z direction, and that the variation of all
field components in this direction may be
expressed in the form e-ϒz, where in
An electromagnetic wave, propagating
between a pair of parallel perfectly
conducting planes of infinite extent in the
y and z directions. In order to determine is a complex propagation constant. whose
the electromagnetic field configurations in value is to be determined. This is a quite
the region between the planes, Maxwell's reasonable assumption because it is
equations will be solved subject to the easy to show that for any uniform
appropriate boundary conditions. Because transmission line or guide the fields must
perfectly conducting planes have been obey an exponential law along the line.
assumed, these boundary conditions are When the time variation factor is
very simple. Being combined with the z variation factor, it
is seen that the combination
E tangential=0, H normal=0
represents a wave propagating in the z
direction. If Ƴ happens to be an imaginary
number, that is if a = 0, expression
represents a wave without attenuation. On
the other hand, if Ƴ is real so that β= 0,
there is no wave motion but only an
exponential decrease in amplitude.
it should be remembered that each of
Since the space between the planes is these equations is really three equations,
infinite in extent in the y direction, there one for each of the components of E or
are no boundary conditions to be met in H. Equations can be solved simultaneously
this direction, and it can be assumed that to yield the following equations
the field is uniform or constant in the y
direction. This means that the derivatives
with respect to y can be put equal to
zero. In the x direction however, there
are certain boundary conditions which must
be met. Therefore it is not possible to
specify arbitrarily what the distribution of
fields in this direction will be. This
answer must come out of the solution of In eqs. the various components of
the differential equations when the electric and magnetic field strengths are
boundary conditions are applied. expressed in terms of E, and Hz, With
When the variation in the z direction of the exception of one possibility, to be
each of the field components is shown discussed later, it will be observed that
explicitly by writing, for example, there must be a z component of either
E or H; otherwise all the com• ponents
would be zero and there would be no
fields at all in the region considered.
Although in the general case both E,
It is seen immediately that and Hz could be present at the same
time, it is convenient and desirable to
divide the solutions into two sets. In the
first of these, there is a component of E
with similar results for the z derivatives in the direction of propagation (£1), but
of the other components. Making use of no component of Hin this direction. Such
this result and remembering that the y waves are called E waves, or more
derivative of any component is zero. commonly, transverse magnetic (TM) waves,
because the magnetic field strength His
entirely transverse. The second set of
solutions has a component of H in the
direction of propagation, but no E,
component. Such waves are called H waves
or transverse electric (TE) waves. The
solutions to eqs. (8) and (9) for these
two cases will now be obtained. Since
the differential equations are linear, the
sum of these two sets of solutions yields
the most general solution

B) Transverse Electric Waves

Transverse Magnetic Waves

Characteristics of TE and TM waves

Transverse Electromagnetic Waves

Velocity of Propagation

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