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Unit 1 - 2: Task 2 - Writing assignment - Production (Discussion Forum)

Presented By; Viviana Andrea Bonilla Lozada

Code: 1078776358

Presented To The Tutor:

Bibiana Andrea Arboleda.

Open And Distance National University (UNAD)

School of Education Sciences (ECEDU)
January 2020
Bogota D.C.
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
Academic and Research Vice-rector
Task 2 - Writing assignment

Stage 1: Technology and its effects on environment (1st week)

 Write about technological advancement and the effect on the ecosystem.

In my opinion the detrimental effects include diseases such as typhoid and cholera,

eutrophication and the destruction of ecosystems which negatively affects. Resource
depletion is another negative impact of technology on the environment. It refers to
the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. More frequent and
intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming
oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live. As climate
change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.
Therefore, scarcity of natural resources is a matter of demand and supply forces, as
their demand due to the industrial revolution and the population growth increases, the
supply for the natural resources is finite.

Stage 2: Technology and global warming (2nd week)

 Write a paragraph answering this question: What do you think will happen if current
trends of technology development and consumerism continue? You can use the
following vocabulary for the text:

I believe that the emergence of new information and communication technologies has
led to a change in consumer behavior. In recent decades we have undergone
numerous changes, some of them linked to the growing use of tools, such as the
computer, mobile phone, tablets and other digital devices, as well as the increase in
television channels, the growth of electronic commerce and The digitalization of
numerous communication media has produced changes at the political, economic,
social, cultural and technological level that have led to the development of new forms
of knowledge construction that years ago were unthinkable to occur. As an example
we can cite globalization, the composition of households, the entry of women into the
labor market, the rise of social networks, among others. The impact of technologies
such as robots, artificial intelligence and machine learning evolve at a rapid pace.
These advances can improve the speed, quality and costs of goods and services, but
also leave a large number of workers unemployed. This possibility calls into question
the traditional benefits model, according to which health coverage and pensions are
linked to employment. In an economy that requires many fewer workers, we need to
think about how to guarantee benefits to the unemployed. If, in the future, automation
will reduce occupational safety, there must be benefits not linked to employment.
Flexible security is one of the possible ways to guarantee access to health, education
and housing for people without fixed employment. In addition, production accounts
by branches of activity can afford continuing education and professional recycling.
No matter how individuals choose to spend their time, they must be able to lead full
lives even when society requires fewer workers. This affects all natural economic and
personal environments, including in developed countries.

Stage 3: What can be done? (3rd week)

 Write your advice on how we can contribute to the improvement of current

environmental crisis.

The earth faces numerous environmental crises caused by pollution and other impacts
from human beings.
- Make ecological awareness part of our social fabric and culture. The more you
learn about the complex relationships between living things and their
environment, the better. Talk to your family and friends about the things you
know and learn.
- Instead of driving a car, walk or ride a bicycle to the grocery store or anywhere
else. If the destination is too far, consider other means of transportation. The
traditional gasoline car is the worst polluter. New electric cars are affordable for
many and completely free of toxic emissions.
- This is the most common and, in most cities, the easiest, most accessible thing we
can do for the environment. 
- No longer can we take clean water for granted. A third of the world's population
does not have access to clean water. Only 1 percent of Earth's water is safe and
available for humans to use. Minimize your use of toxic chemicals and use them
with caution as they tend to end up in the groundwater
- Use renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and geothermal; rather than
nonrenewables such as oil and natural gas. Many new technologies are available,
such as solar panels and solar shingles.
- Select the elected officials who are most likely to deliver environmentally
sensitive solutions such as more parks, bike paths and all sorts of government
oversight and industrial guidance and incentives aimed toward renewable energy,
slowing population rates and conservation. Consider these tips about our
- Humans already reproduce more than our planet can sustain.
- Little by little, develop simple, practical, daily habits that impact our environment
in positive ways.

Stage 4: Write a letter (4th week)

 According to the previous writing exercises, you will design a formal letter addressed
to the UN Secretary-Executive (200 words) including the following steps:



Mr. António Guterres 

United Nations
Sutton Place, Nueva York, Estados Unidos

Dear Mr. Ban Ki-moon:

How could you help us to preserve the environment with respect to the influence of
technology taking into account the following:

Technology has brought us many good things that we cannot complain about, rather
we are deeply grateful, however we must be realistic and assume the consequences
and discomforts that it also brings us. With the large number of smartphones, tablets
and laptops produced around the world we are facing a great threat of contamination,
because in many countries there is no total control over the recycling of batteries and
electronic waste. Social networks, chats, smartphones, GPS, text messages, email and
others are part of an extensive list of resources that any individual can use to "locate"
us at any time.
Climate change may be due to natural or anthropic causes. In the first case, the
variations may be due to changes in the energy received from the sun, volcanic
eruptions, and the alteration of large tracts of land (deforestation), among others. It is
important to mention that without human interference, fossil fuel carbon would be
released into the atmosphere but slowly, by volcanic activity. However, the process is
accelerated by burning carbon, oil and natural gas.



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