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CSI Jayaraj Annapackiam College

II – Internal Test - 2020 Total Marks : 25
Principles of management Time : 1 Hr
Class : I

PART – A (5x 1 =5)

1) Policies are taken by ………….. Level of management

A) Top B) lower C) middle

2) …………. are prescribed guides to action

A) Policies B) Procedures C) Rules

3) …………… plans cover only one year

A) Short term B) medium term C) long term

4) …………………….. Functions is a thinking process function

A) Planning B) controlling c) staffing D) co-ordination

5) Economic condition is example for ……………… premises

A) Internal B) External c) controllable

PART – B (2 x 5 = 10) Any two questions

6 ) Definitions of Planning.

7) What are the objectives of planning?

8) What are the Characteristics of planning?

PART – C (1 x 10 = 10) Only one question

9) What are the steps in planning process?

10) Explain the planning premises?

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